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View Full Version : Former Defense Secretary: Biden Has ‘Gotten A Lot Wrong’ On Foreign Policy, National

10-19-2021, 08:30 AM
Consistently stupid. Yet, he is "President". F*ck up and move up:rolleyes:

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:19 AM PT – Monday, October 18, 2021According to former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Joe Biden has “gotten a lot wrong through the years.” In an interview Sunday, the former official affirmed he still believes Biden has been wrong on nearly every foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.

Gates specifically took aim at the Democrat over his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal while calling it a “big mistake.” He also suggested it would be very naďve to assume things were not going to go downhill after the U.S. pulled out it’s forces.
“He (Biden) opposed every one of Ronald Reagan’s military programs to contest the Soviet Union,” explained the former defense secretary. “He opposed the first Gulf War. That list goes on. Now I will say that in the Obama administration, he and I obviously had significant differences over Afghanistan. But he and I did agree in our opposition to the intervention in Libya and, frankly, on issues relating to Russia and China.”
Gates also said carrying out counterterrorism in Afghanistan without a presence in the country will be very difficult.

10-19-2021, 08:40 AM
Consistently stupid. Yet, he is "President". F*ck up and move up:rolleyes:


He's gotten everything wrong!

10-19-2021, 08:49 AM
He's gotten everything wrong!I know, right? How can you get EVERYTHING wrong :laugh2:

Seriously, I was almost awestruck sitting here watching him screw up Afghanistan. It was like playing scrabble. Just compounding on mistake after mistake. Then there's his mask mandate:rolleyes:

He should declare himself a national disaster.

10-19-2021, 09:22 AM
I honestly can't think of a single thing he's gotten right. Not one.

It's not that surprising, I guess, when you look at who he's chosen for his cabinet, his VP, and all other appointments - they were all chosen on race or other 'diverse' qualities, not on their abilities and talents.

Take a look at the Transportation Secretary. You might remember the homo Mayor of a mid sized town in Indiana... as the crisis reaches cataclysmic proportions, and Mayor Pete is nowhere to be found, Biden promotes a Rear Admiral woman to sort things out.

The problem here is she has zero experience in shipping or logistics. She is a climate change 'expert'. I'm sure things will improve now.

In the meantime, there's almost 110 ships parked off LA and climbing.

Abbey Marie
10-19-2021, 09:24 AM
I used to think he was basically a harmless, genial guy. (I’ve met him, and we spoke for about 20 minutes, btw). Needless to say, I don’t think those things now.