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View Full Version : Watch this video from Watters and Oliver North about Miley's treason

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-19-2021, 05:32 PM

FOX News
Jesse Watters: Milley's little secret
Duration: 04:35 20 hrs ago

Certainly shows that Milley did--not--- do anything but promise an enemy to warn it if USA was--ever-- going to do a preemptive strike..

09-19-2021, 06:58 PM
FOX News
Jesse Watters: Milley's little secret
Duration: 04:35 20 hrs ago

Certainly shows that Milley did--not--- do anything but promise an enemy to warn it if USA was--ever-- going to do a preemptive strike..

That is not what Milley said, though, so we see partisan hacks lying to interrupt federal officers doing their jobs, a felony.

09-19-2021, 07:20 PM
"General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we're going to attack I'm going to call you ahead of time. It's not going to be a surprise."

Warning the enemy the US is going to attack before the US attacks? Treason by any way you want to define it.

09-19-2021, 07:25 PM
Warning the enemy the US is going to attack before the US attacks? Treason by any way you want to define it.

Nope, not at all. He was letting his Chinese counterpart know that there would be no crazy attack by Trump.

09-19-2021, 07:28 PM
Nope, not at all. He was letting his Chinese counterpart know that there would be no crazy attack by Trump.That's called treason.

09-19-2021, 07:36 PM
Nope, not at all. He was letting his Chinese counterpart know that there would be no crazy attack by Trump.
There are steps to take to stop a crazy president and it does not involve notifying the enemy unless you're planning a coup and need help.

09-19-2021, 07:40 PM
That's called treason.

The feds AGs don't agree with you, do they?

You and I both served senior commanders, and we both had a limit line. I know I did, and I sure hoped you did.

My line was fairly loose. I would have supported LTC Allen B. West if he had gone to court martial for firing that round into the ground next to the prisoner's head to get him to talk about a planned assassination by Sunni terrorist thugs.

I do not support Milley's attackers. They would have let a crazed Trump start a war if he wanted when there was no cause whatsoever, just so he could stay in office.

09-19-2021, 07:43 PM
The feds AGs don't agree with you, do they?

You and I both served senior commanders, and we both had a limit line. I know I did, and I sure hoped you did.

My line was fairly loose. I would have supported LTC Allen B. West if he had gone to court martial for firing that round into the ground next to the prisoner's head to get him to talk about a planned assassination by Sunni terrorist thugs.

I do not support Milley's attackers. They would have let a crazed Trump start a war if he wanted when there was no cause whatsoever, just so he could stay in office.

You still haven proven what behavior you and Milley think is enough to commit treason. Mean tweets? Calling MSM fake news?

09-19-2021, 07:58 PM
The feds AGs don't agree with you, do they?

You and I both served senior commanders, and we both had a limit line. I know I did, and I sure hoped you did.

My line was fairly loose. I would have supported LTC Allen B. West if he had gone to court martial for firing that round into the ground next to the prisoner's head to get him to talk about a planned assassination by Sunni terrorist thugs.

I do not support Milley's attackers. They would have let a crazed Trump start a war if he wanted when there was no cause whatsoever, just so he could stay in office.The law does. Both the US Code and UCMJ.

The law doesn't change because it's Trump. The fact is Trump proved over and over again that when it was time to use force he balked. Besides the point. It isn't okay to violate the law just because you don't like who is President. It especially is not okay to put this entire Nation at risk over partisan politics because you don't like the President.

I served under both Carter and Clinton and no how much lack of respect I had for either as CinC, I never once entertained selling out my country to commies over it.

I don't give a fuck who was President. Your Trumpitis is a non-player in this game. A General officer in the US Army, Chairman of the JCS offered to turn on the President of the United States and give an enemy advance notice that could cause grave danger to US. Over what? Y'all's pathetic, childish-ass politics.

Grow up.

09-19-2021, 08:02 PM
You still haven proven what behavior you and Milley think is enough to commit treason. Mean tweets? Calling MSM fake news?
My opinion is my opinion, the same as you have yours, and I think yours stinks.

09-19-2021, 08:34 PM
Nope, not at all. He was letting his Chinese counterpart know that there would be no crazy attack by Trump.

Wrong again.

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay,” Milley told him in the first call, according to the book. “We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.”
“If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise," Milley said.

09-20-2021, 12:24 AM
My opinion is my opinion, the same as you have yours, and I think yours stinks.

But you haven't supported your opinion at all. Mine might stink to you but it has substance which is more than your opinion has. I expected more from you Jake.

Just tell us which behavior you ascribe to Trump that you and Milley will cite to justify treason.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2021, 07:45 AM
Presented for our little Jakky boy's education on things Jakky seems to be so very confused about--namely Miley's treason and colluding with Pelosi..-


FOX News
Milley, Army chief displayed 'pattern of behavior' defying authority: former senior military official
Kyle Morris 1 hr ago

EXCLUSIVE: A former assistant secretary of the Army under President Trump has accused top military officials Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army Gen. James McConville of engaging in a "pattern of behavior" that overstepped their authority and undermined potential commands from Trump.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, E. Casey Wardynski, a former assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs under the Trump administration, accused high-ranking military officials Milley and McConville of making statements that insinuated they were calling the shots.

"These kind of behaviors and this willingness for military leaders to exceed their authorities and ignore authorities of the civilian officials appointed over them … positions under the Constitution and laws of the country was not something that came to them on Jan. 8," Wardynski said. "It was something that they had done for a while."

According to Wardynski, there were "stunning" instances in which he saw, firsthand, high-ranking military officials exceed their authority.


"It was in and around the riots in D.C.," Wardynski said. "Gen. Milley, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – first thing to know, is he is a staff officer, he is an adviser, he's not a commander – he ordered elements of the 82nd Airborne and the 10th Mountain Division to fly overnight to D.C. to Fort Belvoir and Andrews without consulting the Army chain of command and reaching around the chain of command to do that. I know that for a fact."

New revelations in a book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political reporter Robert Costa claim Milley made two phone calls to Chinese officials in fear that Trump would create conflict with the nation, telling the officials that he would forewarn about an attack planned by the U.S. on China. The book claims that Milley contacted his Chinese counterpart after he had reviewed intelligence that suggested Chinese officials believed the United States was planning an attack on China amid military exercises in the South China Sea.

Trump has said the behavior, if true, amounted to "treason." Milley has defended the contacts with China as "routine."

Wardynski went on to detail two separate occasions when McConville told him that he "would not be obeying any illegal orders from the president" amid several violent riots across the nation in the summer of 2020, particularly in D.C.

"That's not something in 30 years of service in that uniform I thought I'd ever hear," Wardynski said. "My interpretation of that was he was talking about any use of the Insurrection Act by the president."


The Insurrection Act of 1807 allows a president to deploy U.S. militarized forces and National Guard troops should there be extreme civil disobedience or an insurrection.

"There was a lot of talk about governors and mayors not enforcing the law," he added, providing context to the nature of ongoing events at that time. "A lot of Secret Service agents were hurt at the White House, a lot of national guardsmen were hurt at the White House, at one point it was reported that they evacuated the president to the emergency operations center, and of course Milley ordered these two units flown to D.C."

Later that year, around October of 2020, McConville told Wardynski once more that he would "not obey illegal orders from the president," prompting Wardynski to call his lawyer, the number-three attorney for the Army at the time, as the election neared, according to Wardynski.

In the phone call, Wardynski said he expressed concern over potential "unrest around the election," warning the attorney about military leaders in the Army who may "refuse to obey an order from the president if he directs the Army to implement the Insurrection Act."

Wardynski also stated that McConville, who served as Milley's deputy during his time as chief of staff of the Army, seemingly "expected the cadets to demonstrate against the president" during the 2020 West Point graduation.

"He told me that if they did, he would not be a 'prop' for the president," Wardynski said, adding that McConville's comment referred to Trump's walk to historic St. John's Church with administration members and military officials, a move Milley, who accompanied Trump, said he considers a "mistake."

Regarding Milley, Wardynski said he was a "bully" in meetings and insisted he would regularly overstep his authority to control the agenda, claiming that he and others, for some time, had no "intention of supporting" Trump.


"My impression is, for some time, these people had no intention of supporting the president," Wardynski noted. "Milley, in staff meetings, was routinely a bully. He would sit at the head of the table with the secretary, the secretary would say we're going to do the following, and Milley would look at the gathered staff and tell them, ‘Let me tell you what the secretary just said’ and it was pretty much something different."

Wardynski also noted that Milley, who he was around multiple times for meetings, went into his portfolio on multiple occasions without prior approval.

"He reached into my portfolio at least three times without my authority and then came to me for sort of forgiveness afterwards, which he did not get," Wardynski said of Milley, whom he described as a "manipulator."

The Woodward-Costa book also detailed a phone call conversation Milley had with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi following the events on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol. According to a transcript obtained by authors, Milley vowed to Pelosi that "the nuclear triggers are secure" amid Trump's exit from the White House.

According to the book, Milley "summoned senior officers to review the procedures for launching nuclear weapons, saying the president alone could give the order — but, crucially, that he, Milley, also had to be involved."

Wardynski said Milley's "business with the nuclear weapons and the nuclear command and control is part of a pattern of behavior."

"I believe it reached, at least, across the top of the Army in military leadership," Wardynski said, arguing that high-ranking officials, in his view, have only been "promoting themselves."

Based on what he has experienced firsthand with Gens. Milley and McConville, Wardynski told Fox News that he believes both should resign.

Following his confirmation by the Senate, Wardynski, who served for 30 years in the U.S. Army and is a retired colonel, was responsible for Army personnel policy and supervision of the Army’s 1.3-million-person manpower program under Trump. Wardynski left his post when President Biden was inaugurated.

Wardynski announced earlier this year that he is running for U.S. Congress to represent north Alabama.

"One of the major reasons I am running for Congress is due to these types of behaviors," Wardynski told Fox News. "We need to assert civilian control."

Former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, who led the Pentagon from the period after the 2020 election through Inauguration Day, said he "did not and would not ever authorize" Milley to have "secret" calls with his Chinese counterpart, describing the allegations as a "disgraceful and unprecedented act of insubordination" and calling on him to resign "immediately."

Fox News reached out to Milley and McConville for comment but did not receive a response.

Fox News' Brooke Singman contributed to this article.

What say ye Jakkyboy?
Are you still going to be pretending to be a great expert on these matters? When you so foolishly cry how traitor Miley did right?--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2021, 08:34 AM
:laugh::laugh::laugh: PissOffTyr continues to babble nonsensically. That he would want Trump tossing nukes in dazed, dizzy treasonous ("I want to be President even if the American people don't want me") shows just how much he is an idiot.

You have presented exactly --zero-- proof that Trump had any intention to launch nukes..
So your erroneous and desperately feeble excuse/ rantings about Trump and using nukes is nothing but hot air and bullshit coming from the leftists and the now established traitor Milley.
So cry all you want. I am a nice guy and will yet again keep you from having to cry all alone. I will provide you with your well deserved company..--


09-20-2021, 10:15 AM
PissOffTyr thinks I have to prove something.

I don't.

PissOff has to prove the General did something wrong, and he can't.

09-20-2021, 03:57 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:10 AM PT – Monday, September 20, 2021Former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mike Mullen appeared to defend the current chairman’s calls with China. On Sunday, Mullen told ABC (https://twitter.com/ThisWeekABC/status/1439595169477767171?s=20) that having conversations with foreign counterparts is routine. Therefore, he asserted Gen. Mark Milley did not act abnormally.
Mullen said he does hope some reported parts of the calls are not accurate, however, like Milley allegedly telling China he would warn them of a strike if one were to be planned.
The Former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman implied he’s more concerned with China’s reaction than Milley’s behavior on the calls. He suggested lines of communication with China are new and positive developments. However, he pointed out that China is not reading the communications properly.
“What’s a little bit alarming to me though is that the Chinese would read the situation as they did, as really chaotic,” Mullen stated. “As if we were going to possibly strike. It’s very clear, and I don’t know this because I haven’t talked to Chairman Milley, it’s very clear he had good intel that this was the case.”

Chairman Milley is scheduled to speak to Congress about the Afghanistan withdrawal at the end of the month, though questions about his phone calls are expected now.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2021, 04:17 PM

Millions of Americans Could Have Died if Joint Chiefs' Milley Warned the Chinese of an Attack

AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is defending his two calls to his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), during the final tense days of President Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House.

Liberals are hailing Milley for making the calls despite the fact that he had zero constitutional authority to do so if, as reported by Washington Post writers Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their forthcoming book, he promised to give the Chinese advance notice of a U.S. attack.

Yes, read that last part again. The president’s top military adviser promised the military head of America’s most dangerous adversary that he would warn them in advance should Trump decide to launch an attack on China.

Milley is defending making the two calls as “routine” and intended to provide “reassurance” to the Chinese government during the period immediately prior to the November 2020 election, which Trump officially lost, and the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden as his successor.

“We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you,” Milley told the Chinese general, according to Woodward and Costa. “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”

Trump did not know about the calls. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller claims he was not informed of the calls. Milley insisted Friday that, although the calls were routine, he would only comment in detail when he testifies before Congress in October. “I think it’s best that I reserve my comments on the record until I do that in front of the lawmakers who have the lawful responsibility to oversee the U.S. military,” he said. “I’ll go into any level of detail Congress wants to go into in a couple of weeks.”

“Lawful responsibility” coming from Milley? That’s rich.

The last time a top U.S. general defied his commander in chief was Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1950 and 1951 during the Korean War, who publicly criticized President Harry Truman’s orders that the American military not attack north of the Yalu River, the border between North Korea and China.

Truman fired MacArthur after multiple occasions in which the general made his disagreements with his boss public. His firing was the occasion for MacArthur’s subsequent memorable farewell address to Congress in which he declared that “old soldiers never die, they just fade away.”

But Milley doesn’t appear to be in danger of being fired because Joe Biden isn’t Harry Truman. In fact, at a minimum, he should resign and a persuasive case can be made that he should face severe legal consequences.

As chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Milley has no operational authority over U.S. military operations. His role is strictly advisory and the president is free to follow or reject that advice. Taking it upon himself to warn an adversary that a U.S. attack is coming is only a short step back from going Benedict Arnold.

The president alone is the commander-in-chief and all of his subordinates, including the Joint Chiefs, have a choice – either execute orders or resign. That said, think about what could have happened had Milley somehow concluded that Trump was about to launch military action of some kind against China.

Nothing routine about the promising by one of our generals to an enemy-- to give advance warning if we are going to attack...
That oath to betray our military is treason any damn way- anybody tries to slice it and top military experts agree on that.
At least the ones that are not in the dems pocket...

Milley's only out is if he did not make that promise but looks to me, like he did make it...

Least we forget this part....
""Liberals are hailing Milley for making the calls despite the fact that he had zero constitutional authority to do so if, as reported by Washington Post writers Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their forthcoming book, he promised to give the Chinese advance notice of a U.S. attack."" --Tyr

09-20-2021, 04:29 PM
Nothing routine about promising one of our generals an enemy to give advance warning if we are going to attack...
That oath to betray our military is treason any damn way- anybody tries to slice it and top military experts agree on that.
At least the ones that are not in the dems pocket...

Milley's only out is if he did not make that promise but likes like he did make it...

Least we forget this part....
""Liberals are hailing Milley for making the calls despite the fact that he had zero constitutional authority to do so if, as reported by Washington Post writers Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their forthcoming book, he promised to give the Chinese advance notice of a U.S. attack."" --TyrI agree with this "chairman" of the JCS (whatever that is :rolleyes:) that calling the counterpart is probably not that unusual.

This guy also says he has "concerns" about what the content of the call stating Milley would warn Li. As he should. That is a military general going into business for himself, outside of and over his chain of command. There is a damned BIG reason for the chain of command. To preclude a military takeover of the US government; which, had Miilley carried out any such promise would be exactly what he was doing.

His ass needs to be fried and an example made.

09-20-2021, 05:13 PM
You all have it backwards.

General Milley preserved the status quo and made sure Trump did not threaten China so he could remain President.

09-20-2021, 06:41 PM
18 U.S.Code 2381 Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

U.S. Constitution Treason

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

There are about 5 Articles under the UCMJ that fit the bill as well.

THAT is the law. I cannot answer for those who are not enforcing it except to say that it is dereliction of duty on their part. Milley's actions clearly fall within it.

It isn't okay because Milley or anyone else doesn't like the President. There's no special clause stating Democrats can ignore the law. If that is case, then the law serves no purpose. The precedent being set in this case can do serious or grave damage the US Government especially during a commitment that requires the military.

Hope that's worth a partisan cheap shot at a President and book sales.

09-20-2021, 06:47 PM
Then let us see what the AG's office does.