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10-06-2021, 06:20 PM
Lol! https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/senate-dems-accept-gop-debt-ceiling-offer-mcconnell

10-06-2021, 06:24 PM

10-06-2021, 06:25 PM
Lol! https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/senate-dems-accept-gop-debt-ceiling-offer-mcconnellI really don't like McConnell.

Black Diamond
10-06-2021, 06:27 PM
Kick the can..

Not sure I agree he caved.

Black Diamond
10-06-2021, 06:30 PM
I really don't like McConnell.

Nope me neither. See what December brings.

Black Diamond
10-06-2021, 06:33 PM
Lol! https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/senate-dems-accept-gop-debt-ceiling-offer-mcconnell

Ahh sounds like he was afraid of dems changing the filibuster rules.

10-06-2021, 06:39 PM
Despite McConnell’s insistence, Democrats say they will not use the extended window to pass a longer suspension of the debt limit through budget reconciliation, as Republicans want.


Black Diamond
10-06-2021, 06:41 PM


Black Diamond
10-06-2021, 06:50 PM
Interesting to see how much sinema and mnuchin waffle between now and December if at all

10-06-2021, 06:58 PM
I don't like McConnell at all.

If we can reclaim the Republic, both parties are going to have to sit down and talk.

10-06-2021, 07:06 PM
I don't like McConnell at all.

If we can reclaim the Republic, both parties are going to have to sit down and talk.I think it's beyond that. The People need a party of their own to take the government back from the plutarchy.

10-06-2021, 07:41 PM
What a total bunch of PURE BS this is?

Everybody who cares, or knows anything about how POLITICIANS from both parties work, also knows....ENTITLEMENTS ARE FOREVER. Once the Politicians start giving money out. It never stops.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQY9mpFyAbXMxIRRXU3ASyIYt8m5LWpz OqNlg&usqp=CAU

10-06-2021, 10:17 PM
No, this was a master stroke from McConnell.

Read this, it explains it all :

Sometimes, the best thing you can do when you don’t otherwise have much leverage (because you are in the minority) is to give your opponents options they do not want. Democrats want you to believe that the only way to raise the debt ceiling without Republicans playing along is to blow up the filibuster. That’s why they and their media allies keep spinning that narrative. That’s never been true, though, and the point of McConnell’s maneuver is to force Schumer to admit that.

In reality, Democrats can raise the debt limit via reconciliation without a single Republican vote, but they don’t want to go that route because they would be using the last bullet in the chamber on that after Biden’s “build back better” boondoggle. By offering Schumer a short-term extension, McConnell is forcing the Democrats to make a choice, and none of those choices includes blowing up the filibuster. The move also relieves pressure on Joe Manchin, who will be under immense assault if a shutdown happens, while at the same time highlighting that the Democrats could fix this themselves in short order if they wanted.

When analyzing these machinations, you have to accept that a long-term default is not going to happen. The debt ceiling will be raised eventually. The question is how it’s done and who pays the political price. But if you still aren’t convinced by what I’m saying, just listen to Mazie Hirono.



Thus, the bullshit argument about nuking the filibuster is now moot. And it'll force them to use reconciliation on this instead of using it for backdooring the other abomination through.

It's brilliant.

McConnell is twice as clever as Schumer. He's got this.

10-07-2021, 05:28 AM
No, this was a master stroke from McConnell.

Read this, it explains it all :



Thus, the bullshit argument about nuking the filibuster is now moot. And it'll force them to use reconciliation on this instead of using it for backdooring the other abomination through.

It's brilliant.

McConnell is twice as clever as Schumer. He's got this.

Yeah, I think Mitch is pretty much the master of the Senate. He's no Pelosi or Schumer on swagger. He doesn't pretend to be what he's not. He doesn't kiss up and rarely let's his personal opinions take center stage. His thinking is to maximize the GOP senate seats. He reads the opposition better than any politician I've seen in a long, long time.

Schumer knows it, he really loathes what McConnell pulled off today, but has no choice, mostly because of the House progs. The GOP looked to be setting up to take the fall if debts went past due, not anymore. Not only willing to pull the country back, but did so by putting the crazy spending bill front and center. Nothing gets the average Joe's attention during steeply rising costs like focusing on coupling the economy with massive garnering of debt. Maybe one thing can even sharpen that focus, "It won't cost 1 cent in taxes." Anyone shopping at grocery or literal shopping stores can see there are people literally putting higher price tags on everything from 30 cents to $30 ot $40 dollars.

What those that read know, but not seeing YET, are the winter and next summer energy costs. Then there's the ticking bomb of housing bubble and damage done to rental market due to government regulations via covid-landlords are now basically trying to get as much paid up front as their market can bare. They've been shafted by government and tenants. Most are middle class folks that were working on multiple streams of income and got kicked in the teeth by the government while big corps get their pickings of properties. Think farmers over the past 100 years.

Mitch is going to force the administration and majority party to have the moderates and progs articulate their visions through reconciliation. He's going to use the real projection numbers given by budget and treasury and fed for said programs. There are going to be lists of every egregious bone hidden in the bill. It may still pass, but the average voter will be reminded come midterms what happened this fall and coming winter. Given the inflationary curve, where do you think interests rates will be in 2023?

I for one only fear that some GOP leadership may turn the attention from the policies of the left to individuals on the right, changing the focus of coming elections.

10-07-2021, 06:25 AM
Another perspective:


10-07-2021, 09:54 AM
Mitch is no fool, for sure, even if he hates the principles on which the Republic was founded.

10-07-2021, 11:27 AM
Mitch is no fool, for sure, even if he hates the principles on which the Republic was founded.

What principles would those be?

10-07-2021, 11:58 AM
Yeah, I think Mitch is pretty much the master of the Senate. He's no Pelosi or Schumer on swagger. He doesn't pretend to be what he's not. He doesn't kiss up and rarely let's his personal opinions take center stage. His thinking is to maximize the GOP senate seats. He reads the opposition better than any politician I've seen in a long, long time.

Schumer knows it, he really loathes what McConnell pulled off today, but has no choice, mostly because of the House progs. The GOP looked to be setting up to take the fall if debts went past due, not anymore. Not only willing to pull the country back, but did so by putting the crazy spending bill front and center. Nothing gets the average Joe's attention during steeply rising costs like focusing on coupling the economy with massive garnering of debt. Maybe one thing can even sharpen that focus, "It won't cost 1 cent in taxes." Anyone shopping at grocery or literal shopping stores can see there are people literally putting higher price tags on everything from 30 cents to $30 ot $40 dollars.

What those that read know, but not seeing YET, are the winter and next summer energy costs. Then there's the ticking bomb of housing bubble and damage done to rental market due to government regulations via covid-landlords are now basically trying to get as much paid up front as their market can bare. They've been shafted by government and tenants. Most are middle class folks that were working on multiple streams of income and got kicked in the teeth by the government while big corps get their pickings of properties. Think farmers over the past 100 years.

Mitch is going to force the administration and majority party to have the moderates and progs articulate their visions through reconciliation. He's going to use the real projection numbers given by budget and treasury and fed for said programs. There are going to be lists of every egregious bone hidden in the bill. It may still pass, but the average voter will be reminded come midterms what happened this fall and coming winter. Given the inflationary curve, where do you think interests rates will be in 2023?

I for one only fear that some GOP leadership may turn the attention from the policies of the left to individuals on the right, changing the focus of coming elections.I take it you didn't post this from your phone :)

10-07-2021, 02:44 PM
I take it you didn't post this from your phone :)

Lol! Nope.

10-07-2021, 03:13 PM
Kick the can..

Not sure I agree he caved.

I am startled the senate leaders are talking.

10-07-2021, 05:26 PM
I am startled the senate leaders are talking.

Talking? Schumer took the offer.

10-07-2021, 05:47 PM
Yeah, I think Mitch is pretty much the master of the Senate. He's no Pelosi or Schumer on swagger. He doesn't pretend to be what he's not. He doesn't kiss up and rarely let's his personal opinions take center stage. His thinking is to maximize the GOP senate seats. He reads the opposition better than any politician I've seen in a long, long time.

Schumer knows it, he really loathes what McConnell pulled off today, but has no choice, mostly because of the House progs. The GOP looked to be setting up to take the fall if debts went past due, not anymore. Not only willing to pull the country back, but did so by putting the crazy spending bill front and center. Nothing gets the average Joe's attention during steeply rising costs like focusing on coupling the economy with massive garnering of debt. Maybe one thing can even sharpen that focus, "It won't cost 1 cent in taxes." Anyone shopping at grocery or literal shopping stores can see there are people literally putting higher price tags on everything from 30 cents to $30 ot $40 dollars.

What those that read know, but not seeing YET, are the winter and next summer energy costs. Then there's the ticking bomb of housing bubble and damage done to rental market due to government regulations via covid-landlords are now basically trying to get as much paid up front as their market can bare. They've been shafted by government and tenants. Most are middle class folks that were working on multiple streams of income and got kicked in the teeth by the government while big corps get their pickings of properties. Think farmers over the past 100 years.

Mitch is going to force the administration and majority party to have the moderates and progs articulate their visions through reconciliation. He's going to use the real projection numbers given by budget and treasury and fed for said programs. There are going to be lists of every egregious bone hidden in the bill. It may still pass, but the average voter will be reminded come midterms what happened this fall and coming winter. Given the inflationary curve, where do you think interests rates will be in 2023?

I for one only fear that some GOP leadership may turn the attention from the policies of the left to individuals on the right, changing the focus of coming elections.

That last paragraph, alas. Trump doesn't like the deal. McConnell is weak, soon Lindsay Graham and other acolytes are and will undermine. It's not about the country or the party...

10-07-2021, 05:49 PM
Wow, that was fast:


10-07-2021, 05:59 PM
Cruz backed off, perhaps someone explained hoe the gop was going to get more than a little blame if the deadline moved forward due to spending...

10-07-2021, 06:00 PM
Honestly, there was no reason for this, it was teed up beautifully for going into election time.

Black Diamond
10-07-2021, 06:00 PM
Cruz backed off, perhaps someone explained hoe the gop was going to get more than a little blame if the deadline moved forward due to spending...

Well that's good. How many of the 10 do we have?

10-07-2021, 06:02 PM
Well that's good. How many of the 10 do we have?

Shouldn't be a problem if no gop people deny. It will be a simple vote.

10-07-2021, 06:15 PM
Republican't's can't even get doing the wrong thing right :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
10-07-2021, 06:16 PM
Republican't's can't even get doing the wrong thing right :rolleyes:

Same game in December.

10-07-2021, 06:43 PM
Same game in December.

Not quite... in December Schumer can't exclaim that "There's no time!" and try to twist arms. Everyone now knows when things will figuratively blow up.

No horsepower to try and get Manchin & Sinema to agree to modify the filibuster, either, because of time constraints. That wasn't ever going to work anyway, IMHO.

Reconciliation to pass the debt ceiling, leaving the 3.5 Trillion bill stranded.

Bernie's socialist dream of passing those bills is slipping away further every day. Seems like there's 20 democrat caucuses at each other's throats and I'm enjoying the show.

The longer this all drags out the worse the libs look and the polling is still cratering across the board. Schumer and Pelosi have to be beside themselves with how this is playing out.

Maybe Joe should swing by and help some more? He's got 50 years of experience with getting shit done, you know.

10-07-2021, 06:44 PM
Same game in December.If I understand kathianne's explanation "why", it makes sense IF the Dems aren't allowed to use the dame excuse. This extra time is supposed to take that excuse away.

I guess it would be okay if McConnell wasn't making a deal with the Devil. We're already having to bank our futures on 2 Dem Senators.

10-07-2021, 08:44 PM
Same game in December.

Yeah, but gop gave them 2 months more in what should be 2 weeks to accomplish. The libs are not going to be able to say, 'but the gop forced it to go over... which would have worked this time. They still have to get it done alone.

10-07-2021, 08:49 PM
Republican't's can't even get doing the wrong thing right :rolleyes:

There's this guy in FL that doesn't like McConnell. He has more minions than Jim. Lol! Seriously same guy cost gop two senators in GA out of spite.

Black Diamond
10-07-2021, 08:49 PM
Yeah, but gop gave them 2 months more in what should be 2 weeks to accomplish. The libs are not going to be able to say, 'but the gop forced it to go over... which would have worked this time. They still have to get it done alone.

True. It's amazing the games they play with our money.

Now this means sinema and mnuchin have to get on board for it to work in December?

10-08-2021, 06:10 AM
Two negative reactions to avoiding possible US default- imo one is at least providing a modicum of love of Constitution principles and concern for country :



10-08-2021, 08:16 AM
We'll see how this pans out, but Manchin appears to be royally pissed at Schumer:


Now if some in the gop could stand up to their bully.

10-08-2021, 08:21 AM
That may be exactly right.

thehill.com › homenews › senateMcConnell blocks Schumer attempt to bypass filibuster on debt ... (https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJaAKRmBhIVAAN1tXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9 zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1633728138/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fthehill.com%2fhomenews%2fsenate%2 f574332-mcconnell-blocks-schumer-attempt-to-bypass-filibuster-on-debt-hike/RK=2/RS=SwXCF5q9zhmVBl26IMwLpnD2pQw-)

McConnell blocks Schumer attempt to bypass filibuster on debt hike. (D-N.Y.) to bypass the 60-vote legislative filibuster on a debt ceiling hike. Schumer tried to get an agreement to set up a ...

www.msn.com › en-us › newsManchin Urges Schumer, McConnell To 'Engage' On Debt Ceiling ... (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/manchin-urges-schumer-mcconnell-to-engage-on-debt-ceiling-but-keeps-filibuster-stance/vi-AAPcYZ6)

Manchin Urges Schumer, McConnell To 'Engage' On Debt Ceiling But Keeps Filibuster Stance. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) implored party leaders Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer to "engage ...

www.nbcnews.com › politics › donald-trumpMcConnell went 'nuclear' to confirm Gorsuch. But Democrats ... (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/mcconnell-went-nuclear-confirm-gorsuch-democrats-changed-senate-filibuster-rules-n887271)

But Democrats changed Senate filibuster rules first. ... McConnell triggered a rules change, ... to consider a Supreme Court justice in an election year," Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y ...

www.nbcnews.com › politics › congressBiden, Senate mull changing filibuster ahead of debt ceiling vote (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/biden-senate-mull-changing-filibuster-ahead-debt-ceiling-vote-n1280913)

One option that Senate Democrats are considering is changing the filibuster rules to allow a simple majority of the Senate to pass a debt ceiling extension. But that would require all 50 ...

Ahh sounds like he was afraid of dems changing the filibuster rules.