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View Full Version : Gain of Function ‘Very Dangerous Research’...

10-26-2021, 05:12 PM
We have seen in the past viruses go around in China with larger mortality rates. If something like that should be 'made' with the same level of transmission - we would be in deep deep shit.


Rand Paul: Gain of Function ‘Very Dangerous Research’ — What if Next Virus Has ‘15% Mortality or 50% Mortality?’

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) highlighted the danger of gain of function research after it was revealed that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the National Institutes of Health partially funded cruel experiments on dogs.

Paul warned that gain of function is “very, very dangerous research” and wondered what would happen if future leaked viruses had a “15% or 50% mortality” rate.

“Dr. Fauci still says it wasn’t gain of function because we did not know in advance this was going to happen,” Paul advised. “So, they are doing experiments by combining unknown viruses with viruses that cause pandemics, and they don’t know what they’re going to get, and so Dr. Fauci says, ‘Well, that’s OK. It’s not really gain of function unless gain of function occurs.’ But it’s like, really? We’re going to let them experiment with pandemic-causing viruses and unknown viruses? This is very, very dangerous research.”

He continued, “I’ve been calling for an investigation in two full committees for over six months now. Not one Democrat has allowed one hearing to develop. And this is important because what if the next virus that comes out of a lab has 15% mortality or 50% mortality? Two of the viruses they are experimenting with actually do have that kind of mortality, and the NIH has been funding this kind of research, and it should stop.”


10-29-2021, 09:03 AM
Rand Paul is ringing a bell that bio-warfare activist have been ringing for Like 30 years.
Mostly ignored.
The establishment "leadership's" response has been to continue that type of work , with the excuse being. " someone else, (Russia! China! Iran! Iraq! Terrorists! -insert favorite biggie man here-) will do it and will kill us all! so we "HAVE TO" do it to protect America:salute:'

But even with that excuse its often done without fan fare. Quietly Stuck in some minor funding bill or grants. Usually not making top of news. And if most of Congress and/ or a President thinks for 5 minutes and blocks it. bureaucrats, interested corporations, groups, and research facilities still try to get govt funding by other routes to continue with this Frankenstein like work.

While research into somewhat universal , cheap and safe meds that could fight viruses and such is hard to come by.
Bios warfare, Gain of function research has been going on around the world funded by the US, British, South African ,Chinese govts and their surrogates without stop. Even though there are some federal and international laws against it.

10-29-2021, 04:00 PM
Rand Paul is ringing a bell that bio-warfare activist have been ringing for Like 30 years.
Mostly ignored.
The establishment "leadership's" response has been to continue that type of work , with the excuse being. " someone else, (Russia! China! Iran! Iraq! Terrorists! -insert favorite biggie man here-) will do it and will kill us all! so we "HAVE TO" do it to protect America:salute:'

But even with that excuse its often done without fan fare. Quietly Stuck in some minor funding bill or grants. Usually not making top of news. And if most of Congress and/ or a President thinks for 5 minutes and blocks it. bureaucrats, interested corporations, groups, and research facilities still try to get govt funding by other routes to continue with this Frankenstein like work.

While research into somewhat universal , cheap and safe meds that could fight viruses and such is hard to come by.
Bios warfare, Gain of function research has been going on around the world funded by the US, British, South African ,Chinese govts and their surrogates without stop. Even though there are some federal and international laws against it.There is a point to the argument that someone else will do something first. In the glaringly obvious category is COVID-19. Duh. You're killing your own argument. There's always someone doing it. Including us.

I can easily understand working on prevention. I don't see where one has to weaponize/give function to a virus to see what kills it.

One could argue just who or what is actually the virus that threatens Mankind the most.