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View Full Version : Biden Says United States Would Come To Taiwan’s Defense

10-22-2021, 10:49 AM
Once again Biden's alligator mouth overloading his bumblebee ass. Now he's on record promising something he has no idea how to deliver if called upon. I would LOVE to run against this guy in 2024. I would spend the entire campaign showing clips of Biden failed commitments. Baghdad Biden. His talking shit while the screen behind him shows reality.

October 22, 2021
By Trevor Hunnicutt
BALTIMORE (Reuters) -The United States would come to Taiwan’s defense and has a commitment to defend the island China claims as its own, U.S. President Joe Biden said on Thursday, though the White House said later there was no change in policy towards the island.
“Yes, we have a commitment to do that,” Biden said at a CNN town hall when asked if the United States would come to the defense of Taiwan, which has complained of mounting military and political pressure from Beijing to accept Chinese sovereignty.
While Washington is required by law to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, it has long followed a policy of “strategic ambiguity” on whether it would intervene militarily to protect Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack.
In August, a Biden administration https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/us-position-taiwan-unchanged-despite-biden-comment-official-2021-08-19 official said U.S. policy on Taiwan had not changed after the president appeared to suggest the United States would defend the island if it were attacked.
A White House spokesperson said Biden at his town hall was not announcing any change in U.S. policy and “there is no change in our policy”, but declined further comment when asked if Biden had misspoken.
“The U.S. defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act. We will uphold our commitment under the Act, we will continue to support Taiwan’s self-defense, and we will continue to oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo,” the spokesperson said.
Taiwan’s presidential office, responding to Biden’s remarks, said their position remains the same, which is it will neither give in to pressure nor “rashly advance” when it gets support.
Taiwan will show a firm determination to defend itself, presidential office spokesperson Xavier Chang said in a statement, noting also the Biden administration’s continued concrete actions to show its “rock-solid” support for Taiwan.
Biden said people should not worry about Washington’s military strength because “China, Russia and the rest of the world knows we’re the most powerful military in the history of the world,”
“What you do have to worry about is whether or not they’re going to engage in activities that would put them in a position where they may make a serious mistake,” Biden said.
“I don’t want a cold war with China. I just want China to understand that we’re not going to step back, that we’re not going to change any of our views.”
Military tensions between Taiwan and China are at their worst in more than 40 years, Taiwan’s Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng said this month, adding that China will be capable of mounting a “full-scale” invasion by 2025.
Taiwan says it is an independent country and will defend its freedoms and democracy.
China says Taiwan is the most sensitive and important issue in its ties with the United States and has denounced what it calls “collusion” between Washington and Taipei.
Speaking to reporters earlier on Thursday, China’s United Nations Ambassador Zhang Jun said they are pursuing “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan and responding to “separatist attempts” by its ruling Democratic Progressive Party.
“We are not the troublemaker. On the contrary, some countries – the U.S. in particular – is taking dangerous actions, leading the situation in Taiwan Strait into a dangerous direction,” he said.
“I think at this moment what we should call is that the United States to stop such practice. Dragging Taiwan into a war definitely is in nobody’s interest. I don’t see that the United States will gain anything from that.”
(Reporting by Trevor Hunnicutt; Additional reporting by David Brunnstrom in Washington, Michelle Nichols in New York and Ben Blanchard in Taipei; Writing by Mohammad Zargham; Editing by Stephen Coates)

10-22-2021, 11:10 AM
This from the buffoon who STILL has thousands of people stranded in a country we controlled for 20 years.

I'm sure China is quaking in their rice paper slippers.


10-23-2021, 10:15 AM
Here's my prediction on what Biden will do if China attacks Taiwan:

First, he will need to go change his business suit because he just soiled the one he has on.

Second, he will snap into action and sign an executive order that China is not allowed to attack Taiwan, followed by a press conference where he states that "the world's patience toward China is 'wearing thin'". No questions will be taken at the press conference.

If those first two strong steps don't work, Joe will resort to calling President Xi and begging him to stop. The phrases "C'mon man!" and "I'll do anything" will be used a lot.

Finally, Joe will have another press conference where he announces that "the re-unification of China and Taiwan has been a big success", that "this is a big achievement for the Biden administration", and that "no other President could have handled this situation any better".

10-23-2021, 12:00 PM
Here's my prediction on what Biden will do if China attacks Taiwan:

First, he will need to go change his business suit because he just soiled the one he has on.

Second, he will snap into action and sign an executive order that China is not allowed to attack Taiwan, followed by a press conference where he states that "the world's patience toward China is 'wearing thin'". No questions will be taken at the press conference.

If those first two strong steps don't work, Joe will resort to calling President Xi and begging him to stop. The phrases "C'mon man!" and "I'll do anything" will be used a lot.

Finally, Joe will have another press conference where he announces that "the re-unification of China and Taiwan has been a big success", that "this is a big achievement for the Biden administration", and that "no other President could have handled this situation any better".Scary that I can see just that happening.