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View Full Version : Minnesota Surgeon Fired After Speaking Against Mask Mandates

10-26-2021, 07:30 PM
He is exactly right too - parents rights to make decisions for their children is more important than any forced mask mandates.

And he got fired. :rolleyes:


Minnesota Surgeon Fired After Speaking Against Mask Mandates at School Board Meeting

A surgeon at Lake Region Healthcare in Fergus Falls, Minnesota was fired after speaking against mask mandates at a recent school board meeting.

Dr. Jeffrey Horak, the hospital’s general surgeon of 16 years, was fired less than two weeks after saying that parent’s should be able to make decisions about masks for their children.


Starts at 4:57:


We live in America where freedoms are held close,” Horak told the Wahpeton Daily News. “I am a man who believes individuals have the right to do their research and decide what is best for them and their children when it comes to their health. I don’t believe governments or institutions should dictate that. It’s a position I’ve always have taken. And when the science doesn’t make sense to me it’s hard for me to go along.”

Wahpeton Daily News also obtained the following statement from Kent Mattson, chief executive officer of LRH, regarding the matter: “Lake Region Medical Group (LRMG, the provider group that employed Horak) provided notice to Lake Region Healthcare (LRH) that Dr. Jeff Horak will no longer be available for general surgery services at LRH after Oct. 20, 2021.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/minnesota-surgeon-fired-speaking-mask-mandates-school-board-meeting/