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View Full Version : conservatives are cowardly in their convictions

09-09-2021, 08:36 AM
Boris Johnson's buddies almost all voted for a tax raise.

Guess what will happen here?

Just Five Conservative MPs Voted Against Tax Rise (https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/09/09/just-five-conservative-mps-voted-against-tax-rise/)Just five Conservative MPs voted against Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s manifesto pledge-breaking tax hike on Wednesday.

VICTORIA FRIEDMAN (https://www.breitbart.com/author/victoria-friedman/)9 Sep 2021, 4:06 AM PD

09-09-2021, 10:23 AM
Silly Jane .

Holding Convictions is a form of bravery . Equals consistency and reliability .

' Cowardly' juxtaposed with ' convictions' is effectively a contradiction in terms .

You simply are not very bright . Confusing Party Pledges with individual convictions of moral and ethical matters was always going to be far too complex a matter for you to

grasp .

Try and get involved in sports . You might get lucky . Soccer perhaps ? A fat head can be a huge asset .

09-09-2021, 10:41 AM
JuicestheIncel now is mumbling and stumbling with his nonsense.

The conservatives in America and the UK simply cannot offer a competivite opposition to the liberals.

09-09-2021, 03:38 PM
juicestheincel now is mumbling and stumbling with his nonsense.

The conservatives in america and the uk simply cannot offer a competivite opposition to the liberals.

stupid is as stupid does...and you never fail to prove it to us.

09-09-2021, 04:26 PM
stupid is as stupid does...and you never fail to prove it to us.
icansayit says that he can't tell the truth. You conservatives are frauds, and even more so since the days of Reagan.

Trumpidiotism is not coming back to the WH.

09-09-2021, 05:27 PM
icansayit says that he can't tell the truth. You conservatives are frauds, and even more so since the days of Reagan.

Trumpidiotism is not coming back to the WH.

We all feel so sorry for you. Reaching 3 years old, and the end of your mental limits.


09-09-2021, 05:54 PM
Hmm.... let's see

A president who says you will and has the power to enforce it, or a buncha so-called conservatarian jammy boys and girls stamping their widdle feet

09-09-2021, 06:37 PM
Hmm.... let's see

A president who says you will and has the power to enforce it, or a buncha so-called conservatarian jammy boys and girls stamping their widdle feet

He only has the power of the CONSTITUTION, (per his oath) and if he tries to enforce it. NO AMERICAN will need to follow what he says or does. We have two Amendments to that Constitution (which you and your other loose, brain-dead friends don't have) the 4th Amendment, and the 14th Amendment.

Since you have no care about OUR LAWS here. You should just mind your own DUMB business and let adults with some intelligence try to speak your tongue of Stupid.

09-09-2021, 08:53 PM
Boris Johnson's buddies almost all voted for a tax raise.

Guess what will happen here?

Just Five Conservative MPs Voted Against Tax Rise (https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/09/09/just-five-conservative-mps-voted-against-tax-rise/)

Just five Conservative MPs voted against Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s manifesto pledge-breaking tax hike on Wednesday.

VICTORIA FRIEDMAN (https://www.breitbart.com/author/victoria-friedman/)9 Sep 2021, 4:06 AM PD

JuicestheIncel now is mumbling and stumbling with his nonsense.

The conservatives in America and the UK simply cannot offer a competivite opposition to the liberals.

icansayit says that he can't tell the truth. You conservatives are frauds, and even more so since the days of Reagan.

Trumpidiotism is not coming back to the WH.

Hmm.... let's see

A president who says you will and has the power to enforce it, or a buncha so-called conservatarian jammy boys and girls stamping their widdle feet

Sometimes you are just a dick without a point :smoke:

09-09-2021, 09:44 PM
Sometimes you are just a dick without a point :smoke:

Now you're giving dick's a bad rap!

Surf Fishing Guru
09-10-2021, 07:48 AM
The conservatives in America and the UK simply cannot offer a competivite opposition to the liberals.

I've found that in the US, the two factions are speaking different languages.

As you note, conservatives usually claim allegiance to principles while liberals usually speak of values. Principles, being foundational and fixed are not subject to modification at whim. Principles have a hierarchy and sometimes the maintenance of a higher principle demands the abdication of a lesser one. Only speculating about your example, (not interested or caring in the least about UK politics), perhaps the "conviction" in opposition to raising taxes yielded to the higher principle that government spending must be paid for . . . Again, only speculating, but such is the nature of principles.

Liberals / Progressives OTOH, go on and on about "values" and avoid at all costs the term "principles". Having "values" allows one to fleetingly feel certain things to be true, constantly searching for new reasons to decide those "truths" have become "untrue" because new heartstrings have been tugged and new "truths" are adopted. This constant flux, this forced infirmity is of course frustrating (mostly on a subconscious level) and leads to anger when one is pressed to defend their positions.

Since the support for their policy positions are held as emotional constructs, any challenge to defend their policy positions as logical or legal constructs is perceived as a personal attack on "feelings". Of course the response to such an affront is vitriol and derision and white-hot indignation that anyone would have the gall to even challenge and question them.

That's why Liberals / Progressives are at their core, such an angry bunch; they just can not handle people who disagree with them. Projection of their anger is a major component of their interaction with others, which is why simple debate / discussion descends into name-calling so quickly.


09-10-2021, 08:31 AM
This will help you.

That's why conservatarians like Goofmeister Third Class Juicer, are at their core, such an angry bunch.

They know now that they have blown their chance. That's the funniest thing.

Who can they run? Death Sentence. Mr. Insult My Wife. Goofy Greg. Who?

Surf Fishing Guru
09-10-2021, 08:51 AM
This will help you.

That nonsense only helps prove me correct.

09-10-2021, 09:50 AM
Its true. Conservatives sit by and allow their opposition to run rampant with their destructive policies. There is no hope.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-10-2021, 11:18 AM
Its true. Conservatives sit by and allow their opposition to run rampant with their destructive policies. There is no hope.

Conservatives are afraid of the law and its crushing powers while the opposition has managed from decades back to have a -get of jail free card that gives them carteblanche to do the underfhanded, illegal things they do. One can act aggressively and with far greater force when having such a shield.
Example- dem politicians hate the Consitution and work tirelessly to destroy it--- even engaging in criminal acts to do so..
They are celebrated by media, the established voices and so many in positions of power that those transgressions are not dealt with.
The standard was set many decades ago- that when a Republican president comes into office- he is to ignore the past crimes of the previous dem administartion- which is a surefire recipe for disaster to a nation and its eventual and ultimate defeat....
And that is also why so many of the bastards are so damn cocky!!
Also why we see them smirk so much on camera , as they get by with things that would destroy a Republican....

This well establised - carteblanche-- given to them -ensures their ever increasing attacks and also diminishes any group from attempting to rectify that power, that treason, imho... --Tyr

09-10-2021, 12:28 PM
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot, you have it wrong but if it brings you comfort, carry on.

09-10-2021, 02:06 PM
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot, you have it wrong but if it brings you comfort, carry on.

Continue to bring all of us Comfort. Every time you post here. You remind us to treat the mentally disturbed like the immature child you prove yourself to be.

The only reason we bother to respond to you is for all of the laughs...in your sad behalf. The Democrat Radicals you want to be part of must be really proud of your constant ignorance in being JUST LIKE THEM.
SO...Once again you prove..."It is impossible to hold an intelligent conversation with anyone like you...who has no intelligence!"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-10-2021, 09:04 PM
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot, you have it wrong but if it brings you comfort, carry on.

Nah, you are just pitching for the wrong team.
History has many examples of that - those that allied with Germany and Japan comes to mind as a damn good example.
Eventually evil always gets its own reward. As that smiting hand that delivers death unto others decides to deliver the very same unto its own......
You better watch your back and have a ready made escape plan, imho.
The hyenas have a damn fine party until the the hungry lion returns to its kill.... ----Tyr

09-10-2021, 09:49 PM
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot, you have it wrong but if it brings you comfort, carry on.

You seem to be the one having the most Comfort here. After you pat yourself on the back for thinking (not possible) and believing you are so smart...still makes all of us laugh. Not because you are funny. But because we are all HIGHLY ENTERTAINED by the self Ignorance you don't recognize of yours that is the perfect representation of a mental virus you seem to relish with delight.

So, keep that in mind. Every time you come back with one of your GENIUS retorts. You remove a few more BRICKS from your imagination that causes you to be so many bricks short of a load.