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View Full Version : Will Biden Be Held Responsible For Leaving Americans Behind?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-30-2021, 03:29 PM

Hannity Asks- Will-biden-be-held-accountable-for-this-unmitigated-foreign-policy-disaster

Video at link....

Americans left behind to become hostages to the Taliban..
Biden's world class and absolutely blundering crap-fest from this clown...--Tyr

08-30-2021, 03:39 PM
The buck will stop with the President, as he has said.

America will know the 'disaster' began with Trump, the master of disaster himself.

This is going to hurt GOP presidential candidates more than Biden or his successor.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-30-2021, 03:45 PM
The buck will stop with the President, as he has said.

America will know the 'disaster' began with Trump, the master of disaster himself.

This is going to hurt GOP presidential candidates more than Biden or his successor.

You are truly ate up with hate for Trump.
As you like a child say - "The buck will stop with the President"
then you say but It is Trump's fault.....
Here is a hint since you seem to be confused who is the President--

Sleepy Joe Biden is the President (not Trump)-- he and his administration orchestrated this entire and totally disastrous debacle, that has
now left Americans behind to become hostages . And none of your childish blather can refute that truth--that reality..-Tyr

08-30-2021, 03:59 PM
Hannity Asks- Will-biden-be-held-accountable-for-this-unmitigated-foreign-policy-disaster

Of course he will.


The buck will stop with the President, as he has said.

America will know the 'disaster' began with Trump, the master of disaster himself.

This is going to hurt GOP presidential candidates more than Biden or his successor.

The people will exalt him as King Joe because Joe Biden will gloriously face up to those Taliban like he faced up to Corn Pop. Stories will be told, oh will they be told, how the Taliban decided to abandon their ways of intimidation and repression and a new wave of normalized Western World/Muslim relations will be born. Peace in the Middle East, the mountains of Afg will turn green with nature and the seas will recede. An exciting time to be alive.

Did I get that right Jake.

08-30-2021, 04:11 PM
The buck will stop with the President, as he has said.

America will know the 'disaster' began with Trump, the master of disaster himself.

This is going to hurt GOP presidential candidates more than Biden or his successor.

Please give it a rest. PLEASE stop bringing Trump into every single thread when his name is never even in there. Either that, or maybe start a Trump thread and share all of your thoughts in a central location, where folks can respond, and you can stop littering every thread.

08-30-2021, 04:23 PM
I say even though the left is pretending it isn't there, he'll be held accountable come election day. I have paid special interest to the lack of Afghanistan stories since Joe's infamous "I'm doing great" speech so the MSM is playing right along.

In the real World, Fox murdered its next nearest competitor for prime time viewing the past 2 weeks. No, runner up wasn't CNN. It was MSNBC coming in a distant second. CNN was down the list behind even network news.

08-30-2021, 05:02 PM
It's Biden's watch, so he will have to answer as to why some are left behind.

If they are like those who won't leave their houses when a massive hurricane comes down on them, they are responsible for their own welfare.

08-30-2021, 05:07 PM
It's Biden's watch, so he will have to answer as to why some are left behind.

If they are like those who won't leave their houses when a massive hurricane comes down on them, they are responsible for their own welfare.Now you're blaming the Afghan civilians because our government bugged out and theirs ran?

Sure. It's their fault. :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
08-30-2021, 05:12 PM
Now you're blaming the Afghan civilians because our government bugged out and theirs ran?

Sure. It's their fault. :rolleyes:

Sok. These citizens will obey or be "reeducated"

08-31-2021, 10:36 AM
https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/240739915_10159669221726214_1978292986161263845_n. jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=teAWRs6I8Z4AX85ONQ3&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=c6417ebec9640ae01b5c2b31a8129958&oe=61556ACB

08-31-2021, 10:59 AM
https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/240739915_10159669221726214_1978292986161263845_n. jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=teAWRs6I8Z4AX85ONQ3&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=c6417ebec9640ae01b5c2b31a8129958&oe=61556ACB
No one is blaming the '20 year nightmare' on Biden. They are blaming the cut and run exit that got many killed and left US citizens and allies behind for the terrorists to kill or use as hostages.

Anyone that does not recognize that must be extremely stupid. :facepalm99:

08-31-2021, 11:53 AM
.....Today is August 31st, 2021 and Joe Biden is the worst President in U.S. history.

https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/pBNlWwapmNPLZeW6w6G4mA--~C/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2ZpPWZpbGw7aD01MTI7cHhvZmY9MDtweW 9mZj0wO3E9ODA7c209MTt3PTgxNA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/business_insider_articles_888/1b4763de3f802c1d9da490253ec2f515

08-31-2021, 12:06 PM
The cut and run exit prepared and signed off by Trump.:facepalm99:

Thousands lived because Trump was defeated.

Because Biden didn't follow the exit plan prepared by previous administration is why people were killed and left behind. You need to quit listening to MSM. It rots your brain.

Mr. P
08-31-2021, 12:15 PM
In this political environment it ain't happening.

Besides that I think the focus on Biden is to narrow, he's insignificant, oblivious and totally lost IMO.

Instead, I want to see the entire Democratic party HELD RESPONSIBLE.

The mid terms are just over 1 year away, we'll see.


08-31-2021, 12:34 PM
Hannity Asks- Will-biden-be-held-accountable-for-this-unmitigated-foreign-policy-disaster

Video at link....

Americans left behind to become hostages to the Taliban..
Biden's world class and absolutely blundering from this clown...--Tyr

I have my doubts. As long as there are limp wristed republicans willing to take donor money just be ineffective opposition to the democrat party there isn't going to much help there. Big Tech is already censoring and cancelling voices it deems unworthy and not to their liberal standards. In November 2020 there was an election that to most reasonable people should recognize there were at least enough irregularities to warrant proper auditing, but those efforts have had roadblocks at every turn. The media will not mention anything about the 2020 election in regards to irregularities. The border is wide open. There is drug smuggling, human trafficking poring across the border. Is Joe being held accountable for that situation?

Now on the eve of the 20 year remembrance of the 9/11 attacks, the Taliban who gave sanctuary to Al Qaeda in Afghanistan will be back in power and declaring victory while possessing over 80 Billion dollars of US Military equipment! I sure hope Joe and everyone else in the occupiers of the administration will be held accountable. But I do have doubts. We will probably see Joe in a few days imploring everyone to get vaccinated again.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-31-2021, 06:01 PM
I have my doubts. As long as there are limp wristed republicans willing to take donor money just be ineffective opposition to the democrat party there isn't going to much help there. Big Tech is already censoring and cancelling voices it deems unworthy and not to their liberal standards. In November 2020 there was an election that to most reasonable people should recognize there were at least enough irregularities to warrant proper auditing, but those efforts have had roadblocks at every turn. The media will not mention anything about the 2020 election in regards to irregularities. The border is wide open. There is drug smuggling, human trafficking poring across the border. Is Joe being held accountable for that situation?

Now on the eve of the 20 year remembrance of the 9/11 attacks, the Taliban who gave sanctuary to Al Qaeda in Afghanistan will be back in power and declaring victory while possessing over 80 Billion dollars of US Military equipment! I sure hope Joe and everyone else in the occupiers of the administration will be held accountable. But I do have doubts. We will probably see Joe in a few days imploring everyone to get vaccinated again.

If senile maybe the Idiot -in-chief due to mental disability can not be held accountable for his treason but if not so ruled-- he definitely has engaged in treason--as he acts under orders from his-- owners-- China...
And he gave tens of billions in dollars worth of weapons(advanced weapons) to our avowed enemies.. --Tyr

08-31-2021, 08:25 PM
If senile maybe the Idiot -in-chief due to mental disability can not be held accountable for his treason but if not so ruled-- he definitely has engaged in treason--as he acts under orders from his-- owners-- China...
And he gave tens of billions in dollars worth of weapons(advanced weapons) to our avowed enemies.. --Tyr

Agree...the senile fool joe needs to be ousted and put in a straight jacket and put in a home.....He doesnt know anybetter...If anyone is worried about Kamal who is next in line...No worries...she is dumb as joe but not senile...she will have the same handlers...which most of us already know who they are...and that they represent the Democrat party..

08-31-2021, 09:03 PM
The buck will stop with the President, as he has said.

America will know the 'disaster' began with Trump, the master of disaster himself.

This is going to hurt GOP presidential candidates more than Biden or his successor.

I can't decide if you're a CNN lemming or a troll for the Biden campaign. Either way, cut all Biden-apologist crap. It makes you look like a callous idiot.