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View Full Version : Would You Like to See Obama on the Supreme Court?

09-28-2021, 04:28 PM
This is a no-shit, poll question in one of the ad banners on OAN. I'm thinking: Would you like to drink a glass of battery acid? I don't want to see Obama anywhere ever. School crossing guard is too much responsibility for him.

Black Diamond
09-28-2021, 05:01 PM
No. Fuck that piece of shit in the face. And his veep he rode in on.

Black Diamond
09-28-2021, 05:06 PM
I guarantee you if one of our justices dies, oblabla will be bideys top choice

09-28-2021, 05:08 PM
And this is only for starters!:dance:




09-28-2021, 07:15 PM
William Howard Taft is the only person to serve as President then be appointed to the Supreme Court.

09-28-2021, 07:40 PM
No, but it could happen

Black Diamond
09-28-2021, 10:29 PM
William Howard Taft is the only person to serve as President then be appointed to the Supreme Court.

Here is a horror show for ya. Barack on the court and Michelle as president.

09-29-2021, 11:05 AM
Here is a horror show for ya. Barack on the court and Michelle as president.:slap:

09-29-2021, 11:32 AM
I guarantee you if one of our justices dies, oblabla will be bideys top choice

Will have to happen immediately because Sleepy has not many days left .

And visiting dream world :-

Imagine the Afghanistan x100 embarrassment from putting a Chicom agent who could at some point be tried for treason on the Supreme Court . The US would

slip to Fourth World status rather than just Third .

Surf Fishing Guru
09-30-2021, 08:38 AM
Obama would not want the job now. He's achieved exalted celebrity status and has no need for the diluted, shared fame of being an associate member of a nine person council no matter how prestigious the group is. Plus he's 60 years old, there are only so many landmark cases in a decade, and the chance of leaving his imprint on the Court and be assigned the writing of a historically significant opinion is low.

Besides, it is actually hard and mundane work; reading briefs and study of case law and debating uninteresting and unexciting subjects. 90% of what the Court hears and rules on is administrative law that doesn't have the cachet and intrigue of landmark, ever rarer, fame making cases.

With the current interpretive make-up of the Court he would be, more often than not, in a minority position always trying to persuade and win support using facts and intellect -- that is a handicapped position for any liberal, made even more difficult without the herd of minions he is so used to having and deploying. Proposals to (or actually) packing the Court with a bunch of ideological clones, would dilute his ability to be persuasive and shrink him to just being someone else's minion rather than being in the lead. His ego simply won't abide . . .

The biggest reason why he will never be a SCOTUS Justice is he truly hates the Constitution and the republican system of government it promises to provide.

He would be frustrated trying to work within a system he detests, trying to grind out the slow, incremental "fundamental change" he promised on a grand scale and failed delivering, as the head of an entire branch of governemnt.

Coming up in politics he was disillusioned with the Court and spoke of his disgust with the failures of the very left-leaning Warren Court in altering the structural limitations of the Constitution.

Obama lamented that with as far as the Warren Court went securing new civil rights, it failed altering the action and effect of the Constitution. Obama wanted the Court to shift from (even abandon) recognizing and securing negative rights (what government can't to you) and instead invent and demand positive rights, establishing and mandating redistributive justice, a new framework of what government must give to and provide for the citizens.

Right now, Obama is happy being the man behind the curtain, pulling levers and pushing buttons and hopes to be revealed later as the ideological mastermind of the leftist rise to power and ultimately the destruction of the USA and advent of the next big thing . . . He sees himself on the level of Lenin.

He is enjoying his significant behind the scenes power and influence now, enjoying the ability to push people and advance agendas in the background. Among his ideological comrades his influence is felt, known, acknowledged and respected . . . Among conservatives, Obama is out of the target zone, especially with hollowman Biden as President, dutifully doing Obama's bidding and taking all the heat.

Did y'all catch Pelosi's Freudian slip on Tuesday? LOL!


09-30-2021, 11:16 AM
This is a no-shit, poll question in one of the ad banners on OAN. I'm thinking: Would you like to drink a glass of battery acid? I don't want to see Obama anywhere ever. School crossing guard is too much responsibility for him.


09-30-2021, 03:36 PM
https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/c_fill,g_auto,w_1200,h_675,ar_16:9/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.cnn.com%2Fcnnnext%2Fdam%2Fassets %2F210108095452-01-black-men-cleaning-up-after-capitol-riot.jpg

09-30-2021, 07:50 PM
William Howard Taft is the only person to serve as President then be appointed to the Supreme Court.

Didn't John Quincy Adams do it? I might be wrong - maybe he argued a case with the Supreme Court after being Prez, or something like that.

09-30-2021, 08:27 PM
Didn't John Quincy Adams do it? I might be wrong - maybe he argued a case with the Supreme Court after being Prez, or something like that.He was a lawyer and held a bunch fof different positions in government, but was not a judge/justice.

Black Diamond
09-30-2021, 08:38 PM
Either way. I don't want him to be the second or the third. Or the 23rd