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View Full Version : Things to remember - the News Media's Mission is NOT to Inform

09-20-2021, 03:37 PM
The News Media's mission may have formerly been to inform people of the news. But that mission has changed over the years. The mission is now to change viewers/readers political opinions to mimic those of the CEO of the news outlet.

Jeffrey Zucker is a prime example. As CEO of CNN he made it clear to all workers that attacking the Republican party generally, and Donald Trump specifically, is the prime directive for every employee of CNN. Praising Democrats for anything they do or don't do is a secondary directive. Strangely, generating ratings or revenue for CNN is a distant third directive, which probably explains CNN's low levels of both.

The majority of other news outlets have similar directives against Republicans and for Democrats, even if they are not as haywire as CNN. All these news outlets consider pursuit of their three directives as much more important than pesky, outdated annoyances like: integrity, honesty, professionalism, and abiding by the law.

All of these news outlets get completely outraged by any other news outlet that leans the other way, which is to say towards Republican viewpoints instead of against them. The list of those news outlets consists of: FoxNews, and well, um, FoxNews, and also.... did I mention FoxNews?

Anyway, the main point is that everyone needs to keep in mind that the NewsMedia is not trying to inform you; they are trying to change you. It is only when you keep that in mind that you can protect yourself against it.

09-20-2021, 03:41 PM
The News Media's mission may have formerly been to inform people of the news. But that mission has changed over the years. The mission is now to change viewers/readers political opinions to mimic those of the CEO of the news outlet.

Jeffrey Zucker is a prime example. As CEO of CNN he made it clear to all workers that attacking the Republican party generally, and Donald Trump specifically, is the prime directive for every employee of CNN. Praising Democrats for anything they do or don't do is a secondary directive. Strangely, generating ratings or revenue for CNN is a distant third directive, which probably explains CNN's low levels of both.

The majority of other news outlets have similar directives against Republicans and for Democrats, even if they are not as haywire as CNN. All these news outlets consider pursuit of their three directives as much more important than pesky, outdated annoyances like: integrity, honesty, professionalism, and abiding by the law.

All of these news outlets get completely outraged by any other news outlet that leans the other way, which is to say towards Republican viewpoints instead of against them. The list of those news outlets consists of: FoxNews, and well, um, FoxNews, and also.... did I mention FoxNews?

Anyway, the main point is that everyone needs to keep in mind that the NewsMedia is not trying to inform you; they are trying to change you. It is only when you keep that in mind that you can protect yourself against it.One America News Network. Pretty much blacklisted. Explains their success :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2021, 04:30 PM
The News Media's mission may have formerly been to inform people of the news. But that mission has changed over the years. The mission is now to change viewers/readers political opinions to mimic those of the CEO of the news outlet.

Jeffrey Zucker is a prime example. As CEO of CNN he made it clear to all workers that attacking the Republican party generally, and Donald Trump specifically, is the prime directive for every employee of CNN. Praising Democrats for anything they do or don't do is a secondary directive. Strangely, generating ratings or revenue for CNN is a distant third directive, which probably explains CNN's low levels of both.

The majority of other news outlets have similar directives against Republicans and for Democrats, even if they are not as haywire as CNN. All these news outlets consider pursuit of their three directives as much more important than pesky, outdated annoyances like: integrity, honesty, professionalism, and abiding by the law.

All of these news outlets get completely outraged by any other news outlet that leans the other way, which is to say towards Republican viewpoints instead of against them. The list of those news outlets consists of: FoxNews, and well, um, FoxNews, and also.... did I mention FoxNews?

Anyway, the main point is that everyone needs to keep in mind that the NewsMedia is not trying to inform you; they are trying to change you. It is only when you keep that in mind that you can protect yourself against it.

The corrupt Dem party executed its Joseph Goebbels media takeover strategy in the 60's...
Now 60 years later it has the vast majority of mainstreammedia in its hip pocket, imho. And has instructed those--ALLIES-- to always back it and help spread its propaganda and its brainwashing our school children. That was in the original first phase , the take over media and public education..--Tyr

09-20-2021, 05:16 PM
The Amateur Wanna-be, pretend journalism drop-outs have done nothing but work to KEEP AMERICANS SCARED.
Where I live here in Virginia. I cannot remember ONE day when the local news came on (mostly on their Web Sites...where we were hit...every time) with a BRIGHT, HUGE photo of the BUG as their MAIN STORY.
Just looking at it could scare any child into thinking THE END OF THE WORLD is coming.


That is our channel 10, called WAVY-TV 10. And without fail since more than a year ago. That photo has been the FIRST THING YOU SEE at news time, every day.

09-20-2021, 07:36 PM
The Amateur Wanna-be, pretend journalism drop-outs have done nothing but work to KEEP AMERICANS SCARED.
Where I live here in Virginia. I cannot remember ONE day when the local news came on (mostly on their Web Sites...where we were hit...every time) with a BRIGHT, HUGE photo of the BUG as their MAIN STORY.
Just looking at it could scare any child into thinking THE END OF THE WORLD is coming.


That is our channel 10, called WAVY-TV 10. And without fail since more than a year ago. That photo has been the FIRST THING YOU SEE at news time, every day.

I used to listen to WNOR. Reiger and "the Bull". Henry the Bull Del Toro was an a-hole, but humorous :)

09-20-2021, 08:01 PM
One America News Network. Pretty much blacklisted. Explains their success :)

Good point; I stand corrected. In my defense, that channel isn't available in my area.

09-21-2021, 08:40 AM
The press's jump, in the minds of the investors and owners, always is to make money.

Sensationalism of news worthy material sells advertising, and there is the key to a successful business.

Watch MSNBC, breitbart, OANN, CNBC, Fox Business News.

They all want to catch the consumer's attention enough so the customer will watch advertising online, on big or little screens, in print, etc.

09-21-2021, 09:32 AM
Good point; I stand corrected. In my defense, that channel isn't available in my area.A lot of people don't. Kind of goes with the point. OAN's biggest success was during Trump's administration because he gave them equal if not more time. Youtube quit carrying their videos. I just link to them when I post one.

FYI: you can get OAN on the net, and they have a message board. Not a member of the latter. That line from "The Last Resort" by the Eagles -- " call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye". Anyone advertising free speech as it's main selling point is just inviting all the crazies to trash it.

09-21-2021, 01:58 PM
The press's jump, in the minds of the investors and owners, always is to make money.

Sensationalism of news worthy material sells advertising, and there is the key to a successful business.

Watch MSNBC, breitbart, OANN, CNBC, Fox Business News.

They all want to catch the consumer's attention enough so the customer will watch advertising online, on big or little screens, in print, etc.

That is a trendy and logical opinion, but totally incorrect. As mentioned in the original post, making ratings and revenue is now a distant third directive. CNN has let their ratings and revenue fall way behind FoxNews and even MSNBC in their zeal to persecute Republicans and Trump, and to push Democratic agendas as their two top missions.

I will concede the point, though, that getting you to watch, read and click is one of their missions, even though it is a distant third in priority. Informing you of truthful news is, regrettably, not one of their missions.

09-21-2021, 02:28 PM
That is a trendy and logical opinion, but totally incorrect. As mentioned in the original post, making ratings and revenue is now a distant third directive. CNN has let their ratings and revenue fall way behind FoxNews and even MSNBC in their zeal to persecute Republicans and Trump, and to push Democratic agendas as their two top missions.

I will concede the point, though, that getting you to watch, read and click is one of their missions, even though it is a distant third in priority. Informing you of truthful news is, regrettably, not one of their missions.
Making money through the sensationalization of the events of the world is what drives the ratings, revenuing, and customer response.

I said nothing about truthful news, but I think you are right, because the left media and the right media demonize their opponents and push their political agendas, Dem and Pub.

09-22-2021, 09:57 AM
Making money through the sensationalization of the events of the world is what drives the ratings, revenuing, and customer response.

I said nothing about truthful news, but I think you are right, because the left media and the right media demonize their opponents and push their political agendas, Dem and Pub.

Making money through sensationalization drives ratings, but like I said, that is a lesser goal for them. Primary goals are attacking Republicans and propping up Dems, so you will only see most news media sensationalize things in a way that attacks Republicans.

Do not equivocate the left media and the right media. They are not equally bad or of equal level. Left media is much more slanted, they hide their opinions as if they are news or facts, and left wing media includes most outlets. Right wing media is essentially just FoxNews. If you think differently then you are a victim of their slanted news coverage. I have yet to find any news outlet that I think is even handed - possibly it doesn't pay well enough.

09-22-2021, 10:07 AM
Making money through sensationalization drives ratings, but like I said, that is a lesser goal for them. Primary goals are attacking Republicans and propping up Dems, so you will only see most news media sensationalize things in a way that attacks Republicans.

Do not equivocate the left media and the right media. They are not equally bad or of equal level. Left media is much more slanted, they hide their opinions as if they are news or facts, and left wing media includes most outlets. Right wing media is essentially just FoxNews. If you think differently then you are a victim of their slanted news coverage. I have yet to find any news outlet that I think is even handed - possibly it doesn't pay well enough.My opinion is you are both right. However, I do not hold Fox News out as a beacon of light in the fog of yellow journalism. They kinda "went corporate" with Metallica :)

If talking factual news coverage, I agree with your assessment that Fox presents a more fair picture than the MSM which presents leftist slant as news. At least with Fox there is the basic news story involved.

When I actually gave a shit about doing so and had the time, I would read both sides. The common denominators are usually as close to the "truth" as you are going to get. Also, since I took journalism in school, I generally can identify and discard slant. All anyone has to do is figure out what slant MY filter is putting on things :)