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View Full Version : A few issues I would like to address

02-05-2007, 09:28 AM
Several issues I would like to address

Liberal Vs. Conservative

I keep hearing time and time again that the board is biased as well as the moderating. This is just simply not true. While the majority of members thus far are conservative, and the overwhelming majority of staff, this is by mere coincidence. All of the staff has been with me, and have become my good friends, for a few years now. One new addition has been made to staff and it's been another long time member who has expressed interest for at least 2 years now. I would love nothing more than to have more liberals here, and they are more than welcome. Let's face it, this is a political debate site, and without opposing views the board would not succeed. I've made efforts to advertise appropriately, both on conservative & liberal related sites. Have decisions ever been made that were unfair towards liberals? Yes, and I've always overturned any decisions I didn't feel were appropriate. Myself and the rest of the staff are human just like everyone else and are prone to mistakes, and sometimes we make rash decisions in the heat of the moment. I always try to view things impartially and from an outsiders point of view so that my feelings or beliefs don't play a part in the decisions.

I've made a post in the past inviting any liberal member of the board to PM me if they were interested in a mod position and didn't receive a single PM. Jillian has been brought on board and has made an excellent addition to our team and helps us see things from different angles before we make decisions.

While some may not be happy with certain punishments, I can guarantee you that if the punishment stands that I truly feel it is warranted.

Lastly - Who is on staff is/was hand picked by me, and they will remain. No amount of complaining will change that. If I ever feel there's a change to be made, I will do so for the appropriate reasons.

I am working hard with staff to improve our interaction with the member base, and I am asking all of you to give me some time. You know the old saying, "Rome wasn't built..." In return for what I am asking of staff, I ask members to please refrain from goading and/or baiting moderators. I am asking staff to refrain from doing the same.

Private Message Issue

Nevermind Debate Policy as a forum, I myself take privacy extremely serious. While nothing is fool proof from being read on the internet, there is no way for us to read your PM's. This requires a modification to the board - which will never ever be installed. The only other option is to physically read the SQL database. I am the only one here that even has access to the raw database, and I can assure you I would have no clue how to do so! Other forums may believe it's in their best interest to have access to this information, I personally find it extremely offensive to offer something listed as private, when it's not so. So, while the rumors may be rampant at this time about other boards, rest assured this will never be an issue here so long as I own the domain.

As usual, please feel free to PM/Email me if you have any questions or concerns.
