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09-14-2021, 04:49 PM
The new book by Woodward and Acosta alleges that Trump threatened the Constitution, and that Milley made sure that the President could not activate the nuclear options by himself.

The President wanted the certification process overthrown.

I don't think he really understood just how grave was the matter. He was in his own reality show.

American's citizens were so fortunate to have General Milley between the President and the nuclear options as well as Pence, who after three hours of being nagged by Trump to decertify the election, reached out to the NG Commander in DC (Mike Flynn's brother, of all people) and has the troops released on the insurgents. Mike Flynn, if in charge, would have had the NG troops attack the Capitol defenders.

Woodward book: Gen. Milley acted to limit Trump’s military ability after Jan. 6
Driving the news: According to Woodward and Costa, Milley believed the president had gone into "serious mental decline" following the election and was worried ...
25 minutes ago

(https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrJ7JiXGEFhG.MAeTRXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9 zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj/RV=2/RE=1631684887/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fnews.yahoo.com%2fwoodward-book-gen-milley-acted-212302266.html%3ffr%3dsycsrp_catchall/RK=2/RS=eFWiRfaCyLnCqGzl2QFdBrVzJ0I-)

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Business Insider via Yahoo
McConnell told Biden not to call Trump after the election, worrying it would send the erratic president into a fury: book
46 minutes ago


https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/e7SWosOzVw3Op1YGKtNy9A--~C/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2ZpPWZpbGw7aD0yMjg7cHhvZmY9MDtweW 9mZj0wO3E9ODA7c209MTt3PTQwMA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_week_574/106c8559ad3959aef067139d8364a1bf

The Week via Yahoo
Mark Milley reportedly took action to ensure a 'rogue' Trump wouldn't launch nuclear weapons after Jan. 6
5 hours ago


https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/jpBjMFpqeKQTjvTeVFYohg--~C/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2ZpPWZpbGw7aD0yMjg7cHhvZmY9MDtweW 9mZj0wO3E9ODA7c209MTt3PTQwMA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/usa_today_news_641/248271336fe2d09c0415de345bace83e

USA TODAY via Yahoo
Gen. Milley feared Trump might launch nuclear attack, made secret calls to China, new book says
10 minutes ago


https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/6R78iz3oHuDQcbYqTrmkpA--~C/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2ZpPWZpbGw7aD0yMjg7cHhvZmY9MDtweW 9mZj0wO3E9ODA7c209MTt3PTQwMA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/washington_examiner_articles_265/e37adc1bf1a2ac7f26991f877315ade9

Washington Examiner via Yahoo
Milley promised Chinese military leader advance warning of Trump-ordered attack: Book
53 minutes ago


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The Independent via Yahoo
Trump told Pence ‘I don’t want to be your friend anymore’ over 6 January riot, new book reveals
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https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/PnARBqXYga5RZNZC8QM9NQ--~C/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2ZpPWZpbGw7aD0yMjg7cHhvZmY9MDtweW 9mZj0wO3E9ODA7c209MTt3PTQwMA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/marketwatch.com/89a1785a2c1fa32851758a48cdd2bea7

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NY Daily News via Yahoo
Gen. Milley feared Trump would launch military strike against China in final days of presidency: Woodward book
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Rolling Stone via Yahoo
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Business Insider via Yahoo
The top US general 'was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline' after the 2020 election, book says
3 hours ago


See more

(https://news.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AwrJ7JiXGEFhG.MAgzRXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNi ZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=woodward+costa+book&fr=mcafee&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Aw%2Cm%3Anewsdd_sna_m%2Cct%3Avm-vmonly)

View all (https://news.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AwrJ7JiXGEFhG.MAhDRXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNi ZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=woodward+costa+book&fr=mcafee&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Aw%2Cm%3Anewsdd_sna_m%2Cct%3Avm-vmonly)

www.simonandschuster.com › books › PerilPeril | Book by Bob Woodward, Robert Costa | Official ... (https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Peril/Bob-Woodward/9781982182915)

But as # 1 internationally bestselling author Bob Woodward and acclaimed reporter Robert Costa reveal for the first time, it was far more than just a domestic political crisis. Woodward and Costa

09-14-2021, 05:01 PM
This is ALL on Milley. Went behind channels to speak with the enemy and promising to warn them?


Milley Told China in Secret Phone Call He Would Give the CCP Advance Warning if US Was Ever Going to Attack

According to a new book “Peril” written by Bob Woodward, Mark Milley, the Joint Chiefs chairman, told China in a secret phone call that he would give advance warning if the US was ever going to attack.

“In a pair of secret phone calls, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the PLA, that the U.S. would not strike, according to the new book written by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political editor Robert Costa.

One call took place on Oct 30, 2020, four days before the election that unseated President Trump, and the other on Jan. 8, 2021, two days after the Capitol siege carried out by his supporters in a quest to cancel the vote.

The first call was prompted by Milley’s review of intelligence suggesting the Chinese believed the United States was preparing to attack.

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay,” Milley told him. “We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.”

In the book’s account, Milley went so far as to pledge he would alert his counterpart in the event of a US attack, stressing the rapport they’d established through a backchannel. “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/report-milley-told-china-secret-phone-call-give-ccp-advance-warning-us-ever-going-attack/

Mark Milley Told Military Officials Not to Take Orders After Capitol Riot

Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley single-handedly took top-secret action to preempt then-President Donald Trump from ordering a military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to a new book.

According to Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley was worried that after the January 6 Capitol breach, Trump could “go rogue” and called a secret meeting on January 8 with senior military leaders.

During that meeting, Milley instructed senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center to not take orders from anyone unless he was involved, according to a write-up of the book by CNN.

“No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I’m part of that procedure,” Milley told them.

“Milley considered it an oath,” Woodward and Costa wrote.

The book also revealed that Milley had two back-channel phone calls with China’s top general to reassure him that the U.S. would not attack, even promising to give him a heads up if it did.

According to a write-up by the Washington Post, Milley — four days before the 2020 presidential election — assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, that the U.S. would not strike.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/14/report-mark-milley-told-military-officials-not-to-take-orders-after-capitol-riot/

Alexander Vindman Says Gen. Milley ‘Must Resign’ If Report of His Calls to China Is True: ‘He Usurped Civilian Authority’

Alexander Vindman said that General Mark Milley should resign if some stunning new reporting is true.

An upcoming book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa says the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff took some pretty drastic measures over his concerns about how erratic and unhinged then-President Donald Trump acted after the 2020 election.

Milley allegedly took steps to prevent Trump from using nuclear weapons, and apparently he was so worried about Trump starting a war with China that he called his counterpart in China. Per the Washington Post:

Twice in the final months of the Trump administration, the country’s top military officer was so fearful that the president’s actions might spark a war with China that he moved urgently to avert armed conflict.

In a pair of secret phone calls, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, that the United States would not strike, according to a new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political reporter Robert Costa.

One call took place on Oct. 30, 2020, four days before the election that unseated President Donald Trump, and the other on Jan. 8, 2021, two days after the Capitol siege carried out by his supporters in a quest to cancel the vote.

Rest - https://www.mediaite.com/news/alexander-vindman-says-gen-milley-must-resign-if-report-of-his-calls-to-china-is-true-he-usurped-civilian-authority/

09-14-2021, 05:27 PM
BUT....the real meaning of what Milley allegedly said is better called "AN ATTEMPTED COUP".


09-14-2021, 05:30 PM
Treason... Milley and maybe Austin.

09-14-2021, 06:00 PM
Milley made sure the January 6 coup attempt by Trump, Giuliani, Bannon, and Miller failed.

Can you envision what would have happened if Pence had not brought in the NG over the President's objections?

09-14-2021, 06:03 PM
Milley made sure the January 6 coup attempt by Trump, Giuliani, Bannon, and Miller failed.

Can you envision what would have happened if Pence had not brought in the NG over the President's objections?

A coup by that collection, huh? :lol::lol:

09-14-2021, 07:06 PM
This guy claims to have been worried that Trump would attack China? Correct my if I'm wrong, but doesn't the President have to get agreement from the top military before any attack could be launched? What if Milley's subordinate went behind his back, and later said something like "I was afraid Milley would attack China"? Should we let everyone in the military second-guess their higher command?

And keep in mind, this is the same guy that was fine with Biden's plan to abandon the Bagram Air Force Base while freeing all the terrorists in its prison cells, and then abandoning Americans and Afghan interpreters to the Taliban.

It really sounds treasonous to me. @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) - what say you?

By the way, why hasn't Milley resigned already because of the Afghanistan fiasco? Either it was Milley's plan and he should resign in shame, or else it was Biden's plan and Biden is now blaming it on the military so he should resign in protest.

09-14-2021, 07:26 PM
This guy claims to have been worried that Trump would attack China? Correct my if I'm wrong, but doesn't the President have to get agreement from the top military before any attack could be launched?

Only the President has authority to launch a nuke strike. Milley was to follow the order regardless of what he personally thought.

So picture this - something catastrophic happens and we have inbound nukes from China or Russia. Trump gives the counterstrike order, which is promptly disregarded by the US military commanders because Milley staged a coup.

There's a reason that the military is under elected civilian command. Milley circumvented that. We were completely vulnerable and helpless in January to anyone who'd chosen then to attack. Imagine that - the world's greatest military force sidelined by one rogue General.

Pelosi also had a hand in that. She admitted it on Jan 8th.

Here's the kicker : Milley called his counterpart in China and told him that we would not attack. He promised him that he'd call him if the order was given to attack China. That's outright treason.

This leftist General needs to be sacked. And court martialed. And jailed. Now.

Not only that, but what precedent did this just set of every up-and-coming military officer? Can the chain of command be trusted from here out? This is bad, very bad.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-14-2021, 08:21 PM
It is what you get with leftist generals.
And hell yes it was an act of treason-- conspiring with the enemy.
Spying for the enemy -acting as its ally/agent.
Milley should be arrested. He engaged in an act of treason -conspired with Pelosi to do that crime.

Looks to me like China owns him......
Could be why the best military airbase( Bagram) in the world was gifted fully intact to the TALIBAN and its new friend-- China!!! -Tyr

09-14-2021, 08:44 PM

09-15-2021, 07:33 AM
A centrist general made sure a fascist, emotionally disturbed already-defeated President could not take over the country in a coup.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-15-2021, 07:54 AM
A centrist general made sure a fascist, emotionally disturbed already-defeated President could not take over the country in a coup.

A treasonous general took authority over that of a sitting Presidentm, based upon his own bias and his dereliction of duty.
Conspired with others to do so- namely generals underneath his command, Pelosi and others.
And that is out and out treason- any damn way you try to cut it.. --:saluting2:--Tyr

edit- What if China had read into that call-this--
Trump must be seriously contemplating hitting us first therefore we must act sooner rather than later. We must hit first!
They are ruthless communists you know. Milley could have started a first strike on this nation by his criminal act....
That is self evident as a very plausible possibility...
He must be charged and all those that conspired with him named and brought to justice-especially so Pelosi.-Tyr

09-15-2021, 10:12 AM
This guy claims to have been worried that Trump would attack China? Correct my if I'm wrong, but doesn't the President have to get agreement from the top military before any attack could be launched? What if Milley's subordinate went behind his back, and later said something like "I was afraid Milley would attack China"? Should we let everyone in the military second-guess their higher command?

And keep in mind, this is the same guy that was fine with Biden's plan to abandon the Bagram Air Force Base while freeing all the terrorists in its prison cells, and then abandoning Americans and Afghan interpreters to the Taliban.

It really sounds treasonous to me. @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) - what say you?

By the way, why hasn't Milley resigned already because of the Afghanistan fiasco? Either it was Milley's plan and he should resign in shame, or else it was Biden's plan and Biden is now blaming it on the military so he should resign in protest.Milley wants his book on the best seller list and Jake wants to irritate and prod any thin-skinned right winger that takes his bait. Quite the combo :rolleyes:

First, regardless WHO was President, Milley is a pussy, political desk jockey General. The kind I can't stand. If he was leveling the same accusation against Biden I would have the same response. This is about him, not who the President is/was.

The President can ask for anything he wants. I don't put much to the claim that Trump asked for the code to be changed for a couple of reasons: Milley is a dirtbag and he is misrepresenting his own authority. He does not possess the "secret" to launching nukes. It takes 5 people in agreement, each with a piece of the code. Nothing Milley could have done for Trump would have given Trump singular ability to launch a nuclear strike.

As far as yet another instance of tossing the word "treason" around without knowing what one is talking about goes, EVEN IF Trump made such a request, it's not treason.

On the other hand: telling a foreign government one would notify them if the US was preparing to launch any kind of strike, nuclear or not, regardless who is President comes about as close to treason as I've seen it get since John Walker. The bar for treason is extremely high, purposefully. What I do know is if Milley indeed tell the Chinese government anything of the sort, he is saying he will spy for a foreign government on the President of the US. Not sure what more it takes, but since Milley is a lefty lapdog, I'm sure he needs a bloody knife in one hand and a severed head in the other.

09-15-2021, 10:23 AM
Only the President has authority to launch a nuke strike. Milley was to follow the order regardless of what he personally thought.

So picture this - something catastrophic happens and we have inbound nukes from China or Russia. Trump gives the counterstrike order, which is promptly disregarded by the US military commanders because Milley staged a coup.

There's a reason that the military is under elected civilian command. Milley circumvented that. We were completely vulnerable and helpless in January to anyone who'd chosen then to attack. Imagine that - the world's greatest military force sidelined by one rogue General.

Pelosi also had a hand in that. She admitted it on Jan 8th.

Here's the kicker : Milley called his counterpart in China and told him that we would not attack. He promised him that he'd call him if the order was given to attack China. That's outright treason.

This leftist General needs to be sacked. And court martialed. And jailed. Now.

Not only that, but what precedent did this just set of every up-and-coming military officer? Can the chain of command be trusted from here out? This is bad, very bad.Milley's blowing hot air to sell a book. He's just made himself look treasonous and stupid, IMO. He put in writing he was willing to be a spy for the PRC.

Milley is a perfect example of civilian politicians not knowing their asses from a hole in the ground. They're so afraid of the military, they put weak people in key positions thinking they are easier to control when just the opposite is true. Milley, by his own words told China he would commit treason. A strong General officer and leader would never entertain such a notion without WAY more cause than "I don't like the President".

09-15-2021, 10:36 AM
America thanks a patriotic General who cornered and prevented a crazy President from overthrowing the election.

09-15-2021, 10:44 AM
America thanks a patriotic General who cornered and prevented a crazy President from overthrowing the election.Gullible fools believe at face value the self-proclaimed "heroics" of a desk jockey who has a financial gain in the success of his story.

America executes for treason.

09-15-2021, 11:22 AM
Gunny, you of all people know better. He is no REMF like all of the non-service people here.


Milley earned his commission (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Officer_(armed_forces)) as an Armor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armor_Branch_(United_States)) officer through Princeton's Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserve_Officers%27_Training_Corps) program in 1980 and spent most of his career in Infantry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infantry_Branch_(United_States)) assignments.[10] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-10)
Milley's career has included assignments with the 82nd Airborne Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/82nd_Airborne_Division), 5th Special Forces Group (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5th_Special_Forces_Group),[11] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-11) 7th Infantry Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7th_Infantry_Division_(United_States)), 2nd Infantry Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2nd_Infantry_Division_(United_States)), Joint Readiness Training Center (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Polk), 25th Infantry Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/25th_Infantry_Division_(United_States)), Operations Staff of the Joint Staff, and a posting as Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense.[12] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-12)
Milley has had multiple command and staff positions in eight divisions and special forces throughout the last 39 years to include command of 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/506th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)), 2nd Infantry Division; Milley commanded 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2nd_Brigade_Combat_Team,_10th_Mountain_Division_(U nited_States)) from December 2003 to July 2005, served as deputy commanding general for operations of the 101st Airborne Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/101st_Airborne_Division) from July 2007 to April 2008, and was commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10th_Mountain_Division) from November 2011 to December 2012.[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-13) He then served as commander of III Corps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/III_Corps_(United_States)), based at Fort Hood (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Hood), Texas, from 2012 to 2014,[14] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-14) and as the commanding general of United States Army Forces Command (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Forces_Command), based at Fort Bragg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Bragg), North Carolina, from 2014 to 2015. He was appointed chief of staff of the Army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_of_Staff_of_the_United_States_Army) on August 14, 2015.[15] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-15)

09-15-2021, 11:54 AM
Gunny, you of all people know better. He is no REMF like all of the non-service people here.


Milley earned his commission (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Officer_(armed_forces)) as an Armor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armor_Branch_(United_States)) officer through Princeton's Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserve_Officers%27_Training_Corps) program in 1980 and spent most of his career in Infantry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infantry_Branch_(United_States)) assignments.[10] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-10)
Milley's career has included assignments with the 82nd Airborne Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/82nd_Airborne_Division), 5th Special Forces Group (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5th_Special_Forces_Group),[11] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-11) 7th Infantry Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7th_Infantry_Division_(United_States)), 2nd Infantry Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2nd_Infantry_Division_(United_States)), Joint Readiness Training Center (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Polk), 25th Infantry Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/25th_Infantry_Division_(United_States)), Operations Staff of the Joint Staff, and a posting as Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense.[12] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-12)
Milley has had multiple command and staff positions in eight divisions and special forces throughout the last 39 years to include command of 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/506th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)), 2nd Infantry Division; Milley commanded 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2nd_Brigade_Combat_Team,_10th_Mountain_Division_(U nited_States)) from December 2003 to July 2005, served as deputy commanding general for operations of the 101st Airborne Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/101st_Airborne_Division) from July 2007 to April 2008, and was commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10th_Mountain_Division) from November 2011 to December 2012.[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-13) He then served as commander of III Corps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/III_Corps_(United_States)), based at Fort Hood (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Hood), Texas, from 2012 to 2014,[14] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-14) and as the commanding general of United States Army Forces Command (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Forces_Command), based at Fort Bragg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Bragg), North Carolina, from 2014 to 2015. He was appointed chief of staff of the Army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_of_Staff_of_the_United_States_Army) on August 14, 2015.[15] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Milley#cite_note-15)Everything about that says chair polishing staff officer. Doesn't matter. You're trying to argue with the wrong person. Milley is the one who stated he was going to commit treason over politics, not me.

09-15-2021, 12:33 PM
Everything about that says chair polishing staff officer. Doesn't matter. You're trying to argue with the wrong person. Milley is the one who stated he was going to commit treason over politics, not me.

Disagree. Making sure an insane President can't overthrow the Constitution, to which Milley is sworn to protect, is the right thing.

I am curious. Do you think Pence, who refused to follow Trump's orders on decertification of the election AND unlawfully ordered the NG to clear the Capitol, acted against the interests of the country?

09-15-2021, 12:54 PM
Disagree. Making sure an insane President can't overthrow the Constitution, to which Milley is sworn to protect, is the right thing.

I am curious. Do you think Pence, who refused to follow Trump's orders on decertification of the election AND unlawfully ordered the NG to clear the Capitol, acted against the interests of the country?Trump has not been judged insane, nor is or was it Milley's place to make that call.

It most especially was not Milley's place to discuss any of the above with China. That's treason. Odd what you on the left consider "patriotism":rolleyes:

You're taking a baseless accusation by a self-aggrandizing, political General, who is trying to sell a book, at face value and trying to run all over the place with it.

Trump did not order Pence to decertify the results of the election. He tried to get him to not certify them to begin with. Two different processes. Afraid I haven't heard the one about trying to clear the Capitol with the National Guard:cuckoo:.

09-15-2021, 01:19 PM
Disagree. Making sure an insane President can't overthrow the Constitution, to which Milley is sworn to protect, is the right thing.

I am curious. Do you think Pence, who refused to follow Trump's orders on decertification of the election AND unlawfully ordered the NG to clear the Capitol, acted against the interests of the country?

Jake comes here to talk about BIDEN as if Trump was still in office.

As for being curious. We are all curious about you Jake...and why your PRE-SCHOOL teacher allows you to get on the CLASS, LIBERALLY CONTROLLED, OLD...TANDY KEYBOARD.

09-15-2021, 01:33 PM
Trump has not been judged insane, nor is or was it Milley's place to make that call.

It most especially was not Milley's place to discuss any of the above with China. That's treason. Odd what you on the left consider "patriotism":rolleyes:

You're taking a baseless accusation by a self-aggrandizing, political General, who is trying to sell a book, at face value and trying to run all over the place with it.

Trump did not order Pence to decertify the results of the election. He tried to get him to not certify them to begin with. Two different processes. Afraid I haven't heard the one about trying to clear the Capitol with the National Guard:cuckoo:.

Milley had every right to be concerned and to ensure Trump did not interfere with the passage of government.

You agree that Trump wanted Pence to interfere with the passage of the government.

General Flynn, the NG commander, (Mike Flynn's brother), could not Trump to release the troops. Pence, three hours in, gave the OK.

09-15-2021, 02:01 PM
Disagree. Making sure an insane President can't overthrow the Constitution, to which Milley is sworn to protect, is the right thing.

I'm not sure a person who demonstrated that he doesn't know the difference between a Federal Agency and Private Industry is qualified to discuss constitutionality on any level.

Milley was Trump's top military advisor. He had no command authority whatsoever.

Milley circumvented the Constitutional chain-of-command and usurped it with the aid and collusion of the two leaders of the opposing political party, namely Schumer and Pelosi.

At no time was Trump thinking about launching a surprise attack on China. And if he were, there are procedures in place - of which, Milley inserted himself into, against the Constitution and Federal Law. Milley had no authority to intervene whatsoever even if it were true.

Milley called a secret meeting with command staff, taking from each of them what he considered an oath to obey him rather than follow orders from their lawful CinC. This is the very definition of a coup.

Milley secretly conducted his own Foreign Policy, which he was not authorized to do. Indeed, there are Federal Laws prohibiting such conduct and the penalties are harsh.

Milley told our major adversary that he would personally call them if an attack were imminent, violating his own oath and breaking a myriad of Federal Laws - not to mention risking the lives of countless US military personnel. Warning our enemy prior to a military encounter?

Milley's silence is deafening. If this all were untrue, he'd be making noise and protesting. He's bunkered down, and that speaks volumes.

I'm sure when he's hauled in front of the Senate, we'll get to the bottom of this and his treasonous actions. There are phone transcripts and I'm sure that Cruz, Kennedy, Paul, Sullivan and others will enlighten all of us as to what happened and who were involved. There will be no sliding out of this one, and I'm thinking that Schumer & Pelosi will pay a price for their role in this coup as well.

Speaking of coup - anyone else amused that as all the moonbats were screaming about an insurrection and coup, at the very same time they were actively engaging in a legitimate one?

I just read an article that former Sec of Defense Esper was also involved in this - after he'd been fired. Yeah, that's going to get ugly for him, too.

The hilarious thing about this whole awful thing is that Milley himself provided all the details to Woodward, somehow thinking that he'd be hailed as a hero. I'm sure he's having second thoughts now as he realizes that he's hung himself. Good riddance.

09-15-2021, 02:29 PM
America thanks a patriotic General who cornered and prevented a crazy President from overthrowing the election.


09-15-2021, 04:29 PM
This adds more fuel to the already burning and self inflicted actions. He needs to resign, or be fired.


Former Defense Secretary Denies Authorizing Mark Milley Conversations, Calls on Him to Resign

Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller on Wednesday denied authorizing Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley to engage in conversations about the prospect of subverting the president, saying the law “prohibited” Milley from doing so.

“The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the highest-ranking military officer whose sole role is providing military-specific advice to the president, and by law is prohibited from exercising executive authority to command forces,” Miller said in a statement obtained by Fox News. “The chain of command runs from the president to the secretary of Defense, not through the chairman.”

Miller’s comments followed assertions earlier in the day from anonymous Pentagon officials quoted in numerous publications who said Milley’s actions had been approved by Miller’s predecessor, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper. Trump fired Esper in November, six days after the presidential election, and replaced him with Miller.

Milley allegedly called his Chinese counterpart, People’s Liberation Army Gen. Li Zuocheng, on Oct. 30 and on Jan. 8 to reassure him that he would warn China if former President Donald Trump sought to launch an offensive against the country during his final days in office.

“We are 100 percent steady,” Milley told Zuocheng, according to an account published on Tuesday by The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. “Everything’s fine. But democracy can be sloppy sometimes.”


09-15-2021, 05:00 PM
Miller is as bad as Trump crew.

The GOP (now that AZ failed is going to PA for an audit) is schooling American voters to not trust the Republican Party.

09-15-2021, 05:58 PM
Miller is as bad as Trump crew.

Miller was acting SecDef, making Milley a treasonous rogue General, you stuttering tool.

How's your constitutional argument holding up? :thumb:

09-15-2021, 06:05 PM
Miller is as bad as Trump crew.

The GOP (now that AZ failed is going to PA for an audit) is schooling American voters to not trust the Republican Party.

You really are a piece of work Jake. Now you're using other names to hide behind?

Doesn't matter. We are all finally getting the full, sloppy picture of who, and what you are.

I won't insult TROLLS like you. They don't deserve to be in the same MINDLESS set as you prove you are...
P.S. You're overdue on your TDS pill again.

09-15-2021, 06:07 PM
Trump tried to overthrow the election and the Constitution.

He failed, in part, because of people like Milley and Pence.

God loves America.

09-15-2021, 06:13 PM
Trump tried to overthrow the election and the Constitution.

He failed, in part, because of people like Milley and Pence.

God loves America.

We didn't know that you knew Milley and Pence. As for GOD Loving America. As long as you stay away...YOU ARE RIGHT.

09-15-2021, 08:06 PM
We didn't know that you knew Milley and Pence. As for GOD Loving America. As long as you stay away...YOU ARE RIGHT.
I have met Pence. I never served under Milley. But they are good and honorable American patriots.

Pence called in the NG after Trump stalled for three hours. He did not have the legal authority, but he did it anyway. The irony of the moment was that the General Flynn in charge of those troops was LTG Mike Flynn's brother. I would not be surprised if Mike would have had the NG shoot the Capitol Police if he had been in charge of the NG.

Milley stopped Trump's aggressions as far as the military went.

Icansayit wanted Trump to be dictator: how deplorable.

09-16-2021, 09:24 AM

09-16-2021, 09:32 AM
The Acting Secretary of the Army knew the General was going to make the call.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-16-2021, 10:37 AM
The Acting Secretary of the Army knew the General was going to make the call.
So there is another one to be charged. ;);).. So nice of you to point that out Jakkyboy.. Who knew you could be so astute.... Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-16-2021, 10:43 AM
Disagree. Making sure an insane President can't overthrow the Constitution, to which Milley is sworn to protect, is the right thing.

I am curious. Do you think Pence, who refused to follow Trump's orders on decertification of the election AND unlawfully ordered the NG to clear the Capitol, acted against the interests of the country?
Exactly how does nuking China represent an overthrow of the Constitution..And do show any evidence,,you,, have that Trump had that planned. Otherwise it just more of your usual childish blatherings, imho.

09-16-2021, 11:17 AM
Exactly how does nuking China represent an overthrow of the Constitution..And do show any evidence,,you,, have that Trump had that planned. Otherwise it just more of your usual childish blatherings, imho.

What a goofy statement. You suffer Trump Devotion Syndrome and can't see the whole picture.

Milley, who had informed the Acting Secretary of the Army before he made the telephone call, was ensuring the Chinese that Trump was not going to nuke them.

Attacking me because you cannot logically excuse Trump is simply pathetic.

09-16-2021, 11:44 AM
What a goofy statement. You suffer Trump Devotion Syndrome and can't see the whole picture.

Milley, who had informed the Acting Secretary of the Army before he made the telephone call, was ensuring the Chinese that Trump was not going to nuke them.

Attacking me because you cannot logically excuse Trump is simply pathetic.

Milley doesn't report to the Army, doofus.

He reports directly to either SecDef or Trump. Both of whom have stated they never gave such permission.

09-16-2021, 12:36 PM
There is no accountability or responsibility on the left, zero. Many are actually applauding this guy. :rolleyes:


Gen. Milley must go for subverting of civilian control of the military

In a climactic episode of the sitcom “Arrested Development,” Jeffrey Tambor’s character confesses to his son that he “may have committed some light treason.” If what was recently reported about Mark Milley is true, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is guilty of something much heavier: colluding with a foreign power against the sitting commander-in-chief.

According to a new book by Washington Post scribes Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley conducted at least two secret phone calls with top Chinese military officials while Donald Trump was still serving as president, one in October 2020, one in January 2021. Reportedly, Milley reassured the Chinese that Trump, the only US president in two decades not to start a foreign war, wasn’t on the cusp of invading. He even went so far as to vow to tip off Beijing in the case of an impending US attack.

This was not all. Woodward and Costa also report that on Jan. 8, 2021, Milley called a secret meeting at the Pentagon during which he instructed senior military officials not to take orders from their Trump unless he (Milley) approved them.

“No matter what you are told, you do the procedure,” Milley reportedly said. “You do the process. And I’m part of that procedure.” During the same period, Milley was also in direct contact with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, at whose direction he appears to have initiated not only the Pentagon meeting but overtures to the heads of the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2021/09/15/gen-milley-must-go-for-subverting-of-civilian-control-of-the-military/

Mark Milley Is A Traitor

General Mark Milley is a disgrace to his uniform. If he had any integrity, he’d resign. He has none, and neither does his boss, so his job is safe. But he is a traitor who should be rotting in prison. Instead, he’s the toast of cable news and liberal social circles.

Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, actively subverted the Constitution and explicitly violated his oath and attempted to subvert the chain of command in the United States while pledging to our enemy that he would give them a “heads up” if it necessary. People have been executed for less, and justifiably so.

General Milley called Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army to reassure him that the U.S. would not make any moves against China, pretty much no matter what. This is bad enough, treasonous behavior in and of itself. But Milley went further, assuring the communist leader, “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2021/09/16/mark-milley-is-a-traitor-n2595960

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-16-2021, 01:12 PM
Milley doesn't report to the Army, doofus.

He reports directly to either SecDef or Trump. Both of whom have stated they never gave such permission.

Our little Jakkyboy does not care about that truth, that reality.
Only thing that matters is that Milley saved the world and Trump was crazy.
I asked for evidence that Trump was crazy and that Milley knew that to be fact.
Jakkyboy failed to list any- because our Jakkyboy has none. Only has that serious case of Trump Derangement sundrome.
And a severely aching need to spout dem/leftist hate filled propaganda, utter rot and childish fantasies....
The doofus is a sadly demented but dedicated soul and on a darkened path into the abyss, imho.--Tyr

09-16-2021, 02:00 PM
What a goofy statement. You suffer Trump Devotion Syndrome and can't see the whole picture.

Milley, who had informed the Acting Secretary of the Army before he made the telephone call, was ensuring the Chinese that Trump was not going to nuke them.

Attacking me because you cannot logically excuse Trump is simply pathetic.

Night Train: Milley doesn't report to the Army, doofus.

He reports directly to either SecDef or Trump. Both of whom have stated they never gave such permission.

You are stupid, podjo. The protocol for that type of call goes through the Acting Secretary of the Army.

You show your ass yet again.

You attack me because you are unable to excuse the crazy man in the WH.

Miller is now caught in a lie that he did not give permission to Milley. Night Train, just don't talk until you understand an issue.
www.foxnews.com › politics › trump-acting-defenseTrump acting Defense Secretary Miller says he 'did not ... (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-acting-defense-sec-miller-says-he-did-not-authorize-milley-china-calls-says-he-should-resign)

1 day ago · Miller went on to reference the allegations, which are included in the book "Peril," co-written by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, that Milley made two secret phone calls ...

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mark_A (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_A._Milley)

09-16-2021, 02:20 PM
I'm impressed with your commitment to ignorance. I'm further impressed with your lack of reading comprehension.

So far you've been wrong 100% of the time, which is impressive even for a libtard. At least Pete was correct roughly 2.3% of the time by my calculations - although those statements were of "the sky is blue" variety. Still, those counted.

From your own link, genius :

"The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the highest-ranking military officer whose sole role is providing military-specific advice to the president, and by law is prohibited from exercising executive authority to command forces," Miller said. "The chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense, not through the Chairman."

"As secretary of defense, I did not and would not ever authorize such conduct," Miller said.

And former chief of staff for the Department of Defense Kash Patel told Fox News that "the law governing the Joint Chiefs of Staff specifically forbids the chairman from exercising any operational command authority."

"Congress put this in the statute because the U.S. military is to be led by a civilian, the commander-in-chief," Patel continued. "Furthermore, by law, the national command authority goes from the president to the secretary of Defense to include anything relating troop deployments, operations in theaters of war, and nuclear command."

Patel added that if the calls with China are true, Milley "has violated the law regarding operational authority."

"Calling a foreign counterpart and discussing operational capabilities against that enemy is literally treasonous," Patel said. "The White House, nor the Office of the Secretary of Defense authorized the chairman to conduct any calls with Chinese officials regarding operations."

And deputy chief of staff to the Department of Defense Joe Francescon also told Fox News that it was "the policy at the time that there was no senior government engagement with China, owing to their bad acts and efforts."

Francescon added that it was the "blanket policy at the time not to have high-level engagement with the Chinese on matters like this," and added that Miller and his office were "not told in advance of any call to the Chinese specifically."


Feeling stupid yet?

Black Diamond
09-16-2021, 02:29 PM

09-16-2021, 02:51 PM
No wonder Trump lost so handily with troops like these. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

09-16-2021, 02:54 PM
No wonder Trump lost so handily with troops like these. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This is the part where you graciously thank me for proving you wrong, and then express your gratitude for educating you.

09-16-2021, 02:56 PM
Yep, that kind of attitude is exactly why you will continue as a loser on the board and probably in life.

Milley did not violate any of the yelling by Fox News. He had the authority to call the General as he had several times before. Listening to Fox News for good info is like going to Bedlam Asylum back in the day.

Milley has all of you by the balls and is squeezing, and all you can do is squeal.

None of you have replied but your squealing is still loud.

09-16-2021, 07:01 PM
Yep, that kind of attitude is exactly why you will continue as a loser on the board and probably in life.

Milley did not violate any of the yelling by Fox News. He had the authority to call the General as he had several times before. Listening to Fox News for good info is like going to Bedlam Asylum back in the day.

Milley has all of you by the balls and is squeezing, and all you can do is squeal.

None of you have replied but your squealing is still loud.Incorrect. I guarantee you Milley had no authority to contact the Chinese government on behalf of his going into business for himself.

Plain and simple Pvt/E-1 shit: If Milley had an issue/suspicions about Trump it was Milley's duty to take it to the next higher up in the chain of command which would be SecDef.

If you want to know what happens to serving officers who go around the chain of command to the media, please see the various threads on the Marine LtCol who did so. But then he criticized a Democrat President, didn't he?:rolleyes:

Milley went into business for himself; ironically, what he is accusing Trump of trying to do. IF he reported anything about Trump to China he is a traitor.

And the beautiful part? Any repercussions for his antics, which there should be, will be his own damned fault running his suck trying to make himself out some kind of hero. If he wanted to be a f-ing "hero", as Chairman, JCS, he could have made sure that abortion in Afghanistan didn't happen. Guess he was too busy writing a book:rolleyes:

09-16-2021, 10:49 PM

Congress just sent a letter to SecDef Austin demanding an investigation into Milley's conduct and actions.

They also want his security clearances removed until this is cleared up... that's a good start.

Full letter :


09-17-2021, 04:03 AM

Congress just sent a letter to SecDef Austin demanding an investigation into Milley's conduct and actions.

They also want his security clearances removed until this is cleared up... that's a good start.

Full letter :

Until they can get some dems to join them...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2021, 05:18 AM

Congress just sent a letter to SecDef Austin demanding an investigation into Milley's conduct and actions.

They also want his security clearances removed until this is cleared up... that's a good start.

Full letter :


Thanks as that letter reaffirms my first comment on this subject-- that it was outright treason and by her actions-conversations with that traitor etc,. Pelosi was one of them that was in on it...--Tyr

09-17-2021, 07:51 AM
The communications were, if a bit unusual, certainly legal and considering the Orange Doofus's behavior, quite sensible.

09-17-2021, 01:17 PM
The communications were, if a bit unusual, certainly legal and considering the Orange Doofus's behavior, quite sensible.
Which behavior of Trump warrants treason? Please be specific about starting war with China and not his mean tweets.

09-17-2021, 01:53 PM
Which behavior of Trump warrants treason? Please be specific about starting war with China and not his mean tweets.
There was no treason is the point. Just good common sense by General Milley.

09-17-2021, 02:22 PM
The communications were, if a bit unusual, certainly legal and considering the Orange Doofus's behavior, quite sensible.

I've noticed three clear patterns in all of your posts:
1) You cannot string multiple thoughts together to make any valid point.
2) I can tell when you think someone else has made a good point because you immediately respond by calling them a "Doofus"
3) You don't know how to spell the word "Dufus"

Keep going, I'm sure the pattern will repeat endlessly. It's like waiting for the "I'm not joking" line during a Joe Biden speech. :laugh2:

Black Diamond
09-17-2021, 02:27 PM
I've noticed three clear patterns in all of your posts:
1) You cannot string multiple thoughts together to make any valid point.
2) I can tell when you think someone else has made a good point because you immediately respond by calling them a "Doofus"
3) You don't know how to spell the word "Dufus"

Keep going, I'm sure the pattern will repeat endlessly. It's like waiting for the "I'm not joking" line during a Joe Biden speech. :laugh2:

There was one poster who used to spell stupid "stoopid". We used to taunt him for spelling it that way after his implying we were not intelligent, but he swore up and down that "stoopid" had a different meaning than "stupid".

Black Diamond
09-17-2021, 02:28 PM
Which behavior of Trump warrants treason? Please be specific about starting war with China and not his mean tweets.

Mean tweets sends you to gulag.

09-17-2021, 02:31 PM
I've noticed three clear patterns in all of your posts:
1) You cannot string multiple thoughts together to make any valid point.
2) I can tell when you think someone else has made a good point because you immediately respond by calling them a "Doofus"
3) You don't know how to spell the word "Dufus"

Keep going, I'm sure the pattern will repeat endlessly. It's like waiting for the "I'm not joking" line during a Joe Biden speech. :laugh2:
Russ, please keep trying. :)

09-17-2021, 09:28 PM
There was no treason is the point. Just good common sense by General Milley.


You are deflecting. Which seems to be a consistent approach from lefties and politicians. It would be nice if you could honestly answer a question every now and then.

Again ... what specific behavior did Trump exhibit that led Milley and the rest of you with TDS to believe it was OK to go behind the president's back and collude with the enemy?

An answer other than "common sense" will definitely be one of the questions Milley will be facing at his hearing. And now he'll have to answer for the murder of innocents in Afghanistan.

Your man's credibility is plummeting.

09-17-2021, 09:44 PM
@JakeStarkey (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3914)

You are deflecting. Which seems to be a consistent approach from lefties and politicians. It would be nice if you could honestly answer a question every now and then.

Again ... what specific behavior did Trump exhibit that led Milley and the rest of you with TDS to believe it was OK to go behind the president's back and collude with the enemy?

An answer other than "common sense" will definitely be one of the questions Milley will be facing at his hearing. And now he'll have to answer for the murder of innocents in Afghanistan.

Your man's credibility is plummeting.

Honestly, I just like watching this fool dance as he defends the indefensible.

09-18-2021, 12:45 AM
@JakeStarkey (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3914)

You are deflecting. Which seems to be a consistent approach from lefties and politicians. It would be nice if you could honestly answer a question every now and then.

Again ... what specific behavior did Trump exhibit that led Milley and the rest of you with TDS to believe it was OK to go behind the president's back and collude with the enemy?

An answer other than "common sense" will definitely be one of the questions Milley will be facing at his hearing. And now he'll have to answer for the murder of innocents in Afghanistan.

Your man's credibility is plummeting.

Trump Devotion Syndrome is selectively incorporated by your ilk, Sassy.

We all watched the Orange Doofus act crazily after the election and through and beyond the insurgency at the Capitol.

Send a letter to General Milley and ask him specifically. Research online. Do these things because you will not believe me.

The General's common sense and cred are beyond the carping of the Trump, alt right, conservatarian view. Their opinion is not sensible, not in the best interest of America.

09-18-2021, 02:00 AM
Trump Devotion Syndrome is selectively incorporated by your ilk, Sassy.

We all watched the Orange Doofus act crazily after the election and through and beyond the insurgency at the Capitol.

Send a letter to General Milley and ask him specifically. Research online. Do these things because you will not believe me.

The General's common sense and cred are beyond the carping of the Trump, alt right, conservatarian view. Their opinion is not sensible, not in the best interest of America.

Still can't answer question with specific facts can you Jake? How can I believe you when you haven't made a definitive statement about the behavior you think Trump showed that justifies Milley's treason.

You argue with such vigor but without facts. That's a very leftist thing to do. Letting your Trump Derangement Syndrome get the best of you and your "ilk".

Define crazily. And, don't forget to show proof that Trump was going to nuke China which is the premise your treasonous Milley and your ilk are harping about.

09-18-2021, 07:35 AM
No one has to give 'specific' facts because you guys have not given anything that can be used to charge the General with any crimes.

Your Trump Devotion Syndrome is cute as you all crazily careen around the room waving your hands and screaming.

Milley said Trump was not (instead of 'was') going to attack China.

We are so lucky the new green is no longer orange.

09-18-2021, 12:44 PM
No one has to give 'specific' facts because you guys have not given anything that can be used to charge the General with any crimes.

Your Trump Devotion Syndrome is cute as you all crazily careen around the room waving your hands and screaming.

Milley said Trump was not (instead of 'was') going to attack China.

We are so lucky the new green is no longer orange.


You used the word crazily and still haven't defined it as pertinent to Trump's actions. You, like all your ilk, dream up and fantasize what you think Trump might do and then accuse him of it.

Again, you have shown no facts that warrant Milley's treason. Just deflections because you have nothing. NOTHING .. other than your delusional rantings that further prove you have TDS.

You seem to think Milley is justified in his actions and yet you have not given any facts to prove he didn't commit a treasonout act .. other than your fantasies.

Oh, and look what else has surfaced about your traitor Milley .. which shows he's 100% a liberal and not apolitical as he's supposed to be as a military officer..

Gen. Mark Milley reportedly suggested the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots that caused an estimated one billion dollars in damage were trivial, according to authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in the book Peril.

"Mr. President, they are not burning it down,” Milley gave his opinion to former President Trump about the riots sparked by George Floyd’s death.

I'm sorry that you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to presenting facts to justify Milley's treason.

09-18-2021, 01:03 PM
We finally have someone from the FAR LEFT RADICAL MINDLESS named Jake to demonstrate what MENTAL ILLNESS, Untreated, and allowed to FESTER does to the WEAK OF MIND.

Time for that daily treatment for TDS again.

09-18-2021, 02:12 PM
The anti-American goofballs here are laughable.

09-18-2021, 02:15 PM
The anti-American goofballs here are laughable.

Using the same words over and over again guarantee YOU are so mentally distressed, putting other words out has become a real chore while you remind us all of your FAVORITE Pre-school saying:

Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.

09-18-2021, 02:22 PM
Working within the law to make sure the other side knows that Trump will not go all El Kabongo is good stuff.

And now we have the far righty and libertarian goofballs going all El Kabongo for preventing Trump from going all El Kabongo.

09-18-2021, 02:28 PM
Icansayit is our resident El Kabongo!

09-18-2021, 02:29 PM
Icansayit is our resident El Kabongo!
