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View Full Version : It Continues On

10-04-2021, 08:17 AM
Too close, seeing some here buying burner phones and international calling cards.



10-04-2021, 10:04 AM
Its an absolute travesty and betrayal of our nation.

10-04-2021, 01:54 PM
Should round them up and put them in the old territorial prison in Yuma. There's a Marine Corps Air Station there. Extra guard duty :)

10-04-2021, 03:15 PM
We did an exercise at Yuma Proving Ground one July.

Dick Tuck had a heart attack in our tent, even with the sides rolled up.

He survived.

10-04-2021, 03:51 PM
You live with the desert or it will kill you. There's got to be more to this. You don't just cross at Yuma and you're home free. The desert goes in every direction. These people come from a Caribbean island via tropical South/Central America.

There has to be some sort of support/transportation set up or they would mostly all die. I'm for busting the enablers every bit if not more than the illegals. Find that support/transportation system and you get both.

From Yuma, the next nearest civilization is El Centro, CA, or Casa Grande, AZ. North is just desert. West is sand. East is desert and couple of mountain ranges between Yuma and Casa Grande.