View Full Version : How terrorists use an Apache helo gifted to them from Biden

08-30-2021, 04:35 PM
Biden calls it a day in Afghanistan and no sooner do the Taliban murder someone and hang him off of a moving copter. Way to go, Joe!


They Openly Mock Us Now: Taliban Hangs “Traitor” by the Throat From US Helicopter in Kandahar Left Behind by Joe Biden

The Taliban is openly mocking the United States now. Today the Islamists used US helicopters to hang “traitors” in Kandahar Afghanistan.



The Taliban was filmed earlier flying US Blackhawk Helocoptors over Kandahar.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/openly-mock-us-now-taliban-hangs-traitor-throat-us-helicopter-kandahar-left-behind-joe-biden-video/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-30-2021, 04:43 PM
Biden calls it a day in Afghanistan and no sooner do the Taliban murder someone and hang him off of a moving copter. Way to go, Joe!


They Openly Mock Us Now: Taliban Hangs “Traitor” by the Throat From US Helicopter in Kandahar Left Behind by Joe Biden

The Taliban is openly mocking the United States now. Today the Islamists used US helicopters to hang “traitors” in Kandahar Afghanistan.



The Taliban was filmed earlier flying US Blackhawk Helocoptors over Kandahar.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/openly-mock-us-now-taliban-hangs-traitor-throat-us-helicopter-kandahar-left-behind-joe-biden-video/

This definitely the biggest blunder in history by a sitting President.
As my first response was about billions of dollars worth of advanced technology/weapons left behind as Christmas gifts to the Taliban.
You know China already has got some of those BackHawks helicopters to reverse engineer, AND OTHER ADVANCED WEAPONS TOO.

And I am sure that China ordered Biden to make sure all that weaponry was left there intact for them...
Since they totally own idiot Joe and his idiot son,,-Tyr

08-31-2021, 12:53 PM
Blackhawk - not apache.

I think we tell our gov't "Go F yourself" if they want to ban our rifles and ammo until they get back every one of the true weapons of war they left for terrorists. I'd bet the taliban is top 5 best-equipped military in the world right now.

08-31-2021, 03:28 PM
The Taliban has been openly mocking every administration since before 2001.

08-31-2021, 03:36 PM
The Taliban has been openly mocking every administration since before 2001.

They've been mocking many nations for many, many years.

They are willing to sleep in a cave for years and years to accomplish their goal. Kind of hard to beat a psycho enemy like that, IMO.