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10-02-2021, 05:04 PM
It's just what they do, it's their MO. And hypocrisy. And lying. And of course labeling everyone racists.

And the worst/saddest part is that the democrats that watch CNN, MSNBC & these other channels - these folks take it instantly as gospel without question.


Dems Control Congress and White House, But GOP Still to Blame for Everything Bad!

Even though the Democrats are in control of the White House and Congress, the media found a way to blame the GOP and conservatives for an upcoming fiscal “catastrophe,” future terrorist attacks and of course the continued spread of Covid.

During the debate over the budget and the debt ceiling, lib journalists put the onus on Republicans to concede to progressive demands. MSNBC’s Joy Reid attacked Republicans for “recklessly gambling” with the economy. NBC’s Chuck Todd pressed GOP Senator Mike Braun: “Why use [the debt ceiling] as a way to punish the American economy?” CBS Morning’s co-host Tony Dokoupil badgered GOP Senator Pat Toomey “Your party could relieve us of….this potential catastrophe.”

Even though President Joe Biden left Afghanistan in such a mess that could lead to new foreign terrorist attacks, MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart warned: “I think MAGA and the domestic terror threat is much more worrisome than any foreign threat.” Earlier this month lefty journalists slimed pro-life conservatives as the “American Taliban.”

MSNBC’s Joy Reid accused GOP Governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis of willfully spreading Covid: “He [Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis] wants Covid on cruise ships, he wants Covid in the schools. He wants Covid everywhere.”

Celebs also spread their hatred of conservatives. ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel mocked red-staters: “Covid deaths have proven to be much higher in states that voted for Trump.”

The following are just of the most outrageous attacks on conservatives and defenses of progressives by journalists and celebrities over the last month:

Dems Control Congress, But Media Blame Republicans for “Catastrophe”

“The supposed party of fiscal responsibility is recklessly gambling with the entire United States economy. Senate Republicans’ chief ghoul, Mitch McConnell, continued to wake up and choose chaos, blocking efforts to raise the federal debt ceiling, bringing the U.S, a step closer to fiscal catastrophe because what’s more extreme than lighting a match and gleefully watching your own house burn just to own the libs?”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, September 29.

“Your party could relieve us of this conversation, this anxiety, this potential catastrophe, as [Treasury Secretary] Janet Yellen puts it, of America defaulting on its debt. Someone’s got to be the adult in the room here, why not the Republicans?”
— Co-host Tony Dokoupil to Republican Senator Pat Toomey on CBS Mornings, September 30.

Why Do Republicans Want to “Punish the American Economy?”

"Why play with the American economy and use….this arbitrary phony issue, statutory power that Congress has – that is literally just a magical line in the sand that Congress creates – why use this as a way to punish the American economy?...Why should the Republicans stay on the sidelines here? Why should you be responsible for governing if you’re going to be irresponsible when in the minority?”
— NBC’s Meet the Press host Chuck Todd to Republican Senator Mike Braun on MSNBC’s MTP Daily, September 28.

MAGA = Worse Than Any “Foreign Threat”

Anchor John Yang: “What I hear you saying is that other forces have changed politics more since 9/11 than 9/11.”

Washington Post columnist/MSNBC The Sunday Show host Jonathan Capehart: “Oh, I think so. I think MAGA and the domestic terror threat is much more worrisome than any foreign threat we could face.”...
New York Times columnist David Brooks: “Yes, I would agree.”
— PBS Newshour, September 10.

Biden Will “Slap” Covid-Spreading DeSantis With a “Stick” If He Has To

“He [Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis] wants Covid on cruise ships, he wants Covid in the schools. He wants Covid everywhere. Apparently wants to spread it everywhere….This was the President saying ‘You’re trying to bully people into being sick. You’re trying to bully teachers into teaching in unsafe environments....I will slap you with a stick and then move you out of the way, Ron DeSantis, if I have to.’”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, September 9.

“Vindication” of Newsom’s Liberal Lockdown Policies

“Now he [Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom] has something other elected officials don’t have: vindication. This recall election in the end was a referendum on his pandemic policies and the result was a blowout.”
— Correspondent Major Garrett on CBS Mornings, September 15.

Excited By AOC’s “Risky” “Tax the Rich” Dress At Event Full of NYC Liberal Elites

Host Brianna Keilar: “Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attended the Met Gala last night, and this may be the dress that is the most remembered from it. On the back of this dress it says ‘Tax The Rich.’...[This] is one of the most expensive and elitist events of the year, and I wonder if you think she thread the needle here with her message and her presence there or not?”

New York Times correspondent/CNN analyst Maggie Haberman: “I think she did….She is hobnobbing with the wealthy. The message of that dress is not a popular message in that crowd. And so there is something risky about doing it.”....
CNN White House correspondent John Harwood: “It’s the opposite of hobnobbing with the wealthy. And it shows the talent that AOC has.”
— CNN New Day, September 14.

War on Terror Revealed America’s “Lowest Impulses”

“The test of 9/11….is whether we could respond to this horrifying assault on America and still be America, still uphold the values that we profess....Yet in our prosecution of the war on terror....We sometimes revealed some of our lowest impulses....The irony is that after spending so many years attempting to spread democracy around the world, democracy at home feels weakened.....Al Qaeda was not what dimmed America’s promise. We, in some ways, did that to ourselves.”
— Washington Post book critic Carlos Lozada on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, September 10.

The Real “Leaders” on 9/11

“They [then-ABC, CBS and NBC evening news anchors Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw] were the closest thing that America had to national leaders on 9/11. They were the moral authority for the country on that first day, fulfilling a very historical role of basically counseling the country through this tragedy at a moment its political leadership was largely silent and largely absent from the conversation.”|
— Former Politico editor Garrett Graff in a September 7 article by the AP’s David Bauder.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/geoffrey-dickens/2021/10/02/dems-control-congress-and-white-house-gop-still-blame

10-02-2021, 05:45 PM
The wimp GOP, as long as they control the cloture rule in the Senate, control the vote unless the are willing to do the right thing and go for the bipartisan deal.

They won't.

10-02-2021, 06:14 PM
The wimp GOP, as long as they control the cloture rule in the Senate, control the vote unless the are willing to do the right thing and go for the bipartisan deal.

They won't.They are doing the right thing for once. Kinda impressed but not getting my hopes up someone won't cave.

10-02-2021, 06:15 PM
Disagree. But, yes, someone on the GOP will cave and Manchin will get what he wants.

Black Diamond
10-02-2021, 06:16 PM
They are doing the right thing for once. Kinda impressed but not getting my hopes up someone won't cave.

Well they are trying to take the houses back I guess

10-02-2021, 06:29 PM
Disagree. But, yes, someone on the GOP will cave and Manchin will get what he wants.You only agree with it because it's a Dem trying to do it. If it was a Republican trying to spend that much money you'd be crowing from the rooftop.

I don't care which side is trying to spend that much money to f*ck up our economy and chase their favorite conspiracy theories.