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View Full Version : Lawmakers: Biden Has American Blood On His Hands

08-28-2021, 03:40 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:52 AM PT – Friday, August 27, 2021Lawmakers and political figures on both sides of the aisle suggest missteps by the Biden administration may have left Americans vulnerable to the suicide bombing at the Kabul airport on Thursday.
In a video statement Friday, former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said America’s powerful elite have downplayed the threat of ISIS and Al-Qaeda for reasons she could not detail because of her active duty status.
“This incident should remind the American people that ISIS and Al-Qaeda are alive and well,” Gabbard stated. “And are actively continuing to use terror to try to force the world to accept their demand that we convert to their interpretation of Islam.”

In an interview Thursday, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said Afghanistan is a “tinderbox” right now and cautioned that the violence would likely escalate in the near future.
“Now it’s a tinderbox and quite honestly, we have to be very careful,” he stated. “We’ve heard reports of additional bombs later this afternoon. I think the situation’s going to get even more desperate in the coming days.”
Tillis surmised that Biden’s lack of planning has exponentially complicated the situation.
“Well, my position is we should have never had a date and we should have had more contingency plans than putting over 5,000 service members in a box canyon called Kabul airport,” the senator continued.
The Armed Services Committee member said his office has been dedicated 24-hours a day to getting people out of Afghanistan. He’s questioning the administration’s readiness or plans to extract Americans left in the region after the deadline.
“What’s the solution?” Tillis asked. “It’s not enough to exit on August the 31st and ‘say hey we did what we could.’ There are American citizens, there a green card holders, there are people who have been issued as SIV visas and there are thousands in the pipeline who deserve to have them and deserve to get evacuated.”

The Republican lawmaker is concerned that the Biden administration is not taking all of those individuals into account.
“I think that we’re underestimating the number of people who are at risk of being stranded in Afghanistan,” he explained. “I think American citizens, certainly green card holders and absolutely special immigrant visa holders.”

Also on Thursday, House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik said Joe Biden has blood on his hands. She added, “this horrific national security and humanitarian disaster is solely the result of Joe Biden’s weak incompetent leadership…he is unfit to be commander-in-chief.”

"Convert or die". Better have more bodies than I have rounds.

08-28-2021, 03:41 PM
Lawmakers: Biden Has American Blood On His Hands (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?73854-Lawmakers-Biden-Has-American-Blood-On-His-Hands) By Trump

08-28-2021, 03:53 PM
Lawmakers: Biden Has American Blood On His Hands (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?73854-Lawmakers-Biden-Has-American-Blood-On-His-Hands) By Trump

So, how long you banned from your other board for?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2021, 04:38 PM

"Convert or die". Better have more bodies than I have rounds.

You damn straight that ffing POS DOES...-Tyr

08-28-2021, 05:21 PM

08-28-2021, 05:43 PM
....Today is August 28th, 2021 and Joe Biden is the worst President in U.S. history.

08-28-2021, 05:46 PM

...Why is anyone defending a man with dementia who’s killing Americans? And by the way... take away his driver’s license.... if he has one..

``This is US marine Nicole Gee. This was her last Facebook post before being killed in Afghanistan. Next time someone points to an over paid athlete or actor as someone to look up to, I will point to this picture of a true America hero. She was only 23 years old.


08-28-2021, 06:41 PM
...Why is anyone defending a man with dementia who’s killing Americans? And by the way... take away his driver’s license.... if he has one..

``This is US marine Nicole Gee. This was her last Facebook post before being killed in Afghanistan. Next time someone points to an over paid athlete or actor as someone to look up to, I will point to this picture of a true America hero. She was only 23 years old.

Re-edit: removing my anger.

What a great soldier in the service of the US, humanity, and President Biden.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2021, 06:42 PM
...Why is anyone defending a man with dementia who’s killing Americans? And by the way... take away his driver’s license.... if he has one..

``This is US marine Nicole Gee. This was her last Facebook post before being killed in Afghanistan. Next time someone points to an over paid athlete or actor as someone to look up to, I will point to this picture of a true America hero. She was only 23 years old.


She and other Marines are the real heroes
-not that damn fkking dem piece of shit biden that they are lauding and trying to call anything but what the lying, worthless dumbass bastard that he is.
When I speak truth, I hold nothing back..
Those that get offended can kiss my ass...
Look at that picture of that brave young lady(now deceased) and compare that to the true picture of that ffing idiot that totally just screwed this nation and actually aided our enemies.
Makes me want to slap the living hell out of some of these worthless, lying POS- media scum...---Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2021, 06:48 PM
Only pos use OANN and breitbart.

What a great solider in the service of the US, humanity, and President Biden.

You are totally a sorry, worthless pos.... and nothing more than a troll..
Hiding behind a screen. Spouting off dumbass dem bullshit...
And trashing people that are worth far, far more than a billion scum like you, imho..-Tyr

08-28-2021, 06:50 PM
Only pos use OANN and breitbart.

What a great solider in the service of the US, humanity, and President Biden.

Only FOOLs doubt the truth....and lie to themselves...because of TRUMP hate...Trump will live in your head until the day you pass...even after your Banned from here because of your own ignorance...

08-28-2021, 07:10 PM

08-28-2021, 07:13 PM

08-28-2021, 07:16 PM


08-28-2021, 07:20 PM

Just supposing that this is all Grand Theatre from TPIP .

Very soon Sleepy goes and it matters very little who replaces the old fool .

What will matter after more calamity , US deaths and civilian atrocities is that the US will swing back into Afghanistan . Just like 2001, but , from a mad US point of view , more ruthless and ferocious .

And with another narrative for the Sheeple --- Terrorism 2 from the Taliban, a resurgent ISIS and even al Qaeda thrown in for good measure .And China and Russia nibbling at respective borders .

In total , a restructured bid from the Globalists ( cabal ) to continue the Never Ending Wars strategy and , of course , to protect US interests .

Already on the ground , events seem full of lies and mired in propaganda . Read this . It stinks of US deceit , cunning ,and outright lies .

Before the attack happened a Taliban spokesperson had told RT (https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/1430930541172256771) that they had warned the U.S. of an imminent ISPK attack.
Repeating Pentagon claims the New York Times describes the attack (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/27/us/politics/marines-kabul-airport-attack.html):

At 5:48 p.m., the bomber, wearing a 25-pound explosive vest under clothing, walked up to the group of Americans who were frisking people hoping to enter the complex. He waited, officials said, until just before he was about to be searched by the American troops. And then he detonated the bomb, which was unusually large for a suicide vest, killing himself and igniting an attack that would leave dozens of people dead, including 13 American service members.If the suicide bomber was so close to the inner perimeter checkpoint manned by U.S. forces why were so many Taliban, who manned checkpoints at the outer perimeter, killed in the incident?
The Times writes (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/27/us/politics/marines-kabul-airport-attack.html):

Just after the bomb went off, Defense Department officials said, fighters nearby began firing weapons. The officials said that some of the Americans and Afghans at Abbey Gate might have been hit by that gunfire.What fighters nearby?
The BBC correspondent in Kabul has asked people (https://twitter.com/SecKermani/status/1431517279859224579) who where there:

Secunder Kermani @SecKermani - 7:21 UTC · Aug 28, 2021 (https://twitter.com/SecKermani/status/1431517279859224579)Our report from last night on the awful ISIS attack outside Kabul airport as families still search Kabul's morgues for their loved ones..
Many we spoke to, including eyewitnesses, said significant numbers of those killed were shot dead by US forces in the panic after the blast
Embedded video (https://twitter.com/SecKermani/status/1431517279859224579)
The correspondent talks to the brother a London taxi driver who was in Kabul to fetch his family:
A: "Somehow I saw American soldiers, Turkish soldiers and the fire was coming from the bridges, from the towers."
Q: "From the soldiers?"
A: "Yeah, from the soldiers."
(Side note: Some of the towers around the airport were reportedly manned (https://twitter.com/nabihbulos/status/1431533548884856832) by members of the CIA's Afghan death squads.)
Another witness:
Narrator: "Noor Mohamed had been deployed alongside American forces."
A man holding up an identity card of a friend talks about his death in English.
A: "The guy has served U.S. army for years. And the reason he lost his life - he wasn't killed by Taliban, he wasn't killed by ISIS, he was (unintelligible)."
Q: "How can you be sure?"
A: "Because of the bullet. The bullet went inside of his head. Right here." (Points to the back of his head.) "He doesn't have any (other) injury."

A basic repeat of
Kiev 2004 when CIA shot civilians in the Kiev Independence Square .

South Ossetia in 2008 when the US scammed Georgia to take on Russia


Lebanon .

Syria .

08-28-2021, 07:38 PM
Here ya go juicy:laugh:


.....Some say Joe is still sleeping to this day.
