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View Full Version : “I Don’t Know” – Secretary of State Blinken

09-14-2021, 01:11 PM
This administration has no idea what it's doing, and then blatantly lies about the situation as a coverup for mistakes.


“I Don’t Know” – Secretary of State Blinken When Asked if Biden Admin Droned an Aid Worker or High-Level ISIS Operative

The Biden Regime is making Secretary of State Antony Blinken the fall guy for the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

Blinken testified for the first time since Biden’s deadly Afghanistan withdrawal that resulted in 13 dead US service members.

On day two of his testimony, Blinken admitted he doesn’t know if the guy Biden droned was an aid worker or a high-level ISIS operative.

The Pentagon claimed two high-profile terrorists were killed and one other was wounded in a drone strike a couple weeks ago.

“I can confirm, as more information has come in, that two high-profile ISIS targets were killed and one was wounded,” Major General Hank Taylor said one day after the drone strike.

However, Biden’s Pentagon refused to release their names.

It turns out ten family members, including innocent CHILDREN were killed by Biden’s drone strike.

A New York Times reporter posted a series of security videos of (the so-called ISIS facilitator) Zemari Ahmadi, the man who was killed by Biden’s drone strike.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/dont-know-secretary-state-blinken-asked-biden-admin-droned-aid-worker-high-level-isis-operative-video/

09-14-2021, 01:34 PM
*sniff sniff *

Smell that? Smells like the ink on Gen Hank Taylor's retirement papers.

Blinken's not going to take the fall. They always find a military guy. "You told me ... "