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View Full Version : Biden's appalling speech on Afghanistan merits a 25th Amendment discussion

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-17-2021, 07:11 AM

Washington Examiner
Biden's appalling speech on Afghanistan merits a 25th Amendment discussion
Tiana Lowe - Monday

© Provided by Washington Examiner

After nearly a week of radio silence while the Taliban were undoing 20 years of American investment in Afghanistan, Joe Biden returned to the White House to read from a teleprompter for under 20 minutes. Given the predictable straw man he presented of an all-or-nothing binary choice between "forever war" and immediate abandonment, it was par for the course to see Biden try to blame his predecessor.

Biden's tactless defense consisted of impugning Afghans. It was followed by his hasty departure without taking a single question from a group of reporters he hand-picked under the guise of "social distancing." (Washington, D.C.'s total COVID-19 death toll this month: one.) This leaves only the ghastly conclusion Biden has no idea what the hell happened in the last week.

Biden will return to Camp David to vacation while Kabul burns. This ought to leave the Cabinet — especially Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who reportedly begged Biden not to initiate such a hasty and disorderly withdrawal — wondering whether the president is willfully derelict in his duty, choosing to summer instead of govern, or simply incapable of handling his office.

Today's press conference was Biden's opportunity to present proof of life. He failed.

The question baffling the world isn't why we left Afghanistan, but rather why we did so in the most incompetent and disastrous way possible. After 20 years of occupation, Americans were certainly amenable enough to leave, but whose idea was it to remove the military and leave our own equipment to the Taliban? To say nothing of U.S. citizens stranded? The public may not think much of foreign policy in the abstract, but people have a lot of sympathy for Afghans facing the prospect of Taliban rule. Even since Biden's April announcement, there has been a 20-point drop in support for withdrawal. When asked over the weekend about how Biden has handled Afghanistan, not even one-quarter of voters approved.

We don't permit minimum wage workers, much less presidents, to bail on their jobs before 4 p.m. on a Monday. If the commander in chief cannot or will not do his job, the Cabinet should consider invoking the final section of the 25th Amendment and compelling Biden's removal from office, either by resignation or by force.

The issue is not just that Biden rejected every warning his strategy would maximize the pain wrought by his decision But after insisting on doing so, he couldn't show up for the job, much less take a single question from the reporters specifically sanctioned by his administration. His speech has surely left the public even less confident Biden even understands what is happening around him.

Watch as more and more disasters come from the old corrupt and senile idiot..
But hey, the infinitely wise Dems scum gave us this ffing buffoon, this arrogant liar and confirmed asshole.
And remember JUST how DAMN important it was to our security, world security--to get a LESS RUDE GUY IN THERE!!
If you forget -just ask alllllll those brilliant liberal women- they will tell ya....:rolleyes:

if you can find them they seem to be like roaches now- hidden away in the walls...
pretending that they werent damn morons.... silent crickets now..... -Tyr

08-17-2021, 08:50 AM
It's as though Sleepy has been given notice of eviction and is just paddling water until that notice is made public .

Similarly the gang of silly women seem to be under orders to keep quiet until the next chapter is set in motion .

On that basis we should not have long to wait before Sleepy is effectively suicided , whatever contortions are actually used .

08-17-2021, 10:51 AM
Watch as more and more disasters come from the old corrupt and senile idiot..
But hey, the infinitely wise Dems scum gave us this ffing buffoon, this arrogant liar and confirmed asshole.
And remember JUST how DAMN important it was to our security, world security--to get a LESS RUDE GUY IN THERE!!
If you forget -just ask alllllll those brilliant liberal women- they will tell ya....:rolleyes:

if you can find them they seem to be like roaches now- hidden away in the walls...
pretending that they werent damn morons.... silent crickets now..... -TyrToo many issues with removing him via the 25th Amendment. On a good day, I'm all for it. This is NOT a "good day".

This of course is opinion: I firmly believe the Dems are waiting for the Republicans to do just that, and in fact expect them to. They'll protest little, then after all is said and done play victim, overplay the GOP role and vilify the GOP non-stop in the media erasing the actual reason for removal and replacing it with "partisan politics" on the part of the GOP.

This is NOT opinion: Harris will replace him. She's as incompetent or more than Biden, but dangerously coherent enough to front her racist views and those of the progressive left.

After her in line is Pelosi. Pelosi is Darth Sidious's clone as far as I'm concerned. Evil personified. SHE would become the tie-breaking vote in the Senate.

This is what not considering the consequences of elections has brought us.

08-17-2021, 11:04 AM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:21 PM PT – Monday, August 16, 2021Joe Biden doubled down and shifted blame as Afghanistan further descended into chaos. Speaking from the White House on Monday, Biden said he stood by his decisions and added after 20 years, there would never be a good time to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.
Biden went on to say the U.S. mission was never to nation build, but rather prevent a terror attack on the homeland. While he admitted everything unfolded faster than his administration anticipated, he continued to blame President Trump as well as Afghan leaders for running away as the Taliban rapidly took over the country.
“Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country. The Afghan military collapsed, sometimes without trying to fight,” he stated. “If anything, the developments of the past week reinforce that ending U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan now was the right decision. American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves.”

Biden added U.S. troops would continue to evacuate Americans and vulnerable Afghans in the coming days and threatened swift action if the Taliban were to interfere.

08-17-2021, 01:55 PM
So NOW the 25th is relevant? Check.

08-17-2021, 03:48 PM
The Washington Examiner is stealing ideas from Florida Senator Rick Scott, who is desperately attempting to slow down the rising popular opinion by Trump devotees of his fellow Floridian Ron DeSantis. Scott's statement makes no sense at all, but I am sure it plays well with his base. ------------------------> https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/16/rick-scott-biden-25-amendment-afghanistan-505141

08-17-2021, 06:12 PM
The Washington Examiner is stealing ideas from Florida Senator Rick Scott, who is desperately attempting to slow down the rising popular opinion by Trump devotees of his fellow Floridian Ron DeSantis. Scott's statement makes no sense at all, but I am sure it plays well with his base. ------------------------> https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/16/rick-scott-biden-25-amendment-afghanistan-505141

Parrot the MSM much?

I read the 25th Amendment. I'm not seeing it. Not for being a shitty politician and bungling a military operation. Not even for destroying our economy. His executive staff of bunglers would have to remove him. If they do, it will be done purposefully with another America-destroying plan in the wings.

The Republican't's can't do it. They would have to impeach him and don't have the numbers.

08-17-2021, 06:12 PM
Couldn't we just send Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer over the Kabul to forcefully and continuously present all our demands to the Taliban, not stopping until the Taliban finally agrees to everything? Who would be running things while the four stooges are over there? It would have to be an improvement.