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View Full Version : firefight broke out between Afghan security forces and unknown assailants at airport

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2021, 06:25 AM

BERLIN (Reuters) - A firefight broke out between Afghan security forces and unknown assailants at the North Gate of Kabul airport on Monday, the German Bundeswehr said on Twitter.

One Afghan security force member was killed and three others were injured in the battle, which also involved U.S. and German forces, the Bundeswehr said.

Video: Gunfire near Kabul airport as people try to flee (Reuters)

"" unknown assailants ""

That would most likely be be ISIS OR AQ..........

But hey, use the term - "" unknown assailants "" -because well hell, it is very bad optics to point out that it is those that the idiot Biden said were not even in A-stan..
Or that the Taliban has worked with both of those in the past..

Great informative video and so rightly critical of Biden..--Tyr

08-24-2021, 07:42 PM