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View Full Version : Biden Blames GOP, Trump For Debt Ceiling Situation

10-04-2021, 05:07 PM
This clown wants to blow $5T dollars and he's accusing Trump of spending too much? As I recall, Trump had to beg for every dime out of the Dem Congress.

I guess Joe thought "get out of the way and blah blah blah" wasn't a big enough fail when he said it the first time :rolleyes:

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:44 AM PT – Monday, October 4, 2021Joe Biden has continued to shift blame as the U.S. teeters on the brink of an economic catastrophe. While speaking from the White House Monday, he made his case for raising the debt ceiling by blaming 45th President Donald Trump as well as Republicans for spending too much and playing procedural games.
His remarks come even as he pushes a multi-trillion dollar spending bill to pass through reconciliation, which bypasses Republicans. While calling for GOP help to raise the debt ceiling, Biden also said they need to get out of the way so Democrats can “save the economy.”
However, reporters criticized Biden for not being able to bring his own party together to pass legislation. The Democrat-controlled Congress has until October 18 to act or risk a historic default.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (R-N.Y.) set a tentative date for Congress to pass the infrastructure and budget packages. In a press conference Sunday, the New York lawmaker said he believes Democrats are on track to pass both pieces of legislation in the next month.
This comes as Democrats continue to bicker over price tag and substance in the reconciliation package, holding back the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has shared a similar timeline to Schumer’s, suggesting the bipartisan bill must be passed no later than October 31.

10-04-2021, 05:19 PM

10-04-2021, 06:34 PM
The fact is both parties and the whole civil service, imo, are for responsible this nonsensical mess.

10-04-2021, 06:36 PM
The fact is both parties and the whole civil service, imo, are responsible this nonsensical mess.I can agree with that.

10-04-2021, 07:12 PM
Biden railed about Republicans 'standing in the way' again... he must have forgotten that Dems control all 3 branches.

He must have forgotten that.

The GOP wants nothing to do with passing these abominations. The GOP IS standing aside.

The reason they don't pass this by themselves is because they know if there's no bipartisan support they're going to get rightfully hammered for it.

But it is fun watching the moonbats eat each other. Very funny on Friday when Biden went down to Congress and lobbied against himself and destroyed any momentum they may have had. Declaring the bills were linked when Pelosi had just said they weren't. :laugh:

He forgot who's bill was who's and who was for what. Now they're all against everything.

And that's good for America.

10-04-2021, 07:58 PM
NightTrain, please look up cloture and filibuster.

10-04-2021, 08:04 PM
NightTrain, please look up cloture and filibuster.

I'm aware.

Now look up Reconciliation.

10-04-2021, 08:25 PM
And now there is the big bugaboo to pit dems against the 'progressives': Hyde Amendment.


10-04-2021, 09:25 PM
See, everyone is focusing on Manchin, but he can be bought - he already named his price, it's 1.5 Trillion. Whittling down from 3.5 T is a deal breaker for the hardcore socialists... but that could conceivably happen.

Sinema is their real problem. She's a flat no. And she seems to be relishing in it. If there's no way to buy her vote, this all goes no where.

And now she's got unhinged stalkers filming her in women's restrooms, in the airport, and on the plane. The stalker trying to bully her is an illegal. Yeah, that's going to make a personality like Sinema cave! :laugh:

Speaking of, how the hell does an illegal get on an airplane, anyway? How is that possible?

10-05-2021, 09:04 AM
See, everyone is focusing on Manchin, but he can be bought - he already named his price, it's 1.5 Trillion. Whittling down from 3.5 T is a deal breaker for the hardcore socialists... but that could conceivably happen.

Sinema is their real problem. She's a flat no. And she seems to be relishing in it. If there's no way to buy her vote, this all goes no where.

And now she's got unhinged stalkers filming her in women's restrooms, in the airport, and on the plane. The stalker trying to bully her is an illegal. Yeah, that's going to make a personality like Sinema cave! :laugh:

Speaking of, how the hell does an illegal get on an airplane, anyway? How is that possible?
Here's another on Manchin and Hyde Amendment, Abbey Marie .

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2021/10/05/hyde_amendment_is_new_obstacle_to_biden_spending_p lan_146511.html

10-05-2021, 09:45 AM
I'm aware.

Now look up Reconciliation.

So you do understand that McConnell does not want what is best for America.

We are talking about the debt ceiling the GOP always happily punctures when they are in power.

Abbey Marie
10-05-2021, 12:09 PM
See, everyone is focusing on Manchin, but he can be bought - he already named his price, it's 1.5 Trillion. Whittling down from 3.5 T is a deal breaker for the hardcore socialists... but that could conceivably happen.

Sinema is their real problem. She's a flat no. And she seems to be relishing in it. If there's no way to buy her vote, this all goes no where.

And now she's got unhinged stalkers filming her in women's restrooms, in the airport, and on the plane. The stalker trying to bully her is an illegal. Yeah, that's going to make a personality like Sinema cave! :laugh:

Speaking of, how the hell does an illegal get on an airplane, anyway? How is that possible?

I’m not so sure he can be bought on taxpayer-funded abortions, though.

10-05-2021, 01:30 PM
So you do understand that McConnell does not want what is best for America.

We are talking about the debt ceiling the GOP always happily punctures when they are in power.

But we're not in power. Democrats enjoy a trifecta.

Democrats have the ability to get all of this done by themselves. Railing against GOP not helping to pass these socialist's wet dream of spending bills is silly.

No, Jake, you'll have to get all this done by yourselves. It's not our fault that you can't get all Democrats on board with your agenda. If you got all your people to vote how you want them to, you'd have everything passed.

McConnell is doing exactly what we want him to do. He's faithfully representing as he should.

10-05-2021, 02:35 PM
But we're not in power. Democrats enjoy a trifecta.

Democrats have the ability to get all of this done by themselves. Railing against GOP not helping to pass these socialist's wet dream of spending bills is silly.

No, Jake, you'll have to get all this done by yourselves. It's not our fault that you can't get all Democrats on board with your agenda. If you got all your people to vote how you want them to, you'd have everything passed.

McConnell is doing exactly what we want him to do. He's faithfully representing as he should.

That is why, with you trying to crash the economy and put us into a recession, the great majority is going to turn to the Democratic Party as a permanent one-party state.

Your refusal to play ball, means we take it and keep it.

10-05-2021, 03:03 PM
That is why, with you trying to crash the economy and put us into a recession, the great majority is going to turn to the Democratic Party as a permanent one-party state.

Your refusal to play ball, means we take it and keep it.

I'm afraid it is you democrats trying to crash the economy. And at the end of the day, you will own it because McConnell understands what is about to happen.

I think you'll find, though, that right about Black Friday you're going to see approval in the single digits when reality hits home hard. It will be impossible to spin the inbound trainwreck being foisted upon us by democrats.

Allowing $5 trillion in unnecessary spending and increasing the debt ceiling is going to supercharge the already out-of-control inflation.

No, Jake, right about Black Friday is my guess when you've completely doomed yourselves by hitching your wagon to unrepentant socialists and a senile buffoon.

Black Diamond
10-05-2021, 03:09 PM
I'm afraid it is you democrats trying to crash the economy. And at the end of the day, you will own it because McConnell understands what is about to happen.

I think you'll find, though, that right about Black Friday you're going to see approval in the single digits when reality hits home hard. It will be impossible to spin the inbound trainwreck being foisted upon us by democrats.

Allowing $5 trillion in unnecessary spending and increasing the debt ceiling is going to supercharge the already out-of-control inflation.

No, Jake, right about Black Friday is my guess when you've completely doomed yourselves by hitching your wagon to unrepentant socialists and a senile buffoon.

Biden will continue to unravel. And his veep pick has his administrations hands tied, as they really don't want her.

10-05-2021, 03:13 PM
I'm afraid it is you democrats trying to crash the economy. And at the end of the day, you will own it because McConnell understands what is about to happen.

I think you'll find, though, that right about Black Friday you're going to see approval in the single digits when reality hits home hard. It will be impossible to spin the inbound trainwreck being foisted upon us by democrats.

Allowing $5 trillion in unnecessary spending and increasing the debt ceiling is going to supercharge the already out-of-control inflation.

No, Jake, right about Black Friday is my guess when you've completely doomed yourselves by hitching your wagon to unrepentant socialists and a senile buffoon.

NightTrain, your refusal to play ball will crash the economy, and the American voter will destroy your party. Better we go with social market democracy in strength than with the knock-kneed and weak-willed unrepentant American fascists.

10-05-2021, 03:16 PM
Biden will continue to unravel. And his veep pick has his administrations hands tied, as they really don't want her.

Yep, they've really painted themselves into a corner. It won't end well for them.

Unfortunately the rest of us are stuck on this ride, but it'll be instructional to millions of Americans what happens when you elect democrats.

10-05-2021, 03:23 PM
NightTrain, your refusal to play ball will crash the economy, and the American voter will destroy your party.

We've already been over this. You don't need our help. You control the government and can accomplish your goals without even 1 Republican vote.

Why are you insisting on us helping you? You're driving this bus, get 'er done!

Don't you want all the glory of accomplishing your goals all by yourselves?

Better we go with social market democracy in strength than with the knock-kneed and weak-willed unrepentant American fascists.


Now we're fascists because we agree to disagree?

Do you know what that word means? I don't think you do.

10-05-2021, 03:33 PM
Yes, we been over this.

McConnell is doing his darndest to destroy the Republic and its institutions.

Your opponents have the money, the numbers, and the overwhelming force of will to crush your ilk if you can't play by the rules.

Black Diamond
10-05-2021, 03:35 PM
I wonder if Dr Jill goes to the same lengths Starkey does in defending Joe.

10-05-2021, 03:43 PM
Yes, we been over this.

McConnell is doing his darndest to destroy the Republic and its institutions.

Your president just said yesterday that he wants the GOP to "get out of the way!".

We are fully compliant with his demands.

Why are you angry that we're following the leader of your party's wishes to the letter?

Your opponents have the money, the numbers, and the overwhelming force of will to crush your ilk if you can't play by the rules.

Emmmm... okay. I wish you'd get this over with, though, because the suspense might just kill me first.

I'm curious, though - what rules have been broken?

10-05-2021, 04:49 PM
The GOP is not willing to jointly govern.

The Democratic Party although it will deny the fact will happily rule for them forever from this point on.

10-05-2021, 05:05 PM
The GOP is not willing to jointly govern.

The Democratic Party although it will deny the fact will happily rule for them forever from this point on.

I can't help but notice you're dodging some very pointed and simple questions.

Do you not know the answer, or is it that you don't want to admit the truth?

10-05-2021, 05:14 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by JakeStarkey http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=992532#post992532)
The GOP is not willing to jointly govern.

The Democratic Party although it will deny the fact will happily rule for them forever from this point on.

NightTrain: I can't help but notice you're dodging some very pointed and simple questions.

Do you not know the answer, or is it that you don't want to admit the truth?

NightTrain's questions are neither pointed or useful.

Why is your party abnegating its obligation to help govern?

10-05-2021, 05:25 PM
The gop votes are not needed for raising the ceiling.

No input is asked regarding any policies, including siccing the doj on parents at schoolboard meetings that speak out against elected officials. The administration, as well as the letter writer to him, cited no threats, nevertheless do, fbi, and patriot act are bandied about.

10-05-2021, 06:11 PM
The gop votes are not needed for raising the ceiling.

No input is asked regarding any policies, including siccing the doj on parents at schoolboard meetings that speak out against elected officials. The administration, as well as the letter writer to him, cited no threats, nevertheless do, fbi, and patriot act are bandied about.

Nonsense. The GOP has been offered a reasonable solution, and McConnell is pissing on it.

If we go into a recession because of the GOP's refusal to govern, it will be reduced permanently to minority regional status.


10-05-2021, 06:21 PM
NightTrain's questions are neither pointed or useful.

Why is your party abnegating its obligation to help govern?

You just raised the white flag, my dude. You've got nothing.

There's no shame in it, you're hardly the first lib that's come up woefully short in all departments.

Just once, I'd love to talk with a lib that can get down to brass tacks and factually debate something logically & properly. Eventually you all resort to the exact same rudderless retreat tactic you've been displaying all morning when you spot the corner approaching.

I'm disappointed. You seemed like you might actually be knowledgable for a brief moment yesterday, but I've reduced you to dodging and lazy circular trolling responses. Again.

Ah well. Off to do something constructive.

10-05-2021, 06:49 PM
You are wrapped in the white flag in which you project onto others.

The GOP has surrendered its legitimacy as an American party.