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View Full Version : Hot mic: Israel Health Minister admitting mandates about control, not science or meds

10-10-2021, 08:45 PM
Hot mic catches Israel Health Minister admitting that vaccine mandates are about coercion and social control, not science or medicineIsrael Health Minister admits that vaccine mandates are about social control, contradicting his statements to the High CourtMinister Horowitz admitted on the hot mic (https://twitter.com/EldadYaniv/status/1437117738527375365) that the purpose of the passport system is simply to pressure citizens into vaccine acceptance. There’s nothing ethical or scientific about it. Horowitz told Shaked, “there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport. It is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate.”
As the Minister of Health, Horowitz had previously gone before the High Court and declared “that the green label is a net health consideration.” Now we know full stop that Horowitz is fully aware that he is using the vaccine mandates as a tool of propaganda and social control.
He admitted on the hot mic that vaccine mandates only exist to shame the “unvaccinated” for causing a pandemic, even though evidence shows that the vaccinated make up the bulk of hospitalizations, as vaccine failure and adverse events take hold of the population. In August, the Medical Director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem told Channel 13 news that 95 percent of the hospital’s severely symptomatic COVID-19 patients were already vaccinated. (https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-11-95-severe-patients-israeli-hospitals-are-vaccinated.html)...

