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08-18-2021, 11:53 AM
Of course they're still trying to blame others or anyone as much as possible. But at the same time they are all over Biden's ass on this one.

I have seen or heard up to 30-40k Americans but 15,000 is the standard number they are running with. And if they are going to hold any hostages, or killing anyone, the problem will grow much larger.


Trump on Hannity Rips Bush Family for Invasion of Middle East: “I Believe It Was the Worst Decision in the History of Our Country”

President Trump joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss Joe Biden’s complete failure in Afghanistan.

Trump told Hannity this is like the southern border but worse the way Biden is handling Afghanistan. The Afghan soldiers were some of the highest-paid soldiers in the world.

This is one of the greatest embarrassments in the history of this country.

Joe Biden returned to the White House because he’s getting bad press. “And I don’t believe he’s even in charge.”

President Trump: “It was a horrible decision going into the Middle East. I know the Bush family will not be happy, but I believe it was the worst decision in the history of our country when we decided to go into the Middle East.”

President Trump On Hannity Tonight: “It was a horrible decision going into the Middle East. I know the Bush family will not be happy, but I believe it was the worst decision in the history of our country when we decided to go into the Middle East.”

— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) August 18, 2021

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/trump-hannity-rips-bush-family-invasion-middle-east-believe-worst-decision-history-country/

Independent Voters Polled In Real Time Gave Biden’s Afghanistan Speech An ‘F’

Biden’s speech on Afghanistan was shockingly bad. He blamed Trump, he blamed the Afghan military. Basically, he blamed everyone but himself.

Then he walked away without taking a single question and headed back to Camp David to finish his vacation.

A pollster had independent voters watching the speech and reacting in real time.

They gave Biden an F.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/independent-voters-polled-real-time-gave-bidens-afghanistan-speech-f/

President Trump on Americans in Afghanistan: “I Can Guarantee You They Consider Them to be Hostages – It Could Have a Very, Very Bad Ending”

President Trump warned Americans what to expect from Afghanistan in the coming days, weeks, and months.

This will be one colossal humiliation for America. The Taliban is going to hold Americans hostage.

And the ransom money for American hostages will fund their operations.

President Donald Trump: We’re being set up. They have all those people and I can guarantee you they consider them to be hostages. And let’s see what happens over the coming weeks. But this is not a story that ended today or yesterday. This is a story that is going to go on for a long time. And it could be a very, very bad ending.


VIDEO – HORROR IN KABUL: Taliban Begins Home Searches, Public Beatings, Women Scream for Help Outside Airport Gate, Traitors Beaten in Street as Up to 40,000 Americans Remain Trapped in Country

The horror of the Taliban has returned to Kabul.

Women cry and plead with US soldiers to let them in the gate at the Kabul Airport.

There are from 10,000 to 40,000 Americans still trapped inside the country today.
The Taliban is attacking people lined up at the Kabul Airport.

The 21st Century barbarians are searching homes at the Shahr-e-Naw area of Kabul. The detainees were reportedly taken to an unknown location.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/video-horror-kabul-taliban-begins-home-searches-public-beatings-women-scream-help-outside-airport-gate-traitors-beaten-street-40000-americans-remain-trapped-country/

08-18-2021, 12:07 PM
Mr T and his true back room team have always argued that the transition must be carried out legally and within constitution . No street violence if possible . Let alone a

civil collapse

It was decided to let the puppets have enough rope to hang themselves and to wait for a 70% general population support level before intervention .No intervention ever

succeeds long term without popular support.

If all of this becomes true , it will be historical at an unprecedented level and will be long term strategic planning and success of an unbelievable sophistication .