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10-04-2021, 08:10 AM
Things have been heating up:


Why wouldn't China move now? Possibly because of power problems and subsequent production issues, but now would be the time to pull it off.

10-04-2021, 08:37 AM
China has economic problems plenty enough without chancing a major confrontation with the US that would result in the destruction of the Chinese navy and air forces.

10-04-2021, 08:44 AM
China has economic problems plenty enough without chancing a major confrontation with the US that would result in the destruction of the Chinese navy and air forces.

You're overestimating the US military, which is inexcusable considering the past months and underestimating the Chinese and their commitment to an end plan.

10-04-2021, 08:59 AM
You're overestimating the US military, which is inexcusable considering the past months and undSerestimating the Chinese and their commitment to an end plan.

Possibly, but I don't think so. I have no doubt that the Chinese have 'commitment', but do they have the surge and continuing logistics to dominate Taiwan and the South China Sea.

10-04-2021, 10:31 AM

How AP, Reuters And SCMP Propagandize Their Readers Against China

A typical 'western' anti-China propaganda claim is that China is using its military aggressively. 'Western' news agencies do this on a regular base when they report of Chinese air maneuvers around Taiwan.
This report by the South China Morning Post, based on AP and Reuters items, is a perfect example for that:
25 Chinese warplanes enter Taiwan’s air defence zone (https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3150933/25-chinese-warplanes-enter-taiwans-air-defence-zone)
Taiwan’s air force scrambled again on Friday to warn away 25 Chinese aircraft that entered its air defence zone, according to the defence ministry in Taipei.Taiwan has complained for a year or more of repeated missions by China’s air force, often in the southwestern part of its air defence zone close to the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands.
The latest PLA air force mission involved 18 J-16 and four Su-30 fighters plus two nuclear-capable H-6 bombers and an anti-submarine aircraft, the Taiwan ministry said.
It said Taiwan sent combat aircraft to warn away the PLA aircraft, while missile systems were deployed to monitor them.
The Chinese aircraft all flew in an area close to the Pratas, with the two bombers flying closest to the atoll, according to a map that the ministry issued.

I do not believe that China would fly its bombers and jets into Taiwan's "air defense zone" because that is the geographic area where Taiwan would actually shoot to take them down.
So I checked with the news agency reports the SCMP story is based on. AP headlines:
China sends 25 fighter planes toward Taiwan on National Day (https://apnews.com/article/china-taiwan-8b044885a9e84b76d8b825e3f1a369db)
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — China sent 25 fighter jets toward self-ruled Taiwan in a large display of force on China’s National Day Friday.The People’s Liberation Army flew 18 J-16 fighter jets as well as two H-6 bombers, among other planes. Taiwan deployed air patrol forces in response and tracked the Chinese aircraft on its air defense systems, the island’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.
China has sent planes toward the island it claims as part of its territory on a near daily basis in the last couple of years, stepping up military harassment with drills.

No "air defense zone" there but one extra point for "military harassment". Reuters is less subtle:
China marks national day with mass air incursion near Taiwan (https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/evoking-mao-china-likens-taiwan-foreign-minister-shrilling-fly-2021-10-01/)
TAIPEI, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Taiwan's air force scrambled again on Friday to warn away 25 Chinese aircraft that entered its air defence zone, the defence ministry in Taipei said, the same day as China marked its national day, the founding of the People's Republic of China.Chinese-claimed Taiwan has complained for a year or more of repeated missions by China's air force near the democratically governed island, often in the southwestern part of its air defence zone close to the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands.
The latest Chinese mission involved 18 J-16 and four Su-30 fighters plus two nuclear-capable H-6 bombers and an anti-submarine aircraft, the Taiwan ministry said.

So the "air defense zone" claims comes from Reuters. It is however 100% fake news. Neither did the Chinese airforce fly into the "air defense zone" of Taiwan nor did Taiwan claim that it did.
Here is the original news item from the Ministry of Defense of Taiwan. The headline and first line say it all:
Air activities in the southwestern ADIZ of R.O.C. (https://www.mnd.gov.tw/english/Publish.aspx?title=News%20Channel&SelectStyle=Military%20News%20Update%20&p=79128)
Air activities in the southwestern ADIZ of R.O.C.
There is no "air defense zone" (ADZ) in there. Instead there is Taiwan's ADIZ, or "Air Defense Identification Zone", into which Chinese planes 'intruded'.
What is an ADIZ one might ask (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_defense_identification_zone):
An air defense identification zone (ADIZ) is airspace over land or water in which the identification, location, and control of civil aircraft is performed in the interest of national security. They may extend beyond a country's territory to give the country more time to respond to possibly hostile aircraft. The concept of an ADIZ is not defined in any international treaty and is not regulated by any international body.
Some countries unilateral declare an ADIZ around this or that territory. They ask any plane entering it to identify itself. As ADIZ are unilateral 'pretty please' requests with no binding power they are regularly ignored.
Taiwan's ADIZ is quite rediculous (https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/taiwan/adiz.htm) as it covers parts of mainland China (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_defense_identification_zone#Taiwan):
Taiwan has an ADIZ that covers most of the Taiwan Strait, part of the Chinese province of Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi and part of the East China Sea and adjacent airspace. Most of the ADIZ of Taiwan is built on its exclusive economic zone. Taiwan's ADIZ was designed and created by the United States Armed Forces (USAF) after World War II.
https://www.moonofalabama.org/11i/twadiz.jpgThe Taiwanese Defense Ministry Military News Updates (https://www.mnd.gov.tw/english/PublishTable.aspx?types=Military%20News%20Update&Title=News%20Channel&Page=1) claim that Chinese 'violations' of its ADIZ happen each and every day.
The Reuters fake news piece also says that the Chinese planes flew near to Pratas Island (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratas_Island)(Dongsha) which China as well as Taiwan both claim as their territory.
https://www.moonofalabama.org/11i/twadiz2.jpgIn fact mainland China is nearer to Pratas than Taiwan is.
The Twitter account of Taiwan's Defense Ministry just posted (https://twitter.com/MoNDefense/status/1443975956578795522) this map of the alleged 'violations' which perfectly shows how ridiculous such claims are:
r (https://www.moonofalabama.org/11i/twadiz3-s.jpg)The AP report is misleading as it implies a special meaning to something that happens regularly.
The Reuters piece is obviously fake news as it claims that Taiwan's defense ministry said something which it did not say.
The SCMP deserves to be criticized too as any reporter and editor covering such news should know the difference between an ADZ and an ADIZ and should have recognized that the "air defense zone" claim in the Reuters piece is obviously bollocks.

That said all three fulfill their intended purpose. They propagandize those who read them against China by depicting normal military training of China's armed forces as aggression against its neighbors.

10-04-2021, 10:51 AM
I have no doubt of the Chinese will, but do they have the ability and the power of continuation.

10-04-2021, 11:19 AM
China has economic problems plenty enough without chancing a major confrontation with the US that would result in the destruction of the Chinese navy and air forces.

You're overestimating the US military, which is inexcusable considering the past months and underestimating the Chinese and their commitment to an end plan.

The US military currently cannot be defeated in combat, in a one-on-one, even playing field, by any other country. The US military currently cannot pull off a NEO in Afghanistan due to a lack of leadership.

That said, NOTHING the West can or will do is going to win a war with the Eastern mind. Not happening. The West goes in, kicks ass, the enemy surrenders and does what it's told, and the West goes home. War over.

To the East, the West may have won that battle, but ... we'll go home and they'll get back to work where they left off before we disrupted them. We want everything all tied up nice and neat so we can be home for Christmas. They want to win in the end where it counts.

China hasn't made a move because China is not ready to make a move. The "Godsend" (to us) Biden admin is just that to us. Just another day. another President to them. When China decides to move, it will be decisive and they won't care who is President.

10-04-2021, 11:46 AM
The US military currently cannot be defeated in combat, in a one-on-one, even playing field, by any other country. The US military currently cannot pull off a NEO in Afghanistan due to a lack of leadership.

That said, NOTHING the West can or will do is going to win a war with the Eastern mind. Not happening. The West goes in, kicks ass, the enemy surrenders and does what it's told, and the West goes home. War over.

To the East, the West may have won that battle, but ... we'll go home and they'll get back to work where they left off before we disrupted them. We want everything all tied up nice and neat so we can be home for Christmas. They want to win in the end where it counts.

China hasn't made a move because China is not ready to make a move. The "Godsend" (to us) Biden admin is just that to us. Just another day. another President to them. When China decides to move, it will be decisive and they won't care who is President.

I was not talking about army, sailors, marines, or pilots. The problem, not addressed even with the obvious debacle, is leadership-both military and civilian.

10-04-2021, 12:05 PM
I was not talking about army, sailors, marines, or pilots. The problem, not addressed even with the obvious debacle, is leadership-both military and civilian.True. The points I made are still valid though. Even if we got the cream of the crop in civilian and military leadership (not sure where from), our mindset as a society is not programmed nor prepared to deal with Eastern mindset. It's we can kill Vietnamese, Iraqi's, AQ and Taliban all day but can't defeat them.

I suspect in the end, unless things change, we're going lose for real.

Of interest to your point: look how we are currently set up. Total loser government and a traitor as JCS. We went into the us Civil War and WWII with not much more. The first thing to go were the peacetime Generals. Kimmel and Short took the fall for Pearl Harbor. McLellan, Meade, Scott, Burnside, Hooker, took the fall for the Civil War.

Like them or not, the one thing we DID have was effective leaders as Presidents. Not this time.

10-04-2021, 12:21 PM
The US military currently cannot be defeated in combat, in a one-on-one, even playing field, by any other country------------

Remarkable .

70 years of uninterrupted defeats = Supremacy .

I expect the opponents cheated or played unfair .

When it comes to Conspiracy Theories I prefer the Hollow Moon to the Hollow US Excuses .

10-04-2021, 01:46 PM
Maybe China IS moving now Kathianne.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Michael Shoebridge says Xi Jinping is “ratcheting up” the military intimidation of Taiwan and Australia and its allies need to take him seriously.
This comes after China sent 77 warplanes into Taiwan’s air defence zone over two days with Chinese media saying they were preparing for battlefield conditions.
Xi Jinping has told the People’s Liberation Army to be ready for war at a moment’s notice, according to Mr Shoebridge.
“I think some of this is him trying to get the Chinese people behind him as leader, because he’s got some difficult things happening domestically with the economy and with the party,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“But some of it is his vision of him being the man that brings Taiwan back to mainland China.”

10-04-2021, 02:06 PM
Maybe China IS moving now Kathianne.


The incursions are what prompted my op.

10-04-2021, 02:25 PM
The incursions are what prompted my op.Biden will probably offer to airlift refugees:rolleyes:

We touched on this before. If China acts before Biden is out of office, there's no telling what the US will do. At this point, I'm almost as afraid of Biden doing something as not.

Maybe the UK, Australia and Japan can field a better force than we think. I have no idea where S Korea stand in this except to say that if it was to take a hand, an attack in the rear from N Korea wouldn't be outside my planning.

10-04-2021, 02:25 PM
The incursions are what prompted my op.


10-04-2021, 02:27 PM
Biden will probably offer to airlift refugees:rolleyes:

We touched on this before. If China acts before Biden is out of office, there's no telling what the US will do. At this point, I'm almost as afraid of Biden doing something as not.

Maybe the UK, Australia and Japan can field a better force than we think. I have no idea where S Korea stand in this except to say that if it was to take a hand, an attack in the rear from N Korea wouldn't be outside my planning.

THAT civilian leadership. :rolleyes:

10-04-2021, 02:33 PM
https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2021/10/04/chinese-state-media-taiwan-an-evil-force-the-mainland-must-crush-n420120Interesting. An agreement between Biden and Ping Pong for some coal shipments?

On a side note, we can't use our coal and our coal miners and their families can starve, bur we can sell it to China :rolleyes: (referring to a recent sale)

10-04-2021, 02:35 PM
Interesting. An agreement between Biden and Ping Pong for some coal shipments?

On a side note, we can't use our coal and our coal miners and their families can starve, bur we can sell it to China :rolleyes: (referring to a recent sale)

And we can't have pipeline, but Russia can. Like I said, leadership.

10-04-2021, 03:03 PM
Biden's military leadership will give him advice that he will follow, unlike his predecessor who was considering attacking China. Heavens helped us with his defeat.

10-04-2021, 03:07 PM
www.the-sun.com › news › 3336978 (https://www.the-sun.com/news/3336978/china-says-us-has-no-chance-stopping-taiwan-invasion/)WW3 fears as China boasts US would have 'no chance' stopping ... (https://www.the-sun.com/news/3336978/china-says-us-has-no-chance-stopping-taiwan-invasion/)

China plans a three-pronged attack on Taiwan. Finally, the article said warships and land-based rocket forces would wipe-out any remaining obstacles so the military's marine corps and amphibious landing troops would safely land. This was the second time the publication has outlined a scenario for an attack on Taiwan.

www.bloomberg.com › news › featuresHere’s What Could Happen If China Invaded Taiwan - Bloomberg (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-10-07/here-s-what-could-happen-if-china-invaded-taiwan)

Xi Jinping’s Chinese Communist Party has threatened to invade Taiwan for more than seven decades. Now fears are growing among analysts, officials and investors that it might actually follow ...

www.aljazeera.com › news › 2021/4/14Is China really about to invade Taiwan? | Politics News | Al ... (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/4/14/is-there-really-a-risk-that-china-will-go-to-war-with-taiwan)

China could easily blockade Taiwan’s port in Kaohsiung by taking its 240-hectare (593-acre) Pratas Island off the coast of Hong Kong or strengthen its position in the South China Sea by invading ...

www.defenseone.com › ideas › 2021When and Why China Might—or Might Not—Attack Taiwan - Defense One (https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2021/05/when-and-why-china-mightor-might-notattack-taiwan/173937/)

When and Why China Might—or Might Not—Attack Taiwan ... Success will come if China decides that the best time to attack Taiwan is never—but there is a lot of time between now and then.

www.thecipherbrief.com › the-question-why-wouldThe Question: Why Would China not Invade Taiwan now? (https://www.thecipherbrief.com/the-question-why-would-china-not-invade-taiwan-now)

The new Chinese clampdown in Hong Kong will kill forever any notion that Taiwan can be lured into a similar arrangement. The victory of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the January 2020 elections has shown that the nationalist spirit is still alive and well in Taiwan.

www.forbes.com › sites › davidaxeIf China Invades Taiwan, Taipei Plans To Throw A Thousand ... (https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2020/12/09/if-china-invades-taiwan-taipei-plans-to-throw-a-thousand-tanks-at-the-beachhead/)

Taiwanese army M-60s during a 2017 exercise. If China invades Taiwan and succeeds in landing troops on the island country’s southwestern beaches, expect brutal tank battles to help decide the ...

news.yahoo.com › japanese-official-warns-usJapanese official warns US of potential surprise attack on ... (https://news.yahoo.com/japanese-official-warns-us-potential-200100225.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall)

Russia and China are coordinating military exercises to threaten not only Taiwan but also Hawaii, according to a senior Japanese defense official who warned the United States to beware of a Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack. “We have to show the deterrence towards China, and not just China but also the Russians, because, as I told you, that ...

10-04-2021, 04:00 PM
www.the-sun.com › news › 3336978 (https://www.the-sun.com/news/3336978/china-says-us-has-no-chance-stopping-taiwan-invasion/)WW3 fears as China boasts US would have 'no chance' stopping ... (https://www.the-sun.com/news/3336978/china-says-us-has-no-chance-stopping-taiwan-invasion/)

China plans a three-pronged attack on Taiwan. Finally, the article said warships and land-based rocket forces would wipe-out any remaining obstacles so the military's marine corps and amphibious landing troops would safely land. This was the second time the publication has outlined a scenario for an attack on Taiwan.
www.bloomberg.com › news › featuresHere’s What Could Happen If China Invaded Taiwan - Bloomberg (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-10-07/here-s-what-could-happen-if-china-invaded-taiwan)

Xi Jinping’s Chinese Communist Party has threatened to invade Taiwan for more than seven decades. Now fears are growing among analysts, officials and investors that it might actually follow ...
www.aljazeera.com › news › 2021/4/14Is China really about to invade Taiwan? | Politics News | Al ... (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/4/14/is-there-really-a-risk-that-china-will-go-to-war-with-taiwan)

China could easily blockade Taiwan’s port in Kaohsiung by taking its 240-hectare (593-acre) Pratas Island off the coast of Hong Kong or strengthen its position in the South China Sea by invading ...
www.defenseone.com › ideas › 2021When and Why China Might—or Might Not—Attack Taiwan - Defense One (https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2021/05/when-and-why-china-mightor-might-notattack-taiwan/173937/)

When and Why China Might—or Might Not—Attack Taiwan ... Success will come if China decides that the best time to attack Taiwan is never—but there is a lot of time between now and then.
www.thecipherbrief.com › the-question-why-wouldThe Question: Why Would China not Invade Taiwan now? (https://www.thecipherbrief.com/the-question-why-would-china-not-invade-taiwan-now)

The new Chinese clampdown in Hong Kong will kill forever any notion that Taiwan can be lured into a similar arrangement. The victory of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the January 2020 elections has shown that the nationalist spirit is still alive and well in Taiwan.
www.forbes.com › sites › davidaxeIf China Invades Taiwan, Taipei Plans To Throw A Thousand ... (https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2020/12/09/if-china-invades-taiwan-taipei-plans-to-throw-a-thousand-tanks-at-the-beachhead/)

Taiwanese army M-60s during a 2017 exercise. If China invades Taiwan and succeeds in landing troops on the island country’s southwestern beaches, expect brutal tank battles to help decide the ...
news.yahoo.com › japanese-official-warns-usJapanese official warns US of potential surprise attack on ... (https://news.yahoo.com/japanese-official-warns-us-potential-200100225.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall)

Russia and China are coordinating military exercises to threaten not only Taiwan but also Hawaii, according to a senior Japanese defense official who warned the United States to beware of a Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack. “We have to show the deterrence towards China, and not just China but also the Russians, because, as I told you, that ...

Neocons want war. Who are the neocons? Speaking for me, I don't want war. The best way to not have one is to be prepared for it and ensure everyone knows you are. Unfortunately, the US is seen from abroad as wishy-washy as a 7 years old with a choice of candies but can have only 1. There's no telling what our political "leadership" will do, and whther or not you like it, Biden has shown himself to be a complete foreign policy joke to the entire World.

If it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't have a whole lot more faith in Trump (your default red herring) in this position. I was not impressed with him from a military leadership POV, and he had a penchant for picking all the wrong people for positions.

I'll even throw a bone fj1200 's way: this is the consequence of populist rather than qualified leaders.

10-04-2021, 04:27 PM
Of course it's our fault :rolleyes:

By Ben Blanchard and Yimou Lee
TAIPEI (Reuters) – China blamed the United States on Monday for increased tensions over Taiwan, as the island fingered Beijing as the “chief culprit” after reporting the largest ever incursion by China’s air force into its air defence zone at 56 aircraft.
Chinese-claimed Taiwan has complained for a year or more of repeated missions by China’s air force near the democratically governed island, often in the southwestern part of its air defence zone close to the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands.
But since Friday, when China marked its national day, the country has embarked upon a massive ramping up of its missions, with almost 150 aircraft flying into the defence zone over the space of four days.
The latest mission included 34 J-16 fighters and 12 nuclear-capable H-6 bombers, which all flew in an area in the vicinity of the Pratas Islands, according to a map provided by the ministry. A further four Chinese fighters were spotted on Monday night, taking the total to the day to 56 aircraft.
Taiwanese fighter jets scrambled to warn away the Chinese planes, while missile systems were deployed to monitor them, it added.
The United States on Sunday urged China to stop its “provocative” military activities near Taiwan, while the island’s government has also condemned Beijing.
China’s Foreign Ministry, responding to the U.S. statement, said it was the United States which was being provocative and harming regional peace, with its arms sales to Taiwan and warships sailing regularly through the Taiwan Strait.
“China is resolutely opposed to this and takes necessary countermeasures,” it added.
“Engaging in Taiwan independence is a dead end. China will take all steps needed and firmly smash any Taiwan independence plots,” the ministry said. “China’s determination and will to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unwavering.”
The United States should stop supporting and “inflating” Taiwan separatist forces, it added.

Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council demanded China immediately stop its “irresponsible provocations” as the “chief culprit” behind the recent tensions.
“We sternly tell the Chinese Communists, the Republic of China on Taiwan is determined to firmly defend national sovereignty and dignity and peace across the Taiwan Strait,” it said, referring to Taiwan’s formal name.
“We have a full grasp of the communist military’s movements and have made appropriate responses. We have also been actively communicating and cooperating with friendly countries to jointly contain the Chinese communist’s malicious provocations.”
China has stepped up military and political pressure to try to force Taiwan to accept Chinese rule.
Taiwan says it is an independent country and will defend its freedom and democracy.
The government said on Monday it was actively communicating with friendly countries to jointly contain Beijing’s “malicious provocations”.
Taiwan has termed China’s activities as “grey zone” warfare, designed to wear down Taiwanese forces and test their abilities.
A Taiwan-based source familiar with security matters in the region told Reuters earlier on Monday the Chinese planes were possibly conducting simulated attacks on U.S. carrier fleets, drills the source said that China has repeatedly carried out near Taiwan in the past few months.
The U.S. Department of Defense said China’s increasing military activities near Taiwan were “destabilising and increase the risk of miscalculation”.
“Our commitment to Taiwan is rock-solid and contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region,” it added.
The carrier the USS Ronald Reagan entered the South China Sea late last month. On Monday Japan’s defence ministry said that ship, along with another carrier the USS Carl Vinson, had carried out multinational joint exercises in waters southwest of Okinawa, though it gave no exact location.
Along with U.S. and Japanese ships, vessels from Britain, the Netherlands, Canada and New Zealand took part in those exercises, the ministry said.
The Taiwan-based source said Monday’s flights by the Chinese aircraft were aimed at conducting simulated attacks on that fleet.
Okinawa is home to a major U.S. military base and lies just to the northeast of Taiwan.
(Reporting by Ben Blanchard and Yimou Lee; Additional reporting by Tom Daly, and Kiyoshi Takenaka in Tokyo; Editing by Alex Richardson, Andrew Heavens, Emelia Sithole-Matarise, William Maclean)

10-04-2021, 05:13 PM
Biden's military leadership will give him advice that he will follow,

Wrong. He already demonstrated and went against every military advisor available to him who all stated, under oath, that they strongly urged not withdrawing the troops until evacuation was complete.

Further, they all told him that a minimum of 2500 troops was necessary to prop up the Afghan government.

He made his own choice and we all saw the results.

unlike his predecessor who was considering attacking China. Heavens helped us with his defeat.

Just can't help that whataboutism, can you?

Nevertheless, Milley, under oath, told the Senate that Trump was NOT going to attack China. Trump also said the same. Everyone involved said the same, except Woodward in his fantasy book which is completely unsubstantiated in this regard and Milley refuted it directly.

Black Diamond
10-04-2021, 06:02 PM
So when China takes Taiwan, will Biden threaten to Send all the unvaccinated to the gulag?

10-04-2021, 06:21 PM
Wrong. He already demonstrated and went against every military advisor available to him who all stated, under oath, that they strongly urged not withdrawing the troops until evacuation was complete.

Further, they all told him that a minimum of 2500 troops was necessary to prop up the Afghan government.

He made his own choice and we all saw the results.

Just can't help that whataboutism, can you?

Nevertheless, Milley, under oath, told the Senate that Trump was NOT going to attack China. Trump also said the same. Everyone involved said the same, except Woodward in his fantasy book which is completely unsubstantiated in this regard and Milley refuted it directly.

You saved me so much texting! TYVM!

Black Diamond
10-04-2021, 06:26 PM
You saved me so much texting! TYVM!

Guessing you didn't mean to tell NT to piss off. :cool:

10-04-2021, 06:30 PM
Guessing you didn't mean to tell NT to piss off. :cool:Oops Kathianne :laugh:

10-04-2021, 06:54 PM
Guessing you didn't mean to tell NT to piss off. :cool:

I think she did!

Wouldn't be the first time. :coffee:

10-04-2021, 07:01 PM
Why wouldn't China move now? Possibly because of power problems and subsequent production issues, but now would be the time to pull it off.

This would be the perfect time to make that move.

We're certainly in no shape to boldly defend Taiwan. We couldn't even evacuate our own citizens in a country we controlled for 20 years, let alone go head-to-head with the 2nd largest military nation on the planet on a small island off their coast.

China, Russia, Iran and North Korea all know we are a rudderless ship right now, and other than a lot of bad press and sanctions, would have no repercussions from doing pretty much whatever they wanted.

If I were a bloodthirsty commie named Xi, right now would be the time.

And I doubt we'd do anything as Taiwan fell.

Black Diamond
10-04-2021, 07:13 PM
This would be the perfect time to make that move.

We're certainly in no shape to boldly defend Taiwan. We couldn't even evacuate our own citizens in a country we controlled for 20 years, let alone go head-to-head with the 2nd largest military nation on the planet on a small island off their coast.

China, Russia, Iran and North Korea all know we are a rudderless ship right now, and other than a lot of bad press and sanctions, would have no repercussions from doing pretty much whatever they wanted.

If I were a bloodthirsty commie named Xi, right now would be the time.

And I doubt we'd do anything as Taiwan fell.

Be interesting to watch.

10-04-2021, 07:21 PM
I think she did!

Wouldn't be the first time. :coffee:
Lol! Not very often, just enough. I sing your praises much more!

10-05-2021, 10:23 AM
More on Aussies: https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2021/10/04/taiwan-asks-for-australias-support-in-possible-war-with-china-n420039

10-05-2021, 12:41 PM
More on Aussies: https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2021/10/04/taiwan-asks-for-australias-support-in-possible-war-with-china-n420039Saw that. I could have sworn I posted it.

Both Australia and Japan have a stake in Taiwan. The UK has tentatively weighed in, at least as far as where it ships can and cannot go.

The US has Anderson AFB, Guam, Kadena AFB, Okinawa. And Joe Biden :rolleyes:

Back to the main issue for us, if the US upholds its end of the bargains its made, China wouldn't have a chance. That is quite a formidable list of military assets. Again, we have Joe Biden.