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09-11-2021, 12:58 PM
Including an article that has tons and tons of pictures of that day if you go look. Quite a few videos too.

This one says it all:


That day, the next and for the year to follow the words were "We will never forget". Did that hold up? For many it did, but sadly for others it went out the window and they no longer give a shit.

09-11-2021, 01:01 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:45 AM PT – Saturday, September 11, 2021On the morning of September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers stood high among the New York City skyline as no one predicted the tragedy that would strike the buildings just hours later. At 7:59 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 departed Logan International Airport in Boston and headed for Los Angeles, California.
15 minutes later, United Airlines Flight 175 also left for Los Angeles from Boston. In addition, American Airlines Flight 77 to Los Angeles took off from Dulles International Airport at 8:20 a.m. In New Jersey, United Flight 93 departed from Newark International Airport at 8:41 a.m. to travel to San Francisco.
Within just 42 minutes, four planes were in the air with terrorists on board. Flight attendants aboard United Flight 11 were the first to report hijackers and at 8:46 a.m., the plane flew into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
17 minutes later, an image that has burned into the minds of Americans unfolded on live television as hijackers flew United Flight 175 into the South Tower. By 9:31 a.m., President George W. Bush declared the events an apparent terrorist attack.

Just six minutes later, Flight 77 crashed into the western side of the Pentagon. At 9:59 a.m., the south tower collapsed to the ground. For the first time, all flights over or headed to the continental U.S. were grounded by the Federal Aviation Administration.
United Flight 93 was the only plane still in the air and the pilots sent a mayday call to air traffic control. After those aboard the flight heard about the attacks in New York and Washington, they attempted to take control away from the hijackers.
The Boeing 757 crashed into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania at 10:07 a.m. Two hours and 18 minutes after the first plane took of from Boston, hundreds of Americans had been killed as part of a terrorist attack.
However, the death toll continued to rise. The World Trade Center’s north tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m.
Americans across the country were in a panic as the president announced U.S. military forces worldwide were on high alert. George W. Bush returned to the White House at nearly 7 p.m. and declared a war on terrorism during a nationwide address later that night.

Today, the skyline of Manhattan looks different than it did on the morning of September 11, 2001. The One World Trade Center, also known as the Freedom Tower, opened on November 3, 2014 and stands on the northwest corner of the World Trade Center site.
Memorials have also been built to honor the victims. The 9/11 Memorial opened on September 11, 2011 in remembrance of the 2,977 lives lost in the tragic events of that day.
Two reflecting pools now sit within the footprints left by the Twin Towers, with the names of every victim inscribed in bronze panels around them. There is also a Pentagon memorial in Arlington County, Virginia and a Flight 93 National Memorial in Pennsylvania.
September 11, 2001 was the single largest loss of life from a foreign attack on U.S. soil. A day that will never be forgotten by Americans.

09-11-2021, 01:28 PM
Anyone else shedding tears watching all this again? Every year it hits again as if it's the first time. Same emotions.

Especially this year. The anger and fear are back due to Afghanistan debacle. This time even more because of the leadership we now have. At least back then we had a leader we could count on.

And the sadness .. heard a veteran running for congress committed suicide at cemetery because feels last 20 years of sacrifice was wasted. How many more will there be?

I remember sitting in front of TV watching all of this as my husband told me he wouldn't be home for a few days because his unit was on alert. Then the underlying fear over the next few years never knowing if he would be deployed, then being deployed and after coming home whether he would be deployed again.

The absolute devastation of hearing the gun salute and taps playing at the funerals of members of his unit killed in combat was the worst.

09-11-2021, 01:38 PM
Our personal story that day was like millions of others. My wife and I were having our annual physicals at the Doctors office when we heard the announcement about the Towers being hit.

Our first thoughts were for our Daughter-in-law who worked for the Marines as a civilian accountant IN THE PENTAGON.
That scared both of us so much. We will never forget.

Good side of the story. That day she was working at Quantico (but we didn't know that at the time).
Our oldest son later called us and told us she wasn't there.


09-11-2021, 02:00 PM
Like everyone else, I won't forget that day. Remembering exactly where I was and who I was with and what we were all doing. I can see in front of me the entire intersection of 5th ave and 58th street. Meeting with Diana and the entire ride out of the city and back home. Weird how everything prior and not long after is hazy and forgotten. But those moments when it happened, when we all found out about it - is etched in our memories - more so than most other events in our lives.

09-11-2021, 02:29 PM
At least we had a President show up to give a live speech.

Many struggled to hold back tears at the ceremony held at Ground Zero, the site of the Twin Towers destroyed in the attacks by al-Qaeda militants.

"Twenty years feels like an eternity, but it still feels like yesterday," cried Lisa Reina who lost her husband.

A minute's silence was held at the exact time each hijacked plane crashed.

George W Bush, who was the US president at the time, gave a speech in Pennsylvania, where one of the planes crashed into a field after passengers overpowered the hijackers.

"The world was loud with carnage and sirens, and then quiet with missing voices that would never be heard again," he said.

"It's hard to describe the mix of feelings we experienced."

cont. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58530073

Black Diamond
09-11-2021, 02:51 PM
Given what has happened the last month or so, it's sadder this year.

09-11-2021, 03:11 PM
Given what has happened the last month or so, it's sadder this year.All for naught.

09-11-2021, 05:04 PM
At least we had a President show up to give a live speech.

cont. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58530073
I thought it a wonderful speech, some on the right though of course have determined he was calling them 'terrorists,' for he said we had to vigilant about threats without and within. Hmm, he mentioned no groups. Guess it's where one's thinking is, mine was antifa, blm, and new unvetted guys in Ubers from Afghanistan.

09-11-2021, 05:12 PM
Here's one of the WTC during a happier, more innocent time in all of our lives.


Let's remember as IT WAS before the World Changed Forever.

09-11-2021, 07:52 PM
My daughter reminded me today that my son-in-law was in one of the towers on 9/10. He was on his way home from NYC that morning. Landed in Phoenix right before everything was grounded.

Black Diamond
09-12-2021, 12:04 AM


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2021, 06:28 AM
I thought it a wonderful speech, some on the right though of course have determined he was calling them 'terrorists,' for he said we had to vigilant about threats without and within. Hmm, he mentioned no groups. Guess it's where one's thinking is, mine was antifa, blm, and new unvetted guys in Ubers from Afghanistan.
Yet today we have a President that is buddies with the very people that believe we as a nation, we infidels. ,, must,, be destroyed. A president that allies with muslim terrorists and arms them. HOw is that evidence of our not forgetting..That we are so divided that we have so many that do not see the truth.. The tragic reality of this fraud that is President. To me it is like a stab in the heart is barely a minor flash wound to the toe. And I do not forget who did this not the party that is now friends with them. Tyr

09-12-2021, 07:33 AM
Yet today we have a President that is buddies with the very people that believe we as a nation, we infidels. ,, must,, be destroyed. A president that allies with muslim terrorists and arms them. HOw is that evidence of our not forgetting..That we are so divided that we have so many that do not see the truth.. The tragic reality of this fraud that is President. To me it is like a stab in the heart is barely a minor flash wound to the toe. And I do not forget who did this not the party that is now friends with them. Tyr
Not understanding why my quote was used.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2021, 09:08 AM
Not understanding why my quote was used.

It was used as context to the current reality of what we are enduring in this nation and in the world today.
That we are far, far from the first mindset that was born immediately after the 911 attack.
Especially so the closing part of your comment-that spoke of how divided we currently are. And my reply
tho' maybe a bit confusing(inadequate) was to point out the primary cause of this very sad state we are in.
Because we have forgotten the main thing- who and what the attackers were, what they are, and what they still plan.
That plan did not go away, as it is the core ideology and primary goal of Islam. Which the dem party is in a rigid fiirm alliance with.
There was no intent of using your remark but as a great aid, because it cited the truth.
I was myself just adding the guy(the idiot and useful puppet Biden) and the political party that has decided to become allied with
those that executed that dastardly, treacherous and murderous attack upon so many innocent souls.-Tyr

09-12-2021, 09:46 AM
Yet today we have a President that is buddies with the very people that believe we as a nation, we infidels. ,, must,, be destroyed. A president that allies with muslim terrorists and arms them. <SNIP>

What a loony thing to say.

09-12-2021, 11:30 AM
Just a reminder: This is a memorial thread. In honor of those victims of 9-11, we should try to keep it there. No names, and no response required. I'm sure we can all do the right thing :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2021, 11:37 AM
What a loony thing to say.

Just a true American's opinion. Back when flat earthers were told that earth was round and definitely not flat- they responded just as you did my friend.
In my case, words were presented that have a factual base and are very deeply felt.
If it is radical to you, then perhaps you may need to research and study this nation its history and its current events a lot better, imho.
As by you not being a citizen born and raised here it seems to me that you are sorely missing much.
Remember knowledge is power... --Tyr

09-12-2021, 12:29 PM
So on 9-11-01, I heard the news on the radio. I had retired from the Marine Corps and had started working as an electrician. Didn't even have a cell phone (nor see the reason to). We were on a "taco break", which is a 10 AM excuse to take a 15-20 minute break and run off for breakfast tacos. It's a Mexican thing that made sense to us white boys so we happily participated :)

When I got home of course I cranked on the tube. I thought of two things right off the bat: One, it was surreal. It looked like an Irwin Allen disaster movie from the 60s-70s. Two, it reminded me immediately of the Beirut Barracks Bombing in 83 only a 1000 times worse. Everyone trapped in a building and nowhere to run to. I lost a couple of friends/fellow Marines in Beirut.

It was a shock, but I wasn't surprised.

Then, as everyone is running around trying to find people, help people and generally rise to the occasion, along comes the MSM claiming Bush got in his plane and ran away :rolleyes: Everyone's in damage control and freaking out and checking on family and along comes CNN with a completely inappropriate for the time and place BS political accusation.

It didn't belong.

Black Diamond
09-12-2021, 12:40 PM
So on 9-11-01, I heard the news on the radio. I had retired from the Marine Corps and had started working as an electrician. Didn't even have a cell phone (nor see the reason to). We were on a "taco break", which is a 10 AM excuse to take a 15-20 minute break and run off for breakfast tacos. It's a Mexican thing that made sense to us white boys so we happily participated :)

When I got home of course I cranked on the tube. I thought of two things right off the bat: One, it was surreal. It looked like an Irwin Allen disaster movie from the 60s-70s. Two, it reminded me immediately of the Beirut Barracks Bombing in 83 only a 1000 times worse. Everyone trapped in a building and nowhere to run to. I lost a couple of friends/fellow Marines in Beirut.

It was a shock, but I wasn't surprised.

Then, as everyone is running around trying to find people, help people and generally rise to the occasion, along comes the MSM claiming Bush got in his plane and ran away :rolleyes: Everyone's in damage control and freaking out and checking on family and along comes CNN with a completely inappropriate for the time and place BS political accusation.

It didn't belong.

I read that they were concerned that assassinating the president might have been part of the plot and that's why he was in air force one in the air for several hours.

09-12-2021, 12:54 PM
I read that they were concerned that assassinating the president might have been part of the plot and that's why he was in air force one in the air for several hours.The President is not in control of his comings and goings during a National emergency where the US is being attacked. The Secret Service is responsible for the President's immediate, physical safety and they have a protocol to follow complete with check down list.

The President gets to be the boss again once he is safely delivered to his destination.

Abbey Marie
09-12-2021, 12:57 PM
I saw it happening live. CNN’s Aaron Brown incredibly blamed “pilot error” even after the second plane hit the building. That was the last time I watched CNN.

I knew someone who perished on one of the top floors at Cantor Fitzgerald. Believe me, that makes it even worse. I will NEVER forget.