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View Full Version : Americans 'passionately' oppose Biden's vaccine mandate

09-13-2021, 03:51 PM
I don't have a problem as much with the vaccine - but all of the damn mandates are an issue. Mask mandates galore & now a mandate via private companies.


New poll: Americans 'passionately' oppose Biden's vaccine mandate

'Will quickly lead to an end to our republic and the beginning of an oppressive new tyranny'

American voters overall by a large margin are rejecting President Biden's claim to have the authority to force private companies to demand their workers submit to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines now in use across the nation.

Asked in a new poll by Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group, whether Biden has the constitutional authority to impose that demand, 58.6% said no.

Only 29.7% said yes.

The poll, taken over the weekend of likely general election voters, has a margin of error of 2.96%.

The poll results reveal 27% of Democrats say Biden has no such authority. Almost 55% of Democrats believe he does.

But independents joined Republicans in disputing that opinion.

More than 68% of independents said Biden lacks that power, joining 83.5% of Republicans in that opinion.

"The numbers are clear, the American people passionately oppose Biden’s vaccine mandate, and will not tolerate a president elected by the people acting like a dictator or king. They know full well that this precedent will quickly lead to an end to our republic and the beginning of an oppressive new tyranny," said Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States Action. "Our citizens stand squarely with courageous, principled governors who know this isn’t about health, science, or compassion, it’s a naked political power grab."

Rest - https://www.wnd.com/2021/09/new-poll-americans-passionately-oppose-bidens-vaccine-mandate/

Poll - https://www.thetrafalgargroup.org/news/nat-issues-biden-vaccines-0912/

Full PDF: http://thetrafalgargroup.org/COSA-National-BidenVaccines-Full-Report.pdf

09-13-2021, 05:59 PM
I don't agree with the mandate. I also believe it shouldn't have had to get this far.