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View Full Version : Phony Patriots

Joe Steel
09-29-2007, 07:53 AM
Rush Limbaugh ridiculed soldiers who disagree with American policy in Iraq. Presumably, that includes the two dead soldiers who published (with others) an op-ed in the New York Times.

Criticizing soldiers who die in combat seems particularly despicable especially when it comes from somone who never served.

Will the conservatives who condemned MoveOn.org condemn the phony patriots who do nothing but talk about defending their country and ridicule those who actually fight for it?

09-29-2007, 07:55 AM
Limbaugh is an arsehole. What he says and thinks is irrelevant now. But he's made his money so he's laughing.

09-29-2007, 07:59 AM
I'm certainly no fan of Rush. I do like his brother though. Rush is too one sided for my liking and speaks more opinion than fact.

Do you have a link to his comments?

09-29-2007, 07:59 AM
I was wondering when someone would post this on here without doing any research. Go to Limbaugh's site. You can listen to the transcripts including the parts media matters completely cut out of their lies.


I believe you owe Mr. Limbaugh an apology.

09-29-2007, 08:00 AM
I was wondering when someone would post this on here without doing any research. Go to Limbaugh's site. You can listen to the transcripts including the parts media matters completely cut out of their lies.


I believe you owe Mr. Limbaugh an apology.

Hmmmm... Interesting, but not surprising. Looks like you need to be a member to go to that link though.

09-29-2007, 08:01 AM
Rush is an arsehole. I've heard him. He's an arsehole.

09-29-2007, 08:02 AM
Rush is an arsehole. I've heard him. He's an arsehole.

That very well may be, but if what Avatar states is true, then it's out of line to make accusations and lies against the man just because someone thinks he's an asshole.

09-29-2007, 08:07 AM
Here's a link to the transcript for guests:


09-29-2007, 08:09 AM
That very well may be, but if what Avatar states is true, then it's out of line to make accusations and lies against the man just because someone thinks he's an asshole.

I only said he's an arsehole. I've heard hours of him on radio, I have one of his books. He's an arsehole. I didn't say he was a liar, I'm careful about that. However, he is an arsehole. But he isn't as big an arsehole as, say, G. Gordon Liddy. I do have some perspective ya know :D

09-29-2007, 08:15 AM
I'm reading the transcript now and it appears those who are so quick to condemn him over his comments are completely uninformed.

Some snippets:

I want to illustrate something for you today, folks. I've done it before. I want to do it again. I call this the anatomy of a smear, and what this is is a great illustration of the liberals and the Democrat Party playbook for '08, which is underway now. The morning update on Wednesday dealt with a soldier, a fake, phony soldier by the name of Jesse MacBeth who never served in Iraq; he was never an Army Ranger. He was drummed out of the military in 44 days. He had his day in court; he never got the Purple Heart as he claimed, and he described all these war atrocities. He became a hero to the anti-war left. They love phony soldiers, and they prop 'em up. When it is demonstrated that they have been lying about things, then they just forget about it. There's no retraction; there's no apology; there's no, "Uh-oh, sorry." After doing that morning update on Wednesday, I got a phone call yesterday from somebody, we were talking about the troops, and this gentleman said something which you'll hear here in just a second, prompting me to reply "yeah, the phony soldiers."

That comment, "phony soldiers" was posted yesterday afternoon on the famous Media Matters website, which is where all leftists go to find out what I say. I have a website, and I have a radio program that reaches far more people than Media Matters could ever hope to, but the critics of this program never listen to this program. They never go to my website. All they do is read Media Matters and they get the lies and the out-of-context reports. They assume it's all true because they want it to be true, and then they start their campaigns. This has led to me being denounced on the floor of the House. Howard Dean has released a statement demanding I apologize; Jim Webb; John Kerry issued a statement, three Congress people went out on the floor of the House last night and said some things, and it's starting to blossom now in the Drive-By Media. So this is the anatomy of a smear, and this is how it starts.
This is a story of who the left props up as heroes. They have their celebrities and one of them was Army Ranger Jesse MacBeth. Now, he was a "corporal." I say in quotes. Twenty-three years old. What made Jesse MacBeth a hero to the anti-war crowd wasn't his Purple Heart; it wasn't his being affiliated with post-traumatic stress disorder from tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. No. What made Jesse MacBeth, Army Ranger, a hero to the left was his courage, in their view, off the battlefield, without regard to consequences. He told the world the abuses he had witnessed in Iraq, American soldiers killing unarmed civilians, hundreds of men, women, even children. In one gruesome account, translated into Arabic and spread widely across the Internet, Army Ranger Jesse MacBeth describes the horrors this way: "We would burn their bodies. We would hang their bodies from the rafters in the mosque."

Now, recently, Jesse MacBeth, poster boy for the anti-war left, had his day in court. And you know what? He was sentenced to five months in jail and three years probation for falsifying a Department of Veterans Affairs claim and his Army discharge record. He was in the Army. Jesse MacBeth was in the Army, folks, briefly. Forty-four days before he washed out of boot camp. Jesse MacBeth isn't an Army Ranger, never was. He isn't a corporal, never was. He never won the Purple Heart, and he was never in combat to witness the horrors he claimed to have seen. You probably haven't even heard about this. And, if you have, you haven't heard much about it. This doesn't fit the narrative and the template in the Drive-By Media and the Democrat Party as to who is a genuine war hero. Don't look for any retractions, by the way. Not from the anti-war left, the anti-military Drive-By Media, or the Arabic websites that spread Jesse MacBeth's lies about our troops, because the truth for the left is fiction that serves their purpose. They have to lie about such atrocities because they can't find any that fit the template of the way they see the US military. In other words, for the American anti-war left, the greatest inconvenience they face is the truth. <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="544">
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09-29-2007, 08:16 AM
Rush Limbaugh ridiculed soldiers who disagree with American policy in Iraq. Presumably, that includes the two dead soldiers who published (with others) an op-ed in the New York Times.

Criticizing soldiers who die in combat seems particularly despicable especially when it comes from somone who never served.

Will the conservatives who condemned MoveOn.org condemn the phony patriots who do nothing but talk about defending their country and ridicule those who actually fight for it?

Well, jo jo, looks like you yet again accomplished nothing more than posting complete garbage. Was this "rhetorical convenience" maybe?

09-29-2007, 08:28 AM

In this link is te tape unedited of Rush saying what the said.

He is very obviously insulting the previous caller and calling him a phoney soldier for being against the war.

09-29-2007, 08:31 AM

In this link is te tape unedited of Rush saying what the said.

He is very obviously insulting the previous caller and calling him a phoney soldier for being against the war.

Nice try, too bad it's already been proven false.

09-29-2007, 08:34 AM
because you listened to Rushs edited tape ?

Jim that transcript in post 10 is not the transcript of what he said the day in question.
This is a fair acessment of what really was said.

During the September 26 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh called service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq "phony soldiers." He made the comment while discussing with a caller a conversation he had with a previous caller, "Mike from Chicago," who said he "used to be military," and "believe[s] that we should pull out of Iraq." Limbaugh told the second caller, whom he identified as "Mike, this one from Olympia, Washington," that "[t]here's a lot" that people who favor U.S. withdrawal "don't understand" and that when asked why the United States should pull out, their only answer is, " 'Well, we just gotta bring the troops home.' ... 'Save the -- keeps the troops safe' or whatever," adding, "[I]t's not possible, intellectually, to follow these people." "Mike" from Olympia replied, "No, it's not, and what's really funny is, they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media." Limbaugh interjected, "The phony soldiers." The caller, who had earlier said, "I am a serving American military, in the Army," agreed, replying, "The phony soldiers."

09-29-2007, 08:37 AM
because you listened to Rushs edited tape ?

No, because I read the entire transcript. Have you? Are you saying what is in the transcript is edited? Are you saying what actual Rush listeners who heard his comments live would be lying?

Joe Steel
09-29-2007, 08:37 AM
I was wondering when someone would post this on here without doing any research. Go to Limbaugh's site. You can listen to the transcripts including the parts media matters completely cut out of their lies.


I believe you owe Mr. Limbaugh an apology.

Limbaugh is a self-serving traitor. I won't go to his site. If you want to defend him, have at it.

09-29-2007, 08:38 AM
Limbaugh is a self-serving traitor. I won't go to his site. If you want to defend him, have at it.

I won't defend him, but I will defend the comments he made as opposed to the propaganda and lies some try to spread around instead.

09-29-2007, 08:43 AM
He's not a traitor. That term is bandied around a bit too freely.

09-29-2007, 08:48 AM
Anyone who wants to know what Rush really said should listen to the FULL transcript.

He clearly is insulting the previous caller who said he was a republican and a soldier and is against the war.

Rush tells him he cant be a rupublican and infers hes not a soldier either. Then he clearly insults him to the next caller.

Just listen to his own words.

Joe Steel
09-29-2007, 08:48 AM
Well, jo jo, looks like you yet again accomplished nothing more than posting complete garbage. Was this "rhetorical convenience" maybe?

Utter nonsense. As usual, you don't know what you're talking about, Dizzy.

Limbaugh edited the transcript to exclude 1 minute and 35 seconds and misrepresented the portion he's using to defend himself. That's not rhetorical convenience, that's wingnut argument, that is, lies.

Summary: In response to Media Matters' documentation of his recent description of service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq as "phony soldiers," Rush Limbaugh claimed that he had not been talking "about the anti-war movement generally," but rather "about one soldier ... Jesse MacBeth." Limbaugh then purported to air the "entire" segment in question. In fact, the clip he aired omitted a full 1 minute and 35 seconds of discussion that occurred between Limbaugh's original "phony soldiers" comment and his subsequent reference to MacBeth.

Limbaugh selectively edited "phony soldiers" clip, claimed it was "the entire transcript" (http://mediamatters.org/items/200709280009?f=h_top)

Summary: Rush Limbaugh insisted that his September 26 remarks characterizing U.S. service members who support withdrawal from Iraq as "phony soldiers" had been taken out of context and that he was referring specifically to "one genuine, convicted, lying, fake soldier," Jesse MacBeth. But Limbaugh did not refer to MacBeth during his September 26 broadcast until 1 minute, 50 seconds after making his "phony soldiers" comment, and at no point on that show prior to making his "phony soldiers" comment did Limbaugh refer to any actual fake soldiers. Additionally, on September 28, Limbaugh misrepresented those comments.

Limbaugh falsely recasts "phony soldiers" smear (http://mediamatters.org/items/200709280010?f=h_top)

09-29-2007, 08:49 AM

In this link is the tape unedited of Rush saying what the said.

please listen to the uncut tape.

09-29-2007, 08:55 AM
Utter nonsense. As usual, you don't know what you're talking about, Dizzy.

Limbaugh edited the transcript to exclude 1 minute and 35 seconds and misrepresented the portion he's using to defend himself. That's not rhetorical convenience, that's wingnut argument, that is, lies.

Limbaugh selectively edited "phony soldiers" clip, claimed it was "the entire transcript" (http://mediamatters.org/items/200709280009?f=h_top)

Limbaugh falsely recasts "phony soldiers" smear (http://mediamatters.org/items/200709280010?f=h_top)


In this link is the tape unedited of Rush saying what the said.

You both get your news from "Media Matters", but I have a question for both of you:

Have either of you heard his comments live on the air? Have either of you registered for his site and listened to the actual recording of events?

I didn't think so. It's SO much easier to rely on biased sites for your rhetoric than actually listening live or listening to the actual recordings.

FWIW- The supposed edited portion that they cite is a non-story anyway! Here's the supposed comments that were edited, and I don't see anything stated by Rush to be so bad in these comments:

LIMBAUGH: -- know where you're going these days, the last four years, if you signed up. The odds are you're going there or Afghanistan or somewhere.

LIMBAUGH: Well, you know, that's a moot point for me right now --

LIMBAUGH: -- the weapons of mass destruction. We gotta get beyond that. We're, we're there. What -- who cares if, if -- we all know they were there and, and Mahmoud [Ahmadinejad, Iranian president] even admitted it in one of his speeches here about -- talkin' about Saddam using the poison mustard gas or whatever it is on his own people -- but that, that's moot, right? What, what's more important is all this is taking place now in the midst of the surge working.
And all of these anti-war Democrats are getting even more hell-bent on pulling out of there, which means that success on the part of you and, and your colleagues over there is, is a great threat to them.

09-29-2007, 08:56 AM
Utter nonsense. As usual, you don't know what you're talking about, Dizzy.

Limbaugh edited the transcript to exclude 1 minute and 35 seconds and misrepresented the portion he's using to defend himself. That's not rhetorical convenience, that's wingnut argument, that is, lies.

So now you see the portion mediamatters claims he edited out. Please show us how this misrepresents anything, or claims anything to be a lie?

You guys will believe anything you read on these crap sites without seeking verification first. That's very sad.

Joe Steel
09-29-2007, 09:05 AM
So now you see the portion mediamatters claims he edited out. Please show us how this misrepresents anything, or claims anything to be a lie?

He said it was the full transcript. It wasn't. That's lying.

His "phony soldier" comment came almost two minutes before any reference to a specific soldier. Obviously, he was speaking of dissenters and used the phrase to describe the soldier he mentioned. He misrepresented his comments. That's lying.

09-29-2007, 09:14 AM
The recording speaks for its self.

09-29-2007, 09:19 AM
He said it was the full transcript. It wasn't. That's lying.

His "phony soldier" comment came almost two minutes before any reference to a specific soldier. Obviously, he was speaking of dissenters and used the phrase to describe the soldier he mentioned. He misrepresented his comments. That's lying.

Ummm... no. His comments about the "phony soldier" was from the day before, and he was discussing the issue the next day in response to those who made up stories about what he said.

And again, have you listened to his recorded transcript to verify whether or not it is in it's entirety, or are you relying solely on mediamatter's version of events?

Rush is an idiot, I'll admit that. But it's obvious that what he stated is being drawn out of context to make it appear differently than what he actually stated on his program. I've read transcripts from BOTH sites now, and listened to audio - and I don't see him condemning our soldiers other than the one who he himself lied about his duty. His reference to "phony soldiers" was about "MacBeth" and how the far left propped him up to serve their agenda.

09-29-2007, 09:20 AM
Here's a link to the transcript for guests:


I HEARD what he said and NOW he is lying and trying to :dance:.

RUSH: The phony soldiers.

he said it and there should be a resolution condemning it, just as the Repubs did to moveon.org....clear cut to me....

09-29-2007, 09:20 AM
The recording speaks for its self.

Yes, it does, and either you have comprehension issues or you must admit that his speaking of "phony soldiers" is in reference to the far left using false information from a supposed soldier who made comments later proven false.

09-29-2007, 09:23 AM
I HEARD what he said and NOW he is lying and trying to :dance:.

he said it and there should be a resolution condemning it, just as the Repugs did to moveon.org....clear cut to me....

He should have a resolution deploring his comments for pointing out that the far left used phony information from a soldier to further advance their agenda?

Repugs? Only idiots like you deserve to be on that "far left" title. Trying to compare what Rush said factually about a phony soldier to what MoveOn said about an active General is DISHONEST, again.

09-29-2007, 09:40 AM

In this link is the tape unedited of Rush saying what the said.

Please Jim listen to the whole transcript?

09-29-2007, 09:44 AM
He should have a resolution deploring his comments for pointing out that the far left used phony information from a soldier to further advance their agenda?

Repugs? Only idiots like you deserve to be on that "far left" title. Trying to compare what Rush said factually about a phony soldier to what MoveOn said about an active General is DISHONEST, again.

didn't catch the repug vs repub thing, will correct the spelling....did you listen to the transcript?

RUSH DID NOT say poney soldier Jim, you far right looney! :laugh2:


note the S....

Rush is making up a lie to cover his slimey ass, there is no way around it Jim.

Now that can make you start with your name calling and the g instead of the b in my sshortcut for republicans can seemingly give you the right to put me on the far left, but I can gosh darn guarantee you there ain't many on the left that is as far right as me..... however, you on the other hand ARE so far right that the table is leaning and about to fall..... and that's OK, it is who you are and I can accept that.....we all are our own selves
and come to where we are politically because of experiences in our own lives....and I would hate to be just a clone of someone else....variety IS the spice of life!!!!


09-29-2007, 09:53 AM

In this link is the tape unedited of Rush saying what the said.

Please Jim listen to the whole transcript?

I already stated that I did. I believe his comments are directed towards the far lefts desire to prop up soldiers who disperse false information to support their agenda.

09-29-2007, 09:55 AM
Then you heard the part where in talking to the first caller he said the first caller was not telling the truth about being a Republican and suggested he was not a soldier. He was clearly saying it in referance to the first caller too.

09-29-2007, 09:57 AM
didn't catch the repug vs repub thing, will correct the spelling....did you listen to the transcript?

RUSH DID NOT say poney soldier Jim, you far right looney! :laugh2:


note the S....

Rush is making up a lie to cover his slimey ass, there is no way around it Jim.

Now that can make you start with your name calling and the g instead of the b in my sshortcut for republicans can seemingly give you the right to put me on the far left, but I can gosh darn guarantee you there ain't many on the left that is as far right as me..... however, you on the other hand ARE so far right that the table is leaning and about to fall..... and that's OK, it is who you are and I can accept that.....we all are our own selves
and come to where we are politically because of experiences in our own lives....and I would hate to be just a clone of someone else....variety IS the spice of life!!!!


Your rants are just that, rants. I can't speak for everyone on the board, but I grow tired of your holier than thou attitude and constant references to scripture, especially in threads that aren't religious. You then turn around and use your little names and speak to others in a condescending manner.

I listened to his transcripts, from multiple sites. I read the transcripts, from multiple sites. I still don't see him condemning active soldiers but rather condemning the "phony soldiers" that the far left might use to further their agendas.

And I'd be willing to bet that if Rush read your barely legible rants he would probably think you're rather "slimey" too.

09-29-2007, 10:02 AM
I think people should be allowed to talk about their beliefs freely. I never condem anyone for bringing up their religion. I just want people of belief to follow it in a way which helps mankind. I think John does this well.

09-29-2007, 10:06 AM
I think people should be allowed to talk about their beliefs freely. I never condem anyone for bringing up their religion. I just want people of belief to follow it in a way which helps mankind. I think John does this well.

They should be able to do so freely - and those of us that don't like it are just as free to point out the hypocrisy at times, or our dislike for it's use at inappropriate times.

09-29-2007, 10:13 AM
I already stated that I did. I believe his comments are directed towards the far lefts desire to prop up soldiers who disperse false information to support their agenda.so you agree with Rush? you agree that those soldiers that have fought in this war, and risked their lives for this country, who do not support this war, BUT FOUGHT FOR US ANYWAY.....are PHONEY SOLDIERS?


and as far as your other, intentionally hurtful comments in your other post.....

i'll leave it at that.....

what you really think. thanks for being yourself, honest to the bone, right?


09-29-2007, 10:17 AM
I already stated that I did. I believe his comments are directed towards the far lefts desire to prop up soldiers who disperse false information to support their agenda.

Can you name these false soldiers?

09-29-2007, 10:21 AM
so you agree with Rush? you agree that those soldiers that have fought in this war, and risked their lives for this country, who do not support this war, BUT FOUGHT FOR US ANYWAY.....are PHONEY SOLDIERS?


and as far as your other, intentionally hurtful comments in your other post.....

i'll leave it at that.....

what you really think. thanks for being yourself, honest to the bone, right?


Again trying to insert comments into my mouth, how very sad but typical. I believe I CLEARLY referred to soldiers such as "MacBeth" who LIED about their duty. But why let my ACTUAL comments get in the way of you applauding your own made up comments?

That's right, honest to the bone and being myself - I grow tired of others preaching to me, thinking they are better, speaking to me in a condescending manner and being the first to start with their petty little insults. I also have an issue with idiots who make up comments and try to proclaim that another member wrote those comments, when they didn't. It's DISHONEST and transparent to anyone reading the thread.

Sir Evil
09-29-2007, 10:21 AM
so you agree with Rush? you agree that those soldiers that have fought in this war, and risked their lives for this country, who do not support this war, BUT FOUGHT FOR US ANYWAY.....are PHONEY SOLDIERS?


and as far as your other, intentionally hurtful comments in your other post.....

i'll leave it at that.....

what you really think. thanks for being yourself, honest to the bone, right?


Take a look at a posts that someone recently made about the soldier that wants to return his medal, that there is a good start at finding some phony soldeirs, and there are plenty of them. Young kids enlist to use the service to help pay their eductions but wanna decry the war because they did'nt sign up for anything more then the free ride.

09-29-2007, 10:23 AM
Can you name these false soldiers?

Try reading the discussion and learn comprehension, I believe the entire discussion is framed around "Jesse MacBeth" who outright lied about his military experience.

09-29-2007, 10:26 AM
He tells a caller he can not be a republican and then shows obvious doubt the guy is a soldier just before he makes the remarks to another caller.

This is obviously a part of the conversation.

09-29-2007, 10:29 AM
This is obviously a part of the conversation.

And so is the fact about MacBeth, in which Rush makes his references to.

09-29-2007, 10:45 AM
Yes I do think he counts him amoung the "SOLDIERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"

09-29-2007, 10:47 AM
Take a look at a posts that someone recently made about the soldier that wants to return his medal, that there is a good start at finding some phony soldeirs, and there are plenty of them. Young kids enlist to use the service to help pay their eductions but wanna decry the war because they did'nt sign up for anything more then the free ride.

i disagree....

not on soldiers joining because they come from humble beginnings and need an education.....

i disagree that you can so easily call soldiers PHONEY SOLDIERS for differing opinions about politics.

i felt it was disgusting that the repubs are running ads with cripled soldiers from the iraq war in them, begging us to continue this battle in iraq because we were attacked on 911.....

but that does NOT make these people PHONEY SOLDIERS to me, just because i feel they were used to exploit the message of the right Sir Evil.....

this statement was even more insulting than Kerry's a while back imo!!! these guys had their butts on the front line for their country..... that deserves some respect, period, in my book!!!

and good morning SE!


09-29-2007, 10:50 AM
The young man served honorablely and you slam him because of his beliefs?

Sir Evil I cant believe you would treat our troops like that?

Sir Evil
09-29-2007, 10:55 AM
i disagree....

not on soldiers joining because they come from humble beginnings and need an education.....

i disagree that you can so easily call soldiers PHONEY SOLDIERS for differing opinions about politics.

i felt it was disgusting that the repubs are running ads with cripled soldiers from the iraq war in them, begging us to continue this battle in iraq because we were attacked on 911.....

but that does NOT make these people PHONEY SOLDIERS to me, just because i feel they were used to exploit the message of the right Sir Evil.....

this statement was even more insulting than Kerry's a while back imo!!! these guys had their butts on the front line for their country..... that deserves some respect, period, in my book!!!

and good morning SE!


First I don't believe the soldier in question here put his butt on the line for anyone except himself unless I read wrong. Second, people join the service all the time to just help themselves, nothing wrong with that but you have to make restitution sooner or later one way or another. Perhaps this is not in this case but it does happen.

Kerry was a paper soldier so he does'nt count. :D I know that will fire you up a bit.

And of course you would feel disgusted with the repubs ads, thats just a given but lacking to see the connection with this topic. I know, a good time to throw that in there though. :slap:

I have no problem with a soldier who wants to speak out against the war, do it after a tour of duty, do it during duty, don't do it when you are in boot camp, and now want a way out.

Sir Evil
09-29-2007, 10:57 AM
The young man served honorablely and you slam him because of his beliefs?

Sir Evil I cant believe you would treat our troops like that?

Perhaps I misread this or am relating to something of a similar situation, the one I speak of is the guy who never even made it out of boot camp. I'll go read this link, and go from there but if it is the one I am thinking of he really has nothing at all to do with our soldiers at all, if wrong...well you got me so enjoy it.:D

09-29-2007, 11:00 AM
rush was not speaking of this one man, this came 2 minutes after his comment on phoney soldiers.....

Sir Evil
09-29-2007, 11:04 AM
rush was not speaking of this one man, this came 2 minutes after his comment on phoney soldiers.....

Well I jumped in here late so I was speaking about the Mcbeth guy, he's a perfect example of what I speak of. I did'nt read from the begining, sue me! :D

09-29-2007, 11:06 AM
do phoney soliders exist?....

have phoney soilders used the left and have the left used phoney soilders to advance the anti war agenda.....

yes and yes.....

09-29-2007, 11:09 AM
do phoney soliders exist?....

have phoney soilders used the left and have the left used phoney soilders to advance the anti war agenda.....

yes and yes.....

Can you tell me more about it?

09-29-2007, 11:15 AM
do phoney soliders exist?....

have phoney soilders used the left and have the left used phoney soilders to advance the anti war agenda.....

yes and yes.....

have phoney soilders used the right and have the right used phoney soilders to advance the war agenda.....?

09-29-2007, 12:20 PM
mediamatters is a totally far left liberal oganization whose sole purpose is to defame people on the right. They are major liars in everything they print and air. They take anything that is said and twist it to suit their purposes. They are finaced by soros, which says it all.

I have met a number of phony soldiers. I despise them. Anyone pretending to be a vet or something he wasn't is a low life. Ask the guy I chased out of a restaurant for pretending to be a Vietnam Vet. I won't tolerate them.

09-29-2007, 12:54 PM
Limbaugh is a self-serving traitor. I won't go to his site. If you want to defend him, have at it.

So you have no problem attacking people while remaining uninformed. Got ya.

Just demonstrates to everyone else who you are.

09-29-2007, 12:58 PM
The recording speaks for its self.

Yeah. It does. Which is why its amazing you are still trying to defend Media Matters lies on the subject. Everyone can hear for themselves the truth.

09-29-2007, 01:02 PM
so you agree with Rush? you agree that those soldiers that have fought in this war, and risked their lives for this country, who do not support this war, BUT FOUGHT FOR US ANYWAY.....are PHONEY SOLDIERS?


and as far as your other, intentionally hurtful comments in your other post.....

i'll leave it at that.....

what you really think. thanks for being yourself, honest to the bone, right?


What part of: "We can read and listen to the transcripts and he never said that" is so damn difficult to understand?

09-29-2007, 01:10 PM
The young man served honorablely and you slam him because of his beliefs?

Sir Evil I cant believe you would treat our troops like that?

A man drummed out after 44 days of boot camp and charged and convicted of falsifying a military discharge record and sentences to 5 months prison and 3 years probation has not served honorably.

The guy lied. For someone so damned self righteous about the truth you think youd stop defending the guy.

Joe Steel
09-29-2007, 01:55 PM
So you have no problem attacking people while remaining uninformed. Got ya.

Just demonstrates to everyone else who you are.

Limbaugh is a self-serving liar. It's been demonstrated innumerable times. If you insist on accepting his word on anything, your willful self-delusion marks you as a contemptible dupe.

09-29-2007, 01:58 PM
Limbaugh is a self-serving liar. It's been demonstrated innumerable times. If you insist on accepting his word on anything, your willful self-delusion marks you as a contemptible dupe.

No one is accepting his word on anything. We are accepting our own ears and eyes. We have the transcripts in front of us. We can clearly see what he said and the context in which he said it.

As for being demonstrated innumerable times, I know that's a claim you can't support. If you had been able to you could have demonstrated that he was a liar every other time a liberal has proclaimed it.

But then you dont have a clue what Limbaugh says. You admit it yourself. Why the heck should we listen to someone who admits he has no clue what Limbaugh says and then claims Limbaugh to be a liar?

09-29-2007, 02:01 PM
A man drummed out after 44 days of boot camp and charged and convicted of falsifying a military discharge record and sentences to 5 months prison and 3 years probation has not served honorably.

The guy lied. For someone so damned self righteous about the truth you think youd stop defending the guy.

I was talking about this young man


Iraq vet plans to return his medals in protest

By Ryan J. Foley - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Sep 26, 2007 22:29:46 EDT

MADISON, Wis. — An Iraq war veteran said Tuesday he is returning his military medals in what anti-war groups are calling a rare and powerful protest.

Josh Gaines, 27, plans to mail the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal and National Defense Service Medal to former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. He said he will do so during a protest scheduled for Wednesday in Madison.

“I’m going to give those back because I truly feel that I did not defend my nation and I did not help with the Global War on Terrorism,” said Gaines, who lives in Madison. “If anything, this conflict has bred more terrorism in the Middle East.”

Gaines served a yearlong tour in Iraq between 2004 and 2005 with the U.S. Army Reserve. He spent his time guarding two military bases and issuing ammunition to soldiers but never fired a weapon, he said.

The experience convinced him the war was a mistake and that a steady withdrawal of troops was the right course of action, Gaines said.

“To be quite honest, I felt like we wasted taxpayers’ money,” he said. “The mission just didn’t seem correct and right for that time.”

Jonathan Dedering, a Students for a Democratic Society activist who is helping organize Wednesday’s protest, said it’s extremely rare for Iraq veterans to return their medals. The tactic was a more common form of protest among Vietnam veterans.

“To many Americans this will be a very big deal,” Dedering said in an e-mail message.

Joe Steel
09-29-2007, 02:04 PM
No one is accepting his word on anything. We are accepting our own ears and eyes. We have the transcripts in front of us. We can clearly see what he said and the context in which he said it.

As for being demonstrated innumerable times, I know that's a claim you can't support. If you had been able to you could have demonstrated that he was a liar every other time a liberal has proclaimed it.

It's been done. Read the thread. The lies are clear to anyone who isn't a boot-licking toadie.

09-29-2007, 06:22 PM
I was talking about this young man


Iraq vet plans to return his medals in protest

By Ryan J. Foley - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Sep 26, 2007 22:29:46 EDT

MADISON, Wis. — An Iraq war veteran said Tuesday he is returning his military medals in what anti-war groups are calling a rare and powerful protest.

Josh Gaines, 27, plans to mail the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal and National Defense Service Medal to former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. He said he will do so during a protest scheduled for Wednesday in Madison.

“I’m going to give those back because I truly feel that I did not defend my nation and I did not help with the Global War on Terrorism,” said Gaines, who lives in Madison. “If anything, this conflict has bred more terrorism in the Middle East.”

Gaines served a yearlong tour in Iraq between 2004 and 2005 with the U.S. Army Reserve. He spent his time guarding two military bases and issuing ammunition to soldiers but never fired a weapon, he said.

The experience convinced him the war was a mistake and that a steady withdrawal of troops was the right course of action, Gaines said.

“To be quite honest, I felt like we wasted taxpayers’ money,” he said. “The mission just didn’t seem correct and right for that time.”

Jonathan Dedering, a Students for a Democratic Society activist who is helping organize Wednesday’s protest, said it’s extremely rare for Iraq veterans to return their medals. The tactic was a more common form of protest among Vietnam veterans.

“To many Americans this will be a very big deal,” Dedering said in an e-mail message.

As I said he's giving back two give away medals. Those are medals that everyone gets automatically for going over there. Giving medals back was a kerry thing. It wasn't common among Vietnam Vets. Now if the guy really wanted to do something how about he give back the pay he received while over there. That way the tax money wouldn't be wasted.

By the way, the SDS was and is a communist run organization whose goal is the over throw of the government. They are considered a terrorist organization.

09-29-2007, 07:02 PM
It's been done. Read the thread. The lies are clear to anyone who isn't a boot-licking toadie.

The lies are clear to everyone. You got caught. I doubt you'll ever admit it though.

09-29-2007, 07:16 PM
What part of: "We can read and listen to the transcripts and he never said that" is so damn difficult to understand?
I heard the conversation, I did not read it, I heard it..... and what part of

phoney SOLDIERS, with an "s" as in multiple soldiers according to him, do you not understand?



What's really funny is, they [Iraq war critics] never talk to real soldiers," the caller said. "They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media."

rush limbaugh

"The phoney soldiers," Limbaugh added.

09-29-2007, 07:31 PM

In this link is the tape unedited of Rush saying what the said.

09-29-2007, 07:31 PM
I heard the conversation, I did not read it, I heard it..... and what part of

phoney SOLDIERS, with an "s" as in multiple soldiers according to him, do you not understand?


How hard is it to understand what was REALLY said?

CALLER: No, it's not. And what's really funny is they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and spout to the media.

RUSH: The phony soldiers.
CALLER: But you did say "soldiers" in plural, though, didn't you?

LIMBAUGH: Yes, because there have been a number of these people, but they were not active duty -- I was not talking about anti-war, active duty troops. I was talking about people who've been exposed as frauds who never served in Iraq but claimed to have seen all these atrocities, [unintelligible]. Claimed to be a Green Beret, he was an Army Ranger, he never was [unintelligible]. Claimed that he had a Purple Heart. He never got one. He was busted out of the Army in 44 days in boot camp. This is the guy I was talking about.
But let's keep the charade going, you know, because "I heard it for myself" and therefore I know what was said. What a bunch of horsecrap. It's much more fun to accuse him of calling active duty soldiers against the war phony soldiers, even if he never said that, cause it supports an agenda.

09-29-2007, 07:32 PM
He was very obviously refering the the man he had just hung up with.

09-29-2007, 07:33 PM

In this link is the tape unedited of Rush saying what the said.

How many times are you going to post the same link to mediamatters? Do you think if you post it over and over it'll somehow become true? We've listened and read the entire transcripts, and it's a FACT that he did not refer to active duty soldiers as phonies but was referring to the frauds like MacBeth.

09-29-2007, 07:34 PM
I brought it back up for avatar to listen to

09-29-2007, 07:35 PM
He was very obviously refering the the man he had just hung up with.

Sure, even though he said otherwise on his very show, but it's easier for you to determine what he was referring to. :rolleyes:

09-29-2007, 07:36 PM
I brought it back up for avatar to listen to

I'm glad you think Avatar isn't bright enough to click on the link the last few times you posted it. Not everyone needs things written over and over for them like you.

09-29-2007, 07:54 PM
It was back a couple of pages so I brought it back up for him to see.

Whats with all the hostility for nothing?

09-29-2007, 08:06 PM
It was back a couple of pages so I brought it back up for him to see.

Whats with all the hostility for nothing?

Truth seriously, shut the fuck up you fucking dumbass bitch! I've had it with your constant simpleton routine and your basic lack of reading comprehension and lack of grammar skills.

Any fool can see, and I don't know why you can't because you are a fool, that Rush was talking about douchebags who make up lies about atrocities in Iraq and such and never have even been to Iraq.

Stop playing your fucking charade or get the fuck off this board.

Oh and learn how to spell and form a paragraph, the fact that you can't is a direct indication of your lack of intelligence.

09-29-2007, 08:31 PM
I brought it back up for avatar to listen to

i dont have to listen to media matters. I have the direct source undiluted. And you know you are wrong. Why cant you be honest about it?

09-29-2007, 08:51 PM
Im a conservative, and I dont even like rush limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh ridiculed soldiers who disagree with American policy in Iraq. Presumably, that includes the two dead soldiers who published (with others) an op-ed in the New York Times.

Criticizing soldiers who die in combat seems particularly despicable especially when it comes from somone who never served.

Will the conservatives who condemned MoveOn.org condemn the phony patriots who do nothing but talk about defending their country and ridicule those who actually fight for it?

09-29-2007, 09:09 PM
Rush Limbaugh ridiculed soldiers who disagree with American policy in Iraq. Presumably, that includes the two dead soldiers who published (with others) an op-ed in the New York Times.

Criticizing soldiers who die in combat seems particularly despicable especially when it comes from somone who never served.

Will the conservatives who condemned MoveOn.org condemn the phony patriots who do nothing but talk about defending their country and ridicule those who actually fight for it?

Rush Limbaugh, and other of his ilk, are what I call "Potemkin Village Patriots". Their patriotism is nothing more than bluster and jingoistic ranting with nothing to back it up. He and his fellow travelers are little more than propagandists and apologists for the Bush administration, the GOP and the neo-con agenda.

09-29-2007, 09:17 PM
Rush Limbaugh, and other of his ilk, are what I call "Potemkin Village Patriots". Their patriotism is nothing more than bluster and jingoistic ranting with nothing to back it up. He and his fellow travelers are little more than propagandists and apologists for the Bush administration, the GOP and the neo-con agenda.

Are you a patriot?

09-29-2007, 09:37 PM
Are you a patriot?


09-29-2007, 09:55 PM

How so?

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 05:15 AM
Rush Limbaugh, and other of his ilk, are what I call "Potemkin Village Patriots". Their patriotism is nothing more than bluster and jingoistic ranting with nothing to back it up. He and his fellow travelers are little more than propagandists and apologists for the Bush administration, the GOP and the neo-con agenda.

Exactly. No one ever should confuse them with honest commentators.

09-30-2007, 06:57 AM
Im a conservative, and I dont even like rush limbaugh.

Shouldn't that read...."I'm a Conservative and I don't understand Rush Limbaugh"?

09-30-2007, 07:00 AM
Exactly. No one ever should confuse them with honest commentators.

Honest commentators? Name some. Al Franken ?

09-30-2007, 09:10 AM
I can take a person who has a bent and doesnt agree with my point of view.
What I cant take is a person with a bent who LIES to support their point of view. If you lie to support your point of view and have to deny facts to keep your point of view then you have proven your point of view is flawed. If your view can stand up in the face of truth and facts then you are in good stead.
Rush lies and ignores facts to keep his view from crumbling. Hes a fraud.

09-30-2007, 09:17 AM
I can take a person who has a bent and doesnt agree with my point of view.
What I cant take is a person with a bent who LIES to support their point of view. If you lie to support your point of view and have to deny facts to keep your point of view then you have proven your point of view is flawed. If your view can stand up in the face of truth and facts then you are in good stead.
Rush lies and ignores facts to keep his view from crumbling. Hes a fraud.

That's hilarious coming from someone who lies or distorts the truth more than anyone on this board has ever done! :laugh2:

09-30-2007, 09:20 AM
Can you quote some lie from me?

I just dont understand you people who say there are lies where there are none?

09-30-2007, 09:28 AM
Can you quote some lie from me?

I just dont understand you people who say there are lies where there are one?

"Major companies make major financial decisions" using the polls you referenced. Your only "proof" was Expedia, and it WASN'T a major financial decision and it was written in the story that they did so in conjunction with lab research. You ignored EVERY request afterwards to backup your claims.

You claimed illegals and/or non citizens voting was NOT a problem and refused to admit you were wrong when proof was clearly given to you. You chose to obfuscate the issue with other things and diminish the claims by stating it was very little, but never admitted you were wrong.

You claimed that students were being forced to "pledge to a religion", which is wrong, and you were asked about this several times and never responded to those who asked you.

You start a thread with the title "Those whiney troops don't need time off" followed by your opening statement of " Republicans speak their minds about troop support." - That quote was never spoken, clearly a lie by you to make implications to make Republicans look bad.

Those are a few just off the top of my head, but there's a reason so many here laugh at you and your username and change it to "liesmatter" all the time. I'm obviously not the only one who feels you "stretch" things to suit your agenda.

09-30-2007, 09:38 AM
"Major companies make major financial decisions" using the polls you referenced. Your only "proof" was Expedia, and it WASN'T a major financial decision and it was written in the story that they did so in conjunction with lab research. You ignored EVERY request afterwards to backup your claims.

You claimed illegals and/or non citizens voting was NOT a problem and refused to admit you were wrong when proof was clearly given to you. You chose to obfuscate the issue with other things and diminish the claims by stating it was very little, but never admitted you were wrong.

The sad part of this is its true. Ask any marketing major or manager.

You claimed that students were being forced to "pledge to a religion", which is wrong, and you were asked about this several times and never responded to those who asked you.

God is part of a religion and some dont believe in god.

You start a thread with the title "Those whiney troops don't need time off" followed by your opening statement of " Republicans speak their minds about troop support." - That quote was never spoken, clearly a lie by you to make implications to make Republicans look bad.

I never said that any republican said that.

Those are a few just off the top of my head, but there's a reason so many here laugh at you and your username and change it to "liesmatter" all the time. I'm obviously not the only one who feels you "stretch" things to suit your agenda.

Not one of those is a lie!

Why do you do this?

09-30-2007, 09:43 AM
Not one of those is a lie!

Why do you do this?

Oh please, maybe your lies work on sites like DU but there's a reason so many laugh at you here and call you liesmatter!

Where's your PROOF of the major financial decisions? You said illegals or non-citizens voting was not a problem - LIE. And it doesn't matter that God is part of a religion, they are pledging to the "Republic for which it stands". And nobody is being FORCED to as stated in that discussion, and you failed to address that as well.

You can't even backpedal without lying! :laugh2:

09-30-2007, 09:46 AM
Jim what is with this?

Why do you stretch so hard to find lies where there are none?

Not one of those things can be called a lie.

What is it about the things I say that scare you so much you would label them lies when they are not?

09-30-2007, 09:49 AM
The sad part of this is its true. Ask any marketing major or manager.

And I have, and they all laughed at the notion. Although I asked a few executives in corporate environments, the one who laughed loudest was my wife. She works for a multi billion dollar real estate agency and is director of strategy for the east coast. When I asked her about your comments she laughed and asked why I even bothered entertaining people who made such ludicrous comments. They spend hours upon hours analyzing and doing research that go into their decisions, not making them based on your retarded polls.

09-30-2007, 09:51 AM
Jim what is with this?

Why do you stretch so hard to find lies where there are none?

Not one of those things can be called a lie.

What is it about the things I say that scare you so much you would label them lies when they are not?

Where's the proof, liar? You lie to cover up your lies. If not, post PROOF as I asked. Why can't you do that to support your claims?

1- Post PROOF that "major companies make major financial decisions" based on polls you referred to.

2- Post PROOF that in the story discussed that students are being FORCED to pledge to a religion, or forced to do anything at all.

3- Post PROOF that illegals and/or non-citizens aren't voting in elections.

Do so or your statements are taken as lies. It's as easy as that!

09-30-2007, 10:01 AM
And I have, and they all laughed at the notion. Although I asked a few executives in corporate environments, the one who laughed loudest was my wife. She works for a multi billion dollar real estate agency and is director of strategy for the east coast. When I asked her about your comments she laughed and asked why I even bothered entertaining people who made such ludicrous comments. They spend hours upon hours analyzing and doing research that go into their decisions, not making them based on your retarded polls.

Where is your proof?

I gave you a company which is an internet company who lives off their sight doing polls to design their site.I gave you links to programs on marketig talking about how important good polling is.

The fact is you will accept no evidence as evidence because it seems you hate my posting so much you lose all reality when faced with them.

I really dont understand what my point of view does to you which makes you suspend your logic?

09-30-2007, 10:05 AM
Where is your proof?

I gave you a company which is an internet company who lives off their sight doing polls to design their site.I gave you links to programs on marketig talking about how important good polling is.

The fact is you will accept no evidence as evidence because it seems you hate my posting so much you lose all reality when faced with them.

I really dont understand what my point of view does to you which makes you suspend your logic?

You gave ZERO proof that major companies make major financial decisions based on polls. All you did was BACK ME UP with your expedia example, as it CLEARLY showed they did "extensive lab research" with their decision.

I will EASILY accept evidence, contrary to your claims, as soon as you provide evidence of what I have quoted you claimed - WHICH YOU NEVER DID. If it's so evident, you should be able to conjure up more than your expedia story.

Your choice, retract your claim or provide evidence. But your incoherent ramblings won't magically make your statements become fact.

09-30-2007, 10:06 AM
Where is your proof?

What a dumbass! :laugh2:

YOU made the claims. it's YOU who need to provide proof. Would you like me to ask my wife to register here and post her thoughts? I'll forewarn you, she will take you to task and make you look like more of a simpleton than you already do for yourself!

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 10:09 AM
Where is your proof?

I gave you a company which is an internet company who lives off their sight doing polls to design their site.


what a simpleton.

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 10:44 AM
Honest commentators? Name some. Al Franken ?

Among others on Air America, Franken was an honest commentator.

Others include Thom Hartmann and my favorite Rachel Maddow.

09-30-2007, 11:16 AM

Gallup makes a tidy sum providing this service as do all polling entities who offer the service.

09-30-2007, 11:23 AM
I can take a person who has a bent and doesnt agree with my point of view.
What I cant take is a person with a bent who LIES to support their point of view. If you lie to support your point of view and have to deny facts to keep your point of view then you have proven your point of view is flawed. If your view can stand up in the face of truth and facts then you are in good stead.
Rush lies and ignores facts to keep his view from crumbling. Hes a fraud.

So you hate yourself and joe?

09-30-2007, 11:25 AM

Gallup makes a tidy sum providing this service as do all polling entities who offer the service.

Thank you for AGAIN proving my point. The site you just linked to is NOT just for polls, but for a division that does extensive research in helping companies. You are just too dumb to debate with sometimes! :laugh2:

09-30-2007, 11:25 AM
Jim what is with this?

Why do you stretch so hard to find lies where there are none?

Not one of those things can be called a lie.

What is it about the things I say that scare you so much you would label them lies when they are not?

No one has to stretch to find lies. Just look at this thread itself. You and others who hate Limbaugh are trying to attack him for something anyone who reads or listens to the transcripts will realize he didnt say. If you dont like the man fine, but if you are going to attack him atleast be honest and attack him for something he actually does or says.

But then you will continue to blindly accept media matters and ignore the actual transcript because it fits your agenda.

09-30-2007, 11:28 AM
research includes polls.

Why do you take such offense at these facts?

09-30-2007, 11:31 AM
research includes polls.

Why do you take such offense at these facts?

Because this is the FIRST time you even came close to admitting it includes RESEARCH with the polls. Nobody is going to make major financial decisions at major companies on polls alone.

How does it feel to be pedaling backwards?

09-30-2007, 11:32 AM
No one has to stretch to find lies. Just look at this thread itself. You and others who hate Limbaugh are trying to attack him for something anyone who reads or listens to the transcripts will realize he didnt say. If you dont like the man fine, but if you are going to attack him atleast be honest and attack him for something he actually does or says.

But then you will continue to blindly accept media matters and ignore the actual transcript because it fits your agenda.

well said.....there are people that have claimed to be war veterans and are anti war that have not served a day.....rather than admit they have been duped.....they shift the focus and attack.... claiming that soliders that served have been disparaged for protesting the war.....

well ... you know what ... decissions have consequences ......

09-30-2007, 11:32 AM
Why do you take such offense at these facts?

Why are you so stupid?

Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid?

Were you dropped on your skull?

Do you sniff glue or spray paint cans?

09-30-2007, 11:48 AM
Franken was an honest commentator.


Must've never listened.

09-30-2007, 11:55 AM
Because this is the FIRST time you even came close to admitting it includes RESEARCH with the polls. Nobody is going to make major financial decisions at major companies on polls alone.

How does it feel to be pedaling backwards?

Corporations use polls , they use them to help make decisions which have millions hanging in the balance. The whole reason this is an issue with you is that polls are trusted enough by corporations to Pay for and use.Polls are not useless and I have proven that to anyone who is not so blinded by hate they would spew the things you have spewed on me.

I am not your enemy,I am your fellow American. I give you NO hostility and only try to diuscuss politicas in an adult manner. What is it you are doing Jim?

09-30-2007, 12:00 PM
Corporations use polls , they use them to help make decisions which have millions hanging in the balance. The whole reason this is an issue with you is that polls are trusted enough by corporations to Pay for and use.Polls are not useless and I have proven that to anyone who is not so blinded by hate they would spew the things you have spewed on me.

I am not your enemy,I am your fellow American. I give you NO hostility and only try to diuscuss politicas in an adult manner. What is it you are doing Jim?

Where is your PROOF, stupid? Why do you hate PROOF, Mrs. Illiterate? Why can't you give specific PROOF of these companies, dumbass?

More incoherent blathering and yet you still refuse to provide a shred of proof to backup your ridiculous claims that "major companies make major financial decisions" based upon the polls you referred.

Now kindly eat a lump of shit on a hot dog roll until such time you care to provide me with PROOF.

09-30-2007, 12:01 PM
Corporations use polls , they use them to help make decisions which have millions hanging in the balance. The whole reason this is an issue with you is that polls are trusted enough by corporations to Pay for and use.Polls are not useless and I have proven that to anyone who is not so blinded by hate they would spew the things you have spewed on me.

I am not your enemy,I am your fellow American. I give you NO hostility and only try to diuscuss politicas in an adult manner. What is it you are doing Jim?

ah passive agressive tactics at their best.....

09-30-2007, 12:03 PM
Where is your PROOF, stupid? Why do you hate PROOF, Mrs. Illiterate? Why can't you give specific PROOF of these companies, dumbass?

More incoherent blathering and yet you still refuse to provide a shred of proof to backup your ridiculous claims that "major companies make major financial decisions" based upon the polls you referred.

Now kindly eat a lump of shit on a hot dog roll until such time you care to provide me with PROOF.


I have over and over and over.

To some proof means nothing but a hollow word to insult people with.

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 12:04 PM

I have over and over and over.

To some proof means nothing but a hollow word to insult people with.

What proof? you posts are proof to the questions? you really are slightly retarded.

09-30-2007, 12:05 PM

I have over and over and over.

To some proof means nothing but a hollow word to insult people with.

You've provided NOTHING and the whole board sees it. You've NOT ONCE provided proof of your claims regarding this issue. Now you have just LIED yet again, and it's here for all to see. You're about as bright as one of those plastic thingies that hold a 6-pack together.

09-30-2007, 12:08 PM
Corporations use polls , they use them to help make decisions which have millions hanging in the balance.

which corporation?

which poll?

what decission?

09-30-2007, 12:11 PM
which corporation?

which poll?

what decission?

Hold your breath, you'll turn blue and explode before she gives you specific proof.

09-30-2007, 12:12 PM
You've provided NOTHING and the whole board sees it. You've NOT ONCE provided proof of your claims regarding this issue. Now you have just LIED yet again, and it's here for all to see. You're about as bright as one of those plastic thingies that hold a 6-pack together.

Jim there will be many on this site who will side with you on this. That does not make it true and right.There are more important gauges of truth and right than the people on here who would hate what I posted even if they agreed with it because of the atmosphere here.

I remain civil and I back what I say with facts. Anyone with a fair mind can see it from my posting on here. Many of you do not possess a fair mind. You are a majority here but not in the world. I post here for the Guests mostly and love looking at the guests reading my posts.One sided sites do no person ay good. They harm you people the most you just dont realise it.

09-30-2007, 12:13 PM
Jim the will be many on this site who will side with you on this. That does not make it true and right.There are more important gauges of truth and right than the people on here who would hate what I posted even if they agreed with it because of the atmosphere here.

I remain civil and I back what I say with facts. Anyone with a fair mind can see it from my postig on here. Many of you do not possess a fair mind. You are a majority here but not in the world. I post here for the Guests mostly and love looking at the guests reading my posts.One sided sites do no person ay good. They harm you people the most you just dont realise it.

And there are probably hundreds of guests busting a gut reading your illiterate ramblings!

Where's the PROOF?

09-30-2007, 12:14 PM
Jim the will be many on this site who will side with you on this. That does not make it true and right.There are more important gauges of truth and right than the people on here who would hate what I posted even if they agreed with it because of the atmosphere here.

I remain civil and I back what I say with facts. Anyone with a fair mind can see it from my postig on here. Many of you do not possess a fair mind. You are a majority here but not in the world. I post here for the Guests mostly and love looking at the guests reading my posts.One sided sites do no person ay good. They harm you people the most you just dont realise it.

more passive agressive crap......

09-30-2007, 12:15 PM
Hold your breath, you'll turn blue and explode before she gives you specific proof.

nah.....i just want to watch her go round the bend again....

09-30-2007, 12:15 PM
which corporation?

which poll?

what decission?

I think she probably means "9 out of 10 dentists asked would not recommend using string and a door knob to remove a tooth'. Or something along those lines.

09-30-2007, 12:17 PM
I think she probably means "9 out of 10 dentists asked would not recommend using string and a door knob to remove a tooth'. Or something along those lines.

she would be lying....a string works really well....

09-30-2007, 12:21 PM
she would be lying....a string works really well....

Don't I know it. :cheers2:

09-30-2007, 12:25 PM
And there are probably hundreds of guests busting a gut reading your illiterate ramblings!

Where's the PROOF?

No that is not what is happening in reality.

You have obviously diverted the conversation in such a childlike manner that it is blatent to the 72% of this country that has not mired their entire identity in believing the Neo Con lies.

09-30-2007, 12:27 PM
No that is not what is happening in reality.

You have obviously diverted the conversation in such a childlike manner that it is blatent to the 72% of this country that has not mired their entire identity in believing the Neo Con lies.

It's spelled "blatant", you illiterate lying twit!

09-30-2007, 12:30 PM
Im sure that just convienced someone reading this huh?

09-30-2007, 12:32 PM
Im sure that just convienced someone reading this huh?

It's spelled "convinced", illiterate dolt.

09-30-2007, 12:39 PM
Come on you can do better than typos and misspellings cant you?

09-30-2007, 12:40 PM
Come on you can do better than typos and misspellings cant you?

It's all I have left when debating with a lying retard, you have my apologies. When you start telling the truth and supplying proof, I'm sure I'll have something more substantial to add!

09-30-2007, 01:36 PM
Come on you can do better than typos and misspellings cant you?

Do you not understand that you are undebateable? You ignore facts given to you and continue on like a thoroughbred racehorse with blinders on. Plus the fact that you cannot spell(typo isn't valid anymore, you misspell MUCH TOO OFTEN) or construct a simple paragraph and you at that point deserve to have us make fun of you.

09-30-2007, 04:00 PM
Come on you can do better than typos and misspellings cant you?

Spell checker is your friend.

09-30-2007, 05:59 PM
Media Matters is just pissed that their front group Moveon got HAMMERED for their disgusting ad against General Petraeus...

So they have been on a rampage since...Last week it was Bill Oreilly, this week it was Rush...

MM is finally being exposed for the lying propaganda smear group, that they are...

And Boy they don't like it....:laugh2::cow::cow: