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View Full Version : They have now trotted out this liying POS to defend Puppet biden

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-19-2021, 11:41 AM

Former Joint Chiefs chair: Nothing unusual about Milley’s contacts with China
By David Cohen 2 hrs ago

Michael Mullen, former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Sunday said there was nothing abnormal about the reported conversations between Gen. Mark Milley and his counterparts in China.

Robert Gates, Michael Mullen are posing for a picture: Michael Mullen, then chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies at a March 31, 2011, hearing on Capitol Hill.© Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo Michael Mullen, then chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies at a March 31, 2011, hearing on Capitol Hill.
According to authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley reached out to China in the waning days of the Trump administration, attempting to reduce tensions by assuring China that no American attack was imminent — and asking that China shouldn’t do anything without consulting the U.S. military leadership.

“I didn’t consider that abnormal at all,” Mullen told host Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week.“

“Having communications with counterparts around the world is routine,” said Mullen, who was chair of the joint chiefs from 2007 to 2011.

“I didn’t consider that abnormal at all,” Mullen told host Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week.“

Lying POS did not think it abnormal to promise to give an enemy advance notice of a coming attack!!!!!
This guy is certainly a bought out POS.
And if he ever got near me , face to face , I'd tell him exactly that and very likely spit in his lying face too..
Can you believe this-- this idiot is saying swearing to give an enemy advanced notice if our military was about to launch a preemptive attack- that is treason any true definition of the word.
SOB, is lying like the sorry, dishonorable and miserable scum that he is....-Tyr

09-20-2021, 05:21 PM
Snivel and whine all you want, tyr-pissoff.

The guys who did and do the job are saying your opinions are simply wrong.