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Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 05:46 AM
Dan Rather's recently filed suit of CBS will refocus attention on Bush's military service and the way wingnuts distorted Rather's reporting on it. Here's a review:

Bush was AWOL (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/1/12/132214/106)

The entire wingnut objection to Rather's story centered on allegedly forged letters used to document a few details. While they never were proven to be forged, the fact that Rather couldn't prove they were authentic became the only aspect of the story the media discussed. Never mentioned were the mounds of unquestionable evidence illustrating Bush's dishonorable military service. Let's hope Rather can prove his point in court and that that leads to an unbiased scrutiny of the facts.

09-30-2007, 05:48 AM
Well now we know it must be factual, it was stated so on Dailykos! LOL

09-30-2007, 06:42 AM
allegedly forged letters

????....wow......some folks have a high resistance to truth, don't they......

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 06:45 AM
????....wow......some folks have a high resistance to truth, don't they......

Are you admitting it?

No one ever saw the documents. How could have anything been proven?

09-30-2007, 06:51 AM
Are you admitting it?

No one ever saw the documents. How could have anything been proven?

so the evidence about the documents being printed on a computer printer that didn't exist at the time wasn't convincing to you?

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 06:56 AM
so the evidence about the documents being printed on a computer printer that didn't exist at the time wasn't convincing to you?

It was interesting but certainly not conclusive. All we ever saw were digital images of the documents. They're easily manipulated.

Secondly, the premise of the argument, that the documents could not have been created at the time of the affair, is debatable. One IBM technician said IBM sold equipment which could have been used.

Nothing has been proven.

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 07:00 AM
Nothing has been proven.

Nothing has been proven? what are ya kidden me? :lol:

What has been proven is that now Bush nearing the end of his second term you are creating threads call "Bush was AWOL" showing that you are still reaching for something to show your disapproval, how boring.

09-30-2007, 08:56 AM
I think its more of a statement on our current main stream media. the document in question was only a tiny piece of the evidence that Bush did not fulfill his service to the national guard. There are witnesses who saw him elsewhere for extended chunks of time. There is no evidence he was in Arkansas were he was supposed to be. Our media protected Bush from scrutiny on his service in the military buy saying one questionable document destroyed all the other evidence and fired Rather to show how a reporter would be treated if they tried to harm Bush.If they would fire someone like Rather they would fire ANYONE who dared report anything the corporate heads did not like.

When was the last time you saw REAL investigative journalism on the subject of politics? It is only done with people like pedophiles. Some of you are young and dont remember but in the past if you had dirt on you you did not run for high office. Now the republican field is full of people who have had many divorces and affairs and the Dem field have all got clean records(remember Hillary did not have an affair she forgave an affair). There is a reason for this new situation. The reason is they will go after a Dems past and will ignore an Rs past.

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 09:30 AM
When was the last time you saw REAL investigative journalism on the subject of politics? It is only done with people like pedophiles. Some of you are young and dont remember but in the past if you had dirt on you you did not run for high office. Now the republican field is full of people who have had many divorces and affairs and the Dem field have all got clean records(remember Hillary did not have an affair she forgave an affair). There is a reason for this new situation. The reason is they will go after a Dems past and will ignore an Rs past.

When was the last time you have done some "REAL" inestigative searching on the topic? Seems that would be more appropiate after such a statement. Also seems you investigative searches turns up a whole lot of one sided dirt, very usefull for you though.

Politicians are all crooked, there is plenty of dirt to go around on both sides, and it's been that way for along time.

09-30-2007, 09:41 AM
When was the last time you have done some "REAL" inestigative searching on the topic? Seems that would be more appropiate after such a statement. Also seems you investigative searches turns up a whole lot of one sided dirt, very usefull for you though.

Politicians are all crooked, there is plenty of dirt to go around on both sides, and it's been that way for along time.

Look at the differance between Kerry's service and Bush's service and how the press treated them.

The sad thing is its obvious to the rest of the world but for some reason 28% of our population cant seem to see through the mist.

Tell me why the press seems completely uninterested in the Republican fields ex wives? If Hillary had an ex husband would you see him in the press being interviewed?

09-30-2007, 09:44 AM
I think its more of a statement on our current main stream media. the document in question was only a tiny piece of the evidence that Bush did not fulfill his service to the national guard. There are witnesses who saw him elsewhere for extended chunks of time. There is no evidence he was in Arkansas were he was supposed to be. Our media protected Bush from scrutiny on his service in the military buy saying one questionable document destroyed all the other evidence and fired Rather to show how a reporter would be treated if they tried to harm Bush.If they would fire someone like Rather they would fire ANYONE who dared report anything the corporate heads did not like.

When was the last time you saw REAL investigative journalism on the subject of politics? It is only done with people like pedophiles. Some of you are young and dont remember but in the past if you had dirt on you you did not run for high office. Now the republican field is full of people who have had many divorces and affairs and the Dem field have all got clean records(remember Hillary did not have an affair she forgave an affair). There is a reason for this new situation. The reason is they will go after a Dems past and will ignore an Rs past.

And yet you'll feel free to quote sites like mediamatters and claim their words as gospel! I'm sure what they're doing is "real investigative journalism" - NOT!

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 09:47 AM
Look at the differance between Kerry's service and Bush's service and how the press treated them.

The sad thing is its obvious to the rest of the world but for some reason 28% of our population cant seem to see through the mist.

What because Kerry received his metal in vietnam because of his scratch, and then came back to preach bad things about his fellow soldiers? What is more sad then that is people like yourself who take a one sided view. Whatever tidbit of crap that you can find to try to defend the perfect persona of the left, what a joke! and then have the nerve to say the damn near the majority see things the way you do.:lol:

Kerry was a turd from day one, he made it a close race, and bowed out gracefully I'll give him that but no way that guy does anything worthy as a president. Had the dems been able to produce some decent candidates it may of been different but they did'nt.

09-30-2007, 09:50 AM
What because Kerry received his metal in vietnam because of his scratch, and then came back to preach bad things about his fellow soldiers? What is more sad then that is people like yourself who take a one sided view. Whatever tidbit of crap that you can find to try to defend the perfect persona of the left, what a joke! and then have the nerve to say the damn near the majority see things the way you do.:lol:

Kerry was a turd from day one, he made it a close race, and bowed out gracefully I'll give him that but no way that guy does anything worthy as a president. Had the dems been able to produce some decent candidates it may of been different but they did'nt.

But if you ask his men( the ones who really served with him not the phoneys who pretended they did) who actually served with him that is not the story you get.

I just dont understand how you people ca talk about supporting the troops and them you slam the ones who you dont politically agree with like its nothing.

How do you square that in your mind?

09-30-2007, 09:54 AM
But if you ask his men( the ones who really served with him not the phoneys who pretended they did) who actually served with him that is not the story you get.

I just dont understand how you people ca talk about supporting the troops and them you slam the ones who you dont politically agree with like its nothing.

How do you square that in your mind?

Are you saying Kerry never received a purple heart for an injury that amounted to a scratch? Are you saying Kerry did not return from Vietnam and condemn his fellow soldiers? Proof from the doctor who treated his injury has been posted here several times. And it's a recorded fact from congress when Kerry addressed them with his comments.

That's how it's squared, dumbass.

09-30-2007, 09:55 AM
And yet you'll feel free to quote sites like mediamatters and claim their words as gospel! I'm sure what they're doing is "real investigative journalism" - NOT!

Where have I claimed their wordss are gospel?

I quoted MM yesterday because they had a tape of Rush talking. The tape is why I posted them.

Funny thing is I have never caught them lying about anything (that does not mean I consider them gospel) but if you caught them in a lie I would recognise it.

The tape is Rush in full context.

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 09:56 AM
But if you ask his men( the ones who really served with him not the phoneys who pretended they did) who actually served with him that is not the story you get.

I just dont understand how you people ca talk about supporting the troops and them you slam the ones who you dont politically agree with like its nothing.

How do you square that in your mind?

How square is your mind? I slam kerry for many things but not for his service. I slam kerry for speaking out the way he did against his fellow soldiers, I slam kerry for making remarks about his service, and his metal when he received a bug bite in the jungle, I slam kerry for not buying a decent rug to wear on his head, bit I have'nt slammed Kerry for his service.

You are very good at twisting things to the way you think they sound best, taking notes, and laughingly claim that we see things only that we politically agree with, when in fact you are so far one of the best I have seen at a one way view.

09-30-2007, 10:03 AM
http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/09/30/america/NA-FEA-GEN-US-Coming-Home-Wounded-The-Price.php?page=2What because Kerry received his metal in vietnam because of his scratch, and then came back to preach bad things about his fellow soldiers? What is more sad then that is people like yourself who take a one sided view. Whatever tidbit of crap that you can find to try to defend the perfect persona of the left, what a joke! and then have the nerve to say the damn near the majority see things the way you do.:lol:

Kerry was a turd from day one, he made it a close race, and bowed out gracefully I'll give him that but no way that guy does anything worthy as a president. Had the dems been able to produce some decent candidates it may of been different but they did'nt.

This is slaming his service.

09-30-2007, 10:07 AM
This is slaming his service.

And it's a FACT. What part of that can't you comprehend?

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 10:08 AM
This is slaming his service.

It's slamming you for your need to critically point out every little thing you can from your one sided view, you are makjng a stink about Bush's record, I offered this. See how that works? Thing is the records mean little, what was important was who was better suited to lead the country, and at that given time your man did not win. So while you think everyone is wrong, only your views make sense the man leading the country now kind of casts doubts on your simple minded ways as not enough had your view.

And really, that name says it all, "truthmatters" as is you may only get that from the left? C'mon, there are as many retards on that side telling you what you wanna hear as well.

09-30-2007, 10:14 AM
Rather was shitcanned for trying to influence a presidential election using phony docs, thats it, end of story. Doesn't matter what Bush did or didn't do while in the guard, this is about Rather's nefarious and illegal scheme in 2004.

But that doesn't matter to blind partisans like Steel and Liesmatter.

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 10:38 AM
Rather was shitcanned for trying to influence a presidential election using phony docs, thats it, end of story. Doesn't matter what Bush did or didn't do while in the guard, this is about Rather's nefarious and illegal scheme in 2004.

But that doesn't matter to blind partisans like Steel and Liesmatter.

Nothing was proven.

Not a single document was proven to be forged.

Know why?

Because no one ever saw them.

No one ever produced a single document. Wingnuts manipulated digital images and swore by them but that doesn't prove anything except their gullibility.

Nothing was proven.

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 10:41 AM
Nothing has been proven? what are ya kidden me? :lol:

What has been proven is that now Bush nearing the end of his second term you are creating threads call "Bush was AWOL" showing that you are still reaching for something to show your disapproval, how boring.

If you don't like it, stick your head back into the sand.

Bush deserted and conned the electorate.

That's a problem for patriots.

Obviously, that doesn't include you so just leave the discussion to those of us who care.

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 11:01 AM
If you don't like it, stick your head back into the sand.

Bush deserted and conned the electorate.

That's a problem for patriots.

Obviously, that doesn't include you so just leave the discussion to those of us who care.

Another simpleton you are. Now, you are so good at asking for proof let's get a peek at your proof that "Bush conned the electorate", shall we?

Your just a wanna be lib, not even a good one, you dig up crap like this to post after it has been discusses a million times over.

09-30-2007, 11:11 AM

It is just sad people refuse to bleive the truth and continue to disparage a war veteran who served honorably for political reasons.

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 11:16 AM

It is just sad people refuse to bleive the truth and continue to disparage a war veteran who served honorably for political reasons.



Gotta love the "rumor" part.... It's just sad to know that when you look in the mirror to know that your eyes are'nt going bad but just that you are that transparent..

09-30-2007, 11:17 AM
Snopes says the rumors are false.

So now you say snopes it lying?

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 11:20 AM
Snopes says the rumors are false.

So now you say snopes it lying?

Not at all, just laughing at the source.

Face it lady, you are just one of the many transparent fools who think only the left make the right decisions. You are so one way that you can't even see that you ass is that wet when you think you are quoting the truth.

09-30-2007, 11:21 AM

It is just sad people refuse to bleive the truth and continue to disparage a war veteran who served honorably for political reasons.

It's just sad that yet again you rely on pages like snopes for your official information. How about direct words from the man who treated Kerry?

What I saw was a small piece of metal sticking very superficially in the skin of Kerry's arm. The metal fragment measured about 1 cm. in length and was about 2 or 3 mm in diameter. It certainly did not look like a round from a rifle.

I simply removed the piece of metal by lifting it out of the skin with forceps.

I doubt that it penetrated more than 3 or 4 mm. It did not require probing to find it, did not require any anesthesia to remove it, and did not require any sutures to close the wound.

The wound was covered with a bandaid.

09-30-2007, 11:21 AM
Not at all, just laughing at the source.

Face it lady, you are just one of the many transparent fools who think only the left make the right decisions. You are so one way that you can't even see that you ass is that wet when you think you are quoting the truth.

Ask your Mom how I feel about Ike

09-30-2007, 11:22 AM
Nothing was proven.

Not a single document was proven to be forged.

Know why?

Because no one ever saw them.

No one ever produced a single document. Wingnuts manipulated digital images and swore by them but that doesn't prove anything except their gullibility.

Nothing was proven.

You sir are a fucking liar.


Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 11:24 AM
Ask your Mom how I feel about Ike

I don't care how you feel about Ike, I'm only attempting to expose you to take a look at what you post, and how silly you sound when you claim others to be sad for their views. If you can't admit to your ways then you must remain transparent.

09-30-2007, 11:26 AM
It's just sad that yet again you rely on pages like snopes for your official information. How about direct words from the man who treated Kerry?


The point of this is just sad.

Many purple hearts were handed out in Vietnam for such wounds. Kerry got three of them and in insulting his purple hearts you insult thousands of men who got them for similar reasons. You have just succeded in insulting thousands of veterans from many wars.

09-30-2007, 11:27 AM
For The Record: Bush Documents
Dan Rather Talks To Lt. Col. Killian's Ex-Secretary About Bush Memos

Sept. 20, 2004

(CBS) EDITOR'S NOTE: A report issued by an independent panel on Jan. 10, 2005 concluded that CBS News failed to follow basic journalistic principles in the preparation and reporting of the Sept. 8, 2004 broadcast about President Bush's service in the National Guard.
Last week, on 60 Minutes, we heard for the first time the full story from former Texas House Speaker Ben Barnes, who says he helped President George Bush get a highly coveted place in the National Guard.

60 Minutes also presented documents for the first time which indicated that once Mr. Bush was accepted into the Guard, he failed to live up to the requirements of his service, including following an order. And we also reported that the documents were written by then-Lt. Bush's National Guard squad commander, Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, who passed away in 1984.

In the past week, those documents have been subjected to extraordinary scrutiny and criticism.

Now, another voice - a credible voice - has entered the debate. Killian's secretary, Marian Carr Knox, describes herself as Killian's "right hand" during much of the 1970s.

She flew to New York Wednesday afternoon to tell 60 Minutes that she believes the documents we obtained are not authentic.

But there's yet another confusing twist to this story. She told Correspondent Dan Rather that she believes what the documents actually say is exactly as we reported.
Knox is 86 years old, and completely comfortable in the eye of a storm. She spent more than two decades keeping pilots and officers in line at Ellington Air Force Base in Houston. Now, she wants to set the record straight about the memos that CBS News obtained.

Knox says she didn’t type these memos, but she says she did type ones that contained the same information.

“I know that I didn’t type them," says Knox. "However, the information in those is correct.”

Knox says the information in the four memos that CBS obtained is very familiar, but she doesn't believe the memos are authentic. She does, however, remember Killian being upset over Mr. Bush's failure to take a physical.

“Did or did not Lt. Bush take a physical as ordered by Col. Killian,” Rather asks Knox.
“The last time, no he didn’t,” says Knox. “It was a big no-no to not follow orders. And I can’t remember anyone refusing to. Now for instance, with the physical, every officer knew that before his birthday he was supposed to have that flying physical. Once in a while they might be late, but there would be a good excuse for it and let the commander know and try to set up a date for a make-up. If they did not take that physical, they were off flying status until they did.”

Did Knox ever hear Killian talk about this, or did he write memos about Bush not taking the physical?

“He was upset about it. That was one of the reasons why he wrote a memo directing him to go take the physical,” says Knox. “I’m going to say this, but it seems to me that Bush felt that he was above reproach.”
Knox remembers Lt. Bush well, and saw him often as he showed up for weekend training in 1971 and 1972.

“He was always very gentlemanly. He called me by the name of his father’s secretary. He was always apologizing about that,” recalls Knox. “He couldn’t remember my name. I felt that his parents must have been wonderful to have produced somebody as nice as that.”

But did Lt. Bush get into the National Guard on the basis of preferential treatment?

“I'm going to say that he did,” says Knox. “I feel that he did, because there were a lot other boys in there in the same way."

So what kind of officer was Lt. Bush?

“Bush seemed to be having a good time. He didn't seem to be having any problem with the other pilots,” says Knox. “But, his time there, it seemed that the other fellows were, I’m going to say this, sort of resentful of him because of his attitude … that he really didn’t have to go by the rules.”

Knox says that Killian started what she calls a "cover-your-back" file -- a personal file where he stored the memos about the problems with Mr. Bush's performance, his failure to take a physical, and the pressure Killian felt from upstairs.

She addressed one memo, and a reference to retired Gen. Staudt pushing for a positive officer training report on Lt. Bush.

"’Staudt is pushing to sugar coat it.’ Does that sound like Col. Killian? Is that the way it felt,” Rather asked Knox.

“That's absolutely the way he felt about that," says Knox.

She also talked about another memo which she doesn’t believe is authentic -- but she says the facts behind it are very real.

“It's just like a personal journal,” says Knox. “You write things. It was more or less that.”

“These memos were not memos that you typed, and you don’t think they came directly out of his files,” Rather asked Knox.

“The information, yes,” says Knox. “It seems that somebody did see those memos, and then tried to reproduce and maybe changed them enough so that he wouldn’t get in trouble over it.”
Knox says the fact that then-Lt. Bush was repeatedly missing drills was not lost on his fellow pilots.

“They missed him. It was sort of gossip around there, and they'd [the other officers would] snicker and so forth about what he was getting away with,” says Knox. “I guess there was even a resentment."

She told 60 Minutes again and again that she believed Lt. Bush refused a direct order to take a physical.

“Col. Killian’s son says that this isn’t true,” says Rather.

"He has no way of knowing whether that is true or not," says Knox.

Knox says that working in a senate campaign in 1972 became more important to Mr. Bush than flying for the Guard.

"I think it is plain and simple. Bush didn't think that he had to go by the rules that others did,” says Knox.

"He had this campaign to take care of, and that's what he was going to do -- and that's what he did do.”


Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 11:27 AM
The point of this is just sad.

Many purple hearts were handed out in Vietnam for such wounds. Kerry got three of them and in insulting his purple hearts you insult thousands of men who got them for similar reasons. You have just succeded in insulting thousands of veterans from many wars.

Nah, just insulting you ya silly sally, now put your reading glasses on, and look how one way you posts. :slap:

09-30-2007, 11:28 AM

It is just sad people refuse to bleive the truth and continue to disparage a war veteran who served honorably for political reasons.

the phrase in bold says it all.....

09-30-2007, 11:29 AM
The point of this is just sad.

Many purple hearts were handed out in Vietnam for such wounds. Kerry got three of them and in insulting his purple hearts you insult thousands of men who got them for similar reasons. You have just succeded in insulting thousands of veterans from many wars.

No, he just succeeded in insulting John Kerry, a man who fraudulently accepted the Purple Heart, that is a fact.

Kudos to Jimmy.

09-30-2007, 11:29 AM
The point of this is just sad.

Many purple hearts were handed out in Vietnam for such wounds. Kerry got three of them and in insulting his purple hearts you insult thousands of men who got them for similar reasons. You have just succeded in insulting thousands of veterans from many wars.

Shut up, stupid, and stop putting words in my mouth. I simply stated from the get go that he had received a purple heart for a wound that amounted to nothing more than a scratch and required a band aid. I stated it was a matter of fact. Unlike you, I posted proof of my claims. Now go eat a bucket of diarrhea.

The only thing insulting here is you, and your imbecilic, illegible, incoherent & retarded rants.

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 11:31 AM
the phrase in bold says it all.....


good spot!

09-30-2007, 11:31 AM
Nothing was proven.

Not a single document was proven to be forged.

Know why?

Because no one ever saw them.

No one ever produced a single document. Wingnuts manipulated digital images and swore by them but that doesn't prove anything except their gullibility.

Nothing was proven.

right... which is Dan Rather was fired, because no one can prove the documents forgeries.

And I suppose Michael Moore doesn't claim to make "Documentaries".

Seriously people like you would deny the sun was shining if it would attack Bush.

09-30-2007, 11:33 AM
Jim what is with all the hostility?

I never give you hostilility.

When you insult Kerrys purple heart you insult anyone who got a the same medal for similar reasons. They were in war they bled and got a purple heart for bleeding for their country.

09-30-2007, 11:33 AM
Shut up, stupid, and stop putting words in my mouth. I simply stated from the get go that he had received a purple heart for a wound that amounted to nothing more than a scratch and required a band aid. I stated it was a matter of fact. Unlike you, I posted proof of my claims. Now go eat a bucket of diarrhea.

The only thing insulting here is you, and your imbecilic, illegible, incoherent & retarded rants.

If Kerry wasn't looking to get the Purple Heart for political reasons the first time a skeeter bit him on the nads why did the guy have a camera crew following him everywhere?

09-30-2007, 11:34 AM
Jim what is with all the hostility?

I never give you hostilility.

When you insult Kerrys purple heart you insult anyone who got a the same medal for similar reasons. They were in war they bled and got a purple heart for bleeding for their country.

How is me stating the facts about the circumstances of his injuries insulting? First answer that then we can continue...

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 11:34 AM
Jim what is with all the hostility?

I never give you hostilility.

When you insult Kerrys purple heart you insult anyone who got a the same medal for similar reasons. They were in war they bled and got a purple heart for bleeding for their country.

Shut up already, kerry lost, and is a horses ass of a politician, and you are'nt far behind with your hatred posts.

09-30-2007, 11:36 AM
Jim what is with all the hostility?

I never give you hostilility.

When you insult Kerrys purple heart you insult anyone who got a the same medal for similar reasons. They were in war they bled and got a purple heart for bleeding for their country.

Are you shitting me? You think the guy who cut his thumb peeling potatoes in the chow hall deserves a Purple Heart like the guy who took some shrapnel on the battlefield?

You are fucking batshit fruitloops!

And quit pissing and moaning about hostility, if J.K. deserved a Purple Heart then you deserve all the scorn and hostility we can muster.

09-30-2007, 11:36 AM
Jim what is with all the hostility?

I never give you hostilility.

When you insult Kerrys purple heart you insult anyone who got a the same medal for similar reasons. They were in war they bled and got a purple heart for bleeding for their country.

that is such bullshit....insulting kerry is insulting kerry not all purple heart winners....kerry is seen as a "traitor" by many for what he did in paris and on the floor of the senate.....

protesting agianst your country and your military then wanting peoploe to put you in charge of same is asking a bit much...

decissions have consequences.......

09-30-2007, 11:38 AM
Shut up already, kerry lost, and is a horses ass of a politician, and you are'nt far behind with your hatred posts.

Correct, J.K. lost because he is untrustworthy, if you'll sell your fellow comrades-in-arms down the river for personal gain then he would've sold the oval office first offer.

09-30-2007, 11:41 AM
Correct, J.K. lost because he is untrustworthy, if you'll sell your fellow comrades-in-arms down the river for personal gain then he would've sold the oval office first offer.

Isnt it amazing that a man who made his service in Vietnam central to his campaign and later attacked the troops with lies wasnt found trustworthy to lead the troops?

Gives me up for the future after all.

09-30-2007, 11:41 AM
Shut up, stupid, and stop putting words in my mouth. I simply stated from the get go that he had received a purple heart for a wound that amounted to nothing more than a scratch and required a band aid. I stated it was a matter of fact. Unlike you, I posted proof of my claims. Now go eat a bucket of diarrhea.

The only thing insulting here is you, and your imbecilic, illegible, incoherent & retarded rants.

this is pure hostility

09-30-2007, 11:42 AM
this is pure hostility

Typical response. Cant deal with facts so you have to be a victim and claim everyone is against you despite everyone giving you multiple times to support yourself and have respect.

09-30-2007, 11:42 AM
this is pure hostility

And your point is? That's how I like to address liars, what can I say?

09-30-2007, 11:44 AM
this is pure hostility

Hostility and scorn is just deserts for liars and frauds, deal with it.

Sir Evil
09-30-2007, 11:44 AM
this is pure hostility

Must be because you are purely retarded...Oh, and transparent,:slap:

09-30-2007, 11:44 AM
And your point is? That's how I like to address liars, what can I say?


09-30-2007, 12:21 PM
Typical response. Cant deal with facts so you have to be a victim and claim everyone is against you despite everyone giving you multiple times to support yourself and have respect.

Pointing out that someone is so bereft of a cogent arguement that they resort in childlike spewing an trying to restore some kind of decent response instead is not acting a victim.

I have proven over and over what I claimed and Jim is refusing it because it means he will have to place value in polls he does not like the results of.

It a study in denile which the current rigth wing base of the republican party has honed to an artform.

09-30-2007, 12:26 PM
Pointing out that someone is so bereft of a cogent arguement that they resort in childlike spewing an trying to restore some kind of decent response instead is not acting a victim.

you really shouldn't be so hard on yourself.....

which company?

which poll?

what decission?

09-30-2007, 12:27 PM
Pointing out that someone is so bereft of a cogent arguement that they resort in childlike spewing an trying to restore some kind of decent response instead is not acting a victim.

I have proven over and over what I claimed and Jim is refusing it because it means he will have to place value in polls he does not like the results of.

It a study in denile which the current rigth wing base of the republican party has honed to an artform.


Here's your chance, link us to the post where you provided a link to credible proof that "major companies make major financial decisions" based on the polls you referred. You do so, with credible proof and I'll retract my claim. Not your rhetoric, not your opinion, not a study, NOTHING BUT A LINK SHOWING CLEAR AND CREDIBLE PROOF, IRREFUTABLE PROOF OF WHAT YOU'RE CLAIMING. You can't, because you've NEVER done so.

You are a 100% liar to claim you have proved ANYTHING.

P.S. - It's "denial", "right", "argument" & "art form" is 2 words - imbecile.

09-30-2007, 12:36 PM
I have linked them over and over and you just say they are not proof so whats the point.

Anyone with any experience in marketing know how silly your position on this. It is and it is nothing more than a divergence from the fact that Polls are not worthless. Accepting a scientifically conducted poll as worthwhile information is just what the entire world does not matter how much you fight it with silliness and denials of fact. Insults are not going to cut it anymore to "win' discussions on American policy because the populace has woken up.

09-30-2007, 12:38 PM
And yet still no proof. You would think someone would grow weary of looking foolish time and time again, but you seem to embrace it.

I'm going to watch some NFL games now, enjoy your lying, liar!

09-30-2007, 12:40 PM
Enjoy the game.

09-30-2007, 01:48 PM
Truthmatters is a habitual liar, even my wife whom I asked to read this and the phony patriot thread and who for the most part is an independent quickly recognized that fact without any influence from me.

Truth you need psychological help, I pray that you finally come to grips with the demons that inhabit your mind and soul.

09-30-2007, 03:22 PM
Nothing was proven.

Not a single document was proven to be forged.

Know why?

Because no one ever saw them.

No one ever produced a single document. Wingnuts manipulated digital images and swore by them but that doesn't prove anything except their gullibility.

Nothing was proven.

The documents weren't seen by anyone because they DID NOT EXIST.

09-30-2007, 03:24 PM
If you don't like it, stick your head back into the sand.

Bush deserted and conned the electorate.

That's a problem for patriots.

Obviously, that doesn't include you so just leave the discussion to those of us who care.

This is going to really help you in defeating Bush in 08.

09-30-2007, 03:25 PM
Truth is truth

09-30-2007, 03:26 PM
Truth is truth

i knew truth....and you are not truth.....

09-30-2007, 03:38 PM

It is just sad people refuse to bleive the truth and continue to disparage a war veteran who served honorably for political reasons.

I will disparage him as much as I want. He's a piece of shit. He spent three months in theater and used the three wounds regulation to get himself out of there as soon as he could. All three wounds were superficial. I had worse than that a number of times, got a bandaid from the medic and went on my way. He is a phony and a lair.

09-30-2007, 03:41 PM
I will disparage him as much as I want. He's a piece of shit. He spent three months in theater and used the three wounds regulation to get himself out of there as soon as he could. All three wounds were superficial. I had worse than that a number of times, got a bandaid from the medic and went on my way. He is a phony and a lair.

then he turned his back on his own men and his country....and he wonders why he was attacked and lost his bid for president...

09-30-2007, 03:58 PM
then he turned his back on his own men and his country....and he wonders why he was attacked and lost his bid for president...

Yeah I didn't even get into that part. That is what makes him the real low life he is. He ranks down there with fonda. His service was a joke and merely for his political agenda. I personally don't know a single vet that was supporting kerry. Even those that didn't like Bush despised kerry.

09-30-2007, 04:00 PM
Yeah I didn't even get into that part. That is what makes him the real low life he is. He ranks down there with fonda. His service was a joke and merely for his political agenda. I personally don't know a single vet that was supporting kerry. Even those that didn't like Bush despised kerry.

you know....i have not served .... so i will call his service a draw....

but i will be damned if i am going to put a guy in charge of two things; his brothers in arms and his country, that he shit on.....

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 04:36 PM
right... which is Dan Rather was fired, because no one can prove the documents forgeries.

And I suppose Michael Moore doesn't claim to make "Documentaries".

Seriously people like you would deny the sun was shining if it would attack Bush.

Bush is a liar, a thief, a draft-dodger, a deserter, a drunk and a war criminal. He's an insult to American ideals. Anyone who doesn't attack him is a phony patriot.

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 04:38 PM
The documents weren't seen by anyone because they DID NOT EXIST.

How do you know that?

09-30-2007, 04:51 PM
Truth is truth

exactly, which is why you cant fool anyone with falsehood.

09-30-2007, 04:53 PM
Bush is a liar, a thief, a draft-dodger, a deserter, a drunk and a war criminal. He's an insult to American ideals. Anyone who doesn't attack him is a phony patriot.

I guess that makes me a phony patriot in the eyes of comrade steal.

09-30-2007, 04:53 PM
How do you know that?

Because they were computer generated.

09-30-2007, 04:55 PM
The documents weren't seen by anyone because they DID NOT EXIST.

Right. Just like Rather. Fired over nothing. Sigh. Denial is not a river in Egypt.

09-30-2007, 04:55 PM
I will disparage him as much as I want. He's a piece of shit. He spent three months in theater and used the three wounds regulation to get himself out of there as soon as he could. All three wounds were superficial. I had worse than that a number of times, got a bandaid from the medic and went on my way. He is a phony and a lair.

I've always been shocked at how some people think that military service makes you impervious to criticism. Who cares if they have served if they are wrong? Benedict Arnold was an American hero, did that excuse his later actions of betrayal? Should we not have been allowed to criticize him because he served?

If you falsify your service record, shouldnt you be criticized for it? if you prop up phoney soldiers to support your political views shouldnt you be called out on it?

What gets me is the left has no problem criticizing soldiers for stuff they dont do. But when one is criticized for something they did do, then its like the biggest sin.

09-30-2007, 04:57 PM
Bush is a liar, a thief, a draft-dodger, a deserter, a drunk and a war criminal. He's an insult to American ideals. Anyone who doesn't attack him is a phony patriot.

Yet you cant prove a single one of those. Amazing isnt it?

BTW service in the national guard is not draft dodging. Unless of course you consider volunteering for military service dodging the draft.

09-30-2007, 05:32 PM
Dan Rather should just ride off into that big media retirement home for disgraced journalist, where he belongs...:laugh2:

09-30-2007, 05:36 PM
Dan Rather certainly has his "I am a washed-up no talent fool" t-shirt on with this latest action, the addition of the KOS-tard crowds voices to his just places his credibility on an even lower plane.

09-30-2007, 06:03 PM
Truthmatters is a habitual liar, even my wife whom I asked to read this and the phony patriot thread and who for the most part is an independent quickly recognized that fact without any influence from me.

Truth you need psychological help, I pray that you finally come to grips with the demons that inhabit your mind and soul. IT'S called liberal propaganda brainwashing and most weak minded democrats fit this category