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View Full Version : Reagan Speech Writer Says Dems Went Crazy With Spending

10-18-2021, 03:44 PM
More on the game of "Who's going to cave first?"

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:29 AM PT – Monday, October 18, 2021Once-presidential speech writer for former President Ronald Reagan, John Podhoretz recently came after Democrats and Joe Biden for tripping at the infrastructure finish line.
During a panel discussion on NBS’s Meet the Press (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osFaE7AtTEE) Sunday, Podhoretz criticized many of Biden’s failures, specifically his spending agenda. He added, Democrats are “tanking” the bipartisan infrastructure bill and slammed the left’s reckless spending spree.
“They have a huge spending bill, a trillion dollar infrastructure bill…what are you crazy?” he asked. “…Obama didn’t even spend a trillion dollars on the stimulus package in 2009.”
During the discussion, he reacted to the suggestion that Democrats during the election committed to too much up front and are now scrambling to make good on their promises.
“Democrats went nuts in the winter, they went crazy,” said Podhoretz. “They were at the point of having $8 trillion of new spending with no consensus. Forget the democratic base, like there was no mandate to do any of this from the American people writ large.”
Podhoretz suggested Biden was tricked into thinking he could match past great American presidents. He said House leadership must have told him he could be the next FDR or Lyndon B. Johnson. However, Podhoretz asserted this is just not the case.

Podhoretz said Biden is just not measuring up, while noting George W. Bush had a nearly similar Congress in 2001 and was able to bridge the divide between Democrats and Republicans to pass a bipartisan education bill.
The largely liberal Meet the Press panel appeared to agree that without these packages being passed, ideally in a bipartisan fashion, Biden could risk alienating the Democrat base.

10-18-2021, 03:48 PM
Maybe there's hope if some will just speak up that mistakes have been made with spending by presidents on both sides, but it needs to stop BEFORE anymore of the crazy trillions are committed. Time to admit that Biden is not ok. Time to admit Trump is not ok as president for 2024

10-18-2021, 04:04 PM
Maybe there's hope if some will just speak up that mistakes have been made with spending by presidents on both sides, but it needs to stop BEFORE anymore of the crazy trillions are committed. Time to admit that Biden is not ok. Time to admit Trump is not ok as president for 2024The spending is definitely not OK. I fear if we don't get a President with some sort of sense of urgency on defense, we're going to be walked all over like a front door mat.

At this point, I agree that neither Biden nor Trump are okay, nor fit the prerequisites required to move is back ahead. Even though I was okay with most of Trump's economic deals, I was and still am leery about his defense mentality. He shied away too many times for my taste. He only bowed up when he could use money as a weapon.

10-18-2021, 06:26 PM

