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View Full Version : U.S. To Keep In Place Trump-Era Sanctions On China

10-04-2021, 04:23 PM
We need to put a coal embargo on China.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:03 PM PT – Monday, October 4, 2021The Biden administration has decided not to lift tariffs against China, which were put in place by President Trump. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said on Monday, China has failed to keep its end of the Trump-brokered U.S.-China trade deal.
Tai said although those tariffs would remain active, the White House was looking into exemptions so some companies could still buy certain Chinese products. She added these actions were meant to keep dialogue open with Beijing and were not designed to further inflame tensions.
“I think that we are going to have, and intend to have to have, really honest conversations with China about all of the elements of the Phase One agreement,” she explained. “These are commitments that China made.”
he tariffs placed by Trump were imposed on $350 billion worth of Chinese goods.