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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2021, 06:29 PM

Kevin McCarthy Accused of Trying to 'Destabilize' Democracy With Biden Afghanistan Criticism (Video)
Alex Noble - Yesterday 3:42 PM
© TheWrap

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was accused Saturday by a former spokesperson for Republican lawmakers of wanting to plunge the U.S. into the type of crisis currently gripping Afghanistan with his constant attacks on President Biden.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Weekends With Alex Witt" on Saturday, Kurt Bardella launched into a fiery tirade against McCarthy and other prominent conservatives who have chosen to forget the chaos of Donald Trump's presidency.

"This isn't the tested leadership the president promised. It's a picture of weakness and incompetence," McCarthy said in a clip played by host Alex Witt. "If you want to be president of the free world, you have to have the faith, the trust and the confidence of the American public. President Biden lost that yesterday and there will be a day of reckoning."

Witt asked Bardella for comment on the McCarthy's remarks in the clip — and Bardella did not hold back. His commentary begins at the 1:05 minute mark in the video above.

"This is completely a party that's made a concerted and dedicated effort to try to undermine democracy and it's just par for the course," Bardella charged. "Republicans have made the calculation that their only path to power is to try to destabilize a free democracy."

"It's ironic watching everything going on with this hurricane because I remember last time we had a major weather event when Donald Trump was president and he used a Sharpie to draw the path of a hurricane," Bardella continued, before listing off more "greatest hits" of the Trump presidency. "You want to talk about incompetence? How about the guy that told us we should inject ourselves with bleach? How about the guy who presided over half a million American deaths right now in this country because of this deadly disease of COVID that we're still dealing with?"

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"Time and again we've seen incompetence, destruction, anti-Democratic values and Republicans had nothing to say about it. Republicans defended it. So now for them to try to suggest in any way that Joe Biden fits in that category is ridiculous."

Bardella went on to allege that, if Republicans take back Congress, we're going to get two more years of "trying to impeach Joe Biden" and trying to "undermine democracy."

He concluded, "What's going on in Afghanistan will happen right here in America if Republicans have their way."

Watch the video-- the scene starting at the 2:49 mark.
Showing the street with the Taliban and our armored vehicles that idiot Biden GAVE THEM!
And this Asian fool takes the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Bardella a true ffing idiot...
The Taliban were given billions of dollars in military weapons assets. bases and this fool these idiots cry what a great job biden did-- added to that is American soldiers that were killed. These ffing people are looney, blind and ffking crazy!!!
It truly is almost unbelievable... the lies the fantasies that these worthless bastards are putting out..-Tyr

08-28-2021, 07:08 PM
Supposing ,
Just supposing that this is all Grand Theatre from TPIP .Yet again .

Very soon Sleepy goes and it matters very little who replaces the old fool .

What will matter after more calamity , US deaths and civilian atrocities is that the US will swing back into Afghanistan . Just like 2001, but , from a mad US point of view , more ruthless and ferocious .

And with another narrative for the Sheeple --- Terrorism 2 from the Taliban, a resurgent ISIS and even al Qaeda thrown in for good measure .And China and Russia nibbling at respective borders .

In total , a restructured bid from the Globalists ( cabal ) to continue the Never Ending Wars strategy and , of course , to protect US interests .

Already on the ground events seem full of lies and mired in propaganda . Read this. It all stinks of US deceit , cunning ,and outright lies .

Before the attack happened a Taliban spokesperson had told RT (https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/1430930541172256771) that they had warned the U.S. of an imminent ISPK attack.
Repeating Pentagon claims the New York Times describes the attack (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/27/us/politics/marines-kabul-airport-attack.html):
At 5:48 p.m., the bomber, wearing a 25-pound explosive vest under clothing, walked up to the group of Americans who were frisking people hoping to enter the complex. He waited, officials said, until just before he was about to be searched by the American troops. And then he detonated the bomb, which was unusually large for a suicide vest, killing himself and igniting an attack that would leave dozens of people dead, including 13 American service members.
If the suicide bomber was so close to the inner perimeter checkpoint manned by U.S. forces why were so many Taliban, who manned checkpoints at the outer perimeter, killed in the incident?
The Times writes (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/27/us/politics/marines-kabul-airport-attack.html):
Just after the bomb went off, Defense Department officials said, fighters nearby began firing weapons. The officials said that some of the Americans and Afghans at Abbey Gate might have been hit by that gunfire.
What fighters nearby?
The BBC correspondent in Kabul has asked people (https://twitter.com/SecKermani/status/1431517279859224579) who where there:
Secunder Kermani @SecKermani - 7:21 UTC · Aug 28, 2021 (https://twitter.com/SecKermani/status/1431517279859224579)Our report from last night on the awful ISIS attack outside Kabul airport as families still search Kabul's morgues for their loved ones..
Many we spoke to, including eyewitnesses, said significant numbers of those killed were shot dead by US forces in the panic after the blast
Embedded video (https://twitter.com/SecKermani/status/1431517279859224579)

The correspondent talks to the brother a London taxi driver who was in Kabul to fetch his family:
A: "Somehow I saw American soldiers, Turkish soldiers and the fire was coming from the bridges, from the towers."
Q: "From the soldiers?"
A: "Yeah, from the soldiers."
(Side note: Some of the towers around the airport were reportedly manned (https://twitter.com/nabihbulos/status/1431533548884856832) by members of the CIA's Afghan death squads.)
Another witness:
Narrator: "Noor Mohamed had been deployed alongside American forces."
A man holding up an identity card of a friend talks about his death in English.
A: "The guy has served U.S. army for years. And the reason he lost his life - he wasn't killed by Taliban, he wasn't killed by ISIS, he was (unintelligible)."
Q: "How can you be sure?"
A: "Because of the bullet. The bullet went inside of his head. Right here." (Points to the back of his head.) "He doesn't have any (other) injury."

Reminds me of Maiden in Kiev in 2004 when the CIA mowed down civilians to start a regime change /war . Or 2008 when the US convinced the Georgians to attack Russia from south Ossetia . Let alone all the treachery in Iraq , Lebanon and Syria .