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View Full Version : ".........Was the Fall of Afghanistan Deliberate?"

09-02-2021, 06:42 PM
`....The word "mismanagement" cannot be used to describe a list of very calculated decisions over months so obviously likely to endanger American and Afghan interests and lives........`
"...Unfortunately, we left the country pretty much the way we found it, in complete chaos and carnage.

This is partly due to what the Biden Administration referred to as a “deliberate withdrawal” from the country.

However, the “deliberate withdrawal” resulted in the death of 13 United States military personal, hundreds and possibly thousands of Americans left behind, and a billion dollars in military equipment left for terrorists.

The “deliberate withdrawal” also created one of the most powerful, and highly weaponized terroristic military regions in Asia."

By all accounts, this was nothing short of a “deliberate” embarrassment by a woke administration.Michael Johns join “After Dark (https://www.americaoutloud.com/after-dark/)” to discuss the Biden Administration’s “deliberate withdrawal” from Afghanistan and what happens next."



09-02-2021, 09:06 PM
No. It was inevitable IMO.

09-03-2021, 05:26 AM
I do like the idea of the CIA running overall Taliban strategy with the weapons and equipment in safe hands until the US returns .

But if so , under which US government --- the apparently shambolic nominal one , the presumed one waiting in the wings and military supported , or , one openly run by the

Shadow Government (Deep State if you will) ? Or , more extremely , part of a total sell out to Bejing ( CCP )

All based on the premiss that whatever and which ever faction rules , nobody gives up trillions in natural resources , an endless supply of drug and trafficking money plus geo -

political key presence .

The premiss seems as clear cut as the product of two plus two . But exactly how the narrative unwinds is just fascinating speculation .