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View Full Version : Pulled muscle in my lower back

10-19-2021, 02:04 PM
Just like every other time too, by sitting in my chair and then sneezing!!

Somehow or some reason, my muscles in my lower back just instantly started hurting when I sneezed. Literally had trouble standing and walking right after that. And then I woke in the middle of the night and knew I had an issue with the pain walking to the bathroom. Then I woke and same. Sitting is fine, just don't cough! And then walking I have to do so a little hunched over and quite gingerly.

This is like the 3rd damn time I did this too! None of the drugs helping at all. So I guess a matter of slowly exercising it and giving it the heating pad and ice packs. Uggghhh.

10-19-2021, 02:23 PM
Just like every other time too, by sitting in my chair and then sneezing!!

Somehow or some reason, my muscles in my lower back just instantly started hurting when I sneezed. Literally had trouble standing and walking right after that. And then I woke in the middle of the night and knew I had an issue with the pain walking to the bathroom. Then I woke and same. Sitting is fine, just don't cough! And then walking I have to do so a little hunched over and quite gingerly.

This is like the 3rd damn time I did this too! None of the drugs helping at all. So I guess a matter of slowly exercising it and giving it the heating pad and ice packs. Uggghhh.

Sorry, that suks.

10-19-2021, 02:53 PM
That's a bummer, I know as we are getting older it takes just a little longer to recover. Hope you feel better soon.

Abbey Marie
10-19-2021, 03:24 PM
Just like every other time too, by sitting in my chair and then sneezing!!

Somehow or some reason, my muscles in my lower back just instantly started hurting when I sneezed. Literally had trouble standing and walking right after that. And then I woke in the middle of the night and knew I had an issue with the pain walking to the bathroom. Then I woke and same. Sitting is fine, just don't cough! And then walking I have to do so a little hunched over and quite gingerly.

This is like the 3rd damn time I did this too! None of the drugs helping at all. So I guess a matter of slowly exercising it and giving it the heating pad and ice packs. Uggghhh.

Sorry Jim.
I can’t move my head for the pain at the top of my neck, so I feel ya.

10-19-2021, 05:15 PM
Sorry Jim.
I can’t move my head for the pain at the top of my neck, so I feel ya.

That sums too!

10-19-2021, 05:49 PM
Welcome to the Club. All of those pains (sad to say) are just the beginning. I have had 3 major SPINAL surgeries, still have Stenosis, Sciatica...down both legs to my feet. That began following my Quadruple Heart Bypass when the Dr. had to invade the inside of my thigh...and it became infected after they just opened up my chest.
The infection took 4 weeks to go away with two shots of ANTIBIOTICS every 12 hours. Almost died from that SIPSIS from the bad insertion of the needle there.

As I said. Welcome to the club. Turning my head fully...is next to impossible. By the way. I'm going on 75....see what you, and everybody else have to LOOK FORWARD TO???

Get well, take it easy.

10-19-2021, 06:16 PM
That sums too!

That would be 'suks too!

Gunny loves ❤ my texting prownes.

Abbey Marie
10-20-2021, 08:48 AM
That would be 'suks too!

@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) loves ❤ my texting prownes.

Haha, I thought you were using some Brit terminology.

10-20-2021, 09:44 AM
Welcome to the Club. All of those pains (sad to say) are just the beginning. I have had 3 major SPINAL surgeries, still have Stenosis, Sciatica...down both legs to my feet. That began following my Quadruple Heart Bypass when the Dr. had to invade the inside of my thigh...and it became infected after they just opened up my chest.
The infection took 4 weeks to go away with two shots of ANTIBIOTICS every 12 hours. Almost died from that SIPSIS from the bad insertion of the needle there.

As I said. Welcome to the club. Turning my head fully...is next to impossible. By the way. I'm going on 75....see what you, and everybody else have to LOOK FORWARD TO???

Get well, take it easy.
Well that sums too!

As the saying goes, "Getting old isn't for sissies!" I'm pretty sure that was not a woke sentiment! :laugh:

10-20-2021, 01:45 PM
That would be 'suks too!

@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) loves ❤ my texting prownes.Ha! I do the same damned thing. I easily read that :)

10-21-2021, 09:25 AM
Ooof - Jim. So sorry.

I've heard it said you know you're old when you wake up sore from having gone to sleep :)

10-21-2021, 09:48 AM
Ah yes, the old man's back syndrome. I once incapacitated myself one morning as I got out of bed, dropped a lighter on the floor and as I bent down to pick it up, my entire back spasmed & I seized. I literally fell back into bed, unable to move for about 3 days.

But fixing your lower back is easy! It's the mid & upper back that you can't fix yourself.

1) Sit down on the floor
2) Cross your legs, bring your left leg over the right one
3) Draw your legs up, so your knees are halfway to your chest
4) Place your right elbow against the left side of your left knee
5) Slowly start rotating your torso left as you help push from your right elbow. Go as slow as you want, the key is to relax as you stretch your lower back

6) reverse your legs and elbows, stretch the other way. Go back and forth a couple of times and your lower back will pop - mine does it right away. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time after you've popped it back into place for the pain to go away, but this always works for me.

The good part about this is that you're in control instead of someone else possibly going too hard and hurting you. You'll know when you've reached the maximum twist exerted on your lower back and at that point you back off and go the other way.

10-21-2021, 07:14 PM
Not 100% but getting much better. But using a heating pad, and also some wraps I had bought. I iced a little too. Seems the heat helps or helped the most. :dunno:

10-22-2021, 09:21 AM
Welcome to the Club. All of those pains (sad to say) are just the beginning. I have had 3 major SPINAL surgeries, still have Stenosis, Sciatica...down both legs to my feet. That began following my Quadruple Heart Bypass when the Dr. had to invade the inside of my thigh...and it became infected after they just opened up my chest.
The infection took 4 weeks to go away with two shots of ANTIBIOTICS every 12 hours. Almost died from that SIPSIS from the bad insertion of the needle there.

As I said. Welcome to the club. Turning my head fully...is next to impossible. By the way. I'm going on 75....see what you, and everybody else have to LOOK FORWARD TO???

Get well, take it easy.I've always been careful with my back, relatively speaking. I started paying attention because all my Squid buddies had screwed up backs :) Boondockers and steel decks. For us it was combat boots and steel decks. Or running on the street in them :rolleyes: Even back when I could lift half the gym I was careful how I did it with strict form. I STILL don't bend over at the waist unless I have to. I'll squat/half-squat.

When I was in the hospital with a tube through the back of my ribs into my lung, I learned a new meaning of muscle atrophy. I was of course immobilized. My lower back hasn't been the same since. Use it or lose it.

10-22-2021, 09:23 AM
Ah yes, the old man's back syndrome. I once incapacitated myself one morning as I got out of bed, dropped a lighter on the floor and as I bent down to pick it up, my entire back spasmed & I seized. I literally fell back into bed, unable to move for about 3 days.

But fixing your lower back is easy! It's the mid & upper back that you can't fix yourself.

1) Sit down on the floor
2) Cross your legs, bring your left leg over the right one
3) Draw your legs up, so your knees are halfway to your chest
4) Place your right elbow against the left side of your left knee
5) Slowly start rotating your torso left as you help push from your right elbow. Go as slow as you want, the key is to relax as you stretch your lower back

6) reverse your legs and elbows, stretch the other way. Go back and forth a couple of times and your lower back will pop - mine does it right away. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time after you've popped it back into place for the pain to go away, but this always works for me.

The good part about this is that you're in control instead of someone else possibly going too hard and hurting you. You'll know when you've reached the maximum twist exerted on your lower back and at that point you back off and go the other way.I knew a guy back in the day that did similar. He was a weightlifting buddy and could deadlift over 500 lbs. Ben down one day to pick up something (time has forgotten what) and went down for the count. Threw his back out.

We got MILES of entertainment out of that once he got back in the gym :halo9:

10-22-2021, 04:03 PM
I take it back, woke at like 3am and could barely walk to the bathroom, all hunched over in pain. Not sure why, but back pain tends to come back when you rest. :(

10-22-2021, 04:57 PM
I take it back, woke at like 3am and could barely walk to the bathroom, all hunched over in pain. Not sure why, but back pain tends to come back when you rest. :(

You tend to tighten up, knowing the pain in your back is there. So the muscles are then tense in preparation for how you get up, stand, lay down, and move.

If you don't mind a logical suggestion. MAKE A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT. They can do a MRI or CATSCAN to see the extent of any damage...and they often CAN fix it if it's not too much damage.

During the Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm in 1991. My first spinal surgery came after I LOST all feeling in my Entire LEFT SIDE. They had to carry me off the ship in a Stokes Litter to a Helo, and flew me to BAHRAIN before getting aboard the Hospital Ship, USNS MERCY...in the Persian Gulf.
Six days later...after surgery...back to Bahrain, and then C-141 back to the states.

LET THE DOC'S DO WHAT THEY DO BEST. But you have to SEE them in person first.

10-22-2021, 05:06 PM
You tend to tighten up, knowing the pain in your back is there. So the muscles are then tense in preparation for how you get up, stand, lay down, and move.

If you don't mind a logical suggestion. MAKE A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT. They can do a MRI or CATSCAN to see the extent of any damage...and they often CAN fix it if it's not too much damage.

During the Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm in 1991. My first spinal surgery came after I LOST all feeling in my Entire LEFT SIDE. They had to carry me off the ship in a Stokes Litter to a Helo, and flew me to BAHRAIN before getting aboard the Hospital Ship, USNS MERCY...in the Persian Gulf.
Six days later...after surgery...back to Bahrain, and then C-141 back to the states.

LET THE DOC'S DO WHAT THEY DO BEST. But you have to SEE them in person first.

I had a coincidental appt already, so doc thinks it's a strained muscle but without an MRI he wouldn't know for sure, and I'm waiting to see if this rolls over or not. Had this before and it went away every time and I've had MRI's since.

I know my neck doc told me awhile back that I had 'bone degenerative disease' which is no disease actually. Just something in my genes and this happened to me from wear and tear over time. But isn't indicative of future issues - but could be of course. This caused my 2 neck surgeries, but nothing in lower back. Yet anyway.

Since it's a wear and tear issue, a few days or week won't make a difference. But if not better within a week or so then I may do the MRI.

And I certainly don't wanna end up in Bahrain! Damn.

Thanks buddy!

10-22-2021, 06:43 PM
I take it back, woke at like 3am and could barely walk to the bathroom, all hunched over in pain. Not sure why, but back pain tends to come back when you rest. :(

Do the twist like I outlined, you noob!

10-25-2021, 10:58 AM
jimnyc Broke down and ordered the inversion table. I've wanted one for only about 20 years. Not that I'm a tightwad or procrastinator :halo9: Yes, I DID get the cheapo model.

We'll see how this works out.

11-01-2021, 11:31 AM
Just like every other time too, by sitting in my chair and then sneezing!!

Somehow or some reason, my muscles in my lower back just instantly started hurting when I sneezed. Literally had trouble standing and walking right after that. And then I woke in the middle of the night and knew I had an issue with the pain walking to the bathroom. Then I woke and same. Sitting is fine, just don't cough! And then walking I have to do so a little hunched over and quite gingerly.

This is like the 3rd damn time I did this too! None of the drugs helping at all. So I guess a matter of slowly exercising it and giving it the heating pad and ice packs. Uggghhh.

Feeling better yet?

Abbey Marie
11-01-2021, 11:43 AM
jimnyc we all miss you. Check in!

11-01-2021, 06:05 PM
Don't crucify me for not having seen a doctor yet.

Things got about better and then went back downhill again. I can only sleep really on my sides, but seems I can do so for only so long before I have to switch sides. It's gotten painful to sit down on my chair here at my computer. I have lumbar support, cushioned seat I tried, perfect sitting posture... the pain just seems to find its way.

I didn't see the doctor as it started getting better before I aggravated it by coughing hard while sitting. Been giving daily treatments of both ice and heat and taking Tylenol and Advil. Been doing stretches like Rick said and other things. But then resting it and heating and ice again.

Now I am reading that dang exercise may be best for it. Ugggh. And oddly it seems to go away when I stand/walk so I'll be doing walks as suggested starting this evening.

11-01-2021, 06:16 PM
Don't crucify me for not having seen a doctor yet.

Things got about better and then went back downhill again. I can only sleep really on my sides, but seems I can do so for only so long before I have to switch sides. It's gotten painful to sit down on my chair here at my computer. I have lumbar support, cushioned seat I tried, perfect sitting posture... the pain just seems to find its way.

I didn't see the doctor as it started getting better before I aggravated it by coughing hard while sitting. Been giving daily treatments of both ice and heat and taking Tylenol and Advil. Been doing stretches like Rick said and other things. But then resting it and heating and ice again.

Now I am reading that dang exercise may be best for it. Ugggh. And oddly it seems to go away when I stand/walk so I'll be doing walks as suggested starting this evening.

We all know...almost like clockwork. Before any of us see a Doc...we always THINK we feel better before going to find out what's really going on.
I know you are your own Man, and you will do whatever You want. If you don't want to listen to some of us who suggested going to a Doc. We can't make you, or even SHAME you. But you really should listen to those of us who HAVE BEEN WHERE YOU ARE, and know...NOT SEEING A DOC is probably a really big mistake...since that kind of pain WILL GET WORSE eventually.
If you didn't want us to know what you are going through...WHY DID YOU?
Think about it. Get well. Good luck. The Old Guy who knows nothing says so.

P.S. If we are wrong. Isn't that better than finding out YOU WAITED TOO LONG???

11-01-2021, 06:31 PM
We all know...almost like clockwork. Before any of us see a Doc...we always THINK we feel better before going to find out what's really going on.
I know you are your own Man, and you will do whatever You want. If you don't want to listen to some of us who suggested going to a Doc. We can't make you, or even SHAME you. But you really should listen to those of us who HAVE BEEN WHERE YOU ARE, and know...NOT SEEING A DOC is probably a really big mistake...since that kind of pain WILL GET WORSE eventually.
If you didn't want us to know what you are going through...WHY DID YOU?
Think about it. Get well. Good luck. The Old Guy who knows nothing says so.

P.S. If we are wrong. Isn't that better than finding out YOU WAITED TOO LONG???

I thought of you several times throughout the week! And I knew it was the right option all along I think but something held me back and continues to. I can do an Xray but the MRI and such scares me, and the shot in the spine even more so and then a possible surgery scares me the worse.

Don't think I don't read and take to heart what you and others tell me. I do, and am usually better than this. But 2 neck surgeries, elbow surgery, wrist surgery and it's all taken it's toll on my fears I think.

So while I "listen" to you and know you and others are right, my fears prevent me from doing a lot of things. I am hard headed and thinking I can nurse my way through it all, and I know better usually. I was prepared for the jabs that are tough love, my wife is the same way. :)

11-01-2021, 07:43 PM
I thought of you several times throughout the week! And I knew it was the right option all along I think but something held me back and continues to. I can do an Xray but the MRI and such scares me, and the shot in the spine even more so and then a possible surgery scares me the worse.

Don't think I don't read and take to heart what you and others tell me. I do, and am usually better than this. But 2 neck surgeries, elbow surgery, wrist surgery and it's all taken it's toll on my fears I think.

So while I "listen" to you and know you and others are right, my fears prevent me from doing a lot of things. I am hard headed and thinking I can nurse my way through it all, and I know better usually. I was prepared for the jabs that are tough love, my wife is the same way. :)

Wanna go for a competition? Try this and see. 16 Years old, last bone in my spine (coccyx) removed after more than a year of pain (jumped during basketball game came down on another kid's knee as he was jumping) That surgery took place NOVEMBER 22nd 1963. The day JFK was killed.
Went into the navy following year in May. I was hit in the back of my neck by another recruit with his M-1 rifle in the barracks. Dislocated or something top of my spine...wore a neck brace for a month before finishing Boot camp July 64.
Spinal surgery aboard the Hospital Ship USNS Mercy in the Persian Gulf...T-2. T-3. lost all feelings in my entire Left side.
Shipped back to states...Norfolk Naval Hospital...second spinal surgery...L-2, L-3, and stenosis getting worse from injuries during Physical Training back on the USS Nassau during Operation Desert Storm.
Back to active duty 3 months later. Had 1st heart attack on my ship. Another six months after the Navy tried to get me to leave for $44,000 dollars, and give up all retirement.
TOLD THEM F No...back to active and sixth ship until I retired.
Then....Prostate Cancer...I beat it (pardon the pun), Chemo and Radiation. And finally Last heart attack 2009...STILL HERE. Had more needles, twists, discomfort than most would want.
Thankfully...I WENT TO A DOC.

11-03-2021, 01:02 PM
Don't crucify me for not having seen a doctor yet.

Things got about better and then went back downhill again. I can only sleep really on my sides, but seems I can do so for only so long before I have to switch sides. It's gotten painful to sit down on my chair here at my computer. I have lumbar support, cushioned seat I tried, perfect sitting posture... the pain just seems to find its way.

I didn't see the doctor as it started getting better before I aggravated it by coughing hard while sitting. Been giving daily treatments of both ice and heat and taking Tylenol and Advil. Been doing stretches like Rick said and other things. But then resting it and heating and ice again.

Now I am reading that dang exercise may be best for it. Ugggh. And oddly it seems to go away when I stand/walk so I'll be doing walks as suggested starting this evening.When I am worked out, I really have no pain. When I take a break for a day or two, back hurts, legs hurt.

Stretch, but DON'T overdo it. I stretch every day, and during warm up for lifting. Over-stretching hurts more than it helps. You're basically pulling your joints apart. They have to go back into their "groove" to function properly. That's one reason why warm-up exercises are not necessarily stretching exercises.

Some crap I've learned over the years, not always the hard way. Sometimes observation/education helps :):

Don't sit or stand for prolonged periods of time. Either one makes my lower back hurt.

Check your bed. It could be the culprit.

Check your shoes. They could be the culprit.

But definitely see a doc. I damaged what I thought was my hip doing a lift and thought for a couple of years I had killed my hip and was going to have to go through all that. Turned out to be a nerve. That was THE one good thing that came out of my trip to the hospital. That pain was gone when I got out (replaced by a couple hundred more so I wouldn't suggest life support as a remedy). Point is, refusing to go to the doc kept me in pain for a couple of years thinking I knew what the problem was and not willing to undergo treatment/surgery for my misdiagnosis :)

11-04-2021, 09:59 AM
I do have a doctors appointment for tomorrow still, but....

2 days ago I started taking HOT baths with lavender epsom salt. Soaked 4-6 times per day and felt awesome in there and when out. Back started to feel better but I know that stuff can loosen and then it comes right back. Well, midday yesterday I went out for whatever, when I realized there was no pain. The rest of the day, nothing! Soaked all day again of course, and today, feels awesome again! No pain whatsoever whether sitting, standing, walking, bending or anything! Not saying that baths with salts are a cure, but damn, something helped somewhere!!

I'll do the same today anyway, explain everything to doctor and see what he says tomorrow. Crossing my fingers though that it was just a strained muscle or whatever and no disc damage.

I'm going to see the spinal surgeon that did my neck surgery last one anyway. I know he was great was diagnosing things with an x-ray alone.

11-05-2021, 10:47 AM
So nothing all day yesterday and nothing whatsoever so far today. Off for doc appt. in a few but feel much more confident now, and more confident that it wasn't a disc.

Whenever I had disc issues, there was always some form of radiating pain emanating from it. And they weren't going to fix themselves, but if it's a bulging disc they can be managed. But I truly think this was a strain, and hopefully an xray will be fully normal so that the dreaded MRI isn't necessary.

11-05-2021, 07:50 PM
Nothing seen on the x-ray for where I was having all the pain!!

Doc as well thinks I strained a muscle for a combination of reasons, none of which really matter. What matters is no injury!!

11-05-2021, 08:29 PM
Nothing seen on the x-ray for where I was having all the pain!!

Doc as well thinks I strained a muscle for a combination of reasons, none of which really matter. What matters is no injury!!

Now maybe it's time for you to recognize...like the rest of us...You're not getting any younger.
Speaking for myself...I am in fear all the time with nearly every move I make. And it doesn't have to be anything special. Getting up from a chair...or the TOIDY in a strange way or twist has the effect of ruining your day...RIGHT AWAY.

So, with that good news. WELCOME TO OUR SIDE!

Abbey Marie
11-06-2021, 09:00 AM
Nothing seen on the x-ray for where I was having all the pain!!

Doc as well thinks I strained a muscle for a combination of reasons, none of which really matter. What matters is no injury!!

That’s good news. If only we could know upfront that these things are temporary and not serious. That would greatly lower my anxiety. I can take the pain, etc., if I know it’s going to go away and it’s not going to be a big problem.

11-06-2021, 02:27 PM
Now maybe it's time for you to recognize...like the rest of us...You're not getting any younger.
Speaking for myself...I am in fear all the time with nearly every move I make. And it doesn't have to be anything special. Getting up from a chair...or the TOIDY in a strange way or twist has the effect of ruining your day...RIGHT AWAY.

So, with that good news. WELCOME TO OUR SIDE!

Thanks for the welcome!! LOL

Yup, I'm learning, and long from the first time now that I have somehow hurt myself with the least likely actions.