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View Full Version : Majority Of Voters Think Biden Should Resign Immediately

09-02-2021, 05:38 PM
The democrats wouldn't impeach him no matter what, so this is really the only option, and it's not going to happen.

Not to mention, the alternative is scary. Literally.


Majority Of Voters Think Biden Should Resign Immediately

A recent survey found that a majority of Americans believe President Joe Biden should resign the presidency immediately, according to Rasmussen Reports.

The Rasmussen Reports poll found that 52% of likely U.S. voters believe Biden should resign because of how he’s handled the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Of the respondents, 39% of voters believe that Biden should not resign over the Afghanistan debacle, and 9% were not sure whether the president should leave office.


The survey of 1,000 likely U.S. voters was conducted online and over the telephone between Aug. 30-31 and has a 95% confidence level with a sampling error of +/- 3%.

Other recent polls have found the execution of the withdrawal from Afghanistan has caused the president’s approval ratings to drop precipitously in a short period of time.

If Biden were to resign, Vice President Kamala Harris would assume the presidency, but polls have found voters are not particularly confident in her ability to govern, either. A recent survey from Rasmussen Reports found that only 43% of likely U.S. voters believe Harris is qualified to fill the president’s shoes. This marks a six-point drop from when Rasmussen Reports asked voters a similar question in April. 49 percent thought Harris was qualified to assume the presidency, Rasmussen reported at the time.


Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2021/09/02/poll-majority-voters-biden-harris-resign/

09-02-2021, 05:59 PM
Majority of voters with brains are fed up...Enough of the `Democrat` puppet "masters" horse shit...and put old man biden in a home where he belongs..

09-02-2021, 06:09 PM
The parameters of action change completely when the fake election results are released .

Then corruption and treason enter the equation .

The figures from Arizona and Georgia look game changing .Then the domino effect comes into play .

09-02-2021, 06:34 PM
The democrats wouldn't impeach him no matter what, so this is really the only option, and it's not going to happen.

Not to mention, the alternative is scary. Literally.


Majority Of Voters Think Biden Should Resign Immediately

A recent survey found that a majority of Americans believe President Joe Biden should resign the presidency immediately, according to Rasmussen Reports.

The Rasmussen Reports poll found that 52% of likely U.S. voters believe Biden should resign because of how he’s handled the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Of the respondents, 39% of voters believe that Biden should not resign over the Afghanistan debacle, and 9% were not sure whether the president should leave office.


The survey of 1,000 likely U.S. voters was conducted online and over the telephone between Aug. 30-31 and has a 95% confidence level with a sampling error of +/- 3%.

Other recent polls have found the execution of the withdrawal from Afghanistan has caused the president’s approval ratings to drop precipitously in a short period of time.

If Biden were to resign, Vice President Kamala Harris would assume the presidency, but polls have found voters are not particularly confident in her ability to govern, either. A recent survey from Rasmussen Reports found that only 43% of likely U.S. voters believe Harris is qualified to fill the president’s shoes. This marks a six-point drop from when Rasmussen Reports asked voters a similar question in April. 49 percent thought Harris was qualified to assume the presidency, Rasmussen reported at the time.


Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2021/09/02/poll-majority-voters-biden-harris-resign/Looks like they answered their own question: the majority feels Harris is unqualified.

Don't forget for a second the 3rd Wheel in the bunch probably licking her chops at the thought of walking backward into the US Presidency.

09-02-2021, 06:41 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmyf04lFhdhEFq20Y_XbYKu58qFQy7y EdTkA&usqp=CAU

09-02-2021, 08:08 PM
Looks like they answered their own question: the majority feels Harris is unqualified.

Don't forget for a second the 3rd Wheel in the bunch probably licking her chops at the thought of walking backward into the US Presidency.

Kamala has this incredible ability to be able to hide from everyone, but simultaneously get everyone to dislike her intensely. If she's this disliked now, what would her polling numbers be if she became President?

09-02-2021, 09:22 PM
Kamala has this incredible ability to be able to hide from everyone, but simultaneously get everyone to dislike her intensely. If she's this disliked now, what would her polling numbers be if she became President?

From the very first day Sleepy moved into the W/H basement. I have been saying ALL OF THIS WAS PRE-PLANNED by Nancy Pelosi.
Get Sleepy into the W/H. Let him destroy himself and use the 25th Amendment to get him out of there. Same with Kamala la la la...Then...The Stupid Secretary of State which leaves...NEXT IN LINE...The MOST WICKED, CROOKED, IGNORANT, STUPID, HYPOCRITE....NANCY PELOSI...AS...



09-02-2021, 10:16 PM
Kamala has this incredible ability to be able to hide from everyone, but simultaneously get everyone to dislike her intensely. If she's this disliked now, what would her polling numbers be if she became President?

Yes true in a way but doesnt matter...She is to stupid to be President...she will be coached just like Joe...Nancy..she getting old and senile..she will be coached also...

There are many coaches...Obama & Schumer are just two..IMO...
Democrats are like snakes...they all slither together and do what it takes for the agenda...

09-03-2021, 12:23 AM
Yes true in a way but doesnt matter...She is to stupid to be President...she will be coached just like Joe...Nancy..she getting old and senile..she will be coached also...

There are many coaches...Obama & Schumer are just two..IMO...
Democrats are like snakes...they all slither together and do what it takes for the agenda...

The more accurate word for all of them would be ROACHES. And I don't mean this kind...


They are almost everywhere...AND SO DAMNED HARD TO GET RID OF...LIKE DINOSAURS


09-03-2021, 12:09 PM
Rasmussen among the polls is the equivalent of the daily funny page.

09-03-2021, 12:18 PM
Rasmussen among the polls is the equivalent of the daily funny page.

Sure, same as Gallup, CBS & quite a few other polls across the board. So shoot one down lamely and many more to go.

Bottom line - he can't lead, he's too old and lost too many of his faculties.

09-03-2021, 12:25 PM
This one is from emerson polling.

I know, I know, these fuckers are lying!


Plurality Holds Joe Biden Responsible for ‘Losing’ Afghan War, Not Donald Trump

A Thursday poll reveals a plurality of Americans holds President Joe Biden responsible for “losing” the war in Afghanistan, not former President Donald Trump, according to Emerson College polling.

When respondents were asked which president “holds the most responsibility for the war in Afghanistan,” 49 percent said President George W. Bush, 24 percent said President Joe Biden, 18 percent said Barack Obama, and 10 percent said President Donald Trump.

However, when comparing the outcome of the war and who holds responsibility for the war, respondents hold Bush (73 percent), Obama (70 percent), Biden (68 percent) responsible, “whereas the majority (57%) of those who hold Trump most responsible for the war believe the US won the war.”

According to the polling group, “this comparison highlights the complexity of lasting conflicts. For three Presidents (Bush, Obama, and Biden), the voters see these presidents as responsible for the US losing the war, compared to the voters who saw Trump as responsible, who see his actions as why the US won the war.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/03/joe-biden-losing-afghan-war/

Black Diamond
09-03-2021, 01:19 PM
This one is from emerson polling.

I know, I know, these fuckers are lying!


Plurality Holds Joe Biden Responsible for ‘Losing’ Afghan War, Not Donald Trump

A Thursday poll reveals a plurality of Americans holds President Joe Biden responsible for “losing” the war in Afghanistan, not former President Donald Trump, according to Emerson College polling.

When respondents were asked which president “holds the most responsibility for the war in Afghanistan,” 49 percent said President George W. Bush, 24 percent said President Joe Biden, 18 percent said Barack Obama, and 10 percent said President Donald Trump.

However, when comparing the outcome of the war and who holds responsibility for the war, respondents hold Bush (73 percent), Obama (70 percent), Biden (68 percent) responsible, “whereas the majority (57%) of those who hold Trump most responsible for the war believe the US won the war.”

According to the polling group, “this comparison highlights the complexity of lasting conflicts. For three Presidents (Bush, Obama, and Biden), the voters see these presidents as responsible for the US losing the war, compared to the voters who saw Trump as responsible, who see his actions as why the US won the war.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/03/joe-biden-losing-afghan-war/

I'll post it on Facebook and see if it gets "fact checked"

09-03-2021, 01:53 PM
Listen to this bag of oatmeal stutter and stammer.

Is there any doubt as to why this clown has failed in every endeavor thus far?

He can't hold ONE coherent thought for more than 2 seconds. You can literally see the multiple trains of thought slip away almost as soon as they pop into his addled mind.

This example was recorded 2 days ago :



I can't imagine what the sign language interpreter is thinking. That's got to be a hellish job trying to make sense of the gibberish she's trying to translate.

Abbey Marie
09-03-2021, 02:05 PM
I just read that he also talked about how he visited the Tree of Life synagogue (I think in Pittsburgh), you know, because he loves Jewish people and all. A spokeswoman from Tree of Life says he was never there.

09-03-2021, 02:09 PM
Rasmussen among the polls is the equivalent of the daily funny page.You have stated that before. Then you posted one. Now you have said it again.

Which is it?

09-03-2021, 03:10 PM
You have stated that before. Then you posted one. Now you have said it again.

Which is it?

Which do you think? To demonstrate what an off beat silly rag the Rasmussen poll is.

09-03-2021, 03:22 PM
Which do you think? To demonstrate what an off beat silly rag the Rasmussen poll is.

The only one that has consistently passed the test and retest standard for reliability and accuracy .

You truly are an ignorant twat -- English techno talk meaning someone unlucky to be off - grid .

Negative G-twatts - an energy expression .Or , in your case , a lack of it .

09-03-2021, 03:45 PM
Even some of Biden's own supporters regret their choice.


Poll: 20% of Biden Voters Regret Voting For Joe Biden in 2020

It turns out a significant percent of the woke wine mommies and guys with man buns who were ‘riden with Biden’ regret voting for Joe Biden.

According to a new Zogby poll, one-fifth of Biden voters want their vote back.

It’s too late.

The Zogby poll was conducted before Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and before 13 US service members were killed in the Kabul blast by a suicide bomber so the number of people who regret voting for Biden is definitely higher.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/zogby-poll-20-biden-voters-regret-voting-joe-biden-2020/

09-03-2021, 04:49 PM
Even some of Biden's own supporters regret their choice.


Poll: 20% of Biden Voters Regret Voting For Joe Biden in 2020

It turns out a significant percent of the woke wine mommies and guys with man buns who were ‘riden with Biden’ regret voting for Joe Biden.

According to a new Zogby poll, one-fifth of Biden voters want their vote back.

It’s too late.

The Zogby poll was conducted before Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and before 13 US service members were killed in the Kabul blast by a suicide bomber so the number of people who regret voting for Biden is definitely higher.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/zogby-poll-20-biden-voters-regret-voting-joe-biden-2020/


Zogby Poll: 20% of Biden Voters Regret Voting For Joe Biden in 2020



One more..

Oh wait...another..There are more but will leave it at this..

09-03-2021, 05:02 PM
I just read that he also talked about how he visited the Tree of Life synagogue (I think in Pittsburgh), you know, because he loves Jewish people and all. A spokeswoman from Tree of Life says he was never there.

The man is a splendid Crime Syndicate father .
But a lump of shite as a human .

WASHINGTON — President Biden did not visit the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the murder of 11 congregants — despite saying so, the White House admitted Friday.

Biden on Thursday told Jewish leaders that he remembered “spending time at” (https://nypost.com/2021/09/02/tree-of-life-synagogue-disputes-joe-bidens-claim-he-visited/)and “going to” the Tree of Life, but the synagogue told The Post he never visited.

Nearly 24 hours after being asked about the discrepancy, a White House official said in a statement that Biden “was referring to a call he had with the Tree of Life rabbi in 2019.”

Biden’s initial false statement received widespread criticism and was featured in segments on CNN and Fox News.

The 2018 mass shooting at the Tree of Life was the worst anti-Jewish hate crime in US history.

Biden has a reputation for making false or embellished claims and dropped out of his first presidential campaign in 1988 due to a plagiarism scandal. But at nearly 79 years old, his mental acuity also is a frequent matter of public debate.

09-03-2021, 09:06 PM
Bill Clinton was a very smooth liar that lied whenever he needed to, such as to get elected or to save himself from prosecution, and he was smart enough to keep his lies vague and hard to disprove.

Joe Biden is completely different. He is not a smooth liar at all; a kindergartener can hear him talk and say "what is wrong with that man?". He does not lie whenever he needs to... he lies all the time, whether he needs to or not. He lies when he has absolutely no reason to lie. And he stupidly tells lies that are specific and easy to disprove.

Some examples:
1. In the 90's while running for President he ripped off a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock, talking about 'his whole family worked in the coal mines' when he was growing up. That was easy to check: no one in his family ever worked in the coal mines.
2. He claimed that he and Andrew Young got arrested by South African police while they tried to visit Nelson Mandela. Check: he never got arrested, and Andrew Young stated as much.
3. Biden said he "went to law school on a full academic scholarship and ended up in the top half of my class". Biden also said that he "graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school" and was the “outstanding student in the political science department.” All of the statement were proven to be lies with easily available records.

There's a pattern with Joe Biden. He tells lies all the time. They are usually lies that he has no need to tell. They are easily disproven lies, and are quickly proven wrong. And then the final result of it is that no one holds him accountable. Which is why we are in the mess we arecright now.

09-03-2021, 09:21 PM

09-04-2021, 04:12 AM
The Right should have addressed this as their number one requirement years ago .Twenty years ago, if they knew how to peer into the future .

It is like playing a team sport missing a couple of players all the time .

It's so effing obvious that I find it near impossible to believe that it has not been sorted .

The recently departed Robert David Steele argued this point obsessively .Excellent and RIP . How many believe he was 'executed ' by ex CIA colleagues last week?