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View Full Version : How dumb do you have to be?

08-19-2021, 11:38 AM
Some things I see people trying to do, makes me wonder how much of it was a mistake and how much lack of knowledge?


Young Zaki Aanvari Whose Body Parts were Found in C-17A Landing Gear Was Member of Afghanistan Youth Soccer Team

How awful.

The young man whose body was found in the landing gear of the US C0-17A leaving the Kabul airport has been identified.

Zaki Aanvari was a member of the Afghanistan Youth Soccer Team. He tried to flee the Taliban. His body parts were found in the landing gear.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/report-young-zaki-aanvari-whose-body-parts-found-c-17a-landing-gear-member-afghanistan-youth-soccer-team/

08-19-2021, 11:42 AM
^I think how desperate do you need to be would be more appropriate.

08-19-2021, 11:55 AM
^I think how desperate do you need to be would be more appropriate.

I get it, that's my first question in my head always is "Just how bad does it have to be in order to do...."

But even out of sheer desperation - one still has to know their ass is gonna croak if they are hanging on to the side of a jet on/after takeoff.

08-19-2021, 11:59 AM
^Maybe he thought he'd ride the landing gear up and inside.

08-19-2021, 12:05 PM
^I think how desperate do you need to be would be more appropriate.Exactly what I thought. Not familiar with a C-17.

08-19-2021, 12:26 PM
^I think how desperate do you need to be would be more appropriate.

Naah...IMO...I feel How `Dumb` one has to be to commit suicide....`Desperation` is looking for good results!!!...Just think if the left lets in Hundreds of thousands of these "Desperate" Souls into America...when it comes to not having enough Money...when it comes to American women...and when they are in `Large groups`..Their "Despiration" Multiplies.....Just look at Europe...and one will understand...

08-19-2021, 01:32 PM
^Maybe he thought he'd ride the landing gear up and inside.Probably. As I stated previously, I am not familiar with this cargo plane. some old bombers and cargo planes had landing gear exposed inside the plane, or covered with a nacelle. That's going back a ways though. Theoretically, I suppose it could work.

Unfortunately, it also works in the movies, like a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't otherwise work in RL.

I think I'd as soon packed my trash and started walking for the border.