View Full Version : Sheeple complicit in their own demise

09-30-2021, 10:06 AM
A few words about Vaxx Lemmings . See source for full text -- and of course it also applies elsewhere .

Americans are not only oblivious to their own destruction, they’re actually complicit in it. That’s the irony. The entire hoax would stop instantly if everyone just took off their mask. But they won’t do it. They’d

rather submit to slavery, lose limbs to amputation or lose their lives from blood clots, they’d rather condemn their souls to hell, than face reality. They’re oblivious to their own destruction.
source (https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/09/mike-stone-masses-complicit-in-demise.html?_ga=2.226115037.613169715.1632358583-346964864.1627224119)

09-30-2021, 11:36 AM
Juicer, that is one of the truest things you ever wrote.

So many of the never-vaxxers die of Covid because of their refusal to think clearly.

09-30-2021, 12:17 PM
Juicer, that is one of the truest things you ever wrote.

So many of the never-vaxxers die of Covid because of their refusal to think clearly.

Here's looking forward to you becoming part of an interesting statistic . A member of the dead Norwegian Blue Parrot society .

And also remembering that I have never got anything major wrong in my entire life . Modest Monica they call me . And truthful . Rare combination .

Anyhow , Jane , your child bearing days are over and if you take a booster and/or a flu jab on top of a double Covid jab , you will effectively be committing suicide .

Better still , being aware of it beforehand will prevent you claiming ignorance to avoid free entry to the Underworld .

I am now your friend in life , your death and damnation . What a lucky lady !!