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08-18-2021, 12:22 PM
Attention whores. Always the same twitnits speaking up. :rolleyes:


Most Batsh*t Insane Hollywood Stars Compare American Conservatives to Taliban

The fact that the Taliban have run roughshod over Afghanistan in practically the same instant that the American soldiers left is horrifying and heartbreaking, particularly for the innocent Afghans who helped the U.S. and now have to live under brutal Islamic rule because the Biden administration didn't have a plan to get them out safely. But, of course, such a tragedy is perfect fodder for Hollywood leftists to use against their real enemy, American conservatives.

Several of Hollywood's most insane and ridiculous mouthpieces, Rosanna Arquette, Michael Moore and Stephen Colbert, pointed to the Taliban as they took over Afghanistan and said, “Wow, those are some evil bastards. You know who is evil like them? American Trump supporters.” Yup. What wise takes.

Bowling For Columbine documentary filmmaker and far left madman Michael Moore couldn’t help himself from beating up on Trump supporters even in the midst of a tragedy like the fall of Kabul, Afghanistan. Moore shared two photos to his Twitter page on August 17, one with the Taliban having conquered the Afghan government and the other with – can you guess? – several of the Trump supporters from the Capitol Riot. Oh, what a surprise!

In a caption for the post, the plus-size Hollywood lefty wrote, “Their Taliban, our Taliban, everybody’s got a Taliban. They’re at their best when they confiscate the halls of power.” Yeah. Even with the Middle East in disarray and the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of Afghans being left at the mercy of bloodthirsty Islamic radicals, all Moore can do is smear conservatives.


It’s clear that nothing can distract him from his hatred for Trump supporters. Great job, Mr. Moore, you look like a massive a-hole for the umpteenth time.

And, of course, who could forget Rosanna Arquette’s gross characterization of the GOP as the Taliban. On August 15, the Pulp Fiction actress tweeted, “The Taliban extremists are here in America just with a different name … the GOP right-wing extremists who support destroying democracy are the Terrorists in America.”

What a brilliant bit of rhetoric. Call people you politically disagree with the Taliban. Hey, at least it’s a bit of a shake up from the usual smears of “NAZI!” or “FASCIST!” Republicans usually get from Hollywood. Kudos to Ms. Arquette for something less cliché.


Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/gabriel-hays/2021/08/17/most-batsht-insane-hollywood-stars-compare-american

08-18-2021, 12:36 PM
Attention whores. Always the same twitnits speaking up. :rolleyes:


Most Batsh*t Insane Hollywood Stars Compare American Conservatives to Taliban

The fact that the Taliban have run roughshod over Afghanistan in practically the same instant that the American soldiers left is horrifying and heartbreaking, particularly for the innocent Afghans who helped the U.S. and now have to live under brutal Islamic rule because the Biden administration didn't have a plan to get them out safely. But, of course, such a tragedy is perfect fodder for Hollywood leftists to use against their real enemy, American conservatives.

Several of Hollywood's most insane and ridiculous mouthpieces, Rosanna Arquette, Michael Moore and Stephen Colbert, pointed to the Taliban as they took over Afghanistan and said, “Wow, those are some evil bastards. You know who is evil like them? American Trump supporters.” Yup. What wise takes.

Bowling For Columbine documentary filmmaker and far left madman Michael Moore couldn’t help himself from beating up on Trump supporters even in the midst of a tragedy like the fall of Kabul, Afghanistan. Moore shared two photos to his Twitter page on August 17, one with the Taliban having conquered the Afghan government and the other with – can you guess? – several of the Trump supporters from the Capitol Riot. Oh, what a surprise!

In a caption for the post, the plus-size Hollywood lefty wrote, “Their Taliban, our Taliban, everybody’s got a Taliban. They’re at their best when they confiscate the halls of power.” Yeah. Even with the Middle East in disarray and the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of Afghans being left at the mercy of bloodthirsty Islamic radicals, all Moore can do is smear conservatives.


It’s clear that nothing can distract him from his hatred for Trump supporters. Great job, Mr. Moore, you look like a massive a-hole for the umpteenth time.

And, of course, who could forget Rosanna Arquette’s gross characterization of the GOP as the Taliban. On August 15, the Pulp Fiction actress tweeted, “The Taliban extremists are here in America just with a different name … the GOP right-wing extremists who support destroying democracy are the Terrorists in America.”

What a brilliant bit of rhetoric. Call people you politically disagree with the Taliban. Hey, at least it’s a bit of a shake up from the usual smears of “NAZI!” or “FASCIST!” Republicans usually get from Hollywood. Kudos to Ms. Arquette for something less cliché.


Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/gabriel-hays/2021/08/17/most-batsht-insane-hollywood-stars-compare-americanHave to give you the lead in "dumbest Shit of the Day from the Left" . People who possess the mentality it takes to even think up such comparisons, routinely, need to be the guests of the Taliban.

Do note that for all their bitching, they're still here. Which one of the above doesn't have enough money to leave? If I had their financial assets, my ass would be back on Crete or Japan on "extended vacation". The same idiots might bet MSM time in those places, but I never did learn to read Greek or Japanese :)

08-18-2021, 05:49 PM
Americas "Taliban" is the goofy Left...(rich liberals) and a mixture of stupid lemmings..

08-19-2021, 04:05 AM
Surely such extreme comments suggest extra factors are at play .

If it is orchestrated, that raises the question of who is orchestrating and even from which 'side' . The comments are so hysterical and irrational

that they could conceivably come from people who have been forced into effectively broadcasting nonsense from what are actually scripts .As a clever way of extracting

sympathy / support for the very group that are initially and apparently set up as the target .

That is , the Moore narrative is so lunatic because he is being forced to follow guidelines--- LEST he is outed for something . Paedophilia , for example , though that is

100% speculation .

The outbursts are so bizarre that such an unusual explanation becomes a real possibility OR that these people are genuinely suffering from a Derangement Syndrome

which we now see in other areas -------- extreme Vaxxers , for example , who have turned pseudo science into an almost religious experience and journey .

Regardless , the underlying messages are so far removed from 'normality ' that they can only rebound very quickly and from the point of view of Trump supporters

everything so far is to their advantage IF they do not respond . Ideally no response at all but certainly nothing that is equally inflammatory and absurd .