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10-17-2021, 06:11 PM
Well the US doesn't want a new cold war, China preparing for really hot war:


10-17-2021, 06:57 PM
Well the US doesn't want a new cold war, China preparing for really hot war:

https://www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-hypersonic-missile-test-surprises-intelligenceOdd title. Throughout the article it states "military officials have warned ..." or words to that effect.

Only ones that seem caught off guard are the politicians and MSM. More than likely, Biden is pretending it didn't happen :rolleyes:

10-17-2021, 07:03 PM
This ISN'T brand new news. We have known CHINA was working on this for a long time.

Secondly. Our Military WAS NOT SURPRISED at all. Namely....are you ready? Because China stole our secrets and has COPIED OUR DESIGNS...Since WE HAD IT FIRST.
I have a habit of keeping up with this kind of stuff, being as old as I am, but not as Uninformed as JOE BIDEN or the rest of his PUNCH & JUDY puppeteers.
See for yourself....https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/JB-GRAPHIC-COMP-US-HYPERSONIC-MISSILE-V2.jpg

10-17-2021, 07:07 PM
Well the US doesn't want a new cold war, China preparing for really hot war:

https://www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-hypersonic-missile-test-surprises-intelligenceI forgot to tell you Kathianne, in the military we call "military intelligence" an oxymoron :)

10-17-2021, 08:04 PM
I forgot to tell you Kathianne, in the military we call "military intelligence" an oxymoron :)

Most civilians (non-military for civilians) wouldn't believe some of the stuff the Military, and Govt. doesn't want them to see, hear, or know. Which has always made me laugh when you said Military Intelligence was an Oxymoron.
Some of the people we have met along the way are BOOK SMART, but actually Dumber than rocks...and sadly...In the Intel Field too! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN GUNNY! Won't go any further there except to say. Some of the smartest people can't tie their shoes, or need to mark their shoes, and gloves with "R's, and L's".

10-17-2021, 08:09 PM
Most civilians (non-military for civilians) wouldn't believe some of the stuff the Military, and Govt. doesn't want them to see, hear, or know. Which has always made me laugh when you said Military Intelligence was an Oxymoron.
Some of the people we have met along the way are BOOK SMART, but actually Dumber than rocks...and sadly...In the Intel Field too! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN GUNNY! Won't go any further there except to say. Some of the smartest people can't tie their shoes, or need to mark their shoes, and gloves with "R's, and L's".Met a few (too many) :)

Wonder which Tech Giant gave China the schematics for the missile?

Black Diamond
10-17-2021, 09:36 PM
I forgot to tell you Kathianne, in the military we call "military intelligence" an oxymoron :)

I thought carlin came up with that. :cool:

Black Diamond
10-17-2021, 09:39 PM
Russia too. A couple weeks ago. This from a sub.



MOSCOW (AP) — A prospective Russian hypersonic missile has been successfully test-fired from a nuclear submarine for the first time, the military said Monday.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Severodvinsk submarine performed two launches of the Zircon cruise missile at mock targets in the Barents Sea.

It first test-fired Zircon from the surface, and then launched another missile from a submerged position in the White Sea.

10-17-2021, 11:52 PM
Met a few (too many) :)

Wonder which Tech Giant gave China the schematics for the missile?

CLINTON gave missile secrets to China first:
Remember I told you I SAVED Thousands of files from those years?
Here's a small part of what I still have:

China Intel
News articles on the weakening of America, and selling military technology to China
Source for this information:
Back to the Clinton Criminal Page

Last update: 10-11-99

Company names, organizations with China ties in bold. My remarks in . Many articles from China Reform Monthly

1985 Taiwanese-born physicist, Peter H. Lee, 58, who formerly worked at the premier U.S. nuclear laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico, pleaded guilty in Los Angeles to passing national defense secrets to Chinese scientists in 1985. More recently, during April and May of this year, as an employee of TRW, Inc., where he worked on satellite radar imaging for locating submarines and tracking their movements, Lee had contact with Chinese agents during a lecture tour in mainland China.
CRM http://www.afpc.org/crm/crm18.htm

1992 A high level Russian military intelligence official and U.S. government investigators told Insight that Chinese agents have formed a secret military partnership with Russian military intelligence. The joint agreement, secretly signed in 1992, calls for intercepting signals from satellites and breaking into private and government computer systems. "They share sensitive information with the goal of destroying the United States," states a former high level Russian intelligence agent.
CRM http://www.afpc.org/crm/crm76.htm

1993 In response to an inquiry from Chairman Gerald Solomon, R-NY, the Clinton administration has admitted that the China Ocean Shipping Co., COSCO, was caught shipping 87 pounds of heroin in 1993. The Clinton Administration says, however, that it has "no information indicating that Cosco officials were involved in or had knowledge of this heroin shipment."

April 1993 Jerry Parks, Clinton security man who worked closely with Vince Foster, found dead.

July 1993 Vince Foster killed in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington DC. Clinton begins gutting military forces. See Ruddy.

1994 Biospheres in the US and minerals in China. (Ray Briem radio show aired 3/27/97.) Clinton locks up minerals in US so businesses must buy from China.

K: I hope they are able to do something. When we had the DESERT PROTECTION ACT going through California in 1994 folks tried to come together and stop it, but we ended up with the DEATH VALLEY INTERNATIONAL BIOSPHERE and 8 MILLION ACRES of desert taken. By the way, I'm doing a story on a CHINA CONNECTION with all this. When we had the Desert Wilderness Act passed and the 8 million acres put into the biosphere -- that shut down the small Mom-&-Pop mines that produced the MINERAL called YTTRIUM. YTTRIUM is used in our STEALTH FIGHTERS, all our MILITARY ELECTRONICS....

R: LET ME GUESS! So the only other WORLD supplier is in CHINA!?

K: You got it! Not only that, but SENATOR DIANE FEINSTEIN's HUSBAND, DICK BLUM cut a deal with the CHINESE to IMPORT Yttrium into this country and Feinstein was one of the Senator's who received money into her campaign from the Chinese. I'm now getting info that there are TWO (2) areas in the San Francisco Bay area -- HUNTER's POINT & I believe it's TREASURE ISLAND -- where the Chinese are going to come in, do the same thing there. That is CATELLUS property which is AGAIN connected to Sen. Diane Feinstein. So I think we have another big story coming up, Ray.

(And more info on how Congress paid the Crown Butte Co. $65 mil to stop mining gold from a mine north of Yellowstone.)
1994 In 1994, sophisticated telecommunications technology was transferred to a U.S.-Chinese joint venture called HUA MEI, in which the Chinese partner (Galaxy New Technology) is an entity controlled by the Chinese Army. The US partner was SCM Brooks Telecommunications. This particular transfer included fiber-optic communications equipment which is used for high-speed, secure communications over long distances. Also included in the package was advanced encryption software.
Worldnet daily

Nov 1994 For example, Motorola wrote the State Department in November 1994, requesting to export encrypted radios to China. The Motorola letter clearly notes that Bill Clinton was signing waivers for other American companies.
Worldnet Daily

1995 John Fialka of the Wall Street Journal reports today that Silicon Graphics, Inc., currently under investigation by the Commerce Department and the U.S. Attorney for selling four supercomputers to Russia's key nuclear weapons design lab at Chelyabinsk-70 (See Foreign Policy Alert No. 33, February 19), "has sold two similar computers to China's Academy of Sciences, which also conducts research into nuclear weapons and missiles." CEO Edward McCracken is a Republican who gave money to the Clinton-Gore campaigns in 1992 and 1996.

Feb 1996 Chinese Long March rocket explodes with a Loral communications satellite on it. The top secret encryption board is missing from the satellite.

Apr 3, 1996 Ron Brown and occupants die in plane crash near Dubrovnik, Croatia. Whitehouse wanted to hire John Huang (president of Lippo Group USA), but Brown didn't want him there. Huang's immediate supervisor was also killed in this plane crash. Brown had a suspicious gunshot wound in the head. When Navy pathologists tried to make this public, superiors suppressed the issue. Air Force orders no safety investigation for the first time in history. Brown was put on the plane at the last minute, for a trade mission to Croatia, and just before he was to give a deposition for an investigation into Huang. Gormley, appearing on BET Tonight, a national black cable network show hosted by Tavis Smiley, Gormley admitted that a photograph and lateral X-ray of Brown's head both of which have been published in the Tribune- Review indeed prove the skull had been penetrated and that Brown's brain was visible. Later, Gormley changes his story to: he described the hole as having "no open communication with the inside of the head," with no brain visible. He said the "punched out" defect had simply been "depressed" but was still visible, covering the brain.

The body was immediately cremated, against the wishes of the family. Wecht and Cogswell agree an autopsy should have been done on Brown. A total of 4 other pathologists say it looked like a gunshot wound and an autopsy should have been performed.

John Huang used his top secret clearance to gain access to classified U.S. military and industrial secrets on encryption technology and its relationship to intelligence gathering and software marketing across the world. He then took the documents across the street, to an office run by Riady partner Stephens' of Little Rock, where he dropped the documents so they could be collected by Chinese intelligence.

July 1996 Clinton signed a waiver for Loral to export a fully operational, encrypted, satellite control station to Beijing. According to the GAO, Clinton authorized the direct export of an encrypted air-defense communications system directly to the Chinese Air Force.
Worldnet Daily

10-18-2021, 02:12 PM
CLINTON gave missile secrets to China first:
Remember I told you I SAVED Thousands of files from those years?
Here's a small part of what I still have:

China Intel
News articles on the weakening of America, and selling military technology to China
Source for this information:
Back to the Clinton Criminal Page

Last update: 10-11-99

Company names, organizations with China ties in bold. My remarks in . Many articles from China Reform Monthly

1985 Taiwanese-born physicist, Peter H. Lee, 58, who formerly worked at the premier U.S. nuclear laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico, pleaded guilty in Los Angeles to passing national defense secrets to Chinese scientists in 1985. More recently, during April and May of this year, as an employee of TRW, Inc., where he worked on satellite radar imaging for locating submarines and tracking their movements, Lee had contact with Chinese agents during a lecture tour in mainland China.
CRM http://www.afpc.org/crm/crm18.htm

1992 A high level Russian military intelligence official and U.S. government investigators told Insight that Chinese agents have formed a secret military partnership with Russian military intelligence. The joint agreement, secretly signed in 1992, calls for intercepting signals from satellites and breaking into private and government computer systems. "They share sensitive information with the goal of destroying the United States," states a former high level Russian intelligence agent.
CRM http://www.afpc.org/crm/crm76.htm

1993 In response to an inquiry from Chairman Gerald Solomon, R-NY, the Clinton administration has admitted that the China Ocean Shipping Co., COSCO, was caught shipping 87 pounds of heroin in 1993. The Clinton Administration says, however, that it has "no information indicating that Cosco officials were involved in or had knowledge of this heroin shipment."

April 1993 Jerry Parks, Clinton security man who worked closely with Vince Foster, found dead.

July 1993 Vince Foster killed in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington DC. Clinton begins gutting military forces. See Ruddy.

1994 Biospheres in the US and minerals in China. (Ray Briem radio show aired 3/27/97.) Clinton locks up minerals in US so businesses must buy from China.

K: I hope they are able to do something. When we had the DESERT PROTECTION ACT going through California in 1994 folks tried to come together and stop it, but we ended up with the DEATH VALLEY INTERNATIONAL BIOSPHERE and 8 MILLION ACRES of desert taken. By the way, I'm doing a story on a CHINA CONNECTION with all this. When we had the Desert Wilderness Act passed and the 8 million acres put into the biosphere -- that shut down the small Mom-&-Pop mines that produced the MINERAL called YTTRIUM. YTTRIUM is used in our STEALTH FIGHTERS, all our MILITARY ELECTRONICS....

R: LET ME GUESS! So the only other WORLD supplier is in CHINA!?

K: You got it! Not only that, but SENATOR DIANE FEINSTEIN's HUSBAND, DICK BLUM cut a deal with the CHINESE to IMPORT Yttrium into this country and Feinstein was one of the Senator's who received money into her campaign from the Chinese. I'm now getting info that there are TWO (2) areas in the San Francisco Bay area -- HUNTER's POINT & I believe it's TREASURE ISLAND -- where the Chinese are going to come in, do the same thing there. That is CATELLUS property which is AGAIN connected to Sen. Diane Feinstein. So I think we have another big story coming up, Ray.

(And more info on how Congress paid the Crown Butte Co. $65 mil to stop mining gold from a mine north of Yellowstone.)
1994 In 1994, sophisticated telecommunications technology was transferred to a U.S.-Chinese joint venture called HUA MEI, in which the Chinese partner (Galaxy New Technology) is an entity controlled by the Chinese Army. The US partner was SCM Brooks Telecommunications. This particular transfer included fiber-optic communications equipment which is used for high-speed, secure communications over long distances. Also included in the package was advanced encryption software.
Worldnet daily

Nov 1994 For example, Motorola wrote the State Department in November 1994, requesting to export encrypted radios to China. The Motorola letter clearly notes that Bill Clinton was signing waivers for other American companies.
Worldnet Daily

1995 John Fialka of the Wall Street Journal reports today that Silicon Graphics, Inc., currently under investigation by the Commerce Department and the U.S. Attorney for selling four supercomputers to Russia's key nuclear weapons design lab at Chelyabinsk-70 (See Foreign Policy Alert No. 33, February 19), "has sold two similar computers to China's Academy of Sciences, which also conducts research into nuclear weapons and missiles." CEO Edward McCracken is a Republican who gave money to the Clinton-Gore campaigns in 1992 and 1996.

Feb 1996 Chinese Long March rocket explodes with a Loral communications satellite on it. The top secret encryption board is missing from the satellite.

Apr 3, 1996 Ron Brown and occupants die in plane crash near Dubrovnik, Croatia. Whitehouse wanted to hire John Huang (president of Lippo Group USA), but Brown didn't want him there. Huang's immediate supervisor was also killed in this plane crash. Brown had a suspicious gunshot wound in the head. When Navy pathologists tried to make this public, superiors suppressed the issue. Air Force orders no safety investigation for the first time in history. Brown was put on the plane at the last minute, for a trade mission to Croatia, and just before he was to give a deposition for an investigation into Huang. Gormley, appearing on BET Tonight, a national black cable network show hosted by Tavis Smiley, Gormley admitted that a photograph and lateral X-ray of Brown's head both of which have been published in the Tribune- Review indeed prove the skull had been penetrated and that Brown's brain was visible. Later, Gormley changes his story to: he described the hole as having "no open communication with the inside of the head," with no brain visible. He said the "punched out" defect had simply been "depressed" but was still visible, covering the brain.

The body was immediately cremated, against the wishes of the family. Wecht and Cogswell agree an autopsy should have been done on Brown. A total of 4 other pathologists say it looked like a gunshot wound and an autopsy should have been performed.

John Huang used his top secret clearance to gain access to classified U.S. military and industrial secrets on encryption technology and its relationship to intelligence gathering and software marketing across the world. He then took the documents across the street, to an office run by Riady partner Stephens' of Little Rock, where he dropped the documents so they could be collected by Chinese intelligence.

July 1996 Clinton signed a waiver for Loral to export a fully operational, encrypted, satellite control station to Beijing. According to the GAO, Clinton authorized the direct export of an encrypted air-defense communications system directly to the Chinese Air Force.
Worldnet Daily

Don't forget Hitlery's classified computer in the bathroom hallway linen closet :rolleyes:

10-18-2021, 03:15 PM
Austin states the Us is closely watching China's development of the weapon. Yep. Looks like it. Watching :rolleyes:

October 18, 2021
By Stephanie Nebehay
GENEVA (Reuters) – Washington is concerned about hypersonic missile technology and its potential military applications by China and Russia, a U.S. arms control official said on Monday, after a media report that Beijing had tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic glide weapon.
Hypersonic weapons are usually defined as missiles that fly more than five times the speed of sound, and a race is under way for the next generation of long-range weapons that are harder to detect and intercept.
The Financial Times, quoting five people familiar with the matter, said at the weekend that China had tested a weapon in August that flew through space and circled the globe before cruising down towards a target which it missed.
The Chinese foreign ministry denied the report. It said it had carried out a routine test in July, but added: “It was not a missile, it was a space vehicle.”
The United States and Russia have both tested hypersonic weapons but U.S. disarmament ambassador Robert Wood said that Washington had concerns about their possible use.
“Hypersonic technology is something that we have been concerned about, the potential military applications of it and we have held back from pursuing, we had held back from pursing military applications for this technology,” he told a small group of reporters in Geneva.
“But we have seen China and Russia pursuing very actively the use, the militarisation of this technology so we are just having to respond in kind…We just don’t know how we can defend against that technology, neither does China, neither does Russia.”
Wood was referring to the difficulty of missile defence systems to track such high-speed weapons that can manoeuvre and evade shields intended to stop them from entering territory.
“The Russians have a hypersonic glide vehicle called the Avangard, one of their heavy ICBMs (inter-continental ballistic missiles),” Wood said. “We have known about (that). They have, in essence, it’s captured in the New START agreement (on nuclear arms reduction), it’s not quite developed yet.”
“But this type of technology is worrisome, because we just haven’t had to face it before,” he added.
Russia and China did not immediately respond to his comments.
Wood, who is the U.S. envoy to the U.N.-sponsored Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, voiced hope that the new technology could be addressed or “captured” in some kind of internationally agreed principle or legal mechanism in the future.
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said separately that Washington was closely watching China’s development of advanced weapons systems though he declined to comment directly on the Financial Times’ report.
“We watch closely China’s development of armament and advanced capabilities and systems that will only increase tensions in the region,” Austin told reporters during a visit to the former Soviet republic of Georgia.
He said Washington would remain focused on the military challenge from Beijing.
(Additional reporting by David Chkhikvishvili in Tbilisi, Writing by Stephanie Nebehay; editing by Timothy Heritage)