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10-22-2021, 04:57 PM
"oh, what am I doing here" as he can't even remember what he was talking about.

Go and watch all the videos in the story, well worth it. This man is out there. This is embarrasssing.


‘Someone Reboot Biden’: 8 Awkward Moments as Joe Biden Struggled Through CNN Town Hall

President Joe Biden was ridiculed as he struggled through another CNN town hall Thursday evening, serving up multiple creepy and awkward moments for social media to devour.

The president struggled with the optics of the event as well as the substance, where he admitted he did not have a short-term plan to lower gas prices, refused to defend a monument to President Thomas Jefferson, said he did not have enough time to visit the Southern border, and backed mass firings of police and first responders if they did not get a coronavirus vaccine.

On multiple occasions, moderator Anderson Cooper gently steered Biden back to the subject at hand as the president started rambling.

At one point, Biden began ranting about poor children of single parents not hearing enough words in the home to be properly educated, before Cooper helped him to refocus.


At another point, Biden struggled to remember the name of a port in Long Beach, California, despite addressing the issue a week earlier.


“What am I doing here?” Biden asked, as Cooper helped him remember the name of the port city.


Biden was also mocked for standing still, holding out his clenched fists awkwardly as Cooper spoke during the town hall.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/22/someone-reboot-biden-8-awkward-moments-as-joe-biden-struggled-through-cnn-town-hall/

10-22-2021, 06:49 PM
I, for one, intend on rubbing lib noses in this trainwreck for at least the next decade.

I don't think 'shellacking' is going to be descriptive enough for the midterms. He is the face of the democrat party and we should at least be thankful for that. It'll be 20 years before they recover.

Looking forward to all the cheerleaders desperately announcing that they never really liked him. It was all the other libs that unleashed this buffoon upon this country, roger.

10-24-2021, 06:30 PM
The Great Cornholio
