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View Full Version : Kerry Prioritizes So-Called Climate Change Over Human Rights Issues In China

09-23-2021, 12:52 PM
This stolen valor sellout keeps popping up like too may cucumbers and leaves the same kind of taste. His "(not) fellow" Sailors should have fragged his ass the first time he claimed a PH for a ricocheting rock chip.

Maybe he'll make a trip to China with all the regal fanfare of a pompous Dem and they won't give him back. One can hope.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:33 AM PT – Thursday, September 23, 2021John Kerry has continued to justify the importance of focusing on so-called climate change. In an interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRV8EIARYHI&t=586s) from Wednesday, he danced around a question on the effort to protect human rights, specifically China’s genocide of its Uyghur minority.
His response was “life is always full of tough choices” and compared Joe Biden’s push to cooperate with China with former President Ronald Reagan’s success with the Soviet Union in 1986. Kerry said prioritizing climate is still the administration’s number one goal despite the ongoing human rights abuses in the Xinjiang province.
“We have to find a way forward to make the world safer, to protect our countries and act in our interests,” stated the White House dubbed climate envoy. “We can do and must do the same thing now. Yes, we have issues, a number of different issues. But first and foremost, this planet must be protected. We all need to do that for our people.”

Kerry added that if China is able to cooperate with the U.S. on climate issues, it could lead to the potential for conversations on other issues.

Abbey Marie
09-23-2021, 01:24 PM
Uggh. I can just hear his privileged-sounding monotone voice in my head. It’s so easy to make stupid non-compassionate statements from your protected multi-million dollar-by marriage digs, isn’t it?

09-23-2021, 02:41 PM

09-23-2021, 03:07 PM
This stolen valor sellout keeps popping up like too may cucumbers and leaves the same kind of taste. His "(not) fellow" Sailors should have fragged his ass the first time he claimed a PH for a ricocheting rock chip.

Maybe he'll make a trip to China with all the regal fanfare of a pompous Dem and they won't give him back. One can hope.


I got only one thing to say about him Gunny- he's Herman Munster with a bad case of constipation. Can't stand his ego.

09-23-2021, 07:32 PM
I got only one thing to say about him Gunny- he's Herman Munster with a bad case of constipation. Can't stand his ego.Been a strange week. I've used two words I NEVER use that get tossed around nonchalantly: Treason and "stolen valor". I don't like diminishing the words by incorrectly using them or throwing them around every time I get the urge.

In both cases, the word/phrase fits. John Kerry is a disgrace to the uniform and a liar many times over. He walked all over that uniform and his brothers in arms to get a political jumstart, making false accusations. Not sure what war crimes you can witness when your ass is the only thing above the rail.

The fact that he was NOT fragged is proof of the integrity of the Sailors unfortunate enough to be saddled with him.

Black Diamond
09-23-2021, 07:35 PM
Been a strange week. I've used two words I NEVER use that get tossed around nonchalantly: Treason and "stolen valor". I don't like diminishing the words by incorrectly using them or throwing them around every time I get the urge.

In both cases, the word/phrase fits. John Kerry is a disgrace to the uniform and a liar many times over. He walked all over that uniform and his brothers in arms to get a political jumstart, making false accusations. Not sure what war crimes you can witness when your ass is the only thing above the rail.

The fact that he was NOT fragged is proof of the integrity of the Sailors unfortunate enough to be saddled with him.

Pow!! Did he really throw his medals over the fence?

09-23-2021, 07:38 PM
Pow!! Did he really throw his medals over the fence?Nope. He threw someone else's medals, presenting the act as if they were his. He got popped later on with his on display behind his desk in a shadow box.

Black Diamond
09-23-2021, 07:39 PM
Nope. He threw someone else's medals, presenting the act as if they were his. He got popped later on with his on display behind his desk in a shadow box.

Holy hell. That's worse than I had heard.

09-23-2021, 08:29 PM
Holy hell. That's worse than I had heard.Kerry is/was an act from the word go. He short-timed his tour in Nam, collecting PH's for scratches. But two is plane ride back to the World. Next he pops up testifying before Congress as having witnessed every war crime imaginable in his short tour to get some jet fuel into his fledgling, failing political career. At some point he was alleged to have thrown his medals over the WH fence. Later turned out he was "doing it for a friend" whit the friend's medals after he got busted with his in his office.

Worst of all to me is he made to Congress unproven and unprovable accusations against those he served with. That's an unpardonable sin amongst the ranks. Somebody could have shot him then and there and I'd have cared less. You could stick me on the shooter's jury with video and everything and I'd have hung the jury. Liars and thieves are below trash in the Marines. Bearing false witness against a brother makes you lower than that.

He can FO and die here and now. The US and the World would be a better place and it'd relieve some of the stench.

Ask me how I feel ...:)

Black Diamond
09-24-2021, 01:52 AM
Kerry is/was an act from the word go. He short-timed his tour in Nam, collecting PH's for scratches. But two is plane ride back to the World. Next he pops up testifying before Congress as having witnessed every war crime imaginable in his short tour to get some jet fuel into his fledgling, failing political career. At some point he was alleged to have thrown his medals over the WH fence. Later turned out he was "doing it for a friend" whit the friend's medals after he got busted with his in his office.

Worst of all to me is he made to Congress unproven and unprovable accusations against those he served with. That's an unpardonable sin amongst the ranks. Somebody could have shot him then and there and I'd have cared less. You could stick me on the shooter's jury with video and everything and I'd have hung the jury. Liars and thieves are below trash in the Marines. Bearing false witness against a brother makes you lower than that.

He can FO and die here and now. The US and the World would be a better place and it'd relieve some of the stench.

Ask me how I feel ...:)

Wow sounds like he could have been another Obama in the white house. What a piece of crap.

09-24-2021, 10:53 AM
Wow sounds like he could have been another Obama in the white house. What a piece of crap.Irony (for him) is, his bragging about his Vietnam/Swiftboat service is what sank his run. His fraud and hypocrisy was too big to hide and Big Tech didn't yet control the National narrative.