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View Full Version : At least he's not embarrassing. Not like he's slurring or stuttering

08-20-2021, 02:22 PM
A one minute video - and also gives just a small glimpse into Joe Biden. How does he speak & how does the world see him?


CLOWN SHOW: Joe Biden Slurs Words, Stutters, Has Brain Freeze During Afghan Speech

Joe Biden delayed his Afghanistan speech by nearly an hour Friday afternoon.

When he started talking he stuttered, slurred his words and had at least one brain freeze.

It was a disgrace.

He doesn’t know what he’s saying.

And this is going on while over 10,000 Americans remained trapped in Afghanistan without safe access to the airport.



08-20-2021, 03:22 PM
If you want him gone then this is the sort of performance you want as many to see as possible .

It is surely part of the real strategy -- to give him , the invisible Camel and the lamentable back room entourage, all the rope they need to hang themselves .

And it is working beautifully . The elusive End of Times is near at hand !!