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10-02-2021, 05:22 PM
Biden just keeps making records!


Biden's approval among Black voters plunges more than 20 points in one month

The latest Associated Press/NORC poll numbers (https://apnews.com/article/immigration-coronavirus-pandemic-joe-biden-business-health-020342e77b3cbbaf281b1c466fefe975) were released yesterday and the news wasn’t very encouraging for President Joe Biden or his supporters. Following several weeks of consistently bad headlines, it would seem that people are beginning to sour on the “Build Back Better” presidency. This poll has consistently been a bit kinder to Biden than some of the other major polling outfits and that was once again the case this week. The report from the AP also seems to try to paint a somewhat more charitable picture, but the reality is that Biden’s numbers were down across the board. But the decline we’re seeing isn’t coming from Republicans and conservatives who weren’t too wild about Uncle Joe to begin with. The dips are coming from his own party and the demographic groups that have traditionally been the most supportive of him.

President Joe Biden’s popularity has slumped after a slew of challenges in recent weeks at home and abroad for the leader who pledged to bring the country together and restore competence in government, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Fifty percent now say they approve of Biden, while 49% disapprove. Fifty-four percent approved in August, and 59% did in July. The results come as Americans process the harried and deadly evacuation from Afghanistan, mounted border patrol agents charging at Haitian refugees, the unshakable threat of the coronavirus with its delta variant and the legislative drama of Biden trying to negotiate his economic, infrastructure and tax policies through Congress.

So AP/NORC still has Biden at 50/49 while the majority of polling outlets are showing him being underwater. As I said, that’s probably par for the course, but it’s a very low number to drop to this soon in a first presidential term. Support among Democrats is still strong, but it dropped from 92 to 85 percent. The AP describes this as having “dipped slightly,” but they curiously apply the same label to his support from the critical category of independent voters. That’s one area where Biden actually cratered, falling from 62 to 38 percent. The only party demographic where he stayed the same was with Republicans, where he has the same 11% support he had last time.

The real eye-openers came with the shift in support along racial lines. Biden is doing slightly worse with white voters, falling from 49% to 42%. But with Black voters, one of the key demographics he relied on in 2020, his support absolutely tanked, dropping from 86% to 64%. It’s hard to imagine this being attributable to much beyond his vaccine mandates (https://hotair.com/allahpundit/2021/09/22/yikes-bidens-net-job-approval-drops-12-points-among-black-voters-since-he-announced-federal-vaccine-mandate-n417631) and protests against those policies coming from Black Lives Matter. If Joe slips much further and actually goes underwater with Black voters he can pretty much forget about any future election chances. No Democrat can survive with those sorts of numbers.

In their follow-up questions with survey participants, the Associated Press amazingly still finds a way to blame Donald Trump. Check out this passage.

In follow-up interviews, some of those who had mixed feelings about Biden’s performance still saw him as preferable to former President Donald Trump. They said that Biden was dealing with a pandemic that began under the former president, an Afghanistan withdrawal negotiated on Trump’s behalf and an economy that tilted in favor of corporations and the wealthy because of Trump’s tax cuts.

“Trump had a lot to do with what’s going on now,” said Acarla Strickland, 41, a health care worker from Atlanta who voted for Biden yet now feels lukewarm about him.

Rest - https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2021/10/02/bidens-approval-among-black-voters-plunges-more-than-20-points-in-one-month-n419865

10-02-2021, 05:47 PM


Black Diamond
10-02-2021, 05:48 PM


We will remember that when you post anything from MiniTrue aka MSM.

10-02-2021, 06:03 PM
You people love CT misinformation

10-02-2021, 06:07 PM
Biden just keeps making records!


Biden's approval among Black voters plunges more than 20 points in one month

The latest Associated Press/NORC poll numbers (https://apnews.com/article/immigration-coronavirus-pandemic-joe-biden-business-health-020342e77b3cbbaf281b1c466fefe975) were released yesterday and the news wasn’t very encouraging for President Joe Biden or his supporters. Following several weeks of consistently bad headlines, it would seem that people are beginning to sour on the “Build Back Better” presidency. This poll has consistently been a bit kinder to Biden than some of the other major polling outfits and that was once again the case this week. The report from the AP also seems to try to paint a somewhat more charitable picture, but the reality is that Biden’s numbers were down across the board. But the decline we’re seeing isn’t coming from Republicans and conservatives who weren’t too wild about Uncle Joe to begin with. The dips are coming from his own party and the demographic groups that have traditionally been the most supportive of him.

So AP/NORC still has Biden at 50/49 while the majority of polling outlets are showing him being underwater. As I said, that’s probably par for the course, but it’s a very low number to drop to this soon in a first presidential term. Support among Democrats is still strong, but it dropped from 92 to 85 percent. The AP describes this as having “dipped slightly,” but they curiously apply the same label to his support from the critical category of independent voters. That’s one area where Biden actually cratered, falling from 62 to 38 percent. The only party demographic where he stayed the same was with Republicans, where he has the same 11% support he had last time.

The real eye-openers came with the shift in support along racial lines. Biden is doing slightly worse with white voters, falling from 49% to 42%. But with Black voters, one of the key demographics he relied on in 2020, his support absolutely tanked, dropping from 86% to 64%. It’s hard to imagine this being attributable to much beyond his vaccine mandates (https://hotair.com/allahpundit/2021/09/22/yikes-bidens-net-job-approval-drops-12-points-among-black-voters-since-he-announced-federal-vaccine-mandate-n417631) and protests against those policies coming from Black Lives Matter. If Joe slips much further and actually goes underwater with Black voters he can pretty much forget about any future election chances. No Democrat can survive with those sorts of numbers.

In their follow-up questions with survey participants, the Associated Press amazingly still finds a way to blame Donald Trump. Check out this passage.

Rest - https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2021/10/02/bidens-approval-among-black-voters-plunges-more-than-20-points-in-one-month-n419865SOmeone will scream "racist" but a lot of blacks are superstitious. Especially when it comes to government. Can't reall blame them. Look at all those unfulfilled, Dem promises that have been rolling in since before I can remember.

And Biden wants to inject them full of mandatory government juice? :laugh:

10-02-2021, 06:16 PM
SOmeone will scream "racist" but a lot of blacks are superstitious. Especially when it comes to government. Can't reall blame them. Look at all those unfulfilled, Dem promises that have been rolling in since before I can remember.

And Biden wants to inject them full of mandatory government juice? :laugh:

Did you voluntarily get the "juice"?

10-02-2021, 06:19 PM
SOmeone will scream "racist" but a lot of blacks are superstitious. Especially when it comes to government. Can't reall blame them. Look at all those unfulfilled, Dem promises that have been rolling in since before I can remember.

And Biden wants to inject them full of mandatory government juice? :laugh:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/21S_2jyvvTc/maxresdefault.jpghttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/cVVWA2SL3rk/maxresdefault.jpghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxP0fTJRnXFu1QKe9OLXLWJM0zhogE3 VeSvxR9SFoK49jeGYeBK1UqHKDfjYz8WWVCIqA&usqp=CAUhttp://icansayit.com/pictures/obamalieslist.jpg

10-02-2021, 06:24 PM
Did you voluntarily get the "juice"?Not seeing a point.

10-02-2021, 06:34 PM


Yes - and is there something wrong with them posting the associated press poll?

10-02-2021, 06:35 PM
Did you voluntarily get the "juice"?


Surf Fishing Guru
10-03-2021, 12:55 AM


You people love CT misinformation

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound with this reflexive howling about the source doing the reporting?

Do you ever employ logic and reasoned thinking or is your existence entirely ruled by emotion?

Did you even read the article?

Are you arguing that hotair misrepresented the AP-NORC polling results?

Sure, hotair offers opinion as to the reasons why the numbers are where they are, but you make no mention of that being the reason why you are ridiculing hotair . . . It seems your disdain is based in the fact that a conservative news outlet exists, not out of any evidence that they misrepresent or lie to their readers.

Are you including AP-NORC polling as "CT misinformation"? Again, you posit no argument on the actual subject of the hotair article, nor anything saying the AP-NORC polling is wrong or biased. Given they oversample Democrats and D leaning Independents by 10 points and self-identified "strong" Democrats over "strong" Republicans by 8 points, I don't think they are in danger of being condemned for being right-wing.

