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View Full Version : Australia is doing my research for me: 78% of hospitalized Covid + are fully vaxxed

09-29-2021, 02:58 PM

"Victoria, Australia Minister of Health: 78% of those currently hospitalized with Covid-19 were fully vaccinated. Another 17% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 were partially vaccinated."

Interesting....With about half their population vaccinated, this suggests the Vaccine they used is less-effective than perhaps a placebo. We must never abandon our right to re-install a good government the way Australians have. They allow their tyrants to destroy their society over a "threat" of something that has a 1-5% (of infected) hospitalization rate. They will never recover apart from their own version of our 1776.

09-29-2021, 03:47 PM

"Victoria, Australia Minister of Health: 78% of those currently hospitalized with Covid-19 were fully vaccinated. Another 17% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 were partially vaccinated."

Interesting....With about half their population vaccinated, this suggests the Vaccine they used is less-effective than perhaps a placebo. We must never abandon our right to re-install a good government the way Australians have. They allow their tyrants to destroy their society over a "threat" of something that has a 1-5% (of infected) hospitalization rate. They will never recover apart from their own version of our 1776.Did they get their vaccine from China?

09-29-2021, 03:50 PM
1. How many are vaccinated by % in Australia?

2. What are the numbers ill, hospitalized, intubated in ICU, and died?

09-29-2021, 03:52 PM
Oh, don't start the lie again that getting you vaxxed prevents infections.

09-29-2021, 03:55 PM
1. How many are vaccinated by % in Australia?

2. What are the numbers ill, hospitalized, intubated in ICU, and died?

did you try following the fucking link?

09-29-2021, 03:56 PM
Did they get their vaccine from China?Mine is a serious question. China has already proven itself completely willing to supply defective medical supplies to other nations.

Not to mention they "supplied" the virus.

09-29-2021, 04:02 PM

09-29-2021, 04:24 PM

"Victoria, Australia Minister of Health: 78% of those currently hospitalized with Covid-19 were fully vaccinated. Another 17% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 were partially vaccinated."

Interesting....With about half their population vaccinated, this suggests the Vaccine they used is less-effective than perhaps a placebo. We must never abandon our right to re-install a good government the way Australians have. They allow their tyrants to destroy their society over a "threat" of something that has a 1-5% (of infected) hospitalization rate. They will never recover apart from their own version of our 1776.

It appears that he misspoke.


09-29-2021, 04:35 PM
It appears that he misspoke.

https://www.aap.com.au/no-hospitalised-covid-19-patients-in-nsw-arent-all-vaccinated/Looks like Dr McAnulty needs to complete his thoughts and get his stats straight before he opens his mouth.

This is THE biggest problem to me, next to the virus itself. All the "info" on the internet, on both sides of the vaccine argument.

It would be really nice if we could just get some factual, apolitical data.

09-29-2021, 08:36 PM
It appears that he misspoke.


Your link is from July - reports are he spoke the words in my link yesterday or today.

09-29-2021, 08:38 PM
found another site saying he meant 78% are UNVaxxed; 17% partially, and 5% vax? Still looking for sources

09-29-2021, 10:02 PM
Looks like Dr McAnulty needs to complete his thoughts and get his stats straight before he opens his mouth.

This is THE biggest problem to me, next to the virus itself. All the "info" on the internet, on both sides of the vaccine argument.

It would be really nice if we could just get some factual, apolitical data.

I'm guessing he is apolitical but someone took a misstatement and ran with it.

Your link is from July - reports are he spoke the words in my link yesterday or today.

True enough but he probably misspoke.

found another site saying he meant 78% are UNVaxxed; 17% partially, and 5% vax? Still looking for sources

It's unlikely some guy in Australia suddently found the holy grail that some have been looking for.

Abbey Marie
09-29-2021, 11:20 PM
It appears that he misspoke.


Well, wow.

That seems way beyond simply “misspeaking”.

09-29-2021, 11:43 PM
Well, wow.

That seems way beyond simply “misspeaking”.

Kind of does except if you start staying vaccinated instead of unvaccinated or vice versa. Seems the logical conclusion though given no supporting data to the misspeak.

09-30-2021, 01:35 AM
Well, wow.

That seems way beyond simply “misspeaking”.

keep in mind, fj’s link has nothing to do with the link i posted

09-30-2021, 07:00 AM
keep in mind, fj’s link has nothing to do with the link i posted

I side 100% with your source .
fj's source stinks to high heaven .It is , as follows :-

AAP FactCheck is an accredited member of the International Fact-Checking Network (https://www.poynter.org/ifcn/). To keep up with our latest fact checks, follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AAPFactCheck) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/AapFactcheck).

More Red Flags than almost possible to imagine within so few words . Both AP and Reuters simply hand out CIA authored or edited releases whenever a narrative is undermined . The combination of

AP , Fakebook and Titter in such close proximity is longhand for CIA . As for "International Fact Checking Network " , that is as mythical as the Five Horned Unicorn .

The original author has probably been threatened with effective life , family and employment death if no full withdrawal was made .

Oz is the deep state proving ground for what they plan to expand elsewhere . There is not a chance in a million that something as simple as the truth would impede the experiment .

And Fact Checkers is just a new ruse to confuse and mislead the Sheeple . A part replacement for Polls which are 99% manipulated and distorted .

09-30-2021, 07:47 AM
Yep, those of you conservatarians who refuse to dabble in reality and hate science, fact, and logic, well, speed on and accept your doomed fates.

09-30-2021, 07:48 AM
keep in mind, fj’s link has nothing to do with the link i posted

True. Have you been able to confirm the data in your link?

I side 100% with your source .

And what exactly is that source complete with verification?

09-30-2021, 08:03 AM
True. Have you been able to confirm the data in your link?

I am watching the whole hour-long video - and so far the guy speaking has made no correction to his comments about the 78%. There's nothing online (news) that corrects his comments.

I think it's funny people are questioning the 'source' when 'the source' IS the Australian Fed/Provential government and YouTube.


09-30-2021, 08:04 AM
Yep, those of you conservatarians who refuse to dabble in reality and hate science, fact, and logic, well, speed on and accept your doomed fates.

How dumb are you - like on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is 'Harry and Lloyd' and 10 is 'A bag of hammers'?

09-30-2021, 08:10 AM
I am watching the whole hour-long video - and so far the guy speaking has made no correction to his comments about the 78%. There's nothing online (news) that corrects his comments.

I think it's funny people are questioning the 'source' when 'the source' IS the Australian Fed/Provential government and YouTube.

Wouldn't you question any source? Especially one that completely contradicts the typical evidence we've seen for months now? I don't recall any other story that suggests that that vaccinated folks make up the vast majority of hospitalized covid patients. I imagine that the MoH will be posting a source soon.

09-30-2021, 08:15 AM
Wouldn't you question any source? Especially one that completely contradicts the typical evidence we've seen for months now? I don't recall any other story that suggests that that vaccinated folks make up the vast majority of hospitalized covid patients. I imagine that the MoH will be posting a source soon.

The source is 'the guy speaking' - i'm taking the MoH guy at face-value, until other information comes to light - so far, nothing has.

09-30-2021, 08:20 AM
The source is 'the guy speaking' - i'm taking the MoH guy at face-value, until other information comes to light - so far, nothing has.

And his source???

He is standing in front of a sign that says "Voices for Vaccine." :unsure:

09-30-2021, 08:39 AM
And his source???

He is standing in front of a sign that says "Voices for Vaccine." :unsure:

"Government Reports".

I saw this online - points to him mis-speaking IF this graphic is legit.

https://scontent-hou1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/242905053_10102713862634751_4624838927877607562_n. jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=Xq9M72OY9k8AX-VMQdj&_nc_ht=scontent-hou1-1.xx&oh=80d7ffcdc4c89e8f1a83c3ea25b4349d&oe=6179C8FA

09-30-2021, 09:51 AM
Yep, those of you conservatarians who refuse to dabble in reality and hate science, fact, and logic, well, speed on and accept your doomed fates.

Try again in simple English .

Conservatarians ?

Dabbling in reality ? Who , Where ? How ? Is it bought by the jar or by weight ?

Speed on ? Why not when standing or sitting ?

What is a doomed fate ? Tell me about non doomed ones .

You are still influenced by German language construction -- reading Unle Hans' diaries perhaps .

09-30-2021, 09:58 AM
? I don't recall any other story that suggests that that vaccinated folks make up the vast majority of hospitalized covid patients. .

Of course you do not .

There are dozens if not hundreds of reports from all over the planet but not for Sheeple who just suck up MSM garbage .

Come out of the Matrix and search for fresh air .

So naive to ask people who have lied at every point to suddenly start telling the truth .

09-30-2021, 10:05 AM
There are dozens if not hundreds of reports...

So you say but apparently not one that the MoH was referring to in the OP. :dunno:

09-30-2021, 10:23 AM
So you say but apparently not one that the MoH was referring to in the OP. :dunno:

Unfortunately Devolution cannot save everybody . All we can do is try and help the Normies .

You will take your chance but cross everything you have got .

Vaxxing started in December in the US and we are now seeing the trail of miscarriages and deformed kids at birth . VAERS is also spitting out its testament to death and

destruction .

With winter starting and the deluded taking boosters and flu shots you will now see hell on earth

Swap notes as the year progresses . I wish everybody well but truly that is only like saying the same to the infantry before they charged the enemy across open fields in WW1

09-30-2021, 10:30 AM
^Yeah... you tried to pass that stuff off in other threads.

09-30-2021, 11:41 AM
Unfortunately Devolution cannot save everybody . All we can do is try and help the Normies .

You will take your chance but cross everything you have got .

Vaxxing started in December in the US and we are now seeing the trail of miscarriages and deformed kids at birth . VAERS is also spitting out its testament to death and

destruction .

With winter starting and the deluded taking boosters and flu shots you will now see hell on earth

Swap notes as the year progresses . I wish everybody well but truly that is only like saying the same to the infantry before they charged the enemy across open fields in WW1

Why would you believe the crap that the human haters put out? Are you one?

09-30-2021, 12:36 PM
Why would you believe the crap that the human haters put out? Are you one?

I see that 95% ( ?? ) of people are stupid , gullible and lazy . More perhaps .

And find myself increasingly sympathetic with some aspects of a depopulation programme , for example .

i prefer other ways of carrying it out .

Because being personally lucky is not reason enough to trample on the less fortunate . You being a lovely example , Jane .

However , burying you several times a day is excellent relaxation therapy .

10-01-2021, 01:29 AM
Foley inadvertently reversed the numbers. Should have said 78% unvaccinated, and 5% vaccinated (hospitalized). The PM Andrews gave these same stats (the correct ones). Here is the primary source:

Daily Hospitalisations by Vaccination Status in Victoria - COVID Live (https://covidlive.com.au/report/daily-vaccination-status/vic)


"Victoria, Australia Minister of Health: 78% of those currently hospitalized with Covid-19 were fully vaccinated. Another 17% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 were partially vaccinated."

Interesting....With about half their population vaccinated, this suggests the Vaccine they used is less-effective than perhaps a placebo. We must never abandon our right to re-install a good government the way Australians have. They allow their tyrants to destroy their society over a "threat" of something that has a 1-5% (of infected) hospitalization rate. They will never recover apart from their own version of our 1776.