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View Full Version : Biden has proven Usama Bin Laden 100% correct

08-15-2021, 04:50 PM
There is a news story that “Usama bin Laden wanted to kill Obama so ‘totally unprepared’ Biden would be president". It was reported originally in 2012 from intelligence documents that had just been declassified, and reported again in 2020 during the campaign.

I have to hand it to Usama - he was 100% correct. Joe Biden is a colossal moron and is totally unprepared to be President. And of course that was when Biden was 9 years younger and not yet in the throes of dementia like he is now.

Here's the story:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2021, 05:22 PM
There is a news story that “Usama bin Laden wanted to kill Obama so ‘totally unprepared’ Biden would be president". It was reported originally in 2012 from intelligence documents that had just been declassified, and reported again in 2020 during the campaign.

I have to hand it to Usama - he was 100% correct. Joe Biden is a colossal moron and is totally unprepared to be President. And of course that was when Biden was 9 years younger and not yet in the throes of dementia like he is now.

Here's the story:

ahhh but yes, those so-called intelligentsia, those self-proclaimed immensely enlightened liberals/dems that so smugly cry how all others are so far beneath them and totally stupid never saw any of that..
They cried what a magnificent god obama was -how brilliant a demigod he was and how he and Biden were going to truly make this nation great--make it right!
As always arrogant idiots with there heads in the clouds talk and walk as if they have infinite wisdom and the rest of us are illiterate rubes, bible thumping, gun toting rednecks, etc, etc.
Even Bin Laden saw what an ass, what a fool, what a corrupt POS Biden was..
Now the puppet Biden shows his domestic policy is massively ffed up and his foreign policy is disastrously dangerous.
But hey, we can thank God that he is not a rude man like Trump.
While he puts this nation in peril and into a downward spin-- we have a man not rude!
A perfect example of why those pompous, think they know it all scum should never be in charge.--Tyr