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View Full Version : How many hypocrite democrats on masks...

10-06-2021, 05:33 PM
Those who toss out mandates or rant about them - only to ignore them themselves. There had to be 20-30 minimum over time. :rolleyes:


Rashida Tlaib Caught on Camera Giving Away the Game on Masks

I mean, you already know the tale about ‘two separate rules’ so I don’t really need to say much regarding Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) mask antics. Yeah, she gave away the game like so many of her colleagues when it comes to COVID. She admitted that she’s only wearing one in public because she has a Republican tracker tailing her.

'Rules for thee but not for me' part XVII (via Free Beacon): (https://freebeacon.com/coronavirus/caught-on-video-rashida-tlaib-admits-she-only-wears-mask-for-cameras/)


Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) thinks masks only need to be worn if someone is there to catch you without one, according to remarks caught on video during a Detroit community event.

The "Squad" member told attendees at the event that she only wore a mask because a "Republican tracker" was filming her. After doing an event with Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary Marcia Fudge on Monday, Tlaib conversed with a maskless attendee who mistakenly thought the Democrat scolded him for being "the one unmasked guy" in the area. Tlaib responded by insisting she only wore a mask because a "Republican tracker" was recording the exchange.

"Oh, no, oh, not you!" Tlaib said as she pulled her mask away from her face. "No, no, no—I'm just wearing it because I've got a Republican tracker here."

Just weeks before the event, the "Squad" member faced criticism when she danced maskless at a crowded, indoor wedding in Dearborn, Mich. The video surfaced on the same day Tlaib slammed Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) for urging his followers to "resist" Centers for Disease Control and Prevention masking guidelines. Tlaib attended the wedding days after the CDC recommended wearing masks indoors regardless of vaccination status in local areas with "high" community transmission—a categorization that applied to Dearborn at the time.

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2021/10/06/rashida-tlaib-caught-on-camera-giving-away-the-game-on-masks-n2597061?utm_campaign=rightrailsticky2

10-06-2021, 05:41 PM
Speaking of no ethics ... Tlaib can't even get how many people one can be married to at one time down.

I've stated all along the left is as guilty, just a lot mor hypocritical, as anyone on the right about masks and the vaccine. They just started pointing fingers, as usual, so everyone will watch the right and not them.

Black Diamond
10-06-2021, 05:43 PM
Anyone feel like going to a former presidents birthday party?

10-06-2021, 06:37 PM
Anyone feel like going to a former presidents birthday party?Depends on what I'm allowed to bring :grenade:

Mask? No problem :)