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View Full Version : Americans with PhDs are most reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2021, 12:15 PM

Daily Mail
Daily Mail
Americans with PhDs are most reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID
Shannon Thaler For Dailymail.Com - Yesterday 10:39 AM

People with a PhD are the most hesitant when it comes to getting the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a paper by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.

Researchers surveyed just over five million US adults in an online survey, with 10,000 reporting that they were educated to PhD level.

The report showed a surprising U-shaped correlation between willingness to get a Covid vaccine and education level - with the highest hesitancy among those least and most educated.

Of those surveyed, 20.8 per cent with a high school education were reluctant to get the shot, and 23.9 per cent with a PhD were against it.

But the least skeptical of the shot had a Master's degree - with only 8.3 per cent of that group being vaccine hesitant.

The researchers did not offer an explanation as to why so many people with PhDs were vaccine hesitant, and the paper noted that 'further investigation into hesitancy among those with a PhD is warranted'.

The report said: 'To our knowledge, no other study has evaluated education with this level of granularity, which was possible due to our unusually large sample (of over 10,000 participants with PhDs).'

Americans with PhDs are most reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID
© Provided by Daily Mail
Americans with PhDs are most reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID
The paper also found that within the first five months of 2021 the largest decrease in skepticism about getting the vaccine was among the least educated - those with a high school education or less. In all. around 25 per cent of adults were hesitant at the start of the year, gradually falling to 17 percent by May
© Provided by Daily Mail
The paper also found that within the first five months of 2021 the largest decrease in skepticism about getting the vaccine was among the least educated - those with a high school education or less. In all. around 25 per cent of adults were hesitant at the start of the year, gradually falling to 17 percent by May
There has been a universal assumption among many that education level negatively correlated with vaccine hesitancy - more educated people are more likely to receive the vaccine.

But researchers also found that within the first five months of 2021 the largest decrease in skepticism about getting the vaccine was among the least educated - those with a high school education or less.

By May, reluctance to get vaccinated held constant in the most educated group - those with PhDs.

'Those with PhDs were the only education groups without a decrease in hesitancy,' the paper read.

It attributed their 'refusal or reluctance to be vaccinated' to 'slowed vaccination uptake, potentially prolonging the pandemic'.

Researchers concluded that the most educated people in our society - the people certified to become doctors and treat the virus - are not only the most hesitant about getting vaccinated but are also the least likely to change their minds about it.

The paper noted that other hesitancy risk factors included 'younger age, non-Asian race, having a PhD or less than high school education, living in a rural county with higher 2020 Trump support, lack of worry about Covid-19, working outside the home, never intentionally avoiding contact with others and no past-year flu vaccine'.

But vaccine hesitancy among American adults plummeted during the early months of 2021 and the paper showed that around 25 per cent of adults were hesitant at the start of the year, gradually falling to 17 percent by May.

Reasons for vaccine hesitancy vary, according to the survey.

The biggest drops were among black and Hispanic populations - decreasing by as much as half - and people with a high school education or less.

Of those surveyed, 20.8 per cent with a high school education were reluctant to get the shot, and 23.9 per cent with a PhD were against it.

Now, what should one make of these numbers???
Look at it when one joins those 2 educated groups and add those percentages together..
That comes to the magic number of 44.7% are hesitant to get the jab!
The media/government propagandists can not use their usual cry of it being uneducated, and grossly ignorant people-- can they?
Well, perhaps just may be best to wait and see what our local government loving , covid stabbing cheerleader says about this...:laugh:
Myself, I think it will be some kind of clever twist, to say the least.....--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2021, 12:20 PM
Gonna be a great thing to see how this immense contradiction is explained away... methinks. .:laugh::laugh:
That the more educated -tend to be the more hesitant...
Now what could one surmise from that ??? :laugh:

Man, this is just too rich.....
Kinda reveals so much about the propaganda and the lies presented 24/7 for the masses to consume while shivering in their government fear induced state of being, does it not???--Tyr

08-14-2021, 01:05 PM
Fits with my outlook on living with its start point that 90% of people are not capable of forming a sound and fact based opinion , stemming from low IQ -- say ,120 or less.

Then add on the Gullibility factor --- who knows what percentage? ----- and we are faced with this impossible present problem :--

All people are supposed to be allowed an opinion( questionable ) which should be listened to and respected ( garbage ).

That is ,deliberately behave using the lowest possible denominator behaviour and guarantee species extinction .

It's a negative consequence of the Internet and believing that all people are equal which is self evidently absurd . Having equal opportunities and defined Rights are separate .

So I guess I support Eugenics and the need to hugely reduce population and specific parts of it . Prefer a happy Planet to a bunch of morons ruining it .

But it leaves the biggest concern ---- how best to do this and in the kindest way ?

No need to inoculate them while pretending they will be guarded and saved from a killer disease .

Perhaps we should organise people in the same way we organise Football Teams in the UK , for example .
Many leagues covering the various bands of IQ score with promotion and relegation based on real time living results .Even have a FA Cup so that Dolts can meat a Super Team once a year . Keep them happy . But not too happy .


08-14-2021, 01:46 PM
This kind of aligns with a few things in life.
And with a saying says
"the only people who really know what's going on in the world are the people at the top and the people at the bottom."

PhDs know exactly how the hot dogs are made and what's in the hot dogs.
HS level folks have had to work on the floor at the hot dog plant and saw how it's made.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2021, 05:16 PM
Somebody seems to now suddenly be missing in action.......

Previous Quote:

Well, perhaps just may be best to wait and see what our local government loving , covid stabbing cheerleader says about this...
Myself, I think it will be some kind of clever twist, to say the least..... -- :laugh::laugh::laugh:--Tyr