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View Full Version : If you want to watch a corrupt lying piece of shit watch this scum..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2021, 04:36 PM

Reuters Reuters
'Mu' variant taken seriously, but not a yet threat -Fauci
Duration: 01:11 59 mins ago

Video at link....

Dr. falsey--doing his regular routine- always trying to up the fear level.
Someday I pray they bring this ffing SOB to justice....
Lock him up for life...... -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2021, 04:51 PM
Remember I previously said in a post.
They will create out of thin air as many variants as they want. And with whatever fearful symptoms that they think will create more and more fear..
As long as it helps them to force/convince more people to take the stab...
As my longtime friend from decades ago used to often say.
"" Lying bastards are gonna lie.."" "" Because it is what they do and what they love to do.""
He passed away 4 years ago from lung cancer at age 63, I can still see his face when I remember his reply to my warning him about smoking and lung cancer.
With that big ole grin saying. " Hell Robert, something gonna get me anyway- might as well be cancer--I only get to live once!" So whiskey, smokes and wild women gonna stay.....--- Tyr