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View Full Version : Biden administration rolls back Trump-era rule restricting federal funds to clinics

10-05-2021, 03:41 AM

The reversal comes as the Supreme Court will consider a case likely to produce the most important ruling on abortion in 30 years.
“This rule is a step forward for family planning care as it aims to strengthen and restore our nation’s Title X program,” Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said Monday in a statement. “Our nation’s family planning clinics play a critical role in delivering health care, and today more than ever, we are making clear that access to quality family planning care includes accurate information and referrals—based on a patient’s needs and direction.”

Clinics that receive Title X funds also provide breast and cervical cancer screening and testing for sexually transmitted infections for more than 190 million low-income or uninsured people, Becerra said.
The reversal comes as the Supreme Court will consider a case likely to produce the most important ruling on abortion in 30 years.

10-05-2021, 11:41 AM

The reversal comes as the Supreme Court will consider a case likely to produce the most important ruling on abortion in 30 years.
“This rule is a step forward for family planning care as it aims to strengthen and restore our nation’s Title X program,” Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said Monday in a statement. “Our nation’s family planning clinics play a critical role in delivering health care, and today more than ever, we are making clear that access to quality family planning care includes accurate information and referrals—based on a patient’s needs and direction.”

Clinics that receive Title X funds also provide breast and cervical cancer screening and testing for sexually transmitted infections for more than 190 million low-income or uninsured people, Becerra said.
The reversal comes as the Supreme Court will consider a case likely to produce the most important ruling on abortion in 30 years.

If any party was ever the very face of evil, this particular issue demonstrates it. Not only does the left want as many free abortions as possible here in America, they firmly believe we should be funding and facilitating murdering unborn babies all over the world with our tax dollars too.

Thus, "access to healthcare" is deliberately referred to as providing abortions as a method of birth control. Democrats love their word games and love throwing in there "screening for cervical cancer" and other standard real medical needs when they're actually talking about abortions. No one would deny a woman access to actual medical needs but there is a very real rejection to legal abortion. They know this, so in an attempt to paint anti-abortion as ghouls the use of these word games are employed as often as possible.

The Supreme Court, with a 6-3 conservative majority, is also considering a challenge to a Mississippi abortion law that could produce the most consequential ruling on the issue in decades.
President Joe Biden issued a memorandum (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/28/memorandum-on-protecting-womens-health-at-home-and-abroad/) in January directing HHS to review rules that impose “undue restrictions” on women’s access to health care. HHS first issued a proposed rule reversing the Trump-era restriction on Title X funds in April.
Becerra, citing his department's 2020 Family Planning Annual Report (https://opa.hhs.gov/research-evaluation/title-x-services-research/family-planning-annual-report), also said the Title X program experienced a “significant decline in the number of clients served in 2020.”
The report estimates there was a drop of 2.4 million family planning patients from 2018 to 2020, 1.5 million of which can be attributed to the Trump rule change.

So after Trump restricted the use of taxpayer-provided free abortions, from 1.5 million and up to 2.4 million abortions were prevented. That's a LOT of murders of innocent children in only 2 years.

I hope and pray that USSC overturns this abomination Roe v. Wade right now while there's a 6-3 advantage. This entire thing is a plague on our nation. Hard to say where Roberts will fall, but I'll take a 5-4 decision gladly.

These word games really are crazy and sadly laughable.

"Health Care" is code for "Murdering Babies"

"5 Trillion" is actually "Zero"

"We'll get everyone evacuated" is actually "We don't give a damn and will abandon anyone unlucky enough to still be there"

"We're deporting tens of thousands of illegals" is actually "We're secretly releasing tens of thousands of illegals all over the country"

"We're mandating that everyone is vaccinated" is really "We're releasing tens of thousands of infected illegals all over the country"

"We'll be the most transparent admin in history" is "No you can't ask the president any questions because he's legally insane"

"Trump is to blame for Afghanistan" is "Yeah, that deal was no longer valid because the Taliban broke their end of the bargain"

"The military never told us that Afghanistan would fall" really means that "The military universally warned that it would without our help"

"There's no real inflation, it's all transitory" is "Highest inflation rate in 30 years and climbing at an alarming rate"

"I'm the president! The buck stops with me" is "It's Trump's fault"

I could go on all day with this. Psaki bold facedly lies almost every day and it's no wonder that the polling is cratering across the board as these lies stack up on every single attempt to spin the incompetence.

I can't think of a single example of Biden reversing a single Trump policy that has been beneficial to this country. Not one. Every time he's reversed or suspended a policy, it's blown up spectacularly in Biden's face - and when it does, it's Trump's fault somehow.

There really should be a backdrop banner advertising ACME behind Biden every single time he's signing an Executive Order countermanding a Trump-era policy.

Abbey Marie
10-05-2021, 12:23 PM
If any party was ever the very face of evil, this particular issue demonstrates it. Not only does the left want as many free abortions as possible here in America, they firmly believe we should be funding and facilitating murdering unborn babies all over the world with our tax dollars too.

Thus, "access to healthcare" is deliberately referred to as providing abortions as a method of birth control. Democrats love their word games and love throwing in there "screening for cervical cancer" and other standard real medical needs when they're actually talking about abortions. No one would deny a woman access to actual medical needs but there is a very real rejection to legal abortion. They know this, so in an attempt to paint anti-abortion as ghouls the use of these word games are employed as often as possible.

So after Trump restricted the use of taxpayer-provided free abortions, from 1.5 million and up to 2.4 million abortions were prevented. That's a LOT of murders of innocent children in only 2 years.

I hope and pray that USSC overturns this abomination Roe v. Wade right now while there's a 6-3 advantage. This entire thing is a plague on our nation. Hard to say where Roberts will fall, but I'll take a 5-4 decision gladly.

These word games really are crazy and sadly laughable.

"Health Care" is code for "Murdering Babies"

"5 Trillion" is actually "Zero"

"We'll get everyone evacuated" is actually "We don't give a damn and will abandon anyone unlucky enough to still be there"

"We're deporting tens of thousands of illegals" is actually "We're secretly releasing tens of thousands of illegals all over the country"

"We're mandating that everyone is vaccinated" is really "We're releasing tens of thousands of infected illegals all over the country"

"We'll be the most transparent admin in history" is "No you can't ask the president any questions because he's legally insane"

"Trump is to blame for Afghanistan" is "Yeah, that deal was no longer valid because the Taliban broke their end of the bargain"

"The military never told us that Afghanistan would fall" really means that "The military universally warned that it would without our help"

"There's no real inflation, it's all transitory" is "Highest inflation rate in 30 years and climbing at an alarming rate"

"I'm the president! The buck stops with me" is "It's Trump's fault"

I could go on all day with this. Psaki bold facedly lies almost every day and it's no wonder that the polling is cratering across the board as these lies stack up on every single attempt to spin the incompetence.

I can't think of a single example of Biden reversing a single Trump policy that has been beneficial to this country. Not one. Every time he's reversed or suspended a policy, it's blown up spectacularly in Biden's face - and when it does, it's Trump's fault somehow.

There really should be a backdrop banner advertising ACME behind Biden every single time he's signing an Executive Order countermanding a Trump-era policy.


10-05-2021, 12:43 PM
Taxpayers should not be funding abortion.

10-05-2021, 02:38 PM
The pro-life party that wants to bring fetuses to life without providing anything but a life of poverty for them is the face of evil.

10-05-2021, 02:44 PM
The pro-life party that wants to bring fetuses to life without providing anything but a life of poverty for them is the face of evil.

That's a bullshit argument. We want them to have the same chance in life that all of us living today, as adults, had.

10-05-2021, 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by JakeStarkey http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=992492#post992492)
The pro-life party that wants to bring fetuses to life without providing anything but a life of poverty for them is the face of evil.

That's a bullshit argument. We want them to have the same chance in life that all of us living today, as adults, had.

You denying your lack of care for the poor and their needs is bullshit. You need to prop the opportunities for them to succeed.

We all will pay up front or in the back for poverty and prison.

There is no other play in the game. Own up to your weakness.

10-05-2021, 03:10 PM
You denying your lack of care for the poor and their needs is bullshit. You need to prop the opportunities for them to succeed.

We all will pay up front or in the back for poverty and prison.

There is no other play in the game. Own up to your weakness.

I grew up dirt poor. No one ever handed me anything. I've never taken any kind of welfare.

My mom was a scared 17 year old girl when she got knocked up. I turned out just fine.

Who propped me up, Jake?

10-05-2021, 03:31 PM
I grew up dirt poor. No one ever handed me anything. I've never taken any kind of welfare.

My mom was a scared 17 year old girl when she got knocked up. I turned out just fine.

Who propped me up, Jake?

I am so glad you did, NightTrain. The seven of us grew up the same way and succeeded.

However, our anecdotal testimony is meaningless in the face of poverty, numbers, and monies trying to take care of its ill results on the front and back ends.

10-05-2021, 03:46 PM
The pro-life party that wants to bring fetuses to life without providing anything but a life of poverty for them is the face of evil.I expect people to be responsible, and accept responsibility for their actions. Not in the position to have a child? Don't. And don't give me nothing's foolproof and exceptions to the variety of readily available birth control or I will bring up the anti-vax argument of the exceptions harmed by the vaccine.

Exceptions to the rule are just that. Meantime, there's birth control. Don't believe in it? Choose. BC or baby. You don't have the right to commit murder because YOU f-d up.

And I damned sure don't want MY tax dollars funding it.

These people need to man the f- up.

10-05-2021, 03:53 PM
I am so glad you did, NightTrain. The seven of us grew up the same way and succeeded.

However, our anecdotal testimony is meaningless in the face of poverty, numbers, and monies trying to take care of its ill results on the front and back ends.

So, because there is a chance that this baby might turn out poorly is reason enough to justify killing him?

You agree, then, that because the outlook wasn't very rosy at your conception, that you should have been aborted? Is that your argument?

10-05-2021, 03:56 PM
You denying your lack of care for the poor and their needs is bullshit. You need to prop the opportunities for them to succeed.

We all will pay up front or in the back for poverty and prison.

There is no other play in the game. Own up to your weakness.

You still didn't answer the question. I had all the opportunities in the world. I made them happen. Who propped me up, Jake?

Who propped you up, if what you say about your childhood is true? Is welfare part of your life? Was it in the past?

10-05-2021, 04:55 PM
The eight of us had the same problem and succeeded as you did, for which I am happy.

However, that is anecdotal and not the normal. As you well know, yet ignore, many, many times more did not succeed.

The fools on the right refuse to, or can't, understand that the numbers tells us we as a People will pay for it up front or on the back end.

The right's misunderstanding of how economics and peoples' lives actually work is simply pathetic.

10-05-2021, 05:50 PM
The pro-life party that wants to bring fetuses to life without providing anything but a life of poverty for them is the face of evil.

Looks like that pro-life party contaminated all of man-kind when they allowed YOUR FETUS to arrive. And look at what REAL IGNORANCE, and STUPIDITY we all got when you ARRIVED Here.

10-05-2021, 06:05 PM
The eight of us had the same problem and succeeded as you did, for which I am happy.

However, that is anecdotal and not the normal. As you well know, yet ignore, many, many times more did not succeed.

I disagree. I can't think of anyone that I have ever met that wished they'd been aborted, no matter what their personal lot in life was from the outset.

Beyond that, who are you to judge that a baby should be aborted according to how successful their mother is? That's truly a vile and evil philosophy.

Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was one of 17 children? He had to drop out of secondary school at the age of 10 to become an indentured servant. Sounds pretty bleak, right? By your logic, he should have definitely been aborted. I think he would have disagreed with your deserved death prouncement. I think mankind definitely benefitted from his life, hard though it may have been.

Did you know that Alexander Hamilton was the bastard son of an adulterous affair? He and his brother were raised as orphans. Sounds like the ideal candidate for an abortion, right Jake? I think we all benefitted from his survival.

How about Andrew Jackson? His father was killed before he was born. With no safety social net, this should have been a no-brainer for his mother, right? I think we all benefitted from his life.

Then there's Edgar Allen Poe. He was born to a penniless parents, and by the age of 3 his father abandoned him and his mother was dead. Raised as an orphan. I think it's safe to say that millions of people worldwide are happy that he lived.

Marilyn Monroe was born to a mentally ill single mother in LA. Raised in foster homes and orphanages. Prime candidate for an abortion, right?

A very brief list of notable orphans :

Amenhotep III
Saint Nicholas
Marcus Aurelius
Chiang Kai-Shek
Genghis Khan
Yitzhak Rabin
Pope Adrian VI
Charles V
Pope Clement VII
James Michener

Aren't we all lucky that unwanted orphans throughout history weren't subject to your desire to kill them prior to birth?

The fools on the right refuse to, or can't, understand that the numbers tells us we as a People will pay for it up front or on the back end.

The right's misunderstanding of how economics and peoples' lives actually work is simply pathetic.

So, your lust for killing babies is driven by financial concerns? How much financial load on the public per person warrants their death?

Honestly, I thought you libs loved having as many people on welfare as possible. This argument seems backwards to me.

Explain that, please. I'm truly intrigued.

10-05-2021, 06:16 PM
You can, NightTrain, disagree all you want.

The facts are that your beliefs are immaterial.

The fact are that we as individuals and society have been paying on the back end (poverty, prison, rehab, etc) because the GOP will not agree to pay on the front end (pre-natal, natal, post-natal, training, etc) to give a child a chance and make Mom a tax payer.

We are going to pay for it one way or another, and your way is the path of pain for people and society.

10-05-2021, 06:23 PM
You can, NightTrain, disagree all you want.

The facts are that your beliefs are immaterial.

The fact are that we as individuals and society have been paying on the back end (poverty, prison, rehab, etc) because the GOP will not agree to pay on the front end (pre-natal, natal, post-natal, training, etc) to give a child a chance and make Mom a tax payer.

We are going to pay for it one way or another, and your way is the path of pain for people and society.

You didn't answer my questions. Again.

10-05-2021, 06:50 PM
NightTrain, your questions don't apply and you can't dodge the legitimacy of my argument.

It is because of people thinking like you that we will transform America into a caring social market democracy where taxation benefits its citizens before business.

Black Diamond
10-05-2021, 07:29 PM

10-06-2021, 10:56 AM
The pro-life party that wants to bring fetuses to life without providing anything but a life of poverty for them is the face of evil.

Is it your argument that abortion rights have proceeded a reduction in poverty since 1973?

10-06-2021, 11:11 AM
If any party was ever the very face of evil, this particular issue demonstrates it. Not only does the left want as many free abortions as possible here in America, they firmly believe we should be funding and facilitating murdering unborn babies all over the world with our tax dollars too.

Thus, "access to healthcare" is deliberately referred to as providing abortions as a method of birth control. Democrats love their word games and love throwing in there "screening for cervical cancer" and other standard real medical needs when they're actually talking about abortions. No one would deny a woman access to actual medical needs but there is a very real rejection to legal abortion. They know this, so in an attempt to paint anti-abortion as ghouls the use of these word games are employed as often as possible.

So after Trump restricted the use of taxpayer-provided free abortions, from 1.5 million and up to 2.4 million abortions were prevented. That's a LOT of murders of innocent children in only 2 years.

I hope and pray that USSC overturns this abomination Roe v. Wade right now while there's a 6-3 advantage. This entire thing is a plague on our nation. Hard to say where Roberts will fall, but I'll take a 5-4 decision gladly.

These word games really are crazy and sadly laughable.

"Health Care" is code for "Murdering Babies"

"5 Trillion" is actually "Zero"

"We'll get everyone evacuated" is actually "We don't give a damn and will abandon anyone unlucky enough to still be there"

"We're deporting tens of thousands of illegals" is actually "We're secretly releasing tens of thousands of illegals all over the country"

"We're mandating that everyone is vaccinated" is really "We're releasing tens of thousands of infected illegals all over the country"

"We'll be the most transparent admin in history" is "No you can't ask the president any questions because he's legally insane"

"Trump is to blame for Afghanistan" is "Yeah, that deal was no longer valid because the Taliban broke their end of the bargain"

"The military never told us that Afghanistan would fall" really means that "The military universally warned that it would without our help"

"There's no real inflation, it's all transitory" is "Highest inflation rate in 30 years and climbing at an alarming rate"

"I'm the president! The buck stops with me" is "It's Trump's fault"

I could go on all day with this. Psaki bold facedly lies almost every day and it's no wonder that the polling is cratering across the board as these lies stack up on every single attempt to spin the incompetence.

I can't think of a single example of Biden reversing a single Trump policy that has been beneficial to this country. Not one. Every time he's reversed or suspended a policy, it's blown up spectacularly in Biden's face - and when it does, it's Trump's fault somehow.

There really should be a backdrop banner advertising ACME behind Biden every single time he's signing an Executive Order countermanding a Trump-era policy.

Very very well-said.

10-06-2021, 11:17 AM
The fact are that we as individuals and society have been paying on the back end (poverty, prison, rehab, etc) because the GOP will not agree to pay on the front end (pre-natal, natal, post-natal, training, etc) to give a child a chance and make Mom a tax payer.

We are going to pay for it one way or another, and your way is the path of pain for people and society.

We aren't. 60% of households paid no tax last year. 40% - the most-productive people in society - paid taxes.

Training will not help people who refuse to better their condition. Apart from people like you (mental weakness/illness), or severe physical issues - Poverty within the USA is a choice.

Killing people is not a viable method of preventing poverty.

10-06-2021, 11:26 AM
I'm going to say this once as it requires NO follow up

Abortion for the sake of "Birth Control" is nothing else but infanticide

Long break!