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View Full Version : Slappy Thomas On The Radio

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 11:06 AM
Clarence "Slappy" Thomas is making the rounds on hate radio this week. This should be good.

I'm looking forward to hearing his hypocritical spinning of rightwing extremism and simplistic analysis of important issues. It ought to be good for laugh before the enormity of the danger we're in takes hold.

Putting this guy on the Supreme Court makes as much sense as putting a drunken, drug-addicted, draft-dodging, deserter in the White House.

Joe Steel
09-30-2007, 08:35 PM
We had a bit of a preview this evening. Slappy was on 60 Minutes. Wow! This guy is worse than I thought; a truly despicable person.

He grew-up in the South in a time before the civil rights movement had achieved anything, a time when racists controlled everything and blacks were little better than animals. So he sold-out. Now he writes judicial opinions for them.

09-30-2007, 08:42 PM
Putting this guy on the Supreme Court makes as much sense as putting a drunken, drug-addicted, draft-dodging, deserter in the White House.

What does Thomas have in common with Clinton?

09-30-2007, 08:58 PM

Putting this guy on the Supreme Court makes as much sense as putting a drunken, drug-addicted, draft-dodging, deserter in the White House.

you shouldn't talk about hillary clinton's haouse husband like that......

09-30-2007, 09:49 PM
Putting this guy on the Supreme Court makes as much sense as putting a drunken, drug-addicted, draft-dodging, deserter in the White House.

A statement with this attitude and wording speaks little about the topic intended and greatly about the person who wrote it.

09-30-2007, 10:26 PM
Clarence "Slappy" Thomas is making the rounds on hate radio this week. This should be good.

I'm looking forward to hearing his hypocritical spinning of rightwing extremism and simplistic analysis of important issues. It ought to be good for laugh before the enormity of the danger we're in takes hold.

Putting this guy on the Supreme Court makes as much sense as putting a drunken, drug-addicted, draft-dodging, deserter in the White House.


Clarence Thomas is a highly rated and well read and written addition to the Supreme Court of the US. The fairy pee drinkers on the left don't seem to get the idea that their having said something doesn't make it true.

Having read your commentary Joe, I would imagine that Justice Thomas could dispatch you to troll's paradise quite quickly in a dicussion and would do so in such a way that you most likely would not know what happened until you arrived back at your cave.

10-01-2007, 04:00 AM
Clarence "Slappy" Thomas is making the rounds on hate radio this week. This should be good.

I'm looking forward to hearing his hypocritical spinning of rightwing extremism and simplistic analysis of important issues. It ought to be good for laugh before the enormity of the danger we're in takes hold.

Putting this guy on the Supreme Court makes as much sense as putting a drunken, drug-addicted, draft-dodging, deserter in the White House.

Clarence Thomas is a brilliant man. Have you read any of his decisions?

You might not like the guy. But the man is clearly smarter than you.

10-01-2007, 04:02 AM
We had a bit of a preview this evening. Slappy was on 60 Minutes. Wow! This guy is worse than I thought; a truly despicable person.

He grew-up in the South in a time before the civil rights movement had achieved anything, a time when racists controlled everything and blacks were little better than animals. So he sold-out. Now he writes judicial opinions for them.

He hasnt sold out anything. He is one of the few black leaders who is actually living Martin Luther King's dream. You know the one where people are admired and judged for their character and not for the color of their skin.

You just dont like him because he hasnt sold out our constitution like you have.

10-01-2007, 06:14 AM
In his book, Justice Thomas wrote that "progressives" are worse than Southern racists. Consider the statements about him here... and you can see that some have unwittingly proved his point.

Joe Steel
10-01-2007, 07:25 AM
Consider this.

Supreme Court justices don't normally grant interviews. They keep themselves away from the clawing and scratching of everyday debate.

So why was Slappy on 60 Minutes and visiting hate radio? Is it to "set the record straight?" Does he have some brilliant insight on the issues which confront us? Some sage piece of advice for America?


He's pimping his book.

10-01-2007, 07:28 AM
Consider this.

Supreme Court justices don't normally grant interviews. They keep themselves away from the clawing and scratching of everyday debate.

So why was Slappy on 60 Minutes and visiting hate radio? Is it to "set the record straight?" Does he have some brilliant insight on the issues which confront us? Some sage piece of advice for America?


He's pimping his book.

You truly need to step back and actually read what you just posted Joe, then go and do a google search for supreme court justice interviews. Your assertion that giving an interview is an unusual thing is completely baseless, as is the rest of your assertive hogwash about Justice Thomas.

Joe Steel
10-01-2007, 07:33 AM
You truly need to step back and actually read what you just posted Joe, then go and do a google search for supreme court justice interviews. Your assertion that giving an interview is an unusual thing is completely baseless, as is the rest of your assertive hogwash about Justice Thomas.

I found a number of references to the rarity of interviews with Supreme Court justices.

Apparently, you're wrong about this, too.

10-01-2007, 07:57 AM
I found a number of references to the rarity of interviews with Supreme Court justices.

Apparently, you're wrong about this, too.

Here's a search on Yahoo with 8,040,000 results!


John Paul Stevens
William Rehnquist
John Roberts
Stephen Breyer
Antonin Scalia
Clarence Thomas
Hugo Black
Sandra Day O'Connor
Harry Blackmun
Thurgood Marshall

That's just a few for now. Please get informed.

Joe Steel
10-01-2007, 08:55 AM
Here's a search on Yahoo with 8,040,000 results!


John Paul Stevens
William Rehnquist
John Roberts
Stephen Breyer
Antonin Scalia
Clarence Thomas
Hugo Black
Sandra Day O'Connor
Harry Blackmun
Thurgood Marshall

That's just a few for now. Please get informed.

Before I can accept your analysis, you'll have to provide the number of duplicate links and the number of interviews by medium.

Get busy, Dizzy.

10-01-2007, 08:59 AM
Before I can accept your analysis, you'll have to provide the number of duplicate links and the number of interviews by medium.

Get busy, Dizzy.

I don't care how many are duplicates. It's a FACT that MANY Supreme Court Justices have been interviewed, contrary to your claim. You're wrong and as usual will now try to dismiss the proof and twist things around. Deal with it, little jo jo, you're wrong in every other post you make here!

Maybe the interviews weren't really interviews but "rhetorical convenience"? :laugh2:

10-01-2007, 09:44 AM
I found a number of references to the rarity of interviews with Supreme Court justices.

Apparently, you're wrong about this, too.

Apparently you don't know how to use google. I found quite a quite a few links to interviews with different justices, I even found a couple referencing interviews done by that bastion of liberal ideology, NPR.

I would suggest you take a step back and consider something worth debating rather than trying to get by on your personal distaste for a justice you obviously know little about.

Abbey Marie
10-01-2007, 10:07 AM
Another lib using racist comments against a black man when he is not of the correct political persuasion. Don't ever try to preach against racism, or any form of discrimination, after that raftload of hypocrisy.

Joe Steel
10-01-2007, 10:14 AM
Apparently you don't know how to use google. I found quite a quite a few links to interviews with different justices, I even found a couple referencing interviews done by that bastion of liberal ideology, NPR.

I would suggest you take a step back and consider something worth debating rather than trying to get by on your personal distaste for a justice you obviously know little about.

Your analysis must exclude duplicate links and provide a count of the number of interiviews by medium.

By the way, the 60 Minutes interview was said to be Slappy's first TV interview. Maybe it is and may it isn't. That's not really the issue. Slappy went on TV to pimp his book not to discuss the important issues of the day.

Joe Steel
10-01-2007, 10:14 AM
Another lib using racist comments against a black man when he is not of the correct political persuasion. Don't ever try to preach against racism, or any form of discrimination, after that raftload of hypocrisy.

What was racist?

10-01-2007, 10:30 AM
Your analysis must exclude duplicate links and provide a count of the number of interiviews by medium.

By the way, the 60 Minutes interview was said to be Slappy's first TV interview. Maybe it is and may it isn't. That's not really the issue. Slappy went on TV to pimp his book not to discuss the important issues of the day.

Are you claiming he has no right to publish and promote a book?

Your assertion was blatantly false and no amount of spin doctoring on your part is going to change that Joe.

I didn't do any kind of analysis as none was needed, I simply searched publicly available tools to rebut your egregious false and presumptive partisan rambling.

10-01-2007, 03:51 PM
The man is going on the radio and tv to promote his book. Everyone that writes a book does that. Even the liberals. They also do book signings at various bookstores. He's a conservative black man that understands what the democrat party is all about and rejects it. He grew up in the dem controlled segragated south.

10-01-2007, 04:27 PM
Consider this.

Supreme Court justices don't normally grant interviews. They keep themselves away from the clawing and scratching of everyday debate.

So why was Slappy on 60 Minutes and visiting hate radio? Is it to "set the record straight?" Does he have some brilliant insight on the issues which confront us? Some sage piece of advice for America?


He's pimping his book.

The Supreme Court justices speak out at numerous events and interviews. Breyer and Scalia did an interview about a year or so ago that demonstrated the danger of activist judges.

Justice Scalia is coming to participate a forum at my recent school next week actually.

The idea that Supreme Court Justices dont participate in discussions and interviews is completely false.

10-01-2007, 04:29 PM
The idea that Supreme Court Justices dont participate in discussions and interviews is completely false.

Bingo! That's basically what I replied with too and even provided a link for those too lazy to do a little research before posting. He decided to play the little obfuscation game again though rather than admit he was wrong. I think he only said they don't do interviews as a matter of rhetorical convenience!

10-01-2007, 04:35 PM
Bingo! That's basically what I replied with too and even provided a link for those too lazy to do a little research before posting. He decided to play the little obfuscation game again though rather than admit he was wrong. I think he only said they don't do interviews as a matter of rhetorical convenience!

The man never admits when he is wrong but you will notice that there are a number of facts he cant deal with:

1)Supreme Court Justices participating in Interviews and forums is not without precedents (For those of you who dont know, precedent means its happened before and has support in the past).

2)People both conservative and liberal to media tours to promote books all the time. Nothing special or wrong about that.

3)Justice Thomas is a brilliant man whether you agree or disagree with him.

4)Attacking a prominent black man simply because he doesnt live on and praise the Democrat "plantation" is racist.

5)Justice Thomas is living Martin Luther Kings dream by being respected because of his character and intellect rather than the color of his skin.

i doubt he will do anything but continue to deny.

Joe Steel
10-01-2007, 07:22 PM
The Supreme Court justices speak out at numerous events and interviews. Breyer and Scalia did an interview about a year or so ago that demonstrated the danger of activist judges.

Justice Scalia is coming to participate a forum at my recent school next week actually.

The idea that Supreme Court Justices dont participate in discussions and interviews is completely false.

"Rare" not never.

10-01-2007, 07:32 PM
What was racist?

YOU are a racist and an idiot as well.

Joe Steel
10-01-2007, 07:32 PM
The man never admits when he is wrong but you will notice that there are a number of facts he cant deal with:

1)Supreme Court Justices participating in Interviews and forums is not without precedents (For those of you who dont know, precedent means its happened before and has support in the past).

Rare not never.

2)People both conservative and liberal to media tours to promote books all the time. Nothing special or wrong about that.

Using a first, and after 16 years on the bench, rare, TV interview to promote a book rather than deal with issues is disappointing at least.

3)Justice Thomas is a brilliant man whether you agree or disagree with him.

That's just nonsense. No reasonable commentator ever has said he is brilliant.

4)Attacking a prominent black man simply because he doesnt live on and praise the Democrat "plantation" is racist.

Nonsense. We attack him because he's a hypocrite.

5)Justice Thomas is living Martin Luther Kings dream by being respected because of his character and intellect rather than the color of his skin.

Nonsense. He was appointed to the Court simply because he was black. Bush1 needed a black guy and Thompson's price was right. He sold-out.

10-01-2007, 07:38 PM
Just what in the hell is "Slappy" suppose to mean?

Good Grief..:lame2:

Abbey Marie
10-01-2007, 07:46 PM
That's just nonsense. No reasonable commentator ever has said he is brilliant.

Who are these reasonable (i.e., non-liberal, non-biased) commentators?
Which opinions have you studied to lead you personally to the conclusion that Thomas is not bright?
Was he unable to grasp legal concepts, or unable to express them clearly? Were any of his opinions poorly written?
Have you read other opinions for comparison purposes?

Conception Seminary, 1967-1968: Holy Cross College, A.B. cum laude. Alpha Sigma Nu, Purple Key. Yale Law School, J.D., 1974.
Law Practice
Admitted to Missouri Bar 1974. Attorney, Monsanto Company, 1977-1979.
Government Service
Assistant Attorney General of Missouri, 1974-1977; Legislative assistant to Senator John C. Danforth of Missouri, 1979-1981; Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1981-1982; Chairman U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Com mission 1982-1990.
Judicial Offices
Nominated by President Bush to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit: took oath of office, March 12, 1990.
Nominated by President Bush as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court: took oath of office October 23, 1991.


10-01-2007, 08:08 PM
Using a first, and after 16 years on the bench, rare, TV interview to promote a book rather than deal with issues is disappointing at least.

What cute name did you have for Justice Beyer when he did interviews for his book "Active Liberty"?


What was that word used before?

Hmmm, oh yeah, hypocrite, that's what it was.

What a fucking joke!

10-01-2007, 09:49 PM
For anyone who isnt going to blindly hate Justice Thomas and interested in a good man's story, here is his interview on Rush Limbaugh:

Justice Thomas's interview (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_100107/content/01125106.member.html)