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View Full Version : Gender Fluid Flights: British Airways Scraps ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ Greeting

10-10-2021, 11:50 AM
Also Delta, Lufthansa, Britain’s EasyJet, and Air Canada.

And in school, instead of boy or girl, it's gonna be "learner"

Ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls - no longer suitable. With genders changing... What are they, no longer any of those choices? Are they frogs? martians? :rolleyes:


Gender Fluid Flights: British Airways Scraps ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ Greeting to Be More Inclusive

British Airways has become the latest institution to adopt woke language codes, telling pilots to refrain from using the common airline greeting of “ladies and gentlemen” in an apparent attempt to become more gender-neutral.

British Airways (BA), the second-largest airline carrier in the United Kingdom, has instructed their pilots to celebrate the “diversity and inclusion” of its customer base and refrain from using gender-specific language.

The move was to drop the traditional greeting of “ladies and gentlemen” was said to come in response to a desire to respect new woke societal norms and be inclusive of children, The Telegraph reported.

A spokesman for British Airways told the broadsheet: “We celebrate diversity and inclusion and we’re committed to ensuring that all our customers feel welcome when travelling with us.”

The leader of the anti-woke Reclaim Party, Laurence Fox, said that the decision represents an “attack on everything we are.”

“The first thing a child understands is that they have a mum and a dad. Hence why those are usually their first words. This attack on the fundamentals of basic understanding is disorienting and wrong,” Fox explained.

“It’s an attack on language. Which is an attack on thinking. Wake up,” he urged.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/10/10/woke-british-airways-scraps-ladies-and-gentlemen-greeting/

10-10-2021, 12:11 PM
Obviously appalling .

Naturally a coincidence that a sector so desperately in need of cash support should scrape and crawl so speedily .

Calling passengers , ' Passengers ' , has direct appeal . But doesn't crawl enough presumably .

10-10-2021, 12:33 PM
On reflection Liam Fox is wrong . Otherwise a decent human with natural testes , I assume .

These days babies in suburban Gullible Land usually call out for their beloved life giving persons as Fellow Life Passengers or Queer Bastards .

10-10-2021, 05:37 PM
For 40 seasons Survivor host Jeff Probst has said "come on in guys". This year due to wokeness and hissy fit by a gay participant he will be dropping the "guys" portion.

Interestingly enough one of the lesbians said it didn't bother her but the gay guy didn't think it was appropriate. Ugh!!

Black Diamond
10-10-2021, 05:41 PM
For 40 seasons Survivor host Jeff Probst has said "come on in guys". This year due to wokeness and hissy fit by a gay participant he will be dropping the "guys" portion.

Interestingly enough one of the lesbians said it didn't bother her but the gay guy didn't think it was appropriate. Ugh!!

Well Gays aren't exactly manly. Probably had to go to his safe space after hearing "c'mon guys".